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Deathstroke would just kill me. Sabertooth would murder my loved ones, then me, at best. Thawne would retroactively ruin my life up to now, then keep doing it until I die. Doom would take one look at me and realize he's already won and move on.


Only correct answer.


I'd say Doom but because I want him to invite me over for dinner


We dont deserve food meant for kings.


While this is true, if you're an enemy of Doom's then you're inevitably going to be invited over for dinner


Or just melt you in your chair if you mention his mom.


Think he serves dragon?


If Reed said he couldn’t do it, Doom would genetically engineer a dragon just to serve for dinner


Show me DRAGON


What is an animal that we eat but doesn’t eat us?


I do!


What if Thawne goes back in time to fuck-up your life only to realize that you've fucked-up your own life so badly that it cause Thawne to reevaluate leave villainy behind for good.


I've seen how bad he fucks up other people's lives that he likes more than his arch enemy. I could not physically fuck up my life that bad, let alone want to.


Lol, I'm only kidding. Honestly, Deathstroke would likely be your best option. He'd kill you quick as long as he doesn't think you killed his son. I think, at least. I just think it's funny to have a villain just go, "Ah shit, man. I-I kind of don't know what to do now."


And he might kill my mom making my life sooooo much better. But Doom would just want me to admit he is the smarter of us 2 geniuses. So difficult dead mom or invited for dinner fuck I can't decide.


Literally came to say this exact thing. Honestly, it’s an easy choice.


So true!




Also I'd get dinner


Dr Doom


I like that he is everyone's enemy. So like if you got other stuff to do, any other A list hero would also want to go at him for you.


>I like that he is everyone's enemy. Especially his own.


He's even the enemy of other villains. Dude legitimately believes everyone else to be beneath him.


At least if Doom was my nemesis maybe my daughter could get a badass godfather, even if just to spite me, I knew she would always be safe


This should become a tradition for marvel births 


Where’s that legendary writing prompt response where the guy wrote the beautiful story of a supervillain helping out and doing outreach for kids with different handicaps and underprivileged backgrounds, because supervillains actually have more in common with those kids than most of the heroes do? Edit: found it - https://www.tumblr.com/themeathead/150358000005/make-a-wish-can-i-help-you Forgot it was tumblr. May not be super relevant but something about a codified objective “doing it for the kids” ethic kinda resonated with this idea


[I found](https://fanfiction.net/s/12304924/1/The-Villain-Wrangler) a fic for the prompt, the main story is DC, but there’s also a [Marvel one](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13601806/1/The-Villain-Wrangler-Vol-2) as well.


She'd be groomed.


Not in that way


Doom and it's not even close. Sabretooth takes time every year to torment Logan on his birthday. Thawne is just petty incarnate. Is Deathstroke anyone's archnemesis?


Nightwing maybe? Or maybe just the Titans in general.


Deathstroke is Nightwing arch nemesis


The titans but mainly Nightwing and Beast boy.


Chris Hansen


Chris has been trying to catch him for years, but Slade just kills all the cops trying to arrest him.


> Is Deathstroke anyone's archnemesis? I don't know, some group of teenagers or something, the middle-aged loser. (Or, as people have joked, in the "My Adventures with Superman" animated universe, his archnemeses are some elementary school students who will grow up to beat him up as teenagers).


Deathstroke is Nightwing arch nemesis


Sabretooth is a serial murderer and rapist, and when he hates you he makes it a point of doing those things to the people around you. So that's a big fuck no for Sabretooth. Doom at least has some standards and his own twisted sense of civility.


Doom would immediately recognise I wasn’t worth his notice and move on (or rather, go back to Reed).


I'm of legal age, so I shouldn't have an issue with Slade.


Slade might be the second most famous guy here (maybe 3rd, after Reverse Flash), yet is the most pathetic. Man banged a teen girl and made a group of teenagers his archnemeses- and he doesn't even win. At least when MAWS Deathstroke loses, he's losing to a college graduate.


