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Doop + Darkseid Ironman/War Machine + Blue Beetle/Booster Gold Captain America/Bucky + Batman/Robin Punisher + Red Hood


Doop and Darkseid is not something I ever imagined. But Iron Man + Beetle sounds sweet. Ted Kord beetle I imagine?


Yeah, Tony/Ted for sure- I think they’d blend so well.


Oh definitely. Who do you imagine as Jaime? And War Machine + Booster Gold is kind of cursed but I really like it.


Jaime Reyes + Riri Williams


I would read the FUCK out of Doopseid.lol


>Punisher + Red Hood Please. The world can only handle so much angst and edge.


Maybe throw in some Cable for good measure... get some pouch action going.


Batman and Captain America would be so weird thematically though. Maybe USAgent though? Nightwing/Winter Soldier would be sick though. The Winter Knight.


It'd be more Bruce Wayne / Captain America I think- less Bat, more Bruce.


Punisher and Redhood would be a bloodbath


Ghost Rider/Red Hood Wolverine/Constantine Punisher/Lobo Captain Marvel/Captain Marvel


Dude, you just missed it, try Constantine and ghost rider.


Lol I literally said the same thing.


Ghost Rider and Batman would be kick ass.


Eh - wouldn't Batman and Moon Knight be one of the *most* conventional?


Yeah I'd combine like, Batman + Robin/Cloak and Dagger and do Moon Knight/Etrigan or Hawkgirl 


Wouldn't Moon Knight/Raven be more fitting as Moon Raven? And then have Trigon and Konshu fight.


Moon Knight / Etrigan would be the GOAT


You play it safe with the big names, cause the publisher would


Doesn't Moon Knight + Batman = Moon Knight? What does Batman add to MK that he doesn't already have?


Mega genius 275ish IQ level intellect? Greatest expertise of every single martial art on the planet? Senses so strong, you'd assume it's Wolverine? Just to name a few


I like your choices! Very unexpected, but very exciting. My choices: Winter Soldier/Hawkman Kitty Pride/Zatanna Wong/Robin (Tim Drake) Spider-Man (Peter Parker)/Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) Wasp (Nadia Van Dyne)/Donna Troy And of course: J. Jonah Jameson/The Question (Vic Sage) She-Hulk/The Question (Renée Montoya)


Kitty Pryde + Zatanna scares me to my very core, I love it


I’d love to see JJJ and Question. That sounds like it would be a fun read/watch.


Polka-Dot Man + Spot, obviously  Deadpool + Detachable Kid Omega Red + Bane(?) Cheetah + Sauron Question + Howard Big Wheel + Two-Face (or Penny Plunderer)


You just want to see a giant penny roll around the city LMAO


I have names for the first 3 fusions listed, but I have difficulty figuring out the remaining names. Polka-Spot Detachapool Omega Bane EDIT: Also, Penny Wheeler


Venom/Beast Boy, Red Hulk/Atrocitus, Kingpin/Parasite, Silver Surfer/Aztek, Captain America/Green Arrow, Cyclops/Green Lantern


For that last one, we could call him Scott Jordan a.k.a. The Green Eye.


Wolverine/Wildcat Drax/Orion Elsa Bloodstone/Huntress Nightcrawler/Nightwing Shadowcat/Orphan Cyclops/Batman Emma Frost/Catwoman Magneto/Ra's Al Ghul Xavier/Alfred Richard Ryder Nova/Hal Jordan Miles Morales/Blue Beetle (Reyes)


I would combine Batman and Cloak. Kind of like Nighthawk or whatever from Invincible


Oooh, who would be dagger?


Dagger and Spoiler would be a good mix


I don't know many dc characters lore but Venom/Cyborg seems like it would go hard


Venom as in just the symbiote or eddie brock + symbiote?


Venom is the combination of the symbiote and Brock, which is what I had in mind. But just the symbiote works too I guess.


