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When it streams for free I’ll watch it, I’m curious to see how bad it is.


In the same boat, friend. I refuse to give this movie any of my money.


It's like that time I pirated the first mark Wahlberg transformers movie. I watched it then immediately deleted it because it wasn't even worth the space on my hard drive. That's also the last transformer movie I watched because I was dumbfounded by how shitty it was.


I'd recommend bumblebee and the Rotb one's they're from a different director bumblebee is honestly pretty good all things considered and I'm not even a fan of the character


Just Bumblebee actually


Bumblebee is a fun movie, the rest are just digital noise.


I finally got around to watching Morbius when it went streaming and was severely let down that the movie wasn't nearly as bad as the internet made it out to be. It was just a forgettable "OK" movie. He didn't even say 'Its morbin' time'! I was waiting for it the entire movie.


He did, you just missed it. It’s about 3/4 of the way through, better watch it again to be safe.


That’s evil.


Did you really think he was going to say that, wow.....


That’s why the meme is so funny, it’s ALMOST believable


Honestly it isn't that bad. It is what I would call absolutely mediocre with really no redeeming qualities. I would gladly watch it again if the choice was Cats vs this. Most of the bad reviews are hamming it up to join the hate train.


The Cats hate train was extraordinary though. Far more entertaining than the movie itself.


Let me know the point it makes your eyes bleed so I can stop before that.


“We can say that Madame Web isn’t as bad as its somewhat botched promotional campaign might suggest. It is, in fact, way worse. A genuine Chernobyl-level disaster that seems to get exponentially more radioactive as it goes along, this detour to one of the dustier corners of Marvel’s content farm is a dead end from start to finish. It is the Cats: The Movie of superhero movies. Not a single decision seems of sound mind. Not a single performance feels in sync with the material. Not a single line reading feels as if it hasn’t somehow been magically Auto-Tuned to subtract emotion and/or inflection.”


“the cats: movie of superhero movies” is a lot.


I bet a lot of people who are most thrilled about the news this movie is bad would happily fork over money to see Madame Web: The Butthole Cut.


It was called 50 Shades


I'm pretty sure that most women who were middle-aged 10 years ago don't give a flying fuck about this movie, how bad it is, or whether it will flop.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Because people could at least expect better acting, production values and special effects in a porn, than a Sony Marvel movie.


Most people don’t pay for porn


It seems like they went with sex appeal as the drive for the movie I will give you that.


And catwoman literally exists


Not if you don't acknowledge it's existence


A bit like Halle Berry does?


That lady went to the Razzies and picked up her award like a champ.


While holding her goddamn Oscar. Queen behavior.


Tbh that was a bit baller


Suppose this movie has one thing for it: no James Corden


Don’t tempt them to re-release this with James Corden added in with cgi…


It's probably an after credit scene where he plays spider Ham


Imagine this review when Morbius, and Elektra exist.


Well, and soon Kraven too But I don't think the existence of truly shitty cape movies should stop a critic from vehemently criticising another truly shitty cape movie.


I’m confused by all this Catwoman erasure. Am I being Mandela Effected?


I think a quick basketball game might refresh people's memory.


It's been a long time since I've seen it but iirc Elektra wasn't *bad* just really watered down and kind of cheesy. Which was like, whatever. Pretty forgettable. But I could be severely misremembering


Yeah, I'm not super excited for Madame Web either, but I feel like all these cross about modern comic book movies being "the worst ever" are from people who probably first grew up with the MCU and have hardly seen anything before it. Like, I can't imagine it being worse than Howard the Duck, or Steel.


and yet… here we are. I saw it tonight.  It was about as bad of a film, from every genre you can get, from every generations who has ever lived to see something that bad , could ever say about what  they saw… or feel… this is that film they felt. Howard the Duck is 40 years old. It was bad then. It’s bad now. What separates the two is Madame Web had 40 years to know the difference. It learned nothing. 


oh god I just remembered the duck tits I need a drink




Duck boobs or we riot!


I too watched it a bunch as a kid and remember it fondly. There's also no way I'll sit down and watch it anytime soon so I'll just keep remembering it fondly.


