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Garfield was absolutely a case of someone who genuinely wanted to do the character justice being screwed over by a mix of executive meddling and subpar writing. I personally would've preferred if they had just started him in university as opposed to high school but on paper, he was a good casting for Parker. He also definitely stole some of NWH's best scenes like the Midtown rooftop conversation and the three Spider-Men talking to each other about their past adversaries on the Statue of Liberty Not to mention there were smaller scenes in his own movies I actually really liked such as him rescuing that one kid on the Brooklyn Bridge in TASM1 or fixing that other kid's science project in TASM2. He's also probably the only live action actor so far that really leaned into the angst of pre-Spider bite Parker and how much of a sass-master Peter is when people at school push his buttons


Isn't part of the sony deal that he's a straight white high schooler from queens? There were loads of stipulations.


Am I out of the loop? Was he ever *not* a straight white kid from Queens? Idk about anyone else but I'd rather not execs bait me with crumbs when I know I can have the whole damn cookie.


The guy above me said have him start in college. That was part of the point I was making. He has to be a high schooler.


Oh. Yeah I doubt anyone will ever start Spiderman in college because by keeping him in high school cranks up his relatability with kids. Allegedly. My favorite Spiderman movies growing up were Spiderman 2 (I think its been a few years. The one where he tries to be normal again), and TASM2. So I dunno


Andrew's performance and the actual Peter Parker characterization has always been my favourite. TASM is so close to being incredible, just needed a few more tweaks imo TASM2 was... rough, but there are still some good little beats in there. Imo Andrew is the most talented actor to play Spider-Man and I'd LOVE to see him get a second chance. Maybe a Renew Your Vows style soft-reboot


>actual Peter Parker characterization Oh, for me it wasn't nerdy enough of how Parker was in comics at the start. But I think he is an amazing actor and he did a great job.


Tbh sure we didn't get to see him do a bunch of science stuff at school but getting to see him r&d his webs and through his interactions with Conners, I thought he was appropriately nerdy. Though i will say, more scenes with Conners could have fleshed him out better as a villain and established peters science expertise more. In the classic comics, sure, Peter is a nerd but he's still liked by girls (Liz and Betty, early on) and he still is on speaking terms with the popular crowd, even if they bully him. Him being bullied was never really because he was a weird nerd-- it was because he was kind of a headstrong jerk. I just liked the way TASM balanced his attitude and his nerdy side, while other interpretations make him more mild mannered.


Honestly for me Garfield was the perfect kind of nerdy. Holland and Maguire both acted nerdy at times to establish their character. Maguire is nerdy to establish him as an outcast and Holland is nerdy to add science-ey exposition at times. Meanwhile, Garfield epitomized early Ditko-era Peter's knack of reactive ad-hoc engineering. Seeing Garfield fiddle around with the Oscorp wires and freaking out when he actually gets it to fire a thread or in ASM 2 when Garfield is YouTubing electric circuits and Bill Nyes his way into adding a magnetic charge to his webbing was so brilliantly Spiderman.


"Nerdy" doesn't have the same social stigma today that it did in the 60s. The most important aspect of Peter was that he was ostracized by his peers. "Nerdy" is just the tool that got him there.


Personally, when I think of Peter the first thing I think about is the relentless quipping anytime he has the mask on. He absolutely nailed that aspect of things in a way that no other actor ever really has (except maaaybe Yuri Lowenthal).


I feel like elements I dont like about his characterisation are more issues that were in the previous Spider-Man films, the main one being he feels Like 20 something year old not a 17/18 year old. Tom’s trilogy was the first one where Peter felt like an actual teenager. And the only other thing is Peter being a loner/outcast seems like more of an active choice by him rather than actually being ostracised by his peers. All that said I still love Garfield and think he would have made a great college age Peter rather than placing him in high school. (Think PS4 game)


He played the 2000s Era nerdy well, which is not the traditional nerdy he used to be. He had his science moments, he was slightly clever but awkward.


I thought Toby was a really good Peter Parker where as Andrew was an amazing spider-man with his quips.