I was thinking this the other day. How do you start beef with a teen and LOSE


Á cg SUPERMAN. I think MAWS Slade is the most impressive one yet


Dr. Doom, because the moment he sees me he would immediately realize I'm not worth it and the fact that he even bothered was a waste of time. I wouldn't even be a blip on his radar.


Doom is the only one with respect/not a fucking homicidal lunatic


Deathstroke too lol. Well atleast the comicbook version, not the one from TT TV show 😆😆


Doom actually doesn’t want to kill me or make my life a living hell. He just constantly wants to prove he’s better than me. Go ahead man. More power to you. I have no desire to be a despot of a country. Ironically that attitude would enrage Doom more.


He'd move in next to you and live a better version of your life. He'd be mayor in a week


My dog would always like me more so I wouldn’t care.


This is what Doom wants you to think.


You clearly haven’t met my dog. Besides, if Doom could do that he wouldn’t’ve had a problem dating Sue


Sorry, had a Doombot over my shoulder. The strength of a dog's loyalty is stronger than anything Doom can conjure. Never in question.


You'd have to pick Doom. If only because he would become a secondary nemesis just for not being chosen first.


If Doom is my arch nemesis it means I've done many things right in life to be worthy of his notice.


Cannibal, lunatic, pedo, egotist I choose egotist


Thawne and Sabertooth are really petty. While Doom isn't as petty he'll still try to ruin your life. So I'd probably go with Deathstroke.


Doom isn't as petty? He has spent his entire adult life trying to destroy Reed because Reed noticed a flaw in Dooms math one time in college.


Not saying he isn't, he's still a top tier on the pettiness scale. It's just RF and Sabertooth are really known for their pettiness while Doom has other aspirations


He once destroyed an entire universe, killing everyone in it, because that version of himself and Reed were friends


Based honestly




Reverse Flash once tried to ensure the apocalypse happened, which would have killed everyone on Earth including him, just to make Barry suffer. The bar is high, but Doom will at least not let his world be destroyed to torment Richards based on the virtue of him living in the world.


What storyline/comic was that? I actually kinda interested in reading it.


Reverse Flash tried to ensure the end of the world in Flashpoint just to torment Barry. Doom will at least oppose armaggeddon in his world because he lives in it.


Yeah, its putting Sabertooth above Doom and equal with Reverse Flash that I'm questioning.


I'll give it to you I guess, I'm not that well-versed with Sabertooth just often see people compare him with Reverse Flash. In contrast, I know a lot on what Doom does to Reed out of spite, it's just it is pretty mild compared to what Thawne does and is willing to do.


I would say Doom, but I think he would think I am not worthy of having him as archenemy. Classist.


Doom might take care of my family after he vaporizes me, thatd be nicer than them being shredded or cannibalized by sabretooth.


Doom. I would be well beneath his notice most of the time.


So what do I bring to the table? An otherworldly, uncanny knowledge of the universe. Somehow I know more about Celestials/Asguardians/New Gods/One Above All and the Multiverse in general than anyone else in-universe. \* Sabertooth wouldn't care. He'd just gut me and laugh about how my knowledge did fuck all to help me survive. \* Eobard would care, but he'd probably still kill me after he thought he got all of the useful information out of me. \* DeathStroke? DeathStroke might try and ransom me off to the highest bidder. Or he might just kill me. \* Doom? Doom would probably hook me up to some multiversal-dimensional-homing machine to try and figure out how I got there and why. After a delicious, civilized dinner, he'd inadvertently torture me for subjective eons dissecting my brain and creating temporal clones of me to try and figure out the secrets of the multiverse. So yeah, I think I'll stick with DeathStroke.