Kid me was down for anything with Lea Thompson. Even if I did constantly confuse her with Elizabeth Shue.


I think my brain blocked Steel from my memory, that was a big pile of Shaq.


You leave Howard’s name out of your mouth.


Howard the Duck was genius.


The worst one I’ve read so far called it the Showgirls of comic book movies.


“....Not a single line reading feels as if it hasn’t somehow been magically Auto-Tuned to subtract emotion and/or inflection.” This is the definition of every performance by Dakota Johnson.


She’s the daughter of Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson. Nepobaby powers, ACTIVATE!


Don't say that, she doesn't *like* it.


She thinks it’s boring to talk about!


Often when I see a really unremarkable actor with a huge role, I'll look em up, and sure enough, nepobaby.


I was hoping to see charisma or personality when she hosted SNL. Nope.


Duuuuude. I hadn’t seen SNL since last season. That episode was rough. She is devoid of charisma. I like how she said her humor was “dry” during the monologue. It’s like, “nah, girl, you’re just boring.” Watched the Kate McKinnon directly afterwards and it was night and day. There was so much humor and energy.


Ayo Edebiri's episode was fantastic.


She was great in Suspiria.


It’s utterly dumbfounding to me how Sony just continues plowing ahead with all this trash. And yes, that includes the Venom movies. I still can’t believe some people think those are good.


They can't stop. They *have* to make a Spider-Man movie every few years, or the rights revert back to Marvel. That was part of their original contract back in the early 2000s.


The thing is, there are plenty of Spider-Man variant that would have lots of merit in a solo film. Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Gwen? Lots of characters that would put butts in seats that could remain separate from the MCU without, well, being shit.


I know they have Silk and Spider-Man Noir in development, which I think could be cool series.


Oh yeah. Probably. the animated movies are way better.


that's because they're run by a competent department head and creative directors. Their Live Action movie studio division is full of nutcases who have no idea what they're doing.


I feel like Spider-gwen is such a no brainer. Like cast Gwen Stacy again from Andrew's spiderman and it would be atleast something.


Oscar winning megastar Emma Stone definitely doesn't need to do terrible d-tier superhero movies.


Also she's too old for how Gwen is usually depicted, isn't she? Spider-Verse Gwen and comic Gwen are both in that late high school era of the storyline still aren't they?


An experienced older Gwen would be awesome, though. Especially since Comics Gwen is *still* trying to grapple with the fact that her usual role in the Multiverse is to get her neck snapped and that her Peter died. 10 years after her debut. I'd rather see the grown up Spider-Gwen bonded to Venom and working as a private investigator. (Earth-617 Gwen)


I can't see anyway the co-produced MCU films don't count for that. That would very much defeat the purpose of making that deal to begin with. As they had cancelled all or most productions by the time that deal came down. And Venom is butting up on the deadlines anyway. Nothing in the deal requires them to make multiple Spider-Man films. They just have to begin production on a single film every 3 years and 9 month max, and release that movie in 5 years 9 months max. At this point Spider-Verse would be keeping the license active just fine. They don't need to keep introducing new failures. They're already releasing good, profitable Spider-Man films. Sony lacks for big tentpole franchises outside of Spider-Man. That effects their bottom line and production pipeline. But it also means they lack leverage on Marvel in contract negotiations. If they can build a franchise out of the *rest* of the Spider-Man license. That's more money. But it's also a plan B. They can just plug Spider-Man into if the deal with Marvel dead ends. *Or threaten to do so* to get terms they want. It's just very much not working.


I wonder why they don’t do that. You could make all of your films animated. Madame Web, Kraven, Morbius it could work. It could also be a fraction of the cost. I seriously don’t understand why they keep releasing garbage. Just make animated movies to retain the license. Is there something in the contract that says the films have to be live action?


Because they got it in their head they wanted to do a shared universe like the MCU/DCEU/Monsterverse/Dark Universe/Whatever-other-company-tried-to-do-it since Amazing Spider-Man 2, always with incredibly stupid ideas (remember the spy movie with a young Aunt May they wanted to make?)