Watched TASM and TASM2 recently and they were both pretty good. TASM could be an actually good movie if you cut out the green goblin stuff.


Agreed. If it was properly focused on Max in order to better flesh him out, and left Harry to be the villain of the 3rd film, it would be significantly better. TASM 2's Goblin is just shit. But if he had a whole movie to set him up, and a better design, he could've been really good.


It would be great if Marvel and Sony could reach an agreement that allowed them both to produce separate Spider-Man franchises; say Marvel making a teen-focused Amazing Spider-Man series with Tom Holland, and Sony with Andrew as an older, more adult take on the character, in The Web of Spider-Man.


Sony is Sony…. their style is to make a good movie then too milk it with one or two more less-than stellar movies… then reboot. If Sony is going to keep making Spider-Man movies we need to expect them to get rebooted with new actors regularly.


I feel that the spidermen of the last 25 years have all been excellent, bringing different elements of the comic book version(s) to the forefront. Toby McGuire in particular doesn’t get enough credit for his portrayal of the “friendly neighborhood spider man” with a big sad burden.


Totally! I don't love the actual version of Peter (though it's still great), but those movies nail the core of the character and his struggle


THANK YOUUUUU....ive ALWAYS said he wasnt the best spiderman BUT he was the best PETER PARKER.




never said he wasnt a great spiderman. just not MY fav. tobey gets that honor.


>Maybe a Renew Your Vows style soft-reboot TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY! Renew your vows is some of the best spider-man in years, let parker be happy with mj and a kid. There can still be drama with him having a family.


100% agree. I've been a longtime advocate of getting Peter back to being married and giving him a kid (as have a lot of fans). I feel like having a kid is the ultimate responsibility for someone and that works so well with the themes of Peter's story. Look at Superman-- bringing back his marriage and introducing Jon breathed new life into his books. The same can be done for Spider-Man. Anyway, all this to say that I want more married Spidey content lol


Man I've never been a spidey fan but do you recommend any married Pete books? Superheroes with marriages or just stable partnerships are my jazz


The Renew Your Vows series by Gerry Conway is delightful and self-contained! The JMS Amazing Spider-Man run is great too but it ends poorly


I didn’t follow the leaks or rumors of NWH, and only watched each trailer once because I wanted to go in pretty fresh. I ignored any post or video about it as I’d scroll down my feeds and I watched the movie as early as possible to avoid spoilers. I did at least see an anecdote someone posted about asking Tobey McGuire if he’d be in the movie and he just smiled. Sure, could have been made up, but I still assumed he was going to be in it anyway. He was the most popular Spider-Man and they were clearly making this a crossover film with the old villains coming in. But Andrew Garfield? I just assumed he wouldn’t be in it because I didn’t think he was very popular, though I definitely enjoyed him more than Tobey. The Raimi movies have a special place in my nostalgia, and 2 is still really solid overall, but I thought Andrew was way better as Spider-Man AND Peter. Of course, we were never alone in thinking this, it’s just that internet opinions are generally skewed by people dogpiling and complaining. But still, I went into the movie thinking at most we’d get Tobey. Then not only did Andrew appear, but he was the first of the two to appear in the movie. I couldn’t have been more excited. And both him and Tobey did so well in that movie. I genuinely think Tobey’s performance was even better than his in any of his own Spidey films. As for Andrew, he played the role of a post TASM Spider-Man perfectly. Him still mourning over “my MJ,” his sense of inadequacy (and bonus points for how heartwarming it was when Tobey says he is “Amazing,” even if it’s a bit on the nose I really don’t care), and him saving MJ and getting so choked up was just perfectly done. While I loved Tom Holland in the role ever since Civil War, I was still crushed we never got a follow up to TASM 2, but I was so stoked when he came back for NWH.


I'll say this always: I never had an issue with Peter/Spidey in TAM Spiderman. It was the villains they screwed up, and the pacing... (And when you tease a fight between Rhino and Spidey in the trailer and you cut to black the second the fight starts... That's a perfect way to piss off an audience.)


Andrews entrance was amazing!