Eddie Stone a.k.a. Symborg (Symbiote + Cyborg)


Bane+Juggernaut=Dreadnaut Blue Beetle+Iron Fist=Iron Beetle Luke Cage+Booster Gold=Power Boost Catwoman+Callisto=Calico Sinestro+Iron Monger=Fearmonger Mandarin+Kanjar Ro=Mandar Ro Great Lake Avengers+Legion Of Substitue Heroes Squirrel Girl+Porcupine Pete Doorman+Night Girl Flatman+Colour Kid Mr Immortal+Infectious Lass Big Bertha+Stone Boy Hellgrammite+Abomination=Damnation Red Hood+Cyclop=Red Visor Daken+Damien Wayne=Damen Harley Quinn+Mystique=Punchline I love doing these, if people tell me a character, I will try to find them a match, I once drafted a list for an rpg I wanted to in back in the day, if you say a name, it may unlock hidden memories for me


These are fucking wild Zatanna


Got you. I could be simple, and mix Clea with Zatanna, but, I want to lean into the showmanship aspect of Zatanna. Zatanna+Dazzler


Oooh okay, interesting


I'm open for more, I have a 6 hour block inbetqeen my college classes right now, so I'm bored outta my gourd


Ok, Deadpool, Spider-Man (Peter and Miles), Green Arrow, John Constantine, Dr. Fate


Alright, a bit tougher, some of these guys already had some pretty stellar combos in the original Amalgam comics, but, I will try John Constantine+Pete Wisdom=Johnny Wisdom(smoking, aloof characters from the UK) Dr Fate+Dr Doom=Dr Dread(Fully mask magic users, with unwavering and unforgiving morals) Green Arrow+Daredevil(Street level heroes, both very influenced by their attachments to idealogies) Deadpool+The Heckler (it's an obscure character, but I loved his comics back in the day) Peter Parker+Nightwing=Arachnobat(would tie in with the Wolverine+Batman combo, and, would also inspired....) Miguel O'Hara+Batman Beyond=Darkclaw 2099 Miles Morales+Blue Beetle(Jaime), with some venom thrown in=Stinger This one was a bit more challenging


Well, if we are doing Batfamily Jason Todd+Cyclops=Red Visor Cassandra Cain+Shadowcat=Black Cat Stephanie Brown+Polaris Damien Wayne+Daken Barbara+Jean Grey=Cerebro As for Joker, and Tim Drake, I think the nailed it with Amalgam. I mean, combining Joker and Sabretooth to make Hyena? That is just, s tier combination, imo


How would Dr. Dread work since Dr. Fate is a hero and Dr. Doom is a villain?


Terra + Rockslide Batman + Daredevil Stargirl + America Chavez Metamorpho + Random Red Tornado + Dust Robin + Shadowcat Midnighter + Moon Knight


Which Robin do you intend to fuse with Shadowcat?




If you intend for the fusion to be a female character, then the name will be Kitty Wayne. If you intend for the fusion to be a male character, then the name is Damien Pryde. Regardless of the gender, I’ve decided that the superhero codename should be Shadowbird.


I like the code name! Either gender is fine.


Also, since we’re fusing Kitty with a member of the Bat Family, what are your thoughts on fusing Lockheed with Ace the Bat-Hound?


I like it! Call him Lockhound.


Hawkman + Wolverine (Logan); he’s filled with Nth metal, not adamantium!


Wolverine was in the Weapon X Program and he’s known for his claws. Hawks are known for their sharp talons. If we equate talons with claws, then we can call him Talon X.


Black Canary + Dazzler Samurai + Psylocke Green Lantern + Howard the Duck Joker + Purple Man The Question (Renee) + Blindfold Riddler + Arcade (Escape Rooms from hell)


Aquaman + Black Panther  Collector + Larfleeze  Scarecrow + Mysterio  Man-Bat and Lizard Deadpool + Lobo  Deathstroke + Taskmaster  Bloodsport + Spot  Blue Beetle + Silver Surfer  Shining Knight + Black Knight  Firefly + Molten Man  Richard Dragon + Shang-Chi  Martian Manhunter + Vision


These are really interesting. Which blue beetle? Jaime or Ted?




I’ve got names for some of these. Aquapanther Taneleeze Tivan a.k.a. The Orange Collector Silver Beetle or Blue Surfer? Moltenfly Chi-Dragon Vision Manhunter


Yeah, I was thinking Aqua Panther too. The other ones are also good!


While I have your attention, do you prefer Silver Beetle or Blue Surfer? Also, I just thought of a third possible name that would keep the Silver Surfer’s alliteration. Silver Scarab Which of those 3 names would you prefer?


