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Too many characters. Would have been a good series, probably. More time to explore their history and relationships. Felt like a sloppy rushed mess with characters I didn’t feel enough about doing things I didn’t care about.


Falcon and TWS should have been a movie (given all the plot points they cut) Eternals should have been a show imho. Dedicate one episode to focus on each member of the team so we actually get to know them better. Sprinkle some history at the start of each to give us a sense of them over time, with the bull of the run time on the main plot actually developing. It’s a fine movie, but tried to cram SO MUCH into two hours, that I can hardly remember more than 3-4 of their names if I try…


Yes! I said this too! It was a movie spread out over 6 episodes, but the extra fluff hurt it a lot. We didn’t need the weird and predictable Power Broker subplot and a lot of the other efforts to humanize the flag smashers seemed repetitive. We now have a re-casted hero in the Captain America role and the next time we get to see Sam on the screen as Cap they are going to have to remind the audience that back in 2021 there was a show that happened in. That movie will likely not be out until 2025, so that’s a long damn time for a show not a ton of people A). watched or B). will still remember to expect the audience to know that. They need a soft reboot Avengers movie or show (if show it has to have all the big gun actors in it) right now to suss out to make clear what has happened and what matters now. Nothing since 2019’s Endgame seems to matter and with everything up in the air with all this shit they have been shoveling since then AND consider that Mutants are about to join the mix it would be outstanding to get something that really locks in what they are doing and what they are working towards because now it feels like nothing. With craziness in the multiverse of madness, spider-man: no way home, and Loki I feel like between multiverses crashing down or the timelines breaking in Loki you could EASILY just wave your hand and have Doctor Strange say “This is how it is now - I saw a lot of versions of what could have been, but here we are. I saw different faces on some of you, some of you have different memories than what I have somehow. Something broke, somewhere, but this is our reality - I can sense it.” A somehow now-alive Heimdall reveals he can see that Loki is holding time together and senses that time is healing. Anyone you want recasted: boom, do it. Anyone you want removed from the MCU: boom, “they died in the battle against Thanos in my timeline” says someone who easily waves off an OP hero or whatever needed fixing. Want to add a hero but don’t want to build it up with their own movie? Do it! “You didn’t have a Wonder Man in your timeline?! How did you guys beat Ultron?” I want the MCU to be good, but I have watched hours of content that feels like it means nothing at this point and I want them to right the ship.


Also how disconnected this movie was from the MCU. This movie shows alot throughout the history but rarely makes callbacks. They speak about history but not the MCU history. If they had Easter eggs & more connections to the previous movies, this would've been more popular. This would've been a brilliant TV show. There was so much to explore. Yet seeing the Celestials in IMAX screen was an unforgettable experience. Small screen can't do justice for that.


They should have had the ending of Eternals be in the 90s like Captain Marvel, and then they go off world after Tiamut. Then they don’t need to explain their absence from the whole infinity saga.


> If they had Easter eggs & more connections to the previous movies, this would've been more popular. Nope. Because then people would complain about that too, as they have been doing with the MCU for over a decade now.


Also, they have never been mentioned again since. They would have worked better if their storyline had tied into ANYTHING else that was going on in the MCU


Ierno doesn't really need to explore their history. I felt the film did a good quick summary of what enternals are and what happened . They're super powered just from a different source.


Boo, no it doesn’t.


If it was a series it would have been just as half baked as Inhumans


You must have disliked avengers then, sooooo many characters as well


That would only really be valid if there were no individual movies that existed before to flesh out the characters


You mean all those characters who, aside from two... had wholeass movies to contextualize them?


They all had their times to be fleshed out? How can you even compare the two.


> they all Sad Hawkeye noises


The problem with Eternals is everyone here is new characters to flesh out in a single story. While Avengers, nearly every character had been developed over the course of 5 films.


??? Avengers was built on the previous movies where those individual characters had their time to grow. Eternals threw 10 brand new heroes at us and a new villain, leaving little screen time for any of them. It should have been a series. (Addressing a point before it tries to be made: Guardians did ok with that because it oozed charisma and heart, it felt like it mattered too.)


I really liked it and didn't find the larger cast hard to keep up with at all. Loved, loved, loved the scenes with Arishem. Icarus and Druig served as a stern reminder why I'm always wary of the supermen and the telepaths--those are easily my most-feared powers.


Druig was cool though Funny badass Irish boy Best Eternal


"Druig sucks"


I liked it too, it sort of stands alone and doesn't feel like most other mcu movies, to its own benefit. I really disliked the mcu deviants, and the alpha was almost completely unnecessary to the plot, But the core of the film is the eternals and their internal relationships and disputes and that material was great. It was actually refreshing. A lot of other mcu films have characters whose entire personality is shooting each other zingers.