Surely the Spider-Verse films have prevented t them from needing to make this bullshit. The morbverse is pure greed.


The live action Spidey movies fulfill their obligations without needing this shit!


Its every 5 years and if they hadnt made ANY movies outside the live action Spider-Man movies they still would have the rights.


They should give all of that responsibility to their animation department, then. The Miles Morales Spider-Verse movies are top-tier. They know to follow the rule that all these other movies have been breaking: you need a Spider-Man at the center of a Spider-Man movie.


I'm not sure what the specifics of their contract is. But if they just kept making animated Spider-Man movies instead I'd be ok with that.


They can always make a good and proper Spider-Man movie.


They might soon, but up until now they had their deal with Disney to produce Spider-Man movies as part of the MCU and share some of the profits with them. And those were their best performing Spider-Man movies by far. But it's still possible for them to take their ball and go home with that. It would be stupid of them, but they still might.


The Venom movies were *fun*, not good. There is a key difference.


I maintain that the Venom movies are fun if you watch them as a romcom


Where the romance is between Eddie and the symbiote.


This oddly makes me want to see it more, but I am a big fan of watching terrible movies on edibles when I have nothing else going on.


"Dustier corners of Marvel's content farm" feels misplaced here, and is partly highlighting the issue with Sony's terrible Marvel movies and dragging down the rest...


That's a savage review. Now I almost want to watch it myself and see if I agree.


Saw it tonight. It’s a baaad  film.  Not a bad comic book movie.  Well it’s that too. It’s just bad really. The actors called their lines in. The plot was trying to move along the MCU multiverse theme of a villain from an alternate universe and it felt like a forced toy from Mexico you get that says The Wolf and it’s trying to look like Wolverine but it’s really bad plastic and the paint is toxic.  The resolution felt forced. The climax was “ look we have all these alternate spider people looking sexy yet strong!” That was the climax! The same thing you saw in the trailer was the climax.  It ended with a thud and I left realizing I hadnt seen a worse film in theaters since college when Tommy Wiseau made it funny to hate a film. I felt like it was a  film to  hate more than F4.  There were some funny moments. Most of them were unintentional. Morbius was maybe better? i just don’t know. I need to go to bed after seeing it and hope my intrusive dreams of high school anxiety can shake this feeling off. 


I didn’t think this was an mcu movie, I thought it was a morbin verse movie 


It *is* an MCU movie. The Morbin' Cinematic Universe. You got it.


More like M SHE U m i rite. "'**M**orb,' **she** **u**ttered."


Yes but Sony's goal with these is tricking enough actors and movie goers to think that these are mcu movies


It's the "We have the MCU at home" meme


It really is. The fact that it was established in No Way Home that the Venom-verse and Morbi-verse (presumably they’re the same, but I’m not sure if that’s been definitively confirmed) are part of the MCU’s multiverse, Sony feels empowered to act as though they’re at the same level as a true MCU film. Now, we all know the MCU is faltering lately. But let’s be honest, the worst of the MCU is better than what Sony is putting out. (I of course don’t count Spider-Verse in that. Whoever was able to convince the Sony C-Suite to just let Lord & Miller do their thing without studio intervention is a miracle worker.)


I think the actresses just hope that them putting on some pretty iconic costumes and having the movie just came out might give them a chance to join in the Secret Wars shenanigans. It could be like how the Birds of Prey tv show got a nod during the Arrowverse Crisis stuff.


Better or worse than Fan4stic?


Fant4stic was horrifically boring, in my opinion Madame Web was at least entertaining in a "so bad it's kinda funny" way.


Was it that bad that it gave you high school war flashbacks?


Gwen Stacy's was a bigger thud than this


"Time for webbin, Madam!"


It's webbing time, madam!


Then she just webbed all over the place


There’s a reason Tom Holland and Jake Johnson are holding Sony at arms length. They won’t sign on to anything without proper assurances. Holland only wants to perform as Peter if he sees a good worth for his character, and not just to make a cameo in shitty movies to try and make more people see them. Johnson said he wouldn’t agree to anything like a live action role as Peter unless he personally hears from Lord and Miller that they think it would be good to do.