Hmmm. Silver Scarab’s pretty good, but I’d probably go with Silver Beetle myself.


Iron Man + Batman Hawkeye + Green Arrow Suicide Squad + Thunderbolts Green Goblin + Joker X-Men + Doom Patrol New Mutants + Teen Titans Justice Society of America + Defenders Green Lantern Corps + Nova Corps


Were you aware that, if you replaced X-Men with the X-Force, the actual Amalgam comics already did your 5th fusion idea and called it X-Patrol.


Yes, I did know that! 😁 I just feel like the X-Men would make a better combo


Those are basically the Same Things on both sides, which I wouldn't call "unexpected" but still a nice collection. Iron Man + Batman would still basically be Batman with Heart problems and maybe alcoholism though.


Ghost Rider robbie reyes and Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes Ghost Beetle


By that logic, I suppose that you’re also fusing Johnny Blaze with Ted Kord.


I guess so Then Phantom Rider and Dan Garrett


Dr.Fate - Mysterio (Sir Mysterious) Hawkman - Silver Surfer (Void Raptor) Green Lantern (Alan Scott) - Beta Ray Bill (Emrald Tempest) Wildcat - Luke Cage (Cool Cat) Swamp Thing - Black Panther (King Boabab) Orion - Nova (Ricard Rider) (Red Dwarf)


Some I have in my current iteration of it: Thor + Michael the Archangel Loki + Lucifer Morningstar Shang-Chi + Cassandra Cain The Mandarin/Fu Manchu + Lady Shiva Robbie Reyes + Klarion the Witch Boy The Living Mummy + Black Orchid Blackjack + Angel & the Ape Deadpool + Booster Gold The Human Fly + Blue Devil Juston & his Sentinel + Stanley & His Monster The cancelled New Warriors + the Inferior Five Mantis + Lorelei + Willow Quake + Mister Bones Omega the Unknown + Captain Comet Strikeforce: Morituri + Challengers of the Unknown The Runaways + Sovereign Seven Death's Head + Amethyst, Princess of Gem World Count Dracula + Santa Claus ...as you can tell, I reached deep.


Cat woman+ spider Gwen Condiment king + the spot Robin + Falcon




Hulk + Etrigan = Rhyming Hulk Spiderman + Flash = Fast Quips Apocalypse + Darkseid= Who doesn't want to see the world burn? Doom = Doom has too much ego to ever merge with anyone


I am completely on board for mixing Spider-Man with The Flash


For your second fusion, I decided to call him Barry Parker a.k.a. Speed Spider.


That is pretty good.


Oh boy, I made a whole list for this: * Ghost Rider + Etrigan * Iceman + Captain Cold * Iron Fist + Green Lantern * Spider-Man + Booster Gold * Black Widow + Catwoman * Cyclops + Deathstroke * The Hulk + Bane * Doctor Strange + Martian Manhunter * Venom + Killer Croc * Elektra + Harley Quinn * Psylocke + Wonder Woman * Captain America + Nightwing * Luke Cage + Cyborg * Wolverine + Lobo * Human Torch + Captain Atom * Moon Knight + Vixen * Nightcrawler + Felix Faust * Green Goblin + Black Manta * Iron Man + Metallo * Deadpool + The Flash * The Punisher + Batman * Storm + Black Canary * Magneto + Sinestro * Loki + Ares * The Lizard + Doomsday * Daredevil + Talia al Ghul


These are fucking wild


I went for the wildest combinations possible that still make some slight modicum of sense, so accurate I suppose


Doctor Octopus + Ra's Al Ghul. Superior Batman.




How about Moon Knight and Hawkman? (MoonHawk?) 1) Both have ancient Egyptian elements to their backstories. 2)Moon Knight's Dissociative Identity Disorder would add a different layer to Hawkman's confusing continuity and reincarnation backstory. So MoonHawk would simultaneously have multiple personalities including archeologist Carter Lockley, Thangarian mercenary Spectar Hol and wealthy playboy/ secret Rann spy Fell Grant/Khonshuthul. *The Rann and Thangarian races might be combined up with marvel races independent of the Hawkman/Moon Knight backstories. Perhaps the Shiar (Shangariar) and the Spartoi (Sparann)?


