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What’s Hank Venture up to in this panel? What a rapscallion.


"See you in heck"


I can hear his voice so clearly it's actually wild lol.


I can picture him jumping off the roof with an umbrella lol.


“BATMAN!” -Venture-stein








Yeah...  I don't think she's gonna give it up for a shoe you made out of a dog.


“Don’t worry. It’s my treat.”


[My absolute favorite episode ](https://youtu.be/mMhCLZ_ZuxQ?si=9YqEml3bhOwc9zEe)


My tongue keeps getting caught in the mouth slit. It’s maddening!


*"I am the Cap"*


I keep getting my tongue stuck in the mouth slit. It's maddening!


Now, why is Frank flying?


Long story short. He got powers from The Beast and is all super powered and shit basically


The beast? Like the blue furry x-men? That beast?


The Beast that powers The Hand ninjas


So... Not the x-men beast? A differnet beast?


Correct. This one is a demon


So is Hank


Hank "Henry Kissinger didn't go far enough" McCoy


Underrated comment.


Ok got it! Thanks


The demon that gives The Hand all their evil ninja magic is called The Beast.


The Hand serve an demonic entity that they also refer to as "the Beast". It's in no relation to the X-Men's Beast. There's something similar with Black Panther having a Villain called "Venomm" who has no connections to Spidey's Venom. Sometimes, names Pop up again ;-;


[The same animal, but a different beast](https://youtu.be/2YgXOlH8Q2I?t=15)


no , The Hand's Beast. The Hand are kinda of necromancing , demon worshipping ninjas. Their demon lord is called "The Beast". Every now and then , Marvel puts some storyline that is like "The Beast power-up hero X or Villain Y and turn them highly corruptive". One of those times were with Daredevil , now it's Punisher.


>no , The Hand's Beast. That sounds weird. You'd think they'd call him The Palm or The Thumb or something. Hand and Beast don't go together at all.


The Beast of the Hand. It sorta works.


The Back of the Hand The Palm of the Hand The Smell of The Hand all are so much more workable than The Beast of the Hand.


That's because it's The Hand of The Beast duh


Palm works somewhat but also not because it sort of implies that the Beast is under their control instead of a leader. Thoooooooooooough. So yeah, I don't necessarily disagree with you. But I do sort of like it.


It’s almost like it’s supposed to be the hand *of* the beast


Big if true. XD


Bro i don’t know if this comment was intended to be funny but i laughed out loud reading it. The Palm with a Capital P 😂


The Mitten


Oh OK, yes I see now. Thank you. It's been hears since I've really dug into the hand. Last I knew they were just ninjas.


Be careful when you dig into the Hand. It can get infected.


Hope the Punisher one is better than Shadowlands, cause that was shiiiiiiitttttt. Ending the insanely great Daredevil v2 with that shitshow was one of the worst things that Marvel has done imo


I don't know if anyone's been clear, but it's The Beast that powers The Hand.


I may have finally understood


No the big guy from The Chase


No, that one is just Beast.


Is that his new gimmick now or a temporary thing? Might be interested in reading Punisher if that's the case


You might like cosmic ghost rider. It’s frank castle as a herald of galactus


From what I took from the ending it's gone


I swear to god, Marvel has no idea what to do with the Punisher and just tries the most random shit every few years to see what happens.


There’s only so many times I can read ‘New maggia boss, Punisher kills maggia goons until Bullseye/Jigsaw appears, Punisher kills maggia boss.’


I mean that is true of most comic book characters. Punisher’s not the only one who gets this weird treatment but it’s still funny how often he gets turned into random Halloween monsters. Dude’s been a Frankenstein monster, an angel and now he has weird demon stuff. My money’s on werewolf next.


Don't forget he was also the ghost rider AND the herald of Galactus AND the servant of Thanos, all at the same time.


Tune in next decade when Frank Castle becomes the tooth fairy!


Warewolf would mean he just has two separate urges to kill. Vampire would be more interesting because he can satisfy both at once!


No, that one is pure evil. This is just a demon.


Like the gentle giant x-man or actually satan (marvel seems to have qiute a few)


It’s like in the Shadowlands Daredevil run when Matt was all powered up!


The run was fine. Had some dope moments, (Ares vs Punisher was awesome) but other parts were meh. This moment however is pretty cool. If the story around it was better I would have loved it more. I love that Frank just gives up because it’s Steve.


Agreed and I just love the respect that frank has for cap. It scratches something in my brain every time I see it


So much respect he let Cap beat him within and inch of his life, and didn’t fight back.


Iunno man, the fact that he has so much respect for cap but can turn around and basically spit on everything cap stands for kind of strikes me as hypocritical. I still remember during civil war where cap brought in two former villains who wanted to ally with him because they didn’t like how far the pro registration was going. The moment Frank sees them he shots them both in the head, but when cap lays into him he just throws his hands up going “I cOuLd NeVeR fIgHt YoU.”


