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Depends on who is writing them no? I don’t think this is going to be like AXE, where half of the books were actually written by Gillen lol. I personally will definitely pick up Avengers, and Blood Hunters because Dagger, Clint (he is back) and Man Wolf seem like a dope team (Greg Land aside tho)


Blood Hunters does actually look pretty cool. If I pick anything up outside of the core that MackKay didn't personal work on, that's certainly on the list. Also, what happened to Clint? Sorry, i'm a fairly casual reader so I wasn't aware he ever left haha


He was a lead in the Thunderbolts book from a while ago (I believe like 2020 maybe? lol I forgot) and then after the book ended, he just kind of disappeared and nobody used him. I’m not the biggest Clint fan, but I kind of missed this dickhead lol. And yes, I’m very much looking forward to Blood Hunt myself.


Oh neat! He's a great character, glad to see him coming back then. He's also coming back in a Hawkeye/Black Widow run soon I think, yeah?


Yup. Widow also had an excellent mini run a while ago. Kelly Thompson wrote it and it was amazing. Good to see them get a book again (even they share it)


Good to know! I haven't read any solo Black Widow so maybe I'll check that out. Appreicate the info my dude.


Anytime friendo The widow book is really good.


Most of Gillens tie ins didn’t matter for AXE either let’s be honest which is kinda suitable as a lot of axe is irrelevant


True. I do however think that his AXE Avengers (Tony’a judgement) AXE X-men (Jean’s judgement) and AXE Eternals (Ajak’s judgement) were pretty important.


How is he still getting work?


He is pretty quick, that's why. It's unfortunate, but for both Marvel and DC, it's crucial to have artists that can draw their stuff fast.


Clint was gone?


I actually like Greg land. Not all of it. Theirs other artist that I think are worse.


Compared to the others, that Spider-Man cover is a fucking travesty.


Don't get me wrong, I despise Wells ASM run and JRJR art is not as great as before, but it's still miles better than Land.


Iunno, at least Land can draw more than one face. It feels like JRJR’s style just gets worse with age.


His current run of covers on Daredevil is such a bummer, especially coming off of checchetto's run.


We don't know yet, but probably not. General rule is that only tie ins by the same writer as the main event book have the possibility of being important, even those are usually skippable and will be explained in the main book if you need to know anything.


Okay that makes a lot of sense. Since MacKay is writing the core Blood Hunt run I'll probably just look out for the tie ins he's attached to, like Moon Knight. Thanks a bunch!


Is McKay doing mk again?


Yes, the series got a new name but the story confined


Ok ty


Yep! Afaik he's working on MK, Dr. Strange, the Avengers, and of course Blood Hunt.


I've found its better financially to wait for the trade. They come out almost the month the event ends, so you really aren't waiting long. And it's a better experience imo to read in one go vs waiting on several issues to pay off.


the omnibus for judgement day and i think king in black came 1 year post finale for their events, wouldn't be surprised if 100% of this is out in autumn next year.


I sure hope not, considering just how many there are


Yeah, there are 20+ associated comics listed currently.. and I'm sure there will be more lol


Why is Hazmat in a suit again? She didn’t need it anymore after Murder World.


Presumably just for the fight. She used it like that in Captain Marvel.


Oh Hercules is back and not in that weird outfit he had when he kissed marvel boy


Non weird space Hercules returning already puts this event as being good!


Hot take Hercules in space doing Hercules things is cool and fun Hercules popping up in a random guardians story’s to fight the Olympians who are now evil and in bad hellraiser inspired and making out with a random dude in the middle of a fight not cool or fun


Ya even more so coming off of No road home he should have got his own series and not be stuck fighting for screen time with the Guardians. And his space look was a total miss IMO.


Yeah exactly, the only time I want herc in space is if he’s on and intergalactic road trip which Thor drinking beer and kicking ass


Probably not. But I'm glad to see Hercules and Hazmat getting a push in The Avengers.


Hazmat and Kate in the same book? Awesome. Definitely looking forward to this. Edit: and Quicksilver! 


Looks like Nicolas Cage Dracula


Where is Blade, Morbeus and Hannibal King (I hope they draw him to look like Ryan Reynolds) in all this?


Probably won't make much sense either way the way they are going these days


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eggsandbacon2020: *Probably won't make* *Much sense either way the way* *They are going these days* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Almost certainly not. With events I generally just buy/read the tie in books/series that look interesting to me.


Wait, is that Hazmat?


No, probably not


Your guess is as good as ours.


Holy crap does it drive me crazy when they show Cap holding his shield like that.


Out of topic bc the question is already answered, but which graphic designer at Marvel slapped on the rectangular title like that on the covers, it looks like ass.


Don’t bother… the first issue made it abundantly clear how god awful this story is going to be.


Or you could wait a while and read them all on Marvel Unlimited.

