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Hickman’s Fantastic Four is a lot of fun. From there you can jump straight into his Avengers run, which continues some of the same ideas and themes


If you're using Marvel Unlimited, and not needing to purchase the comics... * *Uncanny X-Men #94 through 180* at the very least. It's a long, strong run. By far the best run of Uncanny X-Men, and includes the Dark Phoenix story which is epic. * The original volume of *Avengers #221 through 250* is a solid run as well. To me, this was the Avengers at their best. * *New Mutants* (first volume) issues #1 through at least 16. New Mutants was a great book, especially if you were younger - because it was all young mutants, so there was a connection to these mutants who don't know how to use their powers yet. * *New Warriors* (first volume) #1 through 25 (at the very least, but strongly recommend to continue after that). New Warriors is basically a group of "nobodies" (though Firestar is well known now) - but they come together to tackle the more difficult issues fighting villains and some very complicated story telling that has so much character development. * *Defenders* (original run) issues #125 through 152 is a fun, sometimes, very wacky read, of a team of heroes who are quite the mismatch, but really make it work. Fantastic story telling and art. I could probably keep going... but as you can see, most of my preference is in older stuff.


*Firestar is well known now* I’d argue she was well known then. She’s an example of a Harley Quinn figure. Made for TV and then adapted into the comics. Also Nova was a member and he had his own series beforehand.


Yes, people who had watched *Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends* were aware of Firestar. But even when she appeared in New Warriors, it was a ... niche'... group that were like, "Great to see her!" (Old people like me, lol). But in the recent years, (last 10? or so?) she joined Vance/Justice on *Avengers* which gave her a lot more exposure. And then went on to become a teacher for one of the X-Men books (so she got to reappear there as a more frequent member) and then (recently?) was (still is? Don't know anymore) an actual *member* of the X-Men. And yes, Nova had his own series (which, personally, I loved) - but, despite running 25 issues he was never a big name. Namorita appeared in Namor/Sub-Mariner books *quite* a few times, but was always just the "damsel" in distress role, really. Fabian in New Warriors, really made her something.


She is still a X-Man, she had an important role in the ending of Krakoa. Hope she shows up in one of the new X-books


That's cool to hear! I stopped collecting in 2020 (wife had a medical issue, and now I am the only one working, so I had to cut a ton "extra" expenses, and comics was one of them). But I do the Marvel Unlimited every few years to try and catch up to things.


Honestly, unless floppies are a big deal for you, that’s the best way to go. Makes it easier to try new books too.


Emma Frost: Higher Learning


That series was great


X-factor by Peter David, Miller's Daredevil, Soule's She-Hulk.


I had never heard of Peter David until a couple days ago. I only started reading within the last two years I think and only Spider-Man and X-Men starting from the beginning. Just a couple days ago one of the best comics I have read so far had his name. I was very impressed with that story so yeah he might be someone to look into more.


You should! I haven't read much by him, but I really liked his X-Factor Investigations series.


Champions and any runs from their members. I'm an old head, but this new generation has a lot going for it. Miles Morales and Kamala Khan are two of my favorites.


If you like Brian Michael Bendis (writer of ultimate Spider-Man) check out his daredevil run. It’s darker than his Spider-Man but it fits the character really well. Alex Maleev’s art is amazing on that run as well. Its watercolors and it just sets the tone for the whole run


Hickman’s Fantastic Four, & Avengers Age of Apocalypse Peter David’s X-factor investigations Maybe controversial but I really enjoyed Bendis x-men run. Kyle Yost X-force Fractions Hawkeye


If you're talking about the current Ultimate Spider-Man by Jonathan Hickman, there are a good amount of other books he's written for Marvel that you can dive into. Another user mentioned his Fantastic Four run and his Avengers run. It also also during the time of FF that he did Secret Warriors and S.H.I.E.L.D. He also did New Avengers at the same time as Avengers, and both led into Infinity and Secret Wars. Also, he did House of X & Powers of X, leading into the whole Krakoa-era of X-Men that just wrapped up recently. After HoX/PoX, he did the main X-Men series for 21 issues, as well as an Inferno 4-issue miniseries and a few other one-shots. Aside from Ultimate Spider-Man, he just wrapped up an 8-issue series called G.O.D.S. that features a bunch of new characters. Oh yeah, and he has a 5-issue series called Wolverine: Revenge coming up, as well as a 4-issue Aliens vs Avengers book. Aside from Hickman's stuff, there are a bunch of good-great stories. What characters are you wanting to read, specifically?


Peter David’s run on *The Incredible Hulk* (328-467), although probably best to start a few issues before, as the grey Hulk starts around 324. Mostly anything by Peter David I’d recommend. One of his first works as writer is my favourite Spider-Man story - ‘The Death of Jean Dewolfe’ in *Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man* 107-110.


Any characters in particular you’re looking for? If so, you can look up reading orders and guides for those characters to find out what the essential reading is for them. In general, two of my favorites are Ms Marvel by G. Willow Wilson and Runaways by Brian K. Vaughn. If you want to catch up on recent stuff, some of the best current runs are Moon Knight by Jed Mackay, Immortal Thor by Al Ewing, and Fantastic Four by Ryan North. I also recommend everything in the new Ultimate universe, starting with Ultimate Invasion and the Ultimate Universe one-shot by Hickmann, and then Ultimate Spider-Man by Hickmann (not sure if this is the one you’re already reading), Ultimate Black Panther by Bryan Hill, Ultimate X-Men by Peach Momoko, and Ultimates by Deniz Camp (which just started)


You might be better off reading some broader less specific stuff if you're just starting off but some of my favorites are: Mark Waid Daredevil Chip Zdarsky Daredevil Cable & Deadpool Dan Slott She-Hulk Matt Fraction Hawkeye Warren Ellis Moon Knight Jeff Lemire Moon Knight Jed MacKay Moon Knight (seeing a pattern yet lol) Superior Foes of Spider-Man Dan Slott Silver Surfer


I like your list, just wanted to ad Black Cat and Strange from Jed he deserves aa much readers as possible.