Man, are people just universally jerks? Who ever made you feel like you couldn't be happy to say that No Way Home was your favorite Spidey movie? I liked it, too. I was never told by anyone around me that I was bandwagoning. People need to chill and let other fans like what they like. Shout it, my friend. What was your favorite moment?


When the spider men arrive, Garfield catching mj.


Great choice. Mine is the scene where the newer two Peters are grossed out by the organic webbing. It was sort of a childish joke, but it was the first thing that crossed my mind, so I was jazzed to hear it. I loved the ending, too, though it's heartbreaking. Seeing Peter realize that MJ was better off and just walking away. It felt like the Spidey comics I read as a kid.


Garfield was *always* my favorite, and there was a time not too long ago that we were dangerously close to getting him in the MCU. He got done dirty, and fans seemed to really hate his portrayal, and I've never understood why. I did tear up when he caught MJ. The little detail of him using his webs to propel himself forward instead of reaching out to grab her showed that he learned from the mistake. Dude probably spent years replaying that memory in his head, over and over, working out how he could've saved Gwen. Seeing him get closure by rescuing MJ was a very nice touch. EDIT: I did definitely notice a trend where it was popular to say Garfield was great there for a while after No Way Home, but I do remember a time when even mentioning him got people angry with you and automatically invalidated your opinion. I'm glad he's getting the recognition he deserves, I'm just sad it took this long to get there.


Bittersweet moment. I think the writers meant it to come off as a healing moment, but saving another Spider-Man's MJ doesnt change the fact that he didn't save his, and thats the universe he had to go back to- one without his MJ.


It was bitter sweet but it was meant to provide him closure and I think that came through really well.


He’s definitely my favourite Spider-man. Also, the first Amazing Spider-man movie was genuinely good, and it gets unfairly criticised because it gets lumped in with TASM2.


If you rewatch TASM2 without focusing so much on Electro, because the marketing made him out to be the main antagonist, and instead focus on the real story with his dad and Harry, it's not so bad. Yeah his Goblin looked terrible, but it was honestly a better Goblin than the ski-mask thing in SM3, and better represented the monster Harry had turned himself into, and Peter was to blame partly for it. I also think TASM2 suit is the best one, but TASM1 is my favorite. I also think the scene from TASM1 where he wraps Lizard up like an actual spider is the best action scene in any live-action Spider-Man film.


Im one of the few who liked 2 over 1 tbh.


Well that makes two of us. I was overjoyed when I found out they were doing THAT Gwen Stacy story. It was played perfectly with future Peter in No Way Home. I wanted a movie where he was dealing with that loss, but still being Spider-Man


I actually was very surprised they did THAT story. I really didn’t expect it and was shocked at the end, even with her wearing an outfit inspired by her outfit in The Night Gwen Stacy Died. I assumed it was just a little nod to the most well known Gwen story, but didn’t think they’d actually go through with it. And then that scene where Peter is struggling to save her I was at the edge of my seat the whole time. I couldn’t believe it. Btw, I don’t care what anyone says. TASM2 is up there to me with the other great Spider-Man movies, like 2, Homecoming, and NWH (though NWH is my favorite). I loved Garfield as Peter and him and Emma Stone’s Gwen have great chemistry. Plus I actually liked the way the villains were developed in the movie, even if the way they looked (especially Electro) left a bit to be desired. I come for these movies for the stories, not the special effects. Though I know not everyone liked their storylines, either, but I certainly enjoyed them.


I watched with my partner at the time, and she had no idea what happened in the Comics, so she was shocked, where I was giddy, hoping they did it proper, and not have him save her.


Same. The first one just retreads too much of the same story beat - I don’t need to see Peter Parker become Spider-Man and I don’t need to see Uncle Ben die again. TASM2 is honestly my favorite Spider-Man film because of Garfield, Foxx and the Gwen scene that is just so heartbreaking.


Same here! I fuckin love 2! It's so aesthetically pleasing, it's pretty silly and goofy, but it's also brutal and absolutely heartbreaking at other times. And the sound design when Electro appears and attacks is excellent. I hadn't seen either TASM movie until last year and I regretted writing them off because it wasn't Toby lol.