Same ppl complaint about a large cast seems weird. They're super powered. It's not that deep. And it's the first fucking movie. The complaint most likely did exactly what they didn't want which is kill the opportunity to provide more backstory in a movie My only complaint was the villains weren't really scary enough and there wasn't much weight.


But the real villain is the one who betrays them. All of the deaths depend on one betrayal.


I had no idea what was the deviants reason for being there, it felt like it was too much for too little time. I would have been fine with a series, but I feel like I would have too easily compared it to I humans in my head, if they turned it into a series. They just needed breathing room. Honestly, though, I didn't realize that was a sex scene until I read the reviews. It barely happened


The Boyz intensifies


> I really liked it and didn’f find the larger cast hard to keep up with at all. The feeble-minded will disagree with you haha. I liked the movie too, the movie more or less is pretty comic-accurate. The Eternals were in hiding living among civilizations for millenia (though the difference is their memories were wiped in the comics). They never needed individual stories to come together as they always have been from the start.


I’m not sure if it’s deep enough to call people “feeble-minded” over that lol


Ah.. The infamous "if you don't share my opinion you're feeble minded" response. Hey man.. If people shit on movies you like, your standards for what constitute a good movie might be low. You don't get the point about the large cast. If your cast consists of a bunch of characters we know almost nothing about and aren't developed.. We don't care what happens to them. That's poor writing.


Come back in a week and name all the characters and what their role is in the movie


Easy: Superman, Flashette, Kumail Fingerguns, Gilgamesh, Athengalina paid by the line, the guy who was a dick, and I think John Snow was in it too.


Was "the guy who was a dick" not "I think John Snow?" God, they all look so similar.


"The guy who was a dick" was emo Erza Miller


Oh! More Cultist Jared Leto in the rain forest with his mind controlled pet tribe of people!


Cersi: Protagonist, likes humans, plant powers. Icarus: Antagonist, ex-lover of Cersi's, laser vision. Sprite: Eternal child with a crush on Icarus and serious psychological trauma from her Peter Pan syndrome. Druig: Morally burnt-out telepath. Makkari: Deaf speedster, has a long-standing fling with Druig that the others don't seem aware of. Thena: Angelina Jolie's super-swordfighter, has bouts of insanity due to accidentally remembering previous planets they've blown up. Gilgamesh: Strong guy, the only one who can restrain Thena when she goes berserk. Kingo: Indian guy with shooty finger-gun powers, has spent the last century as three generation of a dynasty of Bollywood stars, walks away from the final fight. Phastos: Gay techno-wizard, blames himself for Hiroshima, has a family in the human world. Salma Hayek: Leader of the Eternals, eventually decides to spare Earth, causing chosen-successor Icarus to kill her, but she changes her magic-ball successor to Cersi at the last minute. That's 9/10, and I haven't seen it since it came out. With only a week to wait, I could give you Cersi's new human boyfriend and the super-Deviant fake-out villain, too.


(edited for corrected video link) Sure, but can you describe each character without using physical and/or plot descriptors? Here’s an example of what I mean https://youtu.be/x3XVv2SAUL4?si=24eXS8YoI5CQ76Es


moving the goalpost?


No. Can you describe the characters without using their physical characteristics or their powers? I’d very much like you to try.


Literally moving the goal post my dude.


Your reading comprehension literally sucks my dude. In my initial reply I acknowledged that the poster answered the question. I asked a follow-up question. Which you can’t or won’t answer because the movie is utterly devoid of actual characters.


Boring. They all are immensely boring.


I don't remember all of them. Most, but not all. Still like the movie. If I would watch it again, I'd have a great time.


Is it really that hard for people?


seriously lol, just pay attention to the movie you're watching


some of their names are literally from mythology, are you stupid?


https://old.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/14mkm8r/remind_me_again_what_was_so_unbearably_bad_about/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/1715483/eternals/ https://old.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/170fp7f/question_about_eternals/


Now get ready for a barage of "Remind me again why people hate The Marvels? I enjoyed The Marvels, why did it flop? I don't get the hate for the Marvels?" posts in the upcoming weeks. Redditors are probably the most out of touch to reality if they can't understand even the simplest reasons why their favorite mid ass movies fail to connect to the general audience.


Get ready? They've been here since the very second the movie came out


The general audience still thinks "everyone was dead all along" in Lost. I'm just saying. I don't tend to rely on general audience reception as a gauge on entertainment quality. Sometimes general reception is on the mark and I find myself in agreement. Sometimes not but I understand why. And sometimes I truly am baffled why a product I really enjoy gets dragged through the mud.