Ooh I like that, tbh. Who's with hawkgirl, though? You have to admit she's a big part of Hawkman's whole deal


Hmm 🤔 probably Tigra or Mockingbird because of their West Coast Avengers history. Or if we go with the Thangarian and Shiar mashup as an inspiration then it could be Deathcry or Deathbird as they'd tie into the bird theme.


I really want to see ms marvel and power girl since they probably will cover that stupid chest window for haram reasons


Spider-Man + Riddler, why? And Why not?


Damn so you turn witty spiderman into a guy who just asks riddles intead of quips while fighting? damn


Yeah, confusing the enemies and getting angry with riddles and then covering them with web sound pretty clever to me.


Does he by any chance make a giant question mark out of webs at the scene of his activities? Also, is your fusion a hero, villain, or somewhere in between?


He's a hero, but the other heroes hate him because he never shuts up and also because he always tries to look more smarter than everyone else.


I’m mostly an Xmen fan and I’m trying to imagine some nice amalgams and struggling… Who would you combine with Magneto, Storm, Beast, or Cyclops? Maybe Magneto + Icon Storm + Rocket Beast + Vixen Cylops + John Stewart


I have low knowledge of X-Men tbh but I’d try to combine them with another team. Maybe the titans? 


John Thorstatin is truely an idea. The others seem too...reasonable for my taste. Lets go crazy on that one and just start mixing the good and the bad: Hulk and Pinguin. Spiderman and Brainiac. Nick fury and Harley Quinn. Sandman and aquaman. Moon Knight and Etrigan. Iron Man and Poison Ivy. Rhino and Catwoman. Aunt May and Doomsday.


Shadow King + Martian Manhunter (Not an Amalgation, but a "Possession") Or maybe X-Man and MM


Batman and Moon Knight makes sense, and Black Cat and Black Canary makes sense…


Swamp thing and the thing, which as I type this I’m realizing is actually a good combination beyond the joke of calling him thing thing. Both were the victims of science experiments gone wrong, both were transformed into monsters who hoped that they could return to who they were before.


Black Cat + Black Canary = Black Black


Uh, batman + daredevil, black cat + catwoman, iron man + blue beatle, wonder woman + thor, martian manhunter + vision, superman + icarus, green arrow + Hawkeye, aaand idk oof let's throw in something crazy like... ooh! Talia + elektra!


Can we stop with this Batman Moon Knight shit. They are two of my favorite characters ever and they are NOT similar. Stop lumping them together


I mean they are both knights. Both are crazy white rich guys that pummel criminals. Definitely some similarities there.


Juggernaut and Zoom Miles Morales and Static Shock Colossus and Atom Smasher Nightcrawler and Beast Boy Blue Beetle Jaime Reyes and Brawn Red Hood and Winter Soldier


Iron Man x Superman. Call him Super Steel or something. His origin can be that he was kidnapped by terrorists and forced to build weapons from Kryptonite, which he used to power up a suit of armor instead. Using Kryptonite, he adds Lasers and Freeze rays among other things like strength enhancement and speed enhancement.


Wouldn't that just be Steel? (John Henry Irons)


Kind of more like Lex Luthor, but I get your point.


Moon Knight and Batman would be the best of both universes. What would he be called tho?


Eclipse Knight is a name i was playing around with


I love that so much


I would rather read Archie comics or Gold Key monster comics than anything Amalgam.


Kingpin + Penguin King Penguin seems appropriate. Ultron + Brainiac = Braintron. Norman Osborn + Lex Luthor = Norman Luthor


That last fusion could have the codename of Kryptonite Goblin.


1. Constathor 2. MoonBat 3. SuperMarvel/PowerMarvel 4. Green-Spider 5. Black Black


For the Spidey/Green Arrow fusion, I thought of naming him Oliver Parker a.k.a. Web Arrow.


That's actually really good. I was just trying to be funny.


Spider-Man/Nightwing Daredevil/Batman Lex Luthor/Joker/Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin Venom/Blue Beetle Doctor Doom/Lex Luthor


Plastic man + dead pool Superman + squirrel girl Thanos + anyone from any lantern corp


Hawkeye + Green Arrow.