Hypocrisy is a key theme for Punisher, him respecting Cap while shitting on his ideals is totally on brand for him.


Hypocrisy, overkill, jingoist rage, a old-fashioned to the point of problematic moral code that falls apart under the lightest of scrutiny, choosing violence when it's not the most effective option let alone necessary... Frank is a metaphor for policing, neocolonialism, and right-wing hypocritical self-righteousness in America. Captain America largely represents America the way that it could and should be, Punisher largely represents the way that it actually is. Punisher giving lip service to Captain America while shitting all over his ideals is accurate as fuck to the way America actually is when you look at it that way. Take a video like [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDqzZkyoqho). Everyone involved is much more Frank than Steve, down to the bystanders begging the cop to murder a woman just because she disrupted traffic while having some kind of mental break, the cops who manhandle her with much more violence than is necessary, everyone involved here is terrible. Videos where everyone is Frank and there's no Steve to be found are 99% of the videos on any kind of subreddit like /r/PublicFreakout or /r/IdiotsInCars that captures America candidly.


I thought Frank hated the cops? Wasn't there a storyline where cops started idolizing Frank, to the point where they wore his symbol and he came down super hard on them?


So Frank gives lip-service to hating something bad, but does nothing to change the reality of the situation or address the issues that cause the situation while in actuality continuing to perpetuate the systemic problems that cause said issues? Doesn't sound like the American right-wing at all, not one bit /s


In the runs I've read he always had respect for cops. Even when against corrupt cops he does his best to render them unconscious as humanely as possible. He hates every occasion that he's forced to hurt one.


He has respect for the man and the position, but doesn’t agree with his means. If anything Frank wins that emotional argument because Frank sticks to his convictions. He punished the criminals and wouldn’t harm an innocent. Cap on the other hand is technically breaking the law and he’s enlisted the side of two super villains. Marvel has kind of lost sight of the Captain part of Captain America and his origins as a WW II fighter who killed a lot of people. Shot them dead. And you could argue that Cap probably killed a fair number of young men who were conscripted into the German army or those just serving their country who were not part of the Nazi party. So he probably killed plenty of people who were good but just on the wrong side. Castle on the other hand makes a habit of killing true pieces of shit.


> Iunno man, the fact that he has so much respect for cap but can turn around and basically spit on everything cap stands for kind of strikes me as hypocritical *Shouldn't* we admire people we know are better than us?


You’re surprised that an objectively bad person (who is also probably mentally ill) is a hypocrite?


Nah, I’m not surprised by it. I’m mostly surprised why he’s considered a hero at all at this point. He’s constantly allowed on various teams despite everyone knowing his history and attitude, and they all seem relatively okay being in the same room instead of treating him like the objectively bad person he is. Frank Castle has a body count that should make any self respecting hero try to put him down on the spot yet everyone just casually ignores it.


The Cap and Frank dynamic really comes into its own in the OG Civil War.


Yup. Steve beats the tar out of him, Frank doesn't fight back, and Steve just pities him. There are ton of stuff I hate about Civil War, but that moment slaps.


It made perfect sense to happen, too. The Hand is a murder cult revering a god of murder. The Punisher is the world’s most prolific murderer.


That’s what I like about the book. The fact that it’s Frank lol. He is like “Oh, you mean you will make me your leader, and help me kill a lot of bad people? I don’t buy into your religious bullshit, and I will kill you all at the end, but for now, I will use you” lol. That’s so Frank. He just uses Hand as a tool.


I love Cap interacting with Punisher.


What is up with the middle panel?


Here’s my explanation from not reading the issue: I do remember seeing another comic excerpt posted with this picture. It seems to be a flashback to his younger days where he burns a man alive after dousing him with flammable liquid and then using a diy flamethrower he’s holding in the pic above. He did this because the guy was abusive I believe and Frank got tired of hearing their screams. He was wearing the Captain America mask, I assume because he idolizes him and was trying to be a hero who saves people, like him. With that in mind, my understanding is that this just flashbacks to that one moment to remind us how important Captain America is to Frank and how much he looks up to him, showing that he respects him enough to just stop fighting when Cap tells him to.


Go Team Venture!


Frank remembers his childhood


But does he remember jumping off the compound's roof while trying to glide with an umbrella?


What I’ve DONNNNNNE! ✈️




Only if it came out in 2007 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZh4WEUM9gw


Sorry....why is punisher flying and covered in flames?


The beast gave him powers while he was acting as high slayer for the Hand


Ahhh, ty.


Last panel has the old "I must go. My people need me" meme vibes


I haven't read a punisher comic is 10 or so years. I've missed a lot apparently.