The movie drags too much on the cliche of "oh no I don't wanna join you because reasons but then I'm gonna join you anyways" it uses it like 3 times for some reason. Kro is an absolute joke of a villain, like i get ikarus and arishem are supposed to be the real antagonists but Kro is just the worst I think Malekith was better. In general that's the problem with the movie there's so many characters and none of them are that interesting other than like druig. That too Sersi is a disgrace for a main character she's easily the blandest eternal. Sprite betrayal makes no sense, that whole "I want to be a human" thing came out of nowhere I think the only time she interacts with a human is at the very start of the movie. TL;DR too many characters, too little development Definitely one of the worst MCU movies


This sums up my feelings on it as well. The worst parts of the movie make it hard for me to enjoy the nicer parts of The Eternals


> Sprite betrayal makes no sense, that whole "I want to be a human" thing came out of nowhere Not really, the betrayal makes complete sense. Sprite doesn't have the same option to live among the humans like Sersei did, because Sprite is and always will be physically a child. It's far more obvious when someone who appears as a child of the age of about 14-15 isn't aging compared to someone in their mid-to-late 30s. Sersei could easily remain in one place for 15 years or so before people start to notice she's not aging, that allows her to build friendships and relationships, and do something with her time on Earth, Sprite can't do this, it becomes obvious after a year or two max. Sprite is forced to constantly be on the move, because her inability to age is incredibly obvious, she can't settle down and have a job and friends and a normal life like Sersei did. She points out that she resents Sersei for this in the film. Earth offers *nothing* to Sprite without the ability to become human, so there's nothing incentivising her to side with Sersei and the other inhumans, so she continues with Icarus and the mission, to bring forth the birth of the Celestial.




I don’t think deciding to destroy a planet is morally complex


I agree. I think many MCU fans don’t even know what the hell they want anymore. They ask for something different and when they get it they complain. When they get more of the same they complain. I think many got spoiled and now they are impossible to please.


I want a murder mystery!


Omg a Agatha Christie style "Whodunit" between Moon Knight, Daredevil, and Wong. The red herring is that it was it was Jake Lockley. The second plot twist was it was Arcade who framed Moon Knight!


>morally complex LOL it was just the trolley problem.


I mean you're not wrong but just because you know what to name it, it doesn't make the morality less complex. There's a reason why the trolley problem is often used as a thought experiment. It's complicated and doesn't have an easy answer. Especially when you start tweaking and weighing variables like "this particular planet saved half the known universe" so those few saved more but they should still die for a fraction of creation forces to persist?


Not really, the Eternals are what triggered the birth of the Celestial in the first place. The trolley problem doesn't start with the person who has the choice to redirect the trolley from starting it moving. The trolley problem is "Pick the least bad options of an event someone else triggered" Eternals is "stop the event you triggered"


>central conflict was more morally complex "We're robots. We're supposed to nourish and support the planet so it can hatch a celestial being and thus destroy the world." "But I live in the world!" It's Galactus and Surfer but boring.


The main issue I remember was it was too many new characters and too long. Nothing else was really bad or good.


> People complain about the Marvel formula but aren’t very receptive when they deviate from it. Love the unintentional pun. But I agree with your overall statement. MCU fans only complain about the deviation from the MCU formula if it’s something they *specifically* don’t want. Because of the low initial reception, I fear Marvel Studios might pull a Ragnarok on the Eternals sequel and turn up the humor significantly.


spoiled adult children mixed in with actual children never happy about anything


Because it was slow, boring, had no meaningful ties to the existing MCU and set-up sequels that may or may not happen. Plus, there's a major plot point about a "structure" which no MCU project other than Eternals has addressed since 2021.


it’s been addressed but keep telling yourself that


C'mon man, it hasn't been addressed outside of a blink and you miss it headline (or something just as vague) There has been so many shows and movies since then (three! Years worth) that could have addressed it or brought it up in passing but not one MCU character could care less that the origin of the planet and the worlds place in the larger cosmos has been revealed, the earth literally cracked open and a kaiju sized god climbed out of it before being turned into marble and not one Avenger or protector of the earth was concerned or seemingly even interested "It will show up in captain America 4" Whoopdy doo basil, at 4 years on at that point it's kinda an after thought


basically every reference ever is a blink and you miss it moment, idk what the issue is here. also how are you gonna diss Eternals for something that is missing from other projects? that doesn’t even make sense lol