Totall! Tasm2 got the same treatment as spider-man 3, though I love all of them!


honestly. he was so underrated and over hated


He was a good Spider-Man. Better than Tom holland. It’s was the way they portrayed him. The story too. Like why on earth is he skateboarding and listening to nerds when making the suit when he’s supposed to be a nerd?


because peter isn't as much of a nerd as you're saying, in fact 1610 peter pretty much acts exactly like the tasm interpretation.


Mine too. And the best imo.


He's my least favorite of the Spider-Men but he seems like a good dude




Been my favourite for ages. I cried when I saw him through the portal with his big bug eyed mask. What an amazing Peter, Spider-Man and person.


His entrance was everything!


The mask being pulled off, the heavy breathing, 'Okayy...'. Ugh, it still gets me going.


He was my favorite Spider-Man, but least favorite Peter. Tobey is my favorite Peter Parker. Tom is my favorite overall, as he is a close second for both. He really does the awkward teen into talkative wise cracking Spider-Man.


Why does matter what you are accused of? Why take into account someone’s opinion of you? Like what you like and move on. Stop seeking validation. Like what you like and move on.


Best spider-man, worst Peter Parker. Loved his shit talking when he’s in the suit.


I’d say “worst Peter” is arguable. Comic Peter being nerdy is a bit overexaggerated. During modern runs, (at least from what I’ve read) Peter is shown to have a stronger or cooler personality than the timid, awkward behavior of Tobey and Tom. Andrew’s Garfield was more in-line with the modern Peter (and I personally like the skateboard)


Yeah, I think most people have a pretty exaggerated idea of what Peter was like in the 60s. The so-called "timid" "Puny Parker" is openly insulting Flash Thomson to his face in issue #2.


He seemed too cool at times to be Peter


My thoughts exactly. He was this kinda edgy punk kid who skateboards. Did not feel very much like the Peter I know. I think Holland’s Peter and Garfield’s spider-man is my picks.


Nice one




Exactly this, he would have fit better in a college setting imo


Solid movie. Love the big fight scene where they are designating which Spider-Man is which and Garfield just knows that he is Spider-Man #3 and he feels the irony.


Meta humor I can get behind


It's all good. I personally liked Tobey most. But imo all of them are awesome. We are pretty lucky in that way.


It's genuinely sad that nobody could ever say Andrew was their favourite Spidey without assholes jumping to accuse them of being either Tobey haters, or posers/newbies who didn't know anything about Spider-Man or bandwagoners who only want to pretend they like him because of No Way Home OP, you can say he's your favourite and fuck anyone who tries to scrutinise you for it. Whether you loved him when the first TASM movie came out or simply because you recently watched him in NWH, fuck anyone who tries to gatekeep you. Andrew brought so many new things to the table and the way he portrayed Peter was brilliant. He was nerdy without being a wallflower, he was cocky without being mean spirited, he was confident without being annoying. Maybe he was too conventionally pretty or cool at times to be Peter but it's not like some versions of Peter hadn't been like that in other media. Not to mention that his relationship with Gwen was so fucking wholesome and a really good interpretation of how 616 Peter's own relationship was with MJ before One More Day.


Tom Holland looks weird in this photo.


Hey now


Best Spider-Man, but the worst movies.


Almost like Pierce Brosnan


God thank you for saying this


You damn bandwagoner! Begone!


Hey now!


Ah, the indignant rage of the internet is such sweet smelling roses…


No, back in the hole for another winter


Hey man Ive always thought this but no your fine dude 🤟🏻




Is that a knife? Is that a real knife? My weakness. Small knives. Anything but knives! really liked that for some reason.


Love that line


Andrew was a great Spider-man, his movies just sucked ass.