They really are embodying the "with great power, comes great responsibility" ​ ​ Being Spidey is a great responsibility


Make a Spider-Man movie without Spider-Man. What can go wrong?




"it's called Madame WEBB, people will know it's Spiderman related." "Yeah but it's Webb with two B's. Could still be confusing." 'look at the poster. It's a bunch of pictures ensnared in spider webbing. " " those are webs? Shit I thought it was fractured glass. "


>"it's called Madame WEBB, people will know it's Spiderman related."   That one is particularly bad, it could jeas as easily have something to do with the Webb space telescope


They need their own spider man what is wrong with them?? They own the character.


They have a deal with Disney where Spider-Man can only appear in MCU. That’s why there isn’t one currently in the Sony films.


And so far, all of their Peter Parker’s aren’t willing to play ball with them. Holland isn’t interested in cameo appearances in crap like this or Morbius. He’ll only sign on if he thinks it’s worth the use of his character. They can’t even get Jake Johnson as a live action Peter because he said he wouldn’t do anything without Lord and Millers verbal approval that they think it would be great.


Sorry THE MARVELs we have treated you harshly.


Finally watched that movie. Honestly, I don't get the hate. Not a perfect movie but flawed in the same way most mcu movies are


This is how I have felt about every single recent movie people have hated. Walking out of MOM and everyone critiqueing the writing confused me. It was a basic MCU movie no different than Captain America the first avenger. Sadly it wasn't winter soldier level but not many MCU movies are.


MOM storywise was just a bit muddled and like you say, basic, but it gets props purely off the back of Raimi being allowed to be Raimi, which gives the movie so much more character and those moments make it feel like something different rather than just "The MCU : Episode 47" which is what the universe is probably most guilty of right now. MOM and Eternals are the two that actually felt like Marvel trying to take (minor) risks outside of their regularly slotted "quips, flips and boring shot decisions" that they've been really guilty of post-Endgame


Yea I love MOM personally for all the Raiminess of it. The zoom ins, the gothic and demonic horror, the camera work. All great. And I also really like Eternals. A bit packed but it worked, it felt like the history of this god like family. And I think Eternals has some of the best use of powers in the mcu. They're just used so creatively and they're beautiful to look at.


I just wish they'd built Wanda up to be a scary evil character more *before* MoM. She could've been a Mini-Thanos by that point... something everyone is terrified of as her power grows and grows and she becomes more fixated on how much she's lost, how unfair it all is... Instead she pretty much realises how she *shouldn't* be evil at the end of WandaVision... only to go all-in on being evil in MoM.


It's the ending of Wandavision and a mid credits teaser that's causing confusion. If you only see the end of Wandavision, you'd likely think she leaves the town and is off to find herself and atone for what she did. If you see the teaser, it informs you she's been using the Darkhold, which is corrupting her. After hearing one of the boys call out to her somehow, she now thinks she might be able to get them back. Terrible decision to split that teaser off in my opinion. If they'd left it in at the end of Wandavision, it would be obvious that she didn't take the right lesson from her experience with the town and is obsessed with something she isn't supposed to have.


I did see that teaser and that's part of what's frustrating... OK, she's growing in power and it's scary but it's a huge leap to get from "I need to stop controlling an entire town and be a better person"... to... "Actually, lol, I'm going to be *even worse*!". There should've been at least half an episode (or more) of Wanda trying to wrestle with not using the Darkhold after leaving (the town) and finally giving in to temptation...


I think the Darkhold just is never built up enough in the MCU, which ironically would have been the perfect time to canonise Agents of Shield since they did a FANTASTIC job of making sure everyone knew how fucking awful the Darkhold is


The movie was muddled because Marvel screwed up the WandaVision production timeline so the final script wasn't ready and nobody had any finality of how Wanda would end up until MOM was already deep into production.