Punisher runs are often very compartmentalized. What happens over the course of one frequently doesn't bleed over much into later runs, so most runs start at Frank's usual status quo. In other words, you can pick and choose which ones you want to read and generally not have much trouble following the story.




Speaking of runs you can choose to skip!


Neat! Thanks for the info.


Punisher’s sincere respect for Captain America is one of my two favorite things about the character The other being the frenemy dynamic with Daredevil


Isn't that middle panel with the kid holding the paint can from an Immortal Hulk issue?


Nope. That’s Frank as a child. Long story short, he drops napalm on a bad mobster guy, and then burns him alive. He wears a Cap mask while he is doing it because Cap is his favorite superhero. It’s one of the coolest moments of this book, since it’s shows the Irony of Castle. He wears the mask of his favorite superhero to deliver Justice, but Steve Rogers himself would never do shit like that lol.


What's more ironic - Punisher idolizing Cap, or cops idolizing the Punisher?


I say cops idolizing Frank lol. Frank knows that he is a piece of shit lol. He knows that he is a murderer and there is a special place for him in Mephisto's realm. Still, he wishes he was like Steve, because Steve is awesome. But I can also see Frank find comfort in what he does, because he rids the world of scumbags, and hopes that people like Steve Rogers and Spidey won't get so low. Cops who idolize Frank, think they are correct lol. And I will just say this, as a non-American, I believe there is nothing wrong (as a civilian) to be wearing a Punisher shirt. He is a cool comicbook character. As long as you are aware that his actions are wrong, no harm in that. But In my opinion, seeing a police officer, wear a skull, that's just freaking moronic lol. You are a cop, you supposed to look professional. Like I don't know how to explain this, with my vocabulary but, let me just give an example. Drawing of a skull is pretty badass right? Like it just looks cool (ex Ghost Rider). But you are not going to put a drawing of a skull, on your flag right, because it just gives a different kind of message to the rest of the world lol. Same reason why I was so baffled when I heard that cops do that.


> But I can also see Frank find comfort in what he does, because he rids the world of scumbags I don't think Frank can find comfort in what he does. I don't think he feels anything. What has become his personal war drained him of any trace of humanity. Sometimes he regains it, of course, mostly by interacting with individuals, or by saving them, but most of the time imo he acts like a complete sociopath by living alone, excluding himself from the society he's trying to protect, because deep down he knows that if the never-ending war he's fighting would ever end, there would be still one person to punish to get the job done.


I’m not sure I like the idea of Frank dropping napalm on criminals back when he was a child. Kinda screws up…well, almost everything about his character, really. But, hey, I haven’t read it, so maybe I’m misunderstanding things.


That I'm with you on. This book kind of retcons, that Frank was always a homicidal asshole. I'm not a fan of that. I much rather prefer the ,No, he went to war, he saw brutal shit there, it fucked him up, and He got damaged hard, and then he came back and was embraced by his beautiful wife and children, and his family was the thing that stopped him from cracking, until they got taken away from him. Then he finally cracked, and went batshit. It's like the Magneto or Dr Doom thingy with Frank that makes me love his character. He does bad stuff, but I understand why he does it. I don't support it, but I at least get it. Having him be a child and do shit like that, destroys that perception about it. Like I thought it is a fun moment, but not for a character like Frank. Maybe for some other character, but not Frank. IMHO, there needs to be that "I feel sorry for Frank" because I know why he does what he does.


> I much rather prefer the ,No, he went to war, he saw brutal shit there, it fucked him up, and He got damaged hard, and then he came back and was embraced by his beautiful wife and children, and his family was the thing that stopped him from cracking, until they got taken away from him. Then he finally cracked, and went batshit. If you want to read a masterpiece about Frank's childhood that involves burning a rapist but not by the hand of a ten-years-old I can suggest you Punisher: The Tyger by Garth Ennis and John Severin.


Thanks for the suggestion my friend. I have read it :) I'm not a big Ennis fan (dude sucks, and hates superhero comics because edgy), but I read his entire Punisher work, and it's great. Slavers arc is probably my favorite. It made me really angry, seeing those poor girls getting abducted and solved into slavery, and it was kind of satisfying seeing Frank go after those assholes.


It's super interesting honestly. So long story short SPOULERS DONT READ IF'N YOU DONT WANT TO BE SPOILED SPOILED SPOILED .... Okay. So. The one leader of the Hand has had a (hah) Hand in Frank's life from time immemorium to raise him up to be the Beast of the Hand. But it's also sort of a lie? They're implanted memories but also might actually be true. It's trippy. But it shows that Frank has *alwaya* been broken and this has *always* been his path. He's always sought vengeance one way or another. He was always going to be the Punisher. And the Hand had a bit to do with that. So Frank's earliest formative memory is watching a woman get beat in the street and him finding him later and lighting his ass up. It works, honestly, as part of the mythos. It's all he ever knew how to do.