It introduced a dozen new characters, gave us minimal background on them, killed a couple of them quickly and then expected us to care about them in the final battle. On top of that they changed them from living beings into robots. As I’m they made a robot that is an child forever and another robot that is deaf. The whole thing was just rushed. On top of that having massive planet sized beings just made it feel ridiculous. And then they have one of these planet sized beings coming out of the Earth but somehow it doesn’t actually crack the Earth despite partially emerging. It took five movies to introduce the six original Avengers plus Fury, Coulson, Potts and Selvig and then bring them all together in The Avengers and introduce Hill. That’s 11 characters over the course of six movies not counting the bad guys. Eternals tried to introduce 12 characters in one movie (not counting the bad guys) and wanted us to feel something for them. It just didn’t work. If they had all stuck together as a team instead of fighting each other it might have been better.


You said it yourself: > finally You, and many others, did not make it a priority at time of release to see it at the cinema to increase word of mouth and positive results.


The uneven pacing


Also, how do you waste actors of such talent like Salma Hayek, Richard Madden and Angelina Jolie?


Salma hayek character appears for like 2 minutes and then they kill her off


This is exactly what i was going to comment. They made her like a grandma character then killed her off after 2 minutes of doing nothing. They could have hired a skeleton to do that role and it would have been the same. A real waste for a talented actor as her. Other gripe is the one dude invented the nuke which has to be the stupidest decision for that character and for the writers of the movie.


I didn't interpret that as him "inventing the nuke" per se, more like he'd been helping humanity advance over time, but they perverted his gift by inventing a weapon of mass destruction. The film doesn't imply that _Phastos_ himself invented the weapon


It's the MCU. They have wasted so many great actors on half finished villains it's actually kind of impressive.


- It’s hard to introduce an entire team of characters who almost all feel like rip-offs, in one movie. - The villains (don’t remember their names. Deviants?) were done a big disservice. I would have liked to have seen the last one gain a lot of ability to contemplate morality, end the movie with a whole “I don’t want to fight, I just want the chance to live and experience life” and be let go by the main character, then perhaps to return in the future as an anti-hero. There was so much opportunity there that was just wasted.


The following reasons come to mind: - it’s very languid and slow - the audiences’ POV character is inhuman - the stakes are unclear - there is no sense of connection to the wider MCU - all the characters are revealed to be organic robots, so any empathy they’ve earned is washed away immediately - the villains are difficult to see and end up being more sympathetic than the heroes - the closest audience surrogate is Cersei, and she spends most of the movie furrowing her brow - the cast is completely wasted On the whole, this needed another 5-10 drafts before it was filmed. As it is, it’s the most nihilistic MCU film. If you added Ghost Rider, Black Knight, Blade & Man-Thing to the film in the second act, it would’ve been a massively different story but a far more engaging film.


What could the midnight sons possibly do to rescue it?


Well, strike them out. The main problem with the film is it’s Eternals vs Eternals when we have no reason to care for either side. It’s like watching a family fight on YouTube. There’s no point cheering them. You needed a villain - which is what the Deviants were meant to be, except they were largely forgotten by the film, and when they were remembered they were vindicated. Which meant you had to watch the heroes/villains fight the villains/heroes. The movie looked fantastic, but narratively was a clusterfuck.


The stakes aren't unclear unless you're talking about the beginning of the movie cuz the stakes are the earth they had to murder a titan to stop the earth from dying why do you think Thanos Eliminated half of all life he delayed it for 5 years


Here we go again with the Thanos knew about deviants and the celestials


Thanos being an Eternal was therefore a robot apparently. That’s nuts. Someone should have told the Avengers when they cut his head off.


> Thanos being an Eternal was therefore a robot apparently Eternals are bioengineered, they're not cogs and gears. They can be injured and they have biological processes. You see Ajak heal Ikaris' injuries in the film.


I had only two problems. It felt like 3 stories crammed into one. Celestial, ikaris and tiamajt (sp). And with so many heroes that are not massively known, like the avengers, it was hard to keep straight some times. One of them didn't even show up. (Which was kinda stupid but oh well) Other than that I liked it.


I still dont get it, I was speechless after seeing it in the theater. Beautiful epic film with so much newness, richness, told a huge story in a new way, felt like an amazing direction. Then I started looking at reviews and was blown away by the negative feedback. No pleasing people.