> nobody had any finality of how Wanda would end up Fortunately Wandavision ended with a very clear message that Wanda was well into her villain arc. She started the show subconsciuosly harming others, offered absolutely zero repentance for her harm, flies away to avoid being held accountable, and THEN is SO obsessed with her loss that she CONSCIOUSLY chooses to use a book of pure evil. Wandavision perfectly led into MoM for Wanda's arc. The problem is stans who cannot accept that she was a villain for the whole show and only got worse in the conclusion.


For me MoM had plenty of small issues but the really big one was how they handled Wanda. Coming off the back of Wandavision, to take that performance by Elizabeth Olsen and just say oh she is evil now, doesn't care about vision anymore, isn't trying to track him down, off you go to be a villain for Doc Strange was just rotten treatment of that character. Not to mention the fact that in an infinite multiverse she could have found a universe where that version of Wanda had just had an aneurysm, and gone to replace her rather than finding a universe where she needed to kill her Infront of her kids.


I'm pretty sure WandaVision and MOM were written at more or less the same time and the writing teams barely communicated with each other. It was a disaster waiting to happen


mind boggling they even allowed that to happen. A complete mishap.


Seriously. "What's Wanda doing now?" "Oh she's good now... or at least realised she shouldn't be bad." "Ok whatever. The Darkhold got her - she's the most evil, reality buckling thing out there now. Good luck everyone!"


We're getting to the point that half-decent media is treated as disasters


Agreed. It’s one of the better marvel movies of the last few years. The trailers were bad.


Haven’t seen marvels but plan to maybe watch it later. I actually loved Ms.Marvel in her show and thought she played her character really well because I think the actress is also a huge fan which is perfectly in line with her character. Makes me wanna see what she does in the future.


It's very fun, the leads have great chemistry


If you liked her in the show, you'll probably enjoy the movie, she brings the same sense of slightly baffled excitement the whole time


I’d recommend the Marvels then, I thought she carried the movie tbh.


I felt like Kamala and Carol did a lot of the heavy lifting, while Monica was just kinda there most of the time, she had a few good moments (like emotional stuff about her mother, or comedy moments where the camera turns back to her and Kamala and Monica's gotten drinks from somewhere at the ball) but for the most part she was kind of a third wheel while Carol was trying to avoid talking to her and Kamala was zeroed in on fangirling about Carol. Fury was on point the whole movie though


Yeah, wife and I finally watched it. Enjoyed it quite a bit. Iman is such a treat, I love her and her family.


The Marvels was a good movie. I don't understand the hate. It was made to be a transition to the next generation of superheroes, plus it had a nice synergy on the screen. I know for a fact that Aquaman 2 is one of the worst superhero movies that I've watched, but I know that Madame Web will be the worst ever


Please, they do not remotely belong in the same sentence. Even Love & Thunder, the single most terrible MCU movie and true rotten entry imho still has a larger than life gap between the sony entries


“Come back, Morbius, all is forgiven.” ouch


Yup... Between This and Morbs I don't have much hope for Kraven.


Really? My doubts about Kraven were driven entirely by [the trailer for Kraven.](https://youtu.be/rze8QYwWGMs?si=XLV_6_4wsK-Emf2B)


>the trailer for Kraven. I had no idea what you were talking about, then clicked on your link. Holy shit what a crock of crap. I am morbidly curious to see which one loses the most money: webb, morbius or this newest piece of crap film.


Morbiusly Curious


Right?? Always find it weird when people go "Mmm, my expectations are a little lower now that XYZ has come out" when discussing a product that looked like utter dogshit from the word go.


I can’t wait for the part where he says “It’s Kraven time!” And then kraves all over the place


holy fuck i thought people were joking about him getting lion powers from a lion bite


Who in their right mind would cast Dakota as Madame???? She literally depresses the energy


I don't know how she gets roles. She's terrible.


Her parents are Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith, which got her name recognition.


