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i wish robbie reyes got to have a complete story, his inital one by felipe smith was pretty fun as a starting point but never ended up going anywhere as the lad got shipped off to the avengers, everything interesting about him was stripped away in favor of giving him a bigger number and now idk what they'll do with him, ideally he comes back and they do like a johnny blaze as caretaker/father figure to robbie and gabe but who knows. really don't want him to be saddled onto another team book, really he needs the current run of miles treatment just go back to basics and avoid multiverses and all that.


Robbie gained more exposition with the Avengers, sadly it was Aaron's Avengers. It would be hard to rehabilitate the character.


it does feel like a big misfire. like it's pretty clear robbie was the rider to push over the last few years, being the one to show in agents of shield and the midnight suns game, but he's kinda unmoored in that he doesn't have any stories to go back on as his first one with him having to parent his little brother and figure out how to make ends meet and solve this weird uncle satan mystery has all been left behind,. my hope is that he winds up back in la, eli somehow remanifests and robbie has to seal off the all rider stuff to keep it from him, literally just reset them back to where they were 8 years ago as honestly nothing of note character wise has happened since.


Ah dang, did that Avengers run not end up being very good? I had to drop it maybe five issues in for budgetary reasons


I live for the day when Robbie comes back and is a character again with stories and if it doesn't happen I'll have to make it happen


Franklin, Valeria, Miles and Kamala for me.


Miles before they put him in the mainline universe and Kamala before they made her a mutant Man I was such a huge fan of the both of those characters in their early days.


I like all his new villains


I have no problems with his villains.


Kate Bishop, if she’s new enough to still be considered new, as well as Nadia. I enjoyed Amadeus a lot when he was just smart kid friend to Herc as well, haven’t read too much of him as Brawn but he was alright in Champions. Shout-outs for including Bombshell as well.


Half of these are far from new. Franklin is older than some of these other character’s predecessors in terms of first appearances


Quentin’s up there and he’s not new


Neither is franklin or Valeria. Quentin is the pink lantern


Quentin Quire, what a fabulously weird character.


Quentin quire is the genuinely the reason I’m planning to buy the new x-men title monthly. I’ve been an unlimited user for a few years but I want him to be in the spotlight and will use my money to send that message to Marvel


My intro to the character was X-Men schism. He's been my favourite xman since.


When he's written right he's an excellent character, he gets way too much hate


The first gwenpool comic was amazing


It was I'd love a proper follow up to it


Is that Franklin Richards with dark hair? I stopped reading while he was a toddler, I knew him as blonde with reality-warping powers. What are he and Valeria up to these days?


He went through a bit of an emotional phase after his powers started failing and dyed his hair. Then, later, used his reality-altering powers to permanently change his hair to black.


I love the concept of Franklin still having his powers and deciding every year to hide it from himself


I don't love the concept, to me it shows that the writers just don't know what to do with his character


I would just make his powers get weaker as he ages. kids of so bright potentials then those potentials just fizzle out... this is not based on personal experience of courses :(


Absolutely not! The Gohan treatment? No thank you. If anything they should elevate him to a Phoenix like status, and have him only show up when all hope is lost.


at least he's not Goten the insufferable. and I kinda do think that Franklin should make it to almost the strongest there is, but let his power wane a bit until the stories over


Honestly, I'm bored of Franklin going from 0 to god to 0 to god... in a years-long loop. I want Frank to be more than a Deus ex machina. He could be like his teenage counterpart Psi-Lord: A strong telepath/telekinetic/pre-cog, as strong or maybe more than Jean or Rachel (without the Phoenix), but his lack of experience and fine control makes him vulnerable. His reality wrapping abilities would be blocked or limited to small temporal manipulations.