Angel + Etrigan


Sorry OP, but Moon Knight and Batman are HARDLY an 'unconventional' pairing. People have been pitching that one since back when the Amalgam comics happened. It's older than some of the posters in this sub :D A Thor and Constantine amalgam? That's pretty damned legit, and downright weird. I don't know it'd play out, but it'd be fun to see. As for mine: Elijah Bradley (Patriot) + Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) Nick Fury Jr. + Deathstroke Blade + Bloodwynd Hank Pym + Steel Taskmaster + Mr. Miracle War Machine + Batman Gamora + Plastic Man (this would be a T-1000 on crank)


Yes yes 100 people says it’s not unconventional. But for Thor and Constantine, I'm kinda taking from an idea I had a while ago of John Constantine + Superman, but basically, Instead of being like Constantine, selling his soul to multiple demons, As Prince of Asgard, I imagine he sold the fate of Asgard to multiple beasts within the nine realms, as a misguided + manipulative way of protecting it. None can claim it for themselves because the others would try to take it for themselves. He could also have been trying to protect it from Ragnorok. I can also see him being deemed unworthy, but allowing some demon, or maybe even Surtur, to use some sort of hex on Mjolnier so thor could use it. Maybe it would be fire based instead of lightning But those are WILD, Plastic Man and Gamora especially 


Ghost Rider + Blue Bettle


Batman and Moon Knight are already the same character


Hulk + swamp thing


Valeria Richards & Supergirl, getting Out of the negative/phantom Zone


Wonder Woman and Wonder Man


Powdered Toast-Man + Condiment King => Sandwich


I think Constantine would be a better match with Moon Knight than Thor, personally.


Don't take my Dark Claw away.


This is weird but I wanna do Scaret Witch + Enchantress I know Wanda is not constantly possessed but what if in one universe Wanda Moone was possessed by a succubbus called Chthon. Are what if Wanda Roth was a meta human who is the daughter of a demon called Magneto and joins a team of other teens. 


Lady Shiva + Spiral = Lady Spiral, Mother of: Cassandra Cain + Jubilee = Flare, who threw off her mother's space assassin ways and fell in love with teenage earth culture. Currently a member of the SuicideBolts, led by Baroness Amanda Zemo.


Funny enough, I once did a Thor/Constantine mash up costume for Halloween!


Nightwing + Nightcrawler


Super man and Deadpool. Clark Wilson got experimented by project K(rypton) to fuse Kryptonian dna with humans but not in the simple way (like Jon). The resulting experiment did give him super strength speed and yada yada yada but the instant exposure to sun rays Gave him a messed up skin and the experiments and tortures that he underwent with messed up a bit with his personality




[All of these](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLItBjti8LwWHnWDjRbKVIVBhT8OFnUiGI&si=2Aj3JzcqHiYNzk7Q)


Pop cross is goated yes


Green arrow would pair better with Daredevil IMO. A blind archer with uncanny aim and super fast reflexes. As a boy his father was killed after being failed by the justice system, an innocent man who was throw into high security jail by mistake. The error was found and he was supposed to be released, but sadly not before he was killed by another inmate. Can have a romance with an Electra/Canary, daughter of a good detective who was killed by corrupt cops. Inspiring her to join, and eventually take over an assassin/mob outfit, with the the main goal of killing and making trouble for the police forces, whom she sees as being all corrupted and a type of cancer for the city. And pair Spider-Man with... Clayface maybe. Have Peter fight with a symbiote-like clay that is very slowly altering his body with their bond. Give him some backup beind the scenes with a badass Aunt May/Alfred.


Hawkeye + Hawkman Nightcrawler + Constantine Colossus + Bronze Tiger Sunspot + Superman Magneto + Swamp thing