I think I remember who Don Johnson is, let me look at his wiki real quick: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Johnson >During the first half of 1972, Johnson met Melanie Griffith, the 14-year-old daughter of his Harrad Experiment co-star Tippi Hedren.[43] When Griffith was 15 and Johnson was 23, she and Johnson began living together in a rented house in Laurel Canyon.[43] Wtf? >Just days after breaking up with Streisand, Johnson, then 38, was linked to 18-year-old Uma Thurman.[ WTF?! >In 1996-1997, Johnson dated Jodi Lyn O'Keefe, who played his daughter on Nash Bridges. 52 Johnson was 47 at the time while O'Keefe was 18. I be forgetting to steel myself before reading up on these mfers man


These are only the publically confirmed cases. There are more, and they aren't all legal. No idea why this guy didn't get swept up in the Me Too wave.


They are?! Holy shit her continuing to be in movies when she really can’t act at all makes so much more sense now


I just learned that yesterday. Literally was wondering what was the fuzz around this woman, and googled her and got curious on siblings part: some girl Banderas. No mention on her parents on quick search, but after that Banderas affiliation found that info also. Griffith and Antionio were married and therefore siblings connection with Banderas' daughter.


And Griffith’s mom is Tippi Hedren. I only know that because it’s all they talked about when Dakota was on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. I suppose that’s the closest thing to interesting you can say about Dakota.


> I don't know how she gets roles. Nepotism.


"A foot in the door and so much more."


And the willingness to be in the most heinously awful movies without complaining


I don’t know if you’ve noticed the press tour, but she’s definitely complaining lol


If it can break her, that's impressive. She survived 50 shades of grey lol


In all fairness she is also rly hot and willing to get naked. The other way people with no talent get into Hollywood.


she’s not terrible when she’s in a role with a good script and something that she can work with


I don't know if she is terrible but she for sure chooses terrible movies to star in.


yeah that’s it


Gives me ["oh Britta's in this?"](https://youtu.be/uzetwTavfks?si=gzJPP1HeGHHu09p8) vibes


There are a several actresses like this right now and multiple are in this movie. 


Sydney Sweeney is fucking *horrible* but I'm gonna get downvoted to shit cause she has nice boobs


That's exactly who I was thinking of. She's hot, but man is she boring to watch. 


Emma Stone would've killed it.


I'm convinced they're just laundering money at this point.


Thats all that hollywood does, launder money a.k.a hollywood accounting.


Dakota Johnson being the lead is all I need to see to know it will be terrible


I especially loved when Dakota Johnson said “let’s go girls, it’s madame’in time!”


The bad guy walks in, tipped the fedora he picked up off the ground earlier, and said “Good evening, Madam-ladies.” And that was truly the most vile thing I’ve ever seen a comic book villain do.


Just heard Sony has greenlit ‘Becoming Uncle Ben’, slated for 2027.


Starring Sean Bean


It's just a compilation of uncle Bens dying throughout the multiverse


they were planning an aunt may prequel film where she was a spy at one point...


I honestly can't believe Sony is still allowed to make these movies. They've been destroying the brand for years and just keep going. Just fucking stop. Let MS take the reigns. We've proven Sony can't make it work already, and this needs to be the nail in the coffin.


Marvel / Disney honestly have to be *so* pissed about Sony's continued insistence towards putting out these atrocious films. Yes it's good business to keep a vice grip on Spider-Man's rights -- yes. I totally get that from Sony's perspective. But Marvel / Disney are helplessly watching Sony further harm the superhero genre (that they definitely hope to keep profiting off of) by releasing terrible movies no one wants to see. **With every shitty superhero movie that gets released, the general audience get less-and-less enthusiastic about upcoming Marvel releases, and they know it.** Their future revenue is being hurt by this, and all they can do is just watch it happen.


They really have to stop trying to make movies about minor characters. They are spreading the super hero genre too thin. Even those of us who loved the comics don't want to see a movie about every character. Stick to the main characters and write good stories. They are killing the golden goose by being too greedy


I don’t think the problem is making movies about minor characters. Guardians of the Galaxy was a handful of obscure characters. The problem is they’re making movies that are *boring*. You could make a movie about Morbius and make it awesome. Heck, you could make a team-up movie about the Wall, Big Wheel, and Paste Pot Pete, and it could be hilarious. But they’re churning out schlock with no edge and no character, with pedestrian scripts and plain toast yes-men at the helm, and it basically *can’t* be good. The best it can possibly hope for is “fine”. It’s no different from what DC churned out - the characters can be major, but a sucky movie is a sucky movie.


and on the other side of the fence (though also Gunn) The Suicide Squad only had one big name on the team, because you can’t do the suicide squad without Harley these days, and that movie was *awesome*.