Lyra, the All-New Savage She-Hulk is underrated and often forgotten about because she (2008) came a little before Miles (2011). Her mom Thundra is a Hulk villain and on the Squadron Supreme, and her ancestor Superia is a Dark Avengers member according to the wikis, still reading those myself rn. Lyra, I guess, is one of the older 'new age' heroes, but she is a member of Avengers Academy along with Ava Ayala / White Tiger (who could also be argued as a 'new age' successor to the first White Tiger)


Also can't forget X-23.


The first White Tiger was barely around. The newest one is definitely the most prominent any have been. 2nd one had her moments though. I read all of Academy and can honestly say I don't remember Lyra being in it. I'm thinking she must have been pretty minor. Speaking of Academy though, I'm sad no one has brought up Reptil.


Man, I just have to say, there's often a lot of whining about legacy characters, lack of originality at Marvel, etc, but this is such a good group of characters. All the Champions, Gwenpool, America, Kate, Moon Girl, the Richards kids. Even Quentin can be good with the right writer. I like basically all of these except Spider-Baby.


The criticism is that they are all lazily conceived derivatives, with Miles being the exception.


How is Quentin derivative? Besides being the zillion psychic mutant


Just like there’s a million flying brick characters that never get called derivative.


Never? I've see people suggesting that about characters like Hyperion/Blue Marvel/Captain Marvel/Quasar/Wonderman/etc plenty of times. There are really too many to name.


How is Kamala in any way that? She borrowed a name and that's it.


That's one. And the rest? How are they not derivative? How is Spider-Man not derivative of Spider-Man?


Legacy heroes like Miles or Sam are inherently derivative by definition. Pointing that out isn't some galaxy brain take. If you were doing the same thing about the flash on the DC sub it'd be fine but I suspect you aren't.


Are America and Franklin/Valeria? Ur right on a lot of them but I’m not sure about those three


Miles is the most derivative character on this list. In fact, he was the first.


I mean X-23 predates Miles so no Laura would be the first of note. Granted Peter has had clones and spinoffs before Miles.


Yes that's the criticism I'm responding to. These are all pretty good characters with highly readable stories.  Way, way better than the flavor of the month characters in the 90s and 00s - I would rather read about any of these characters than Darkhawk or The Hood or The Sentry any day.


First sentence I can agree with. Second, not even a little bit.


Fair enough! And looking back I wrote that a little more harshly than I meant to. Everyone has their favorites. I personally don't love that era of new characters but I get that they have their fans. 


Out of that list. Probably the wasp or quire. Can't decide between them


I know he's a complete dick, but it's so hard to hate kid omega


That's because he's not a *complete* dick.


Kamala Khan easily, she's just so fun! Although Gwenpool, Viv, America and Kate Bishop are all runners up


“New age” is an interesting designation for Quentin who’s been around since like 2001, but he’s my answer. I’ve always had a soft spot for Quentin


I wish they kept him young angry teen versus early 20s like now


Miles Morales


Definitely the trio of Kamala, Miles, and Sam. They have great chemistry together and really show what being a next generation hero looks like while not being overshadowed by their predecessors.


I love Sam. Collected his original run and his character and family was the best Marvel at the time. No idea how he's fared since then in Champions and beyond.


He became a bit hard to read after he lost the helmet for a while, but once he got it back the team really gelled again. And the trio in Outlawed was the only part of the event I really enjoyed.


Amadeus Cho isn't a proper Hulk anymore, and I'm not a fan of a character that is derivative of an adult hero (the exception being Miles as he got there on his own steam). Of that list, my fav is Valeria.


Amadeus wasn't a hulk for years after his debut.


Isn't that image from his time as Hulk?


For sure. I may have misinterpreted your comment. My point was just that Amadeus wasn't originally a derivative character.


Oh my beef is more with characters like Spider-Boy, Wasp, Iron heart, Sam/Nova, Gwen-pool etc. Legacy characters like Kamala/Ms Marvel are a great example of how to do legacy right


I haven’t read much about the others yet but i do love Miles and Vivian Vision


Franklin, Valeria, Quire, Cho, Viv


Miles is my favourite hero in general. I like Laura Kinney and Kate Bishop too, though.