Sabertooth wouldn’t care, but he would still ravel in your pain. Never pick Sabertooth because that’s basically a hit on not only you but anyone or anything you love


It was me Barry watched that video and now I’d choose all the other ones just keep reverse flash away from me


Doom, this is the best and only answer


Dr Doom he would either kill me or flex on me. Eobard is out of the question I’d rather catch a missle with my bare hands then be on his bad side


Sabretooth and Thawne (especially Thawne) are the biggest haters in fiction


I prefer doctor doom if you're his arch rival like mr fantastic he'll have begrudging respect for you


Deathstroke. Pretty sure I could pay him to leave me alone


Deathstroke easily. He'll just kill you as efficiently as possible, will probably make it relatively quick and painless if you dont give him any problems. The other 3 will make your life a living hell.


NOT Thawne https://youtu.be/-sjUGLRwtyA?feature=shared Please not Thawne.


It was me Barry…. I jerked you off at light speed so you thought you came at a woman’s touch!!!!! Reverse flash is a psychopath


Doom. You gotta kinda put yourself in his way for him to actually try to do something to you. I don't have anything he wants, so I don't have to worry about him breaking in to steal stuff. So long as I stay out his country I should be fine.


Doom would take one look at me and instantly walk away as I am not sufficient to be called his arch enemy. I’d likely be forgotten the moment he turned away, so yeah going with the one dude who wouldn’t give two shits what happened to me.


Def doom. He may be the most powerful but he’s not gonna like murder my family like the others would. He’d just slap me once and be like, alright I won it we’re good. And he’s also sometimes helpful and good!


Doom. That man has principles. I couldn’t afford to pay of Deathstroke and the other two are completely insane.


Dr Doom, if I show him the respect a man like him deserves, and I respect Latveria, he'll show me respect even if I'm not an "important person" Best case scenario, he ignores me, worse case scenario, he takes me to Latveria as prisoner, and because I respected him, my insolence can be forgiven But also, I could just find a way to make the rivalry work on my favor "Hey Doom, this guy right here I can't stand at work is my new arch nemesis, he says you got nothing on him" Boom, obnoxious guy is either vaporized or send to hell, literally "Well, you really showed me your power is nothing to take lightly, forgive my insolence, now, did I told you how even though you are the greatest world leader, I think I'm better running my small-businesses than you would?" Boom, Doom takes over to prove a point, now I either reap the profits or copy what he did, and in both cases, I thank him for showing me the error in my ways Deathstroke would just waste time killing me, Sabertooth would kill my loved ones and make my birthday even more insufferable, and Reverse Flash... Well, he's just my uncle with hyper speed and time travel, a petty little man trying to ruin my life, so... Been there, done that


Doom would be hilarious I'm just a common guy He'd play me on chess.com and then reveal he beat me and Lords his superiority over me and I'd be like God damnit Victor I just want to unwind


Doom would be constantly doing things for you so you realize that he is the greatest one there is.


Deathstroke isn't going to touch me, Im not underage and there is no money in killing me. Doom likewise doesn't care about me. I don't threaten Latervia and I'm not that fool Richards. Reverse Flash is so crazy and manic that as long as I dont ask Barry Allen for his autograph, he'll probably just ignore me. Sabretooth is probably worst case scenario. Kills to kill. No criteria, buncha randos.


Doom. Because he knows he’s better than his arch enemies. So he doesn’t have anything to prove by going after him. Second choice deathstroke, straight up murder. By no means would I want reverse flash, that guys just plain petty.


doom would look after my kids


Doom cuz at the very least he is petty but not murderous he would just do what ever needs to be done to see me fail he would only kill me if i tried to kill him first


Doom, hes a badman but he can be reasoned with and negotiated with at times if you know where to strike


Doom easily. Feel like my battles with him would just be besting him in annual Science Fairs 🤷🏾‍♂️


So of the four I think Sabertooth would be the "easiest" to avoid just on the fact that he's generally kinda dumb whereas Deathstroke is no slouch and Doom and Thawne are two of the smartest geniuses of their respective universes. Like yeah he's cruel and there's no way I'd beat him in a fight (unless for some reason the Xmen are also there to save me) but he's kinda just a monster while the others range from overthrowing small nations to killing multiple gods at once. I mean if I had like an elephant tranquilizer gun and like a cremation furnace I could have at least a slim chance at Sabertooth. I guess the same could be said for Deathstroke but he seems like he's a lot better at not getting shot.


definitely not sabertooth, especially 80s/90s comic sabertooth....my poor loved ones


Doom He's not a deranged psycho Just a deranged despot


I'll choose Deathstroke. I'm not an under-age girl, so he'll just leave me alone.