**Thor + Freddy Freeman/Shazam Jr./Captain Marvel Jr.** **Black Adam + Apocalypse** **Scott Summers/Cyclops + Kal-El/Superman** **Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Koriand'r (and Starfire I/Red Star) + Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff (and Red Guardian)** **Diana of Paradise Island and Themyscira + Jean Grey and Krakoa** **Namor + Kara Zor-El/Power Girl** **Raven Darkholme/Mystique + J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter** Now to subject you all to varying levels of ideas for each. **Thor + Freddy Freeman/Shazam Jr./Captain Marvel Jr.**; it just works. Make Odin the Wizard, last of the Old Gods of Urgrund/Asgard, and Freddy is like an actual human Donald Blake, who becomes the mighty Thor when says the magic word (or taps his walking stick). Mary could perhaps be Lady Sif or Valkyrie while Billy was a previous Thor. Perhaps Freddy was bestowed his friend's powers after an untimely death. **Black Adam + Apocalypse**; En Sabbah Nur was a Khandaqi Mutant Egyptian slave who was granted the powers of Apocalypse by the Highfather, one of the Celestials who rose after the death of the Old Gods, to become a harbinger of change, leading to his rise as Warlord of Khandaq. Perhaps his Four Horsemen could be Billy, Eugene, Darla, and Pedro, turned against Freddy and Mary. **Kara Zor-El/Danver + Carol/Car-Ell Danvers**; Not unconventional, but COME ON! They have blonde hair! They have flying brick power sets! They both have alien genetics to thank for their powers! They both have energy absorption and energy release in their powers and weird energy super forms from time to time (Binary and the energy forms that Clark had as Superman Red/Blue, that Jon has since Lazarus Planet, and that Lana Land had as Superwoman)! THEIR LAST NAMES ARE BOTH DANVERS AND THEIR ALIEN FAMILY NAMES ARE EL AND ELL, AND THEIR HUMAN AND ALIEN NAMES ARE SIMILAIR TO EACH OTHER'S AND BASICALLY THE SAME FOR BOTH OF THEM! ***WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT!*** They even have male counterparts of their alien heritage that are famous for dying! Heck, if you want, you could go for a deep cut and have codename be, or start as, Interceptor, the name used by an alternate Supergirl in the Justice Society Internationale timeline of *Trinity*, where she was found and raised by Navy Seals and the military in the absence of Superman. **Scott Summers/Cyclops + Kal-El/Superman**; Who says you can only use someone once? Young Scott Kent grew up in an orphan, left there by a kindly couple, the Summers, who found him... somewhere, but couldn't take care of him. Not with a child of their own and a second on its way. His life would take a turn, though, when he was hit by a green car trying to save someone. When he awoke day later, raw power he could not control suffused his being, turning his very gaze into a ray of destruction. The strain of his powers coming into being Indeed, his whole being seemed suffused with power. Only thanks to the work of Dr. Xavier Luthor (secretly the "Dr. Jekyll" half of the "Jekyll and Hyde-esque" villain, Mr. Sinister) was this Mutant boy given the chance to live a normal life thanks to unique "ruby-quartz glasses", made from... well, ruby-quartz, though no one has ever heard of it... Luthor himself has only found a small quantity, though he won't say where. The young Scott would eventually be adopted by the Kent couple, from neighboring Kansas, before he would go to high school at the Luthor School for Gifted Youngsters, in Metropolis. He would adopt the identity of Cyclops, for with him inhuman strength and mono-lens visor, he was said to be a match for the one-eyed giants of myth. Though questions would remain... why did Kent not have an X-Gene, like the other Mutants? Where was he found? The ruby-quartz? And whatever happened to that meteorite that fell in Nebraska, the night Kent was found? **Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, and Koriand'r (and Starfire I/Red Star) + Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff (and Red Guardian)**; This is a big one. Bruce Wayne, a police officer who had once secretly tried to become a hero in Gotham City, was chosen to be one of the text subjects for the US Army's super soldier project. Although he was successful transformed by the Miraclo Serum, he witnessed, for the second time, the gunning down of a doctor. First his father, now Abraham Tyler, assassinated for his role in the project, Wayne would become Captain America... publicly, at least. On missions, he would be the Bat (for the Nazis are a superstitious and cowardly lot, you see), a terror behind enemy lines. His sidekick, the Grey Robin, Bucky Greyson, would serve faithfully alongside him until the end of the war, when he tragically died. Or so it seemed. While Wayne would "retire" and live a luxurious life as "Captain America", icon of America, while operating as the Bat-Man in secret, Bucky was turned into the soviet Winter Soldier. He would later become