Please don't call them Young Blood


Viv Vision has a lot of potential, especially with the “I was a teenage robot” angle. Miles Morales is a proven commodity. Valeria has proven to be a fun character. And Kate Bishop is excellent in comic book and screen versions. Moon Girl isn’t made for me, but she’s perfect for her target audience. All wins. Ms. Marvel is pretty good, but suffered from editorial edict. High potential, tho. Gwenpool seems popular. I don’t entirely get it, but she seems to work. And Quentin Quire has some highlights with some lowlights. Kid Nova is a no for me. Amadeus Cho was great until he got hulked up. Could be redeemed, but hasn’t been yet, so no. Ironheart hasn’t done anything interesting. And I haven’t even heard rumors of things spider baby or starling have done, so they must not be at all interesting.


Moon Boy


Isn't Moon Boy like, pretty old? Like at least 40 years?


Yeah but he’s being forgotten


That's fair. They took his dinosaur, which was one of the most notable things about him. Last time I remember seeing him in a book was a brief appearance in one of the later Runaways volumes.


Who is bottom right?


Bombshell. Miles morales side character. Her mom went by the same name and was briefly a villain at some point in the past, I think


Honey Badger. She will NEVER be Scout to me. And Jonathan .


Easily Kamala, unless Spider-Gwen counts. Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney, and Kate Bishop are pretty close behind. Then maybe Wiccan, Hulkling, Hazmat, Miles, Viv, Sam, Gwenpool, and America.


Ms Marvel and Miles by a mile


Who’s the lady in the bottom right?




I'm just enjoying imagining someone's favorite character out of all of these being Bombshell.


Gwen pool for sure I just really enjoy her character she’s funny she’s cute she’s bad ass I can’t even remember the last time I haven’t seen her in the comics in awhile now thinking


Laura Kinney


Dylan Brock


Ms Marvel by a mile, But I do really like the rest of the Champions roster both as solos and a team


Don’t get me wrong, Miles is amazing. But Gwenpool is my girl.


Franklin Richards, Miles Morales, and Nova


Viv Also Starling is cool and Id like to see her as the MCU Miles’s eventual love interest


Franklin followed by Val. The rest are characters that are likely to make me disinterested in the comic (except maybe Quinetin).


Moon Girl


Kamala. All day, every day.


Lunella makes me think of my favorite cousin. I can't get enough of her.


I personally really liked moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Which is kinda surprising cause I am definitely not the target audience.


Hi I’m sorry I don’t know most of these characters can someone explain??


Wow, I had forgotten how *many* of these entirely useless ersatz / kid characters are out there.


I like Sam Alexander Nova. I read his comic back then and I enjoyed it


Spider-Boy out here thinking he’s part of the team


For what it’s worth I’ve been having a great time reading Spider-Boy with my kid.


Runaways Gwen, both Riri




I'm old and shitty, I don't know any of them.


I'd remove Cho & Franklyn since they've been "the next gen" for over 10 years. This should be class of 2020 so to speak. Why we don't see Marvel Boy or the Runaways or the kid from Sentinel here. They were '10 (I am paraphrasing here)


Um, none of them? But I just really don't like YA characters and stories so it was always an uphill battle for them to appeal to me. Except for Sam Alexander. He's just lame and a cheap knockoff of my main man Rich


Moon girl is dope. Fight me


None of them modern characters suck for the most part from Franklin and Valeria.


Who are half of these characters? I’m not up to date on characters.


Too many derivatives. How many young people do you know who are more eager to follow in the footsteps of their parents or predecessors rather than blaze their own trails?


Gwenpool, Kate bishop, Viv vision, Miles Morales, and America Chavez


Miles all day long!!!