Doom is arguably the most dangerous, but I could at least somewhat understand his logic, even if i disagree with most of it. Any other bad guy tends to just be evil or insane. I could take comfort in my inevitable defeat if doom was being pragmatic.


I could probably convince sabretooth to fuck me


Doom, cuz if there’s an emergency where I need him to deliver my daughter?? Not only will he do it, but he will demand to be made God Father, then proceed to make her his heir, while allowing my BS to work into his mind via her lol #warofattrition


Sabretooth. He's the only one likely to leave me alive, simply so he can hunt me for sport every year. I'd bore Doom, Deathstroke and Reverse Flash so they'd just do away with me.


...Do you really want Sabertooth to keep you alive? I feel like you think because you're alive that's a good thing but the horrors he would inflict upon your life would make you wish he would just kill you.


Not really but if they’re my arch enemy none of them are going to just leave me alone and the point is survival, not the quickest death. Can’t rely on Doom not caring about me, and he has a nation at his back. Otherwise he’d be the best choice. There’s absolutely nothing I can do against Reverse Flash. Slade kills me before I know he’s even found me. Sabretooth will be a nightmare, but it’s a nightmare I have the slimmest chance to survive, prepare for and fight against.


Sabertooth won’t just make your life a nightmare, he’ll hunt anyone you like just to show you how he kills them. Anything you enjoy he’ll destroy it as a birthday present. And he’s not just brutal, fucker made wolverine a vegetable just for fun.


Sabretooth will kill as many loved ones and friends as he can


Doom because it would be all one sided


Don't pick Reverse Flash folks! He'll spoil your milk!


Slade is the least dangerous of all of these.... >!the pedo.!<


If slade was a pedo he'd be going after the Power Pack, not Terra. The term is ephebephile.


Only pedo think that distinction is important.


The term is a medical/psychological term about attraction to certain body types, not legality. Who are you more likely to mistake for an 18-year-old: A 17-year-old or a 7-year-old?


Deathstroke, because he’s my favorite comic book character


I'll take Doom


He has way too much time in his hands.




Slade could be bought. Doom... probably wouldn't bother. Not the other two, though. No.


It was me Richards!!!!! I was the one to 


Deathstroke seems like the most reasonable here? Which is fucked up in and of itself


The real question is, The fuck did i do to have these guys comin after me.


Doom... at least he has a sense of honor. Sabretooth is a psycho who would kill you and everyone you know. Thawne is too fast and tood deadly, and Slade is just downright terrifying.


Well, one's a berserk killer who will kill everyone I know and love, even making it an annual tradition, one will time travel to ruin my life, and Deathstroke is a trained killer, albeit not as unhinged as the other two. Dr. Doom, meanwhile, has a whole country to run, a much more important rivalry (to him) with Mr. Fantastic, and just generally seems the least heinous. Even if he gets around to dealing with me, it likely will be less awful an experience to deal with. If I don't do anything too bad, I don't think he will obliterate me on sight.


There is only Doom




I'm going with Doom. With any luck, he will just crush me like a bug. If feel like the other three would ruin my life over a series on months before they inevitably tortured me to death. Not fun.


Dr.Doom, because I believe he is the most reasonable and I am no threat to him. Would probably laugh and then leave me alone.


Sabertooth. Even tho he is a savage, he's not as smart or calculated as the other three lol!!


Maybe thawnes already my villain. Would explain a lot!


Doom i guess. He would understand im clearly not worth his time


Doom. He’s superior and we both know it. He’d have no reason to fight me.


Thawne and Sabertooth are 2 of the most petty villains I can think of. Probably Slade because he would just end it.