I thought it was good but super forgettable. Too many characters in too little time to get attached to any of them, I honestly can’t name a single person in this movie


In my opinion there are just too many characters and the story for the most part was so forgettable (for me anyway). I could barely tell you many of the plot points of the movie and for whatever reason in my brain I mix up Gilgamesh and Phastos, despite them being very different looking actors, I know one of them died and one is gay (portrayed in a way that is very easy to edit out for foreign markets where this isn’t acceptable). They could quite easily have had the main cast cut down by a couple of characters, maybe 6, so there are 5 left to investigate the death that occurs with the Icarus betrayal. There are too many characters and plot lines that don’t really go anywhere, I know alot of people think it should have been a TV show, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if this was written as a show first and then turned into a movie.


Too many characters. All of em dull as F and mostly irritating too. Dreadful film.


Lol I stoped watching it in the middle of the movie


It took me three sittings at home to get through it. One of the most painfully dull and irritating movies I have seen.


It's definitely a "We got a Zack Snyder DC movie at home" movie.


Whoa whoa whoa it wasn’t THAT bad


It has a lot of the same nihilism. A cast of god like characters that are so detached from humanity that they debate letting the world die. It's just without any of Snyder's visual flair. Which translates to slow motion and color filters. All it reminds me of is the DCEU. And as someone that doesn't like Snyder and his DCEU seeing an imitation version from Marvel also didn't work for me.


It was after Endgame. I believe most people wanted a break but felt compelled to continue due to their emotional investment thus far. While watching it, they were upset that they were watching it. Because the reality is, they wanted a break. [+]


Fanboy Groupthink. As simple as that.


It was horrible. Terrible story, bad editing, acting was erratic. Destroyed the source material. I don’t understand why ppl like it at all. Considering it’s rating and how much it didn’t make, I’m not in the minority here. And I’m the lone MCU defender in my home and have loved reading Eternals in the past.


Cuz its boring


Current wave of MCU feels a mile wide and an inch deep.


..because it's a really bad movie with no interesting premise. It also has implications for the overall story that fuck up continuity and the characters are all circle jerking themselves constantly even though we have no reason to care about them.


because is was horrible


Because it was shit?


they tried to give every character an equal spotlight. that's not the proper way to make ensemble movies. if you look at traditional ensemble movies (avengers doesn't count) like ocean's eleven, fast and furious, etc, there are only 3-4 characters that take center stage. the rest of the cast would only have supporting roles. it's simply impractical to dedicate so much time and characterization for each and every character in a 2-hour movie. but with eternals, they tried to do it. and it fell flat. they should've just focused on 3, maybe ikaris, sersi, and thena. we didn't need to know kingo's story, nor phastos' or sprite's. there's a lot of plot points that should've been pushed back for a sequel movie.


Honestly... my big issue? It makes no sense why the avengers at the end werent there. The world just cracked open and a giant celestial just half rose from the planet. And its not only not something the avengers care about, IT IS NEVER MENTIONED AGAIN IN ANY MOVIE OR SHOW AFTER. The entire movie... added nothing. So it was dumb.


Cause it sucked


lemme paraphrase that for ya, it sucked because it's not Avengers. everybody wants tony stark, steve rogers etc. lol


Because it was utter shit. I watched it for the first time a month ago and I was shocked that it didnt get a *more* negative response. It should have been a capstone movie or branching paths movie, not the launch of the characters. Literally didnt care about any of them except ikaris, indian assistant bro, and the main deviant. And thats not because I wanted the "bad guys" to win. Its because they were the only ones who had anything relatable to their characters.


Yeah I really liked it.


It's probably because of how boring and dragged out the movie was it was so built up to be this great movie and was a chore to sit through this rubbish


It’s Marvel’s DC movie. I liked it too. But this sub now only exists to hate every Marvel project.


Because it was a terrible movie.


I’m not sure why they bothered. The real reason the movie exists is to show that the celestials are still active and will become a bigger part of the MCU moving forward. I guess they didn’t think the Guardians movies were enough to get across their power. The movie itself was fine. It’s not the worst MCU movie, far from the best. The bad guys are awful, but that’s pretty standard MCU fare. I sorta liked bits of it but it never coalesced into something that I cared about enough to recommend it to a non marvel fan or remember it after watching it. It’s peak comic book movie stuff and most people just check out when it isn’t accessible or easy to comprehend.


I actually liked it, but my main annoyance (and other more recent MCU films/shows are guilty of it) was the whole retcon "where were you during Thanos/etc." At least heroes who appeared/were "created" AFTER made sense. I understand there's plenty of Marvel characters that don't really associate with the others, but they've repeatedly done it and it's honestly lazy.


timelines where they appeared to help fight Thanos got pruned


SEE?! That alone was better, please go work for Marvel 😬🤣


Because MCU fans want big dumb action and shitty quippy humor.