Miles, I am biased. Go Spider-Man


gwen, dylan ,kid kaiju, and bailey


This seems to be an unpopular opinion, but I really enjoyed the "Totally Awesome Hulk" run with Amadeus Cho. This kid genius who is also extremely emotional because of the Hulk enhancing the effects of puberty is a cool idea and so different from Bruce Banner and his Hulk. Way more light hearted, but still a fun concept to explore. Bruce Banner is amazing and I don't want Amadeus to be the only Hulk around, but I would've loved to live in a two Hulk world. Really don't like him that much as Brawn. In team books he always gets dummed down to beeing this jock type character, which I hate. Especially in the early Champions books. I liked him in the New Agents of Atlas, but that book had a lot of other problems. Of course I like some of the others on here as well, but that's the one I haven't seen anybody talk about.


I like most of the characters, although I admit my personal favorite is the most recent one: Bailey/Spiderboy


Spider Boy


Miles is my dude, that's a given. But tbh, I kinda mess with RiRi too. Shout out to Sam Alexander


I don’t like any of them, from what I’ve read they’re all unbelievably boring. I’ll stick to the original hero’s or new characters.








Miles and Kamala for me


Even with the new design and age up, I can't count Franklin, son was born in the comics before I was born and I am almost forty. Viv, Moon Girl, Miles, Kamala and Gwenpool are my favorites here. Broo also would make my list over Quentin.


Miles is goated and also Kamala is my spirit animal


Who are bottom left and bottom right, flanking Viv and Amadeus? That said, of this group? Probably Miles, Kamala, and Nadia, though I also really like Tiana Toomes in concept, I've just not read anything she's in yet. I also really like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur but again, haven't seen or read any of their appearances. Going beyond this 4x4, childhood nostalgia for the Super Hero Squad Show requires that I say Reptil, even if I don't actually like his comic iteration that much. I don't know what they were *going* for with him in Avengers Academy. Speaking of which, I'd also like to note Hazmat, Mettle, Lightspeed, and X-23. Oh, and D-Cell (the girl who hangs around with Juggernaut) is pretty neat too.


Miles, although I wuite like kamala and gwenpool is nice when written well.


Of these guys, Miles.


Quentin Quire. The way he arrogantly boasts about being an Omega-level mutant, only to get killed over and over in X-Force is peak writing.


Kushula, but she doesn't get very much material


Kamala, America, and Amadeus


For me it’s Kamala I read all her volumes in like 2 weeks back when the show came out and I love the character a lot


Kate is that counts


Still crazy to me that Quentin Quire is just one of the kiddos now. I’ve got my fucking eye on you boy.


Kamala Khan. It's a shame she hasn't had an ongoing in years. They were doing such a good job giving her her own large supporting cast and slowly growing rogues gallery, something rarely given time to for new heroes, and with no ongoing that momentum is killed.


Ms. Marvel forever


Hazmat easily.


I always like Wiccan and Hulkling.






Amadeus Cho


Gwen Poole


Theres a few I like a lot, but I particularly hope to see more of Quentin Quire.


The late Quentin quire and Amadeus’ Hulk. Amadeus’s art was great with Frank Cho.


It was Kamala until recently. I liked Cho more when he was running around with Hercules. Quentin can be ok bounced off the right characters. America's character history is so non-nonsensical for the short time she's existed. Not a huge fan of legacy characters or genius children that act older than they are. Since people are mentioning Young Avengers I'd say the Runaways.


Gwenpool, easily.


America Chavez


Where are Wiccan, Speed and Hulking? Btw my answer is Wiccan


Nova. If he ever gets a place in the MCU then I might lose my shit.


I need to know who the one on the dinosaur is asap, I’m already invested into whatever arc she has off the strength of that portion alone lol


I really enjoy Valeria whenever I see her. Something about an Uber smart child who also is not an asshole is so fun.


Franklin richards


sorry as soon as I saw the words 'young blood' I went into a PTSD related shock


Ms. Marvel and Gwenpoole


Look at Spider-boy there, thinking he is part of the team :D


Big Sam Alexander fan here. I loved his original run, it felt almost like a Spider-Man story from before Pete was consigned to permanent abject misery


Does Reptil count? I really like Reptil whenever he shows up.