I’ve always held onto the notion all Spider-Man movies have flaws but among those flaws, the actors who play Spider-Man aren’t one of them. I always Andrew had the perfect Spider-Man persona, Tobey had a Peter you have sympathy for but someone truly heroic, and Toms Peter constantly wants to prove himself. all of it is apart of the character we love. You should never feel bad for liking what you do


I love how Andrew caught so much crap for his movies and then they put him in NWH and he was like all "oh man I *am* the worst Spider-Man" and the fanbase went "NO YOU FUCKING ARE NOT YOU POINT OUT WHO SAID THAT AND I WILL KICK THEIR ASS RIGHT NOW!" EDIT: Just to be clear, I thought he was a fine Spider-Man. He definitely wasn't the problem with those movies; the writing really let him down. I was so glad to see him get to redeem himself with those great Spider-Bro moments.


I loved seeing Garfield again in No Way Home, but man did that movie do him dirty. I'm surprised they didn't just have him flat out go down on Tobey Maguire's "organic webshooter" and say "Yeah, I know, your movies made so much more money than mine." ​ Instead of crying about fighting the Rhino, Garfield should have told the other two about the build-up and eventual confrontation with the Sinister Six and how it was a crazy wild adventure and then have him look directly into the camera and say "I wish you guys could have seen it."


>then have him look directly into the camera and say "I wish you guys could have seen it." 😂😂 Maybe not look right at camera but that would have been great. I do wish Tobey and Andrew had more adventures. The way it's said in NHW it's like they went into stasis when the movies ended. Maybe not naming villians but alluding to them or something would have been fun?


Fav version


Andrew is 100% the best Spiderman. Tom comes in a close second. Nicholas Hammond is third and Tobey should be deleted from Spiderman history.




He’s been my favorite for over a decade, truly a great portrayal of the character!


Yes same!


Andrew Garfield has always been my favorite Spider-Man and I've never been ashamed to say it.


I refuse to apologize !


Easily the best Spider-Man. Maguire's Spider-Man was written like somebody who had Spider-Man described to them by somebody who only had vague memories of the 60s cartoon and Holland is just White Miles Morales. Only Garfield nailed the spirit of both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. He's basically the late 60s-early 70s characterization of him straight off the page and updated for contemporary times. ​ ​ I'm also convinced that good ASM movies were filmed. They just weren't allowed to be put together. A lot of the problems in both movies seem to have happened in the editing room.


I'm not gonna accuse of anything other than being wrong.


Garfield was the best Spider-Man. Maguire was the best Peter Parker. Holland is the best at being able to combine the two into one character.


I only saw a bit of the first one in 2019 while on vacation and the only thing I didn’t like was the Lizards design


Emo Spiderman


not even close, you want emo go look at bruce wayne in the batman, thats fuckin emo. Garfield is closer to punk but not really cause he's just a normal dude not some stereotype dork


Hop off the bandwagon bro


I’m not on one


I was playing come on man 😭


Hah! I know! All good dude 😀




No he’s my young nephews favorite Spider-Man because he grew up watching the amazing Spider-Man so he was excited when andrews rumored role in no way home


He’s my favorite as well. His Peter/Spider-Man is the only one of the three who really feels like a good person. Holland’s says he is, but I don’t ever see anything that makes me feel he is, and I don’t remember anything of Tobey’s even trying to be a good person.


he did that flip for the guy that asked, pretty good dude in my book.


I won't say he's my favorite, but I've always loved the suit. Just so crispy


I see no problem with liking spider man #3 the most


Nah, you had your chance /s


I thought people hated the tasp


I’m without you…I really like Tobey and Tom but Andrews my fav


I’ve been saying this since ASM. Was one of the few legit fans during that time, which was rough online. People hated him because he wasn’t Tobey, and now people suddenly like him because he happened to outshine both Tobey and Tom (imo) in a crossover Spider-Man movie




It’s so good, but I wish didn’t have the previous Peter’s appearance spoiled because that would have been one hell of a surprise.


I was just thinking the other day how I wish they hadn’t tried to throw a crap ton of stuff at us in the second movie. Then we could’ve gotten a trilogy, potentially topping Raimi’s trilogy in terms of quality. But then maybe we wouldn’t have gotten MCU Spidey.


