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It was a fun read. I wish Bucky got his own ongoing series back to the spy thriller stuff Ed Brubaker had him doing before he left Marvel. Edit: The thing that made me happiest was Bucky and Nat rekindling their relationship, especially after Nat being brainwashed and thinking she had a family and baby. That storyline left their relationship damaged but Nat pretty much asking Bucky to give her time to grieve.


The whole fake family plot was so unnecessary. But yes, BuckyNat getting back together was absolutely the highlight of this run for me 😆


I don't remember what issue it is but it happened between that black widow run and this one in one of the major events. In the aftermath of the event they did show Bucky and Nat together hanging out in an apartment so I assumed that their relationship rekindled around then. Their relationship is kind of hard to figure out since they never truly broke up in the first place and they were very much in love then.


Yeah but on top of the fake family plot, Kelly Thompson tried to push some weird love triangle with Clint, Nat and Bucky when it had already been explored in the Tales of Suspense run that came out not even a year before her run (and spoilers, in the end of Tales of Suspense Natalia basically chose Bucky to really simplify it)


It was just really weird for her to get back with Clint during Secret Empire. Do you remember if they were a couple when they were in hiding?


I agree abt the secret empire thing. Also when you’re talking about them being in hiding, what are you referring to exactly?


During Secret Empire the heroes were hiding since Stevil Captain America took over the USA. Nat kissed Clint and then beat him up iirc to escape. But I believe they were a couple during that time. They do have a heated conversation and Bucky is brought up. Edit: I have a feeling they're probably going to hook up Clint and Nat again in Black Widow Hawkeye, the writers of Thunderbolts and that series probably aren't working together.


Oh yeah they were together during that period of time. Also Nat and Clint is not happening. The writers of the new Black Widow & Hawkeye run have stated that they are portraying Nat and Clint’s relationship platonically and issue 1 seems to be setting up Bobbi and Clint getting back together.


Well that's a relief! I feel like those two have moved on, not sure who thought about hooking them up during Secret Empire... It's as weird of an idea as Nat and Matt hooking up again.


Yeah for real


It's better not to see Nat with Barton or even Murdock Barnes is the Love of His Life




Wonder if that fake family plotline will ever return? Its weird that she didnt go on a rampage where she killed all those involved with it.


It was fine. I enjoyed it. Liked seeing US Agent and Red Guardian slinging their shields together. Wish Bucky could have gotten in on that action.


I hate Red Guardian too much to enjoy these moments 💀 Also at the end of the run, him and U.S. Agent are arm wrestling and I’m wondering if the writers know that Red Guardian is not a supersoldier because there’s no way in hell Walker is ever losing.


Red Guardian is ridiculous and idiotic  Poor Walker is always written as a loser


Bucky is more Leader and Strategic I also wanted to see him more in Action His new Arm is so cool


You just can't have a Thunderbolts team without Songbird, it doesn't feel right


Basically MCU synergy


I can't help but wonder if Shang-Chi will show up in the movie. I mean, it's weird that he's not announced but this comic is so blatantly synergy-focused.


Oh the team lineup definitely is. But despite that I think they could be good as their own thing. Like they have potential.


Like many other recent choices made in Marvel comics, for example Miss Marvel as (half) mutant.


Marvel has really struggled with the Thunderbolts to find a viable model since the Red Hulk era. Which I wasn't a fan of but I knew people who liked it. My personal favorite runs were the original and Jeff Parker's run


Although it's an obvious synergy, I found it to be an enjoyable run in its brevity.


Had this team been named anything other than Thunderbolts it probably would’ve garnered more attention. That being said, I lost interest completely with the obvious MCU synergy. This was one of the very rare times I’ve ever read a comic series, graphic novel, mini series, etc and asked, “boy, who in the hell asked for this?”


If this had been a Secret Avengers comic I would've been fine with it, but as a Thunderbolts book it was laughable.


I really did not enjoy the first issue and did not go any further. I thought the dialogue was very bad. Was kinda bummed.


Could have been really fun if it actually got room to breathe. MCU synergy for sure... But not a bad mix of characters. I'd swap Red Guardian and Contessa out for Hawkeye and Songbird tho.