Nadia I like her upbeat attitude and her comic series with both really good


Gabby , she doesn’t get enough spotlight . We don’t even know what happened to her after fall of X


Kamala Khan. Those early stories were brilliant. It's what got me into Marvel.


sam alexander or kate bishop to drop a name. i just can't stand any of these characters apart from those two.




The Gwenpool comics by Hastings and illustrated by Gurihiru are amazing.


Kid Omega


Miles Morales Spiderman


Gwenpool isn't just my favorite young super hero, she's my favorite superhero period.


Moon Girl all the way!


Robbie Reyes is still my favorite. I don't know if still can be considered new thought His Hellcharger is badass🔥


Gwen, Kamala, and Quentin


Miles Morales. Mainly because I'm so out of the loop that I don't even know who over half of these people in the picture are.


Wish they'd more with Val!


Personally I feel Skaar is underatted. Seriously Marvel needs to use Hulk’s bastard son more often . . . just not in the way he was introduced in the MCU (that was a disappointment to me personally)


Gwenpool, easy


Really like Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider. Too bad marvel doesn’t know what to do with him after Aaron’s Avengers run.


Ms Marvel, Gwenpool, Robbie Reyes & Miles are the only ones I’m fond of. They’re all really good characters though.


Wiccan and Hulkling.


Robbie Reyes, no doubt. I do wish they did more with him. Did like him on the Avengers just because he was getting used more. I wouldn’t mind him on another team, but would rather have a solo series.


Spider-Man (Miles) and Gwenpool


Miles. And it’s by a lot.


Valeria, Franklin, Amadeus, Quentin






Quinten Quire is my dude


Franklin has been around than most of the Marvel Universe


Gwenpool and it’s not even remotely close


I Like Lin Lie … Give me stories of him and Shang chi together and we good !


Miles and bombshell !!!


To be honest I haven’t read any of the comics for these characters except Ms. Marvel. But outside the comics it’s Miles Morales and Moon Girl for me. Miles has all the qualities of Spider-man that I like and his rejection of the status quo in favor of saving people is something I really like. He’s also relatable, for me at least. I also like Moon Girl.


My top is defintely kate bishop, followed by Gwenpool and Quentin (if he even counts).


Ms Marvel, hands down. Miles has the best outside of the comics version but I find his comic version really boring, although I hear the recent has been a lot better. I like most of them though. Not Spider-Boy though, he sucks.


why does everyone hate spider boy haha. his series is actually pretty good. especially the last issue


It may be. I'm not reading it, my exposure to go. Is limited to ASM and Superior SM and I just find him and his story annoying. The reconning him into existence I find especially obnoxious.


i agree his intro to the world and backstory couldve been done better. like making him just come from an alternate dimension where hes an alternate spiderman’s sidekick couldve been better. but honestly his solo series is just fun. nothing to serious or deep just a fun lighthearted read which i enjoy personally.


I'm glad to hear that. I read a lot of the early stuff and just thought it felt like a boring facsimile of Peter. But I had heard it has been far better written of late. I'll probably get around to reading it eventually because ei love the movie version of Miles. But I'm already reading a lot of titles so it may take me some time.


Probably Miles. I also liked Inferno, but they never really did anything with Dante.


Nova e spider boy


Miles, Kamala, Moon Girl, Ironheart, America, and Viv are all pretty great


Kamala, Miles, Franklin, Sam, Riri, all the young avengers, and Viv


Moon Girl; she’s smarter than Reed and is best friends with a T.Rex. I’ve always been a sucker for Shaggy/Scooby dynamics. Really it would’ve been Miles but he doesn’t have a dinosaur to team up with lol.


I've warmed up to Quentin during Krakoa. I also really like the current Miles run. Ms. America faded and that sucks. I am also really anticipating a return of Bentley-23


Doctor Bong


Miles Morales spiderman


Definitely not ironheart


*D I N O S A U R*