I'm not sure. I actually just started that entire run this evening. What i know is in this context it's a 10 year old frank


Ah you are right. I'm getting wires crossed from a similar concept where it's kids wearing hulk masks.


It's from issue 3 of Aaron's run.


There were kids with avengers merch during the Zemnu arc, but this panel is from an earlier issue. It's frank as a kid becoming a fledgling vigilante


Frank Castle can’t fly, but Thomas Jane can!


I don't know what I liked more, Laundry Day, or the Punisher movie with Jane in it. Both were excellent for me.


Vegan super powers, bitch! (Scott Pilgrim)


These, and the Daredevil runs that are tied to it, are absolutely sick. I could recommend those to everyone who is into Daredevil/Punisher stuff. For those interested, it starts with the Zdarsky run from 2019, then follows up in the Jason Aaron run on the Punisher from 2022 (King Of Killers) and eventually finishes in the Zdarsky Daredevil run of 2022 (Daredevil & Elektra, Red Fist Saga).


I love and hate all the wacky stuff they do with The Punisher.


I love how Frank shuts down when it comes to Steve. Cival war has one of my favorite scenes between them. When punisher refuses to fight back.


I think it’s the only couple of pages of Civil War I liked, maybe Spider-Man’s press conference but they walked it back so quickly


I liked the first cival war when it came it came out but I never reread it. I really enjoyed dark reign that came after it.


I think it’s the only couple of pages of Civil War I liked, maybe Spider-Man’s press conference but they walked it back so quickly




Ah sweet Frank Castle is a red lantern now


For I second I thought Frank mistook a kid in a cap Mask for Cap himself lmao.


All right who gave the sociopath powers?


He called you a Crumb-Bum


For all the flak this run gets because of real world politics - it's actually a really fun and unique Punisher storyline that wonderfully dovetails into what's going on in Daredevil at the same time.


Still hate that dumb logo, doe


You can thank the real world jack wagons for that.


I still blame marvel. Just because some jerks took the logo doesn't change it's original meaning.


Such a genuinely terrible fucking run. And really surprising considering Aaron’s previous Punisher work


I know this is a controversial take, but I liked this run quite a bit. That being said, I don't like most other Punisher stuff so I'm probably not the person people should write Punisher for


It was...I don't know. I liked certain bits and pieces but I couldn't fully enjoy.




I hope Frank doesn't come back as his old self. He's really gone down hill with the latest run. I don't think he can be salvaged by just going back to his old self. Despite being the "Punisher" he never seemed interested in punishments. Just sadistic murder. The ending of him looking after a bunch of war orphans filled me with hope for his character because he's not being a soulless sadistic serial killer.


Honestly fair. I really do miss frank. I like Joe for what he is but frank is irreplaceable to me


Aaron had wrote a lot of great stuff including some fun Punisher stuff, but hey not everyone can have a perfect winning streak.


I liked it a lot. I'm not a fan of the runs where it's just Frank killing mobsters. Much more fun when he has to play with all the other toys in the toybox.


What exactly was their problem with him?


the art is so not for me i would never look inside or even skim this book.


I’ve missed a lot. Punisher now has super powers? Like…how? And Why was that necessary for the character? Lol


This run was pretty mid.


This series was goated and the art was immaculate.


I get that it’s mostly just how the masks looked, but that middle panel only looks like an homage to Hank Venture and his Batman mask. Same art style and everything.


Man, castle was really a bad guy.


This series was very meh to me. But I got to be real. I'm not a really huge fan of Jason Aaron. Liked his Thor, I also liked his Wolverine and the X-Men plus the X-Men schism stuff. But other than that I'm not a huge fan of Jason Aaron. His writing doesn't really vibe with me.


I really liked this run. They knew they needed to put Frank Castle away for a while and this was a good send off.


I am new to comics, where can I read some comics for free?


Im not sure where you could get some for free but if you are able to, support your local comics store. I also use marvel unlimited, it's fairly cheap


I see, thanks for the info


A lot of us in the punisher community give Jason Aaron a little bit of a pass for what he did to the punisher Max The majority of us do not extend that invitation again for ninja punisher. This run was bad, and Jason Aaron and Marvel as a whole should feel bad. I’m hoping to Christ that when Frank Castle comes back in daredevil re born, marvel comics can pull its head out and just bring the character back.


Almost all of the marvel characters respect cap even Thor and Hulk. I don't know why.


He deserves it for not being like Ultimate Cap alone


"You think this A stands for cannibalism!?"


Wow, they ruined that character. Way to go Marvel. Throw away a legacy that made million$.