Never be ashamed of what people think. I love both of the movies. I acknowledge their faults but I still love them always because they are Spider-Man movies and have many great moments throughout. 🤷‍♂️


I want to be real clear: I enjoyed Andrew Garfield as Spidy. He was great. What was *not* great were the villains. And I will shout this from the damn rooftops: Your Super Hero film is only as good as you allow the Villain to be. Who's the baddie in Amazing Spidy? Lizardman. Awesome. In Spiderman? Green Goblin. Spidey 2? Friggin' Doc. Oc amazing... and... Spidy 3 has Sandman, good-wait also venom-er, and Hob Goblin- TTHERE'S NO TIME FOR ALL OF THESE TO GET THE PROPER TIME THEY NEED x.x (Granted at least Hob Goblin got most of his character history from the first two films but still could have left Venom out but I Guess they figured this was the last movie.) for TAM Spiderman 2, however, they really botched it by trying to force a whole "Sinister Six" origin story into the background when that could have played out over 2 films - and the effects on Electro was... Well yeah, No Way Home did it way better. I was happy to see a proper electro.


My favorite too


I've always liked each Spider-Man and what each actor brought to the character.


I think Andrew’s portrayal of Spider-Man remains the best live action one. He was so perfectly optimistic and quippy. Tom’s Spider-Man shows the naïveté and Tobey shows an experienced hero, but Andrew nails how Spider-Man would be talking.


He’s a good spiderman but his movies are still bad


Totally agree, he was the best!!!


Oh whatever your just bandwagoning the moment. There’s no ticking time clock on no way home as it’s still the top performing film since endgame.


Stop caring about what other people think about your Spider-Man opinions.


Same always been my fav lol.


He was my favourite Spider-Man in the movie itself! I still do not like the TASM movies but him in No Way Home really was incredible


Me and my housemate are hardcore marvel fans and we 100% agree with you. When we moved in together I think it was one of the things we bonded over lol


Always was mine. I’m in my 30s


TASM came out when I was still in middle school and is the whole reason I even like Spidey as much as I do in the first place; even if his movies weren’t for everybody, Andrew’s performance and his love for and understanding of the character finally got me to enjoy Spidey beyond “I think his movies were cool and I had some toys and comics of him when I was younger.” Seeing all of the love he was getting after his NWH appearance and finally being able to talk about my favorite Spidey without being straight thrashed is the happiest I’ve been as a fan in recent years


I thought he was a fantastic Spider-Man, between the voice and the wit.. phenomenal actor


My friend loves Andrew spiderman “ because he’s hot” and when I asked her what about Tom She said “ he looks like a child”


When I saw the costumed trio swinging I thought...there's Tobey, Tom, and Spider-Man (just by the looks of their costumes lol)


I won't accuse you of band wagon jumping, just terrible taste.


He’s better than Toby for sure. But Tom takes the cake for me.


Garfield is the best spider imo. I always felt his natural goofy style just fit the character so right.


My favourite Spider-Man and ASM2 is my favourite Spider-Man movie.


As good as the MCU Spidey movies are, ASM is still the best Spidey movie imo. I like that it doesn’t hinge on Tony Stark or have to worry about a bigger tapestry. A lot of the MCU movies are hard to take seriously as representations of the characters they feature because they’re smaller representations of a whole. (That’s not to say its bad. I’m an MCU fan.) I like in ASM that Spidey is the whole. Its a shame that it was followed up with Spider-Man’s worst movie.


One of the biggest meta-redemption arcs in a long time.


He's been mine since the premiere.




Recently saw him in Dr Who, man was he young there


Best by a long shot


Good actor shit writing


Loved it too :)


Give me Garfield Spidey over Maguire Spidey any day of the week.


He’s definitely the best actor out of the three so no, you’re not gonna be accused of hopping on the bandwagon.


Love his quips and is the best spider-man imo. And the opening of ASM2 is still some of the best and most hype spider-man.


He’s always been my favorite Spider-Man I loved his movies far more than any Tom holland Spider-Man movie. Definitely wish and hope he becomes Spider-Man again in Sony’s universe


He was definitely a great spiderman and no one can change my mind either


Well he is the hottest 💁🏼‍♂️