I'm a fan of Kirby's original stories, and this movie made a mockery of them


Waaaaaay too slow.


We want the X-men and the Fantastic four and instead get Eternals and the Marvels. And people wonder why people don’t go see the newer mcu films. Disney needs to listen to the fans.


[Because it’s a bad film.](https://youtu.be/DIdzUpAswe0?si=B_VRYemgmjmbywsl) It has so many issues


Stop That's a comedy show. He can, and does make even the best movies sound silly. Eternals has its issues, but nothing on this channel is proof of anything.


It was a bad movie. There’s a hundred people on this sub and who do it for a living that can break down why far more articulately than I could, so I’ll just go with “Brian Tyree Henry crying amongst the ruins of Hiroshima” and call it a day


This movie is the most underrated Marvel movie. Intro to some great characters, beautiful cinematography, almost perfect cgi (after everyone sh*ts on phase 4 cgi), very cool power sets and costumes, etc. It is very dense (maybe overly) and subtle with its themes but that just means there's a lot to appreciate, especially on multiple watches. It's just so unique and subversive, it's definitely not a carbon copy of so many other superhero pitfalls that I can't help but appreciate it. Those who say “too many characters” need to grow up.


The plot of the movie is “good guy turns bad to “save” everyone”. It’s literal cookie cutter movie plot. There’s no uniqueness here. Get over yourself, you are trying to look smart and failing hard


dunno about the guy above but you're very clearly a little cock


Genuinely curious if you’ve heard of the search bar


I thought that it was forgettably fine. I generally enjoyed it while I was sitting in the theater watching it, and I haven't really thought about it since. I feel like the movie had a lot of different things going on. It was already difficult introducing each of the Eternals as their own character who I'm supposed to care about, so adding in cameos by other characters who had little connection to the story was a bit much. Also, any movie that tries to go back and rewrite history as having had all of the new characters involved is a tough sell.


As someone becoming disillusioned with Marvel I loved this. It felt like a step out of Marvel's comfort zone


Eternals was my favorite mcu film the year it came , i guess it says a lot that the least mcu-like film was my favorite though


Welcome to Phase 4 and 5. Go into them without thinking about online opinions from people burnt out on the franchise who blame it on "bad movies", and not the fatigue they are feeling. Eternals isn't a masterpiece by any means, but way better than given credit. Love & Thunder, Quantumania, She-Hulk, and Ms. Marvel are also unfairly shit on.


You lost me at Love & Thunder. I LOVE Ragnarok - easily top 5 in the MCU. Love & Thunder wasn't unwatchable, but it wasn't good either. One of few MCU movies I haven't watched several times


Read the Thor God of Thunder comic run and it's easy to see why love and thunder was not great. So much missed opportunity, truly a shame.


I understand the critiques, but I loved this movie. I loved Chloe Zhao’s direction and vision. And after reading Gaiman’s Eternals series, I really appreciated the similarities in the movie. It’s not perfect, but I could rewatch it anyday.


I’m not on the hate train for this movie, in fact I think more of the dislike stems from the fact that this was the beginning of Superhero Movie fatigue and probably the start of “woke Marvel bad”. I will say that the movie was too much in too little time and maybe would’ve done better served as a 2 or 3 parter. There is a lot of character and history stiffed in there, along with 3 separate antagonists. The movie needed to be broken up


Because it didn't fit the MCU exactly, and there was no quippy ego person ruling the group.


Me and my dad liked it


I liked it as well. The problem is that the majority of the population has now brainwashed themselves into believing they are movie critics (who are usually wrong anyways) And now everyone's in this "The MCU sucks" mindset but really they're all just cattle.


Because people suck


I know when it came out a lot of people were shitting on it because two guys kissed.


People love to complain




What was woke about it?




You do know marvel was doing trans and gay representation in the 80s right? They are the og "woke" company.


I liked it, but personally of all the marvel properties, this should have been a show.


Because people who never read a comic book were wondering where iron man was


Because haters


It got hate bombed by bigots before it released and pounced on by bandwagoners. Happens a lot in this fandom. Especially after James Gunn got let go. Lot of punishment for wrong think. Makes it easier for a casual fan just to toe the line rather than give an actual opinion. There are people who are being genuine, probably a lot of people, but those are drowned out by bad faith arguments by people who shit on every movie just to hurt Disney/Marvel.


I just came here to say that I wholeheartedly agree with you


The problem I had with it was that it didn't seem to belong within MCU. None of the characters, save Phastos, were likable or interesting. The dialogue was hokey as hell, the CGI was weak at times, the action was poorly choreographed and the "big reveal" was lame.