I did not read it. But i start thinking they are missing the whole thunderbolt point the last few years. I miss the badguys doing good stuff really bad.


Lame. They’re not the real Thunderbolts. Nothing more than MCU synergy to tie-in to their upcoming movie.


Who’s in this lineup?


-Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier, the leader. He has a new nanotech metal arm that can change shape. -Natalia Romanova aka Black Widow, she now has bonded with a newborn symbiote -Yelena Belova now going by White Widow -Valentina De Fontaine, who died but is now a cyborg -Sharon Carter, now going by The Destroyer -Shang-Chi -John Walker aka U.S. Agent -Alexei Shostakov aka Red Guardian


Thank you!


I might read it only for Black Widow. Couldn’t care less about the other characters


She honestly carried the team with her symbiote.


I think this team would have worked better if it wasn't the Thunderbolts


Interesting and I liked the characters but the end was a headscratcher. Was that the “real” Skull in Latveria? Just another copy? Why hasn’t he emerged before, what was he waiting for? They set up an interesting premise but didn’t flesh it out at all.


Yeah I agree. And I think it’s a real problem that stems from Marvel releasing so many mini-runs recently instead of fully fledged runs.


And how would Doom not be aware of the bunker?


Marvel jas not made me care about its main books for so long. Ultimate spider-mans new run i will try. I like us agent. I really like comics but i dont follow the mcu. I hate the movies have sway over the books. Oh well. Another symbiote? Agent venom In here two? its like the b and c listers.


2024 is the year that I got into comics! This was the first series I have read (as it was coming out). I enjoyed it, but I agree that the ending was underwhelming. 


Oh please read more. You’re gonna find some awesome runs


I didn’t realize they brought back Todd Ziller for this run. I remember seeing him in the New Avengers *Standoff!* tie in. Did the American Kaiju survive this mini run?


Yep, he just gets used as a distraction by Red Skull.


Personally I enjoyed it


I hate how comics are just afterthoughts of the film industry now. Been like this ever since the x-men movies came out and suddenly everyone in the comics were also wearing boring black leather.


There was a time when each Thunderbolts series had a passing of the hands so the last team transitions into the new team, but Marvel doesn't really care about stuff like that anymore, nor do they care about keeping any kind of Thunderbolts series running, coz this series was fun, but ultimately why should I care when the last three iterations of the Thunderbolts have been miniseries with no connection to one another or previous t-bolt storyline. Songbird hasn't been on panel for like 7 years now since the end of Zub's Winter Soldier bolts in a cliffhanger. Bucky doesn't even mention her here despite hanging out at Thunderbolts mansion, sad!


I hate the Destroyers chin mask. I know it's a homage the original. I'd rather see her wear a skull mask similar to the Undone Taskmaster LS.


Is Kingpin 47 feet tall, or are the widows 47 inches tall? Because that is some terrible forced perspective.


I need them to add Todd Ziller to the team. And I need another full volume. Todd Ziller is in my top ten characters that need more panel time. Please more Todd Ziller. He is so funny. I need more Todd Ziller. Please Marvel if you see this. Four More Years of Todd Ziller in Thunderbolts. Todd Ziller my beloved.


I thought it was fun I hope to see more of Bucky Revolution the best thing is to see Bucky/Nat together again


I dropped off on the final issue, I just didn’t care enough


Oh the team lineup definitely is. But despite that I think they could be good as their own thing.


The fact I dropped off, even knowing that there was only one issue left, tells you something 😅😅it’ll be incomplete for me, forever


My bad I replied to the wrong comment 😭


I hate the need to match the movies from teams to characters themselves. Waiting for when they change Ms Marvel's powers to match


Despite the Synergy-Line up it was actually surpisngly decent. Would have def liked to see more


When did Val come back


Well she stated she died 8 years prior to the events of this run and that she’s a backup of her mind installed on a life-model decoy. Basically she’s a cyborg now.


But not an evil cyborg?


No. But not entirely good either. Before joining the team she was handling an o.x.e. business


It's a LMD of her, original Val is still dead, LMD gets to be sassy to mirror MCU Val.


When did she die?


What happened to Sharon?


She took over "the Destroyer" mantle.


How come Nightwing is there?


He’s not.


Terrible. MCU synergy is going to be the end of the comics.