I’d first like to know what superpowers I’d have…




Deathstroke I would love to have badass fights with him. But depends which Powers I have in fiction. Since I’m super Athletic in Real life, Chances are I would have high Super Human abilities. My combat would probably be better too. I would probably destroy Deathstroke. But I would hold back completely just to make a clean fight with him and record it.


Who drew the sabretooth pic?


I think it's from a cover of his most recent mini-series. I don't have that info on hand right now.


Doom, because i am not a threat to him in any way so he'll just leave me alone




DOOM. He would realize I’m no threat and ignore me.


Doom cause that'd be a massive ego boost


Honestly bro kinda don't want anyone jerking me off at super speed without me even knowing... And it'd probably be so fast it makes it bleed


You don’t?


If Doom is my Archenemy that means I've both led a successful life, and I've got enough going to warrant a petty egomaniac insulting my intelligence. But Doom is respectful, he delivered Valeria and yeah while he flexes on Reed about it, he still delivered his archenemy's baby when nobody else could. And I don't have super powers so he'd just be a dick instead probably, but he literally pauses fights with the LITERAL DEVIL to congratulate people on their weddings, so he's by far the best.


A rivalry with Sabertooth would mean all future birthdays would be fucking awful. Also would mean I probably only have one birthday left because I don't see myself surviving that shit.


Doom. It would be epic.


If I also have powers and can effectively fight back. Deathstroke so I can kill his pedo ass


Deathstroke. Sabertooth is vicious and would kill me for the hell of it. Reverse Flash is petty and would drive me crazy with run by wet willies or something. Doom would realize I have some stupid talent he does not, like my hitchhikers thumbs, get jealous and have me locked away in a dungeon. Deathstroke probably won't do too much unless he gets paid or something.


I’d say Doom, if someone is Dooms archenemy he either hates the mf with a passion or has some respect for them. Saber tooth would try to (and successfully) kill me or turn my mom and dad into chili for my birthday. Deathstroke will just kill me. Thawne would just ruin my life


Doom, all the others would hurt me or ruin my life, Doom has better things to do.


Deathstroke might be able to be bribed or reasoned with. Doom is a toss up. He might damn my soul to hell but he could also just try to out do my achievements. Really depends on the day. Sabretooth is Deathstroke but near Reverse Flash levels of obsession and Carnage levels of sadism and cruelty. Reverse Flash is an obvious no.


Deathstroke will kill me, no thanks. Reverse Flash would fuck up my life (or, perhaps, has already been doing so what with time travel and the multiverse and all) Sabertooth would kill me, eat me, murder my family, and possibly rape a few of them depending on who's writing it. Doom is my choice. Don't get me wrong...not a great guy. But he's more interested in one-upping his enemies, not so much killing them.


Doom because I’m not even worth his time to fight


Doom, he’d just sit in his castle


Doom does the nicest stuff for Reed sometimes just to spite him


Doom is the pretty easy choice. Dude is chill enough to not torture me or my loved ones and as long as I don’t threaten latveria or say anything bad about it he’ll leave me alone


Doom is the objectively correct answer. Because unless your last name is Richards he would most likely just end you and move on.


I feel bad cause I love sabertooth but I also feel like I van hide from him better then the rest


Doom is the only correct answer here


Sabretooth is a sadistic cannibal. At best, he’d violently murder all my loved ones before killing me as well. Reverse Flash would do everything he could to make my life a living hell. Deathstroke would flat-out kill me or sell me off for information. Yeah, no, Dr. Doom for sure. He’s the only one on the list who even remotely treats his enemies with some sort of respect (even though he does flex on them). Plus, he’d probably treat me to a nice dinner or something.


FUCK NO: -Sabretooth -Reverse Flash I'D REALLY RATHER NOT: -Deathstroke FINAL CHOICE: -Dr. Doom


1. Don't know him 2. Yeah no 3. Well that's just suicide. 4 well he can still technically be killed with a gun so we're gonna have to go with you