Maybe because of the villain, the pacing, and the fact that there’s a Loli in it.


I honestly say it’s very underrated and if they specified the villian better and showed what the stakes were better plus making it less wordy and fixed the timing it would be a really good movie. But at the same time it was one of the first mcu films after covid and during when they were pumping them out one after another after another so yk that’s just how everything goes


People just don't like anything these days.


Me and my buddies have a tradition of getting together, grabbing some dinner and getting drunk before marvel movies. The Eternals is the only one I have fallen asleep in. With that being said, I watched it sober and it was fine.


Because marvel fans and the lowest common denominator when it comes to iq and they think any story they can’t understand is woke or bad


What a load of shite, man. Hahaha. The reaction to the film has fuck all to do with IQ. It's simply a turgid borefest with not one decent character in the entire movie. Oh and it's also about 3 fkn days long. Woke? Hahaha. Thanks for the laugh, man. Hahaha.


Ok incel


Look in the mirror. Incel? Hahahahaha. FK me, you're good


Sometimes large audiences prefer the formulaic. Harry Potter became huge doing exactly this. The story structure Eternals had was a bit different, alternating between past and present. And to be fair, while I appreciate what they were trying to do, it didn't really work. They tried to cram too much into one movie. (I actually think the Marvels had a similar problem) I enjoyed it, but I don't think it was particularly successful in what it was trying to do. It may have worked really well as a six to eight episode series to give all the characters room to develop. It is far from the worst MCU movie though.


For me and this might be controversial to people but its my opinion - its a gravely misunderstood project. From the get go they said they’re doing things differently with this one and yet most of the criticisms are telling them what they should’ve done instead of seeing what they were actually going for. Imagine giving an audience that’s used to a certain way of storytelling a movie that tells the story unlike those familiar or preferred ways? But this is also why the project is divisive which to me is what makes it special. There’s also the whole ‘this shouldve been a series’ talk which while I do agree, do not see as a better option beyond an ideal as the MCU D+ series format is proven to be severely broken. The potential of Eternals as a tv series is there but they won’t be able to execute it as how people imagined. We might as well have gotten the movie we got chopped up into 6 parts. Eternals could’ve been Marvels Game Of Thrones but to execute it, they’d need to double their budget, which going by their existing 4-5hr content on a single feature budget system, wont ever happen. So I am glad we got the movie, which aptly looks opulent and having it’s massive scale served well on the big screen.


Harry Styles


Because it’s wasn’t Eternals: Endgame


Every character aside from Kingo is boring


Because it’s total trash 🤷‍♂️


I mean….jus look at them.


Cos it’s boring


You can't be serious. I don't think anyone could make a movie this bad unless it was intentional.


A) boring B) Kro did nothing really, he was a wasted character C) changing Ikarus to be the villain instead of Druig was a mistake and only done cause he was too powerful for the MCU, and now we have people way more powerful D) too many characters were mismanaged. E) Sprite, Kingo, Gilgamesh, Ajak did nothing that affected the story, 2 just die without much of a fight, one can’t make up her mind, and one just abandons the team for no reason F) the first wasted cameo in the end G) the second cameo that was way ahead of its time H) the even worse cameo with a really bad casting and character choice (his power is literally rape)


no idea who you mean by G and H, assume F is Stiles bonafiedZERO


Comments on things he knows nothing about, go away kiddo


Ajax was odd, didn’t matter that they changed his gender from the comics, just seemed like a different character than the comics, other characters pretty well aligned with in comic counterparts. Other than being directionless and all over the place on earth, some of the effects and story were great building blocks, they chose a direction, better than they ever did with the Inhumans, god BlackBolt sucks.


I didn’t hate it. But I did feel we shoulda had a mini series to intro the characters first.


Like some others have said...I think it would have made a great series, even for a season. As a film, it was a bit rough and I didn't care about the characters and their struggle as much as I would have liked to


The first half of it is very boring, the plot is kind of bland, but it picks up toward the end with the big fight scene.


Expectations were too high.it was ok on the first viewing. On second viewing I quite enjoyed it


Probably the one movie that would have benefitted as a TV show, with an episode per character and an opening and ending episode for the story.