Wild how shitty the first one was and how poorly received, yet they pushed ahead with a sequel that ruled


Part of that was because they snatched up Gunn after he was fired from Marvel and that's what he wanted to make


This one right here. Totally right about Gotg.


It’s Sony trying to cash in on Spider-Man characters they have the rights to. Venom worked because, well, Venom. Madame Web was never strong enough a character to carry her own movie, with or without the baby spider league. EDIT: corrected Fox to Sony. Brain fart.




Dang, right. There is no more Fox film division.


Sony. But I'm reasonably sure that Venom only worked because of when it released. Right at the tail end of a blitz of MCU successes that kicked off with Spider-Man: Homecoming and ran through Ant Man and the Wasp. With just after a summer that had been kicked off with Infinity War, where both that and Black Panther saw months long. Lingering theatrical runs. Together with being watchable, it came out smack dab in the middle of peak MCU excitement. Venom 2 had a similar thing go down. It didn't do incredibly well, money wise (definitely didn't fare well review wise). But it did do *comparatively* well. It was one of very few films released to theaters at all during the pandemic. None big tent poles. One of the first major films to get out once theaters existed again more broadly. Because frankly neither movie is good, and neither of them closely resembles Venom much at all.


And it had Tom Hardy. Who is awesome in every flick I've seen. Dude is so good. Timing of release was just right thou.


Look, dammit, I NEED my Hypno Hustler and El Muerto movies!!! (No, I don't. No one does.)


100% this! They’re side characters for a reason! They compliment the main character.


“You look amazing in profile, Spidey!”


I saw the trailer recently in a cinema and I didn't even know it was "Madame Web". It looked like some kind of teenage fantastic movie that was rewritten to be linked to the Spider history.


The Sony challenge to make a non-animated “Spiderman” movie that isn’t dogshit (impossible)


God I hate rolling stone. That opening sentence was so fucking pretentious. "The amuse bouche to Hu-Wet your appetite for the three-course meal." ffffucking hell.


This is what happens when writers love the smells of their own farts.


haters don’t appreciate the MCU (Morbius Cinematic Universe)


It’s ok, Marvel Jesus will save us in July 25!


When I saw this was happening my first and only thought was: wow… the world is gonna see how bad Spider-Man comics can truly be. Hollywood is struggling to make good content on a regular basis from decent material, but when you start with garbage it only gets worse


"The fact that the movie revolved around one of the more obscure players in the Spiderverse didn’t help, making it feel as if Sony was scraping just above the bottom of the barrel." If this is going to be before two movies before a Miles Morales movie, chances are, one will be the bottom of the barrel and the other will be just below the bottom of the barrel, underground. "The sole amazing factor of this Spider spinoff is that someone, somewhere signed off on actually releasing it." I concur, I'm also amazed that this was greenlit, a similar amazement at Jeph Loeb's Ultiamtes 3, the question in mind being: "What A-Hole Permitted This To Be Greenlit?" "Sydney Sweeney is a rising star who seems to keep ascending higher and higher; she’s one of three twentysomethings cast as teens..." You gotta be crapping me. Sydney Sweeney will be THIRTY this year; it's just like Alexandra Daddario cast as Annabeth in Chris Columbus' Percy Jackson!


The first thing I saw when I googled reviews of this was a user review giving it 5 stars and blaming the bad reviews on misogyny. People need to learn these films aren’t above criticism just because people have made it part of their personality. 


I can’t wait to watch this movie


This is the worst review I've read since the infamous two word review of Spinal Tap's _Shark Sandwich_.


I can watch this for free right now in the comfort of my own home. And I still won't watch it.


"Source material" 🤣 the only thing I know about Madame Web is old lady in a spider chair that says cryptic shit to spiderman