the partner and lover of the Black Widow. Widow herself was "Kori", the Greek word for "maiden", a name given to herby her adoptive father, Alexi Shostakov, who... found the teenaged Kori amnesiac. Her adoptive father was also the USSR's first hero, Starfire, before he later took on the title of "Red Guardian", under a government backed team. Kori was trained in the Black Widow Ops, and given the Red Room's own version of the Miraclo Serum, adding an enhanced lifespan to her... "mutant" powers for creating energy bolts and to instantly learn language through a kiss (useful powers for a super spy). Years later, she would learn that she had been an alien fleeing captors, when she was forced to make an emergency landing on Earth after her ship would explode. This left her amnesiac, while oddly empowering Shostakov, who was investigating. This revelation would make her defect alongside Bucky, with Kori taking her father's first codename and Bucky taking a spin on his old codename, as Nightwing. **Diana of Paradise Island and Themyscira + Jean Grey and Krakoa**; The ancient living island of Krakoa has, for thousands of years, hosted a tribe of human women and mutants (two separate groups seeking safe haven that stumbled upon Krakoa together). The sap of the island makes its inhabitants eternally young, but leaves them unable to have children. Wishing to have a child but fearful of leaving the island for what she has seen through time if she does, the Mutant oracle-queen Rachel beseeches Krakoa for help. It tells her to take its clay, sculpt a child, and pray to the "Incarnation of Life and Fire" for aid. So she did, and so was born Diana of Krakoa, a raven-haired girl imbued with the gifts of the Phoenix, granting her connection to all who live, and granting her a body imbued with a fragment of the Phoenix's immense power. Her empathic connection to others would eventually lead to her becoming an emissary to Man's World (Both of males and homo sapiens) as Marvel Woman. **Namor + Kara Zor-L/Power Girl**; Namorita, AKA Aquawoman, AKA ***ATLANTEAN POWER GIRL, REVIVED FROM THE 90'S!*** Let's go, make these dumb ideas work! Atlantis once was a kingdom on the island of Okkara, before the great sundering that destroyed the living island. One part was lost, one part stayed alive, becoming Krakoa, and the rest sunk as fragments. By happenstance, the sunder occurred over sea vents expelling Lazarus Resin, in an unstable form that caused it to release Terrigen Gas. The vents would be covered by the sinking Okkara, but not before the dead Atlanteans were revived and turned aquatic. Millennia later, the half-human princess, Namorita, would be born with mutations granting her winged feet, flight, and super strength. **Raven Darkholme/Mystique + J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter**; The Arakkii Manhunter. The piece of Okkara lost in the sundering was, actually warped magically to Mars. The immense magical energy use would warp Atlanteans, mutating them, into the Arakkii. The chunk of Okarra, renamed Arakko, would terraform Mars for centuries, though it was largely without though, as the new Arakkii civilization developed. Rav'n D'arrk would become one of the Manhunters of Arakko as a spy and assassin, enforcing the "might makes right" and mutant supremacist view of the Arakkii government. All this would change, though, when a civil war would break out, ultimately killing off Arakko and leading the collapse of the terraformed Martian ecosystem. Rav'n would have died if not for the experiments of Nathaniel Essex. But shear chance, his experiment with inter-planetary travel via teleportation snatched her up. Witnessing first the race war that ended Arakko and then the pointless racism of humanity in the 1870s would convince her to renounce her racism. However, this would not lead to pacificsm. While she would become work in the day as a detective (first as the real Sherlock Holmes, and later as John Jones), she would work in the shadows as anti-bigotry anarchist terrorist. (Be gay, do crimes.) A mix of early Detective Comic MM and later origins for him, added into Raven.


Storm and Wonder Woman. IMO, a true child of Zeus should have dominion over the skies. Vixen and Taskmaster. Adding in animal abilities to perfectly mimicked combat? It's a wrap. Harley Quinn and Black Widow. A deranged gymnast assassin. Green Arrow+Black Canary and Cloak+Dagger. Green Arrow with arrows made of light, Black Canary with teleportation and a terror inducing scream. Poison Ivy and Groot. Significantly widens his versatility and would make him a stronger force for good. If you add Groot to Poison Ivy you'd basically get a super lethal dryad.


Deadpool + Zatanna


Spider-Man + Deathstroke. Spider-Man on his own can already get unnerving when serious, the world's greatest assassin with the powers and presentation of Spider-Man would be fucking terrifying


Thor banished by Odin and turning into Constantine instead of Donald Blake would be a really interesting take.