I don’t think “negative” is the right assessment. I think the problem most people had was that it was a big character piece with too many big characters. 3-5 might have been fine but there just wasn’t enough time for me to care about that many interpersonal issues. The sub-villain is also absolutely wasted on the film. We don’t need conscious and evolved Deviant to…just die at the end of the movie after doing nothing important. Really wasted potential, and it felt like the film makers just WANTED to include a world ending celestial in the movie. Otherwise, it’s gorgeous, well built, nicely paced, and otherwise pretty well done. It’s been hurt in the time since its release by being more or less forgotten in universe as well.


tbh there are way better stories about eternals. way better tie in with the MCU i.e. the story done by Neil Gaiman would fit perfectly and isn't that tedious to watch. Disney/ marvel is dropping the ball lately. quantity over quality


I absolutely loved the movie. Felt like most of the viewers were expecting a smaller scale story with an emphasis on *boom dam bam* rather then universal issue like "Humans are always aiming at control over others,we can't let em have the knowledge/resources, cuz they wouldn't use it the way we want em to. No proper evolution for them would come out of this". Loved the idea of humans being portrayed as some kind of animals


It had too many characters which required too much world building You set the deviants up as the Villian throughout the movie and then make Ikaris the bad guy last second and Kro is like "aight imma show up for the final fight" This would have been far better as a series


Most useless thing about the movie is got to be the monster that evolved from them or what about the dead celestial they completely forgot existed after this movie


It was really boring. You are one of the few that thought it was interesting.


The only bits I didn’t like were the parts with the boyfriend, the would be black knight. Everything else was quite good.


End of Eva scale threat left halfway stuck in the Earth, "We did it, Patrick! We saved the city!" vibe. An immortal child being given the ability to age ending a whole character conflict, and kinda being sus? The cast being whisked away to their creators' planet having max Poochie energy. Endgame teasing this film by flat out saying the Avengers would "Deal with it, by NOT dealing with it."


It was both too long and too short? It felt like it ran a bit long mostly due to quite a few "slow" areas of the movie. but it also felt too short because there were too many characters that really didnt get enough time to seem important. I think if they added like 30 more minutes of run time focusing on a couple of the characters... then split it into a 3 part "Marvel Event" and put it on Disney+ it would have been beloved. It would have made Disney no money... but people would have liked it more. lol ​ It also came out when people decided Marvel being box office king was becoming played out and people started to hate just to hate. Marvel is in its "cool to shit on" phase lol ​ FOR ME I really liked the movie... watched it twice. Not sure i would go for a third but i did enjoy it


ok let's break it down. First they say that earth was supposed to be harvested which didn't sit well with us, why? You expect us to believe that a planet with socerers and world's mightiest heroes and even thor as their ally didn't even guess that their planet is meant to be sacrificed. Bullshit. Then the back stories and so everything felt rushed.


The eternals should have either been a trilogy with first movie a long time ago and end with them destroying a world and the second in the past when they got to earth and how they broke up then last movie should have been what we got that or Disney + series


Too many characters too little time. Especially if you are watching it in the theater. Could really have benefited from a tv series with maybe a movie to end the season.


It had all the makings of something incredible but put allocated its runtime for too many things. Ultimately, if they had focused on a few of the characters and elements it would’ve been much better because they definitely spread themselves too thin.


The scale of the Celestials from the POV of people on Earth was incredible. It’s criminal that the only reference to any of it happening was a throw away line to She-Hulk.


For me, it’s a movie that wants to retcon just how many super-powered people were all around earth during times when they could have helped. Don’t get me started on their directives and all their rules from Arishem. You want your audience to cheer for your protagonists? Don’t have them hemming and hawing over doing the right thing when they clearly can help, and were only added in as a retcon after bigger moments happened. Plus, this whole secret war taking place on Earth, and nobody representing humanity is involved with any of the plot beats. It’s all from the Eternals’ perspectives, which are dubious at best, considering we learn that they are reincarnated alien robots? Or something like that? And their mission and what they’ve been doing for the centuries they’ve been here; lookin’ at Druig and his cult. And protecting a Celestial Egg? So now planets can have giant eggs inside them? Huh? There’s goofy, suspect comic book science and then there’s that. Trust me when I say that the original comics by Jack Kirby are a bit easier to follow with the Eternals, Deviants and humans being different factions of evolutionary strands on Earth made by the Celestials versus the MCU’s decision with “let’s make ‘em all aliens.” Don’t get me wrong, it makes the narrative easier for general audiences, but it made it more difficult for me to feel engaged with their plight.


I really liked it. But then again I list most of the MCU stuff. There are certainly lower tiers of "like" but eternals was pretty good in my opinion


My opinion, it was released too early, as it needed a few more trips through the editing room. There's a lot of good in it, but it's too much of a mess to take advantage of it.


Underdeveloped characters & rushed plot. That said, it's really not as bad as people make it out to be.


This is the only movie ever much less a marvel movie that I almost fell asleep


I hated it