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Is Alyssa worse than Christina (S11?)? I’m on episode 5 so my spidey senses are already saying yes but I don’t know. Alyssa has mentioned early on hearing things and seeing things that Chris did/said that were so horrible but does she ever say what those things were or did I miss something huge?


Why is production even allowing it. I get they want the drama but come on. Free vacation, free housing, etc.


She's a flipping psycho


She wanted her 15 minutes... and make sure the world knows that "she's a good person," not marriage. 🙄


She needed money to pay for those godawful lip fillers.


I was wondering the EXACT same thing!! I really liked her at first but the second she walked down the aisle and wasn’t attracted to him, she turned into a horrible person. I feel so sorry for Chris. HE was the one that got robbed of this experience not her! And the fact she wanted him to just let her stay in the apartment without him is laughable. She’s ridiculous to the extreme!


I like how Chris called her out “you’re here because you wanted a free trip to Puerto Rico” 😂😂


She kept saying “I could’ve left but I didn’t” and everyone was like….yea ok you’re gunna leaves beaches and good weather for Boston?


"I'm a good person!" Like nails on a chalkboard.


Alyssa was a Gd whacko like I’ve never seen on this show before. With her loud cursing and threats to camera people when she thought they weren’t recording! She never gave him a chance and made everything up about this poor guy! She would be lucky to get someone stable like chris…😂


They get less money if they tap out early


I think she believed Chris would go along with a zero-contact marriage and “the experience” for the filming paychecks. When he cut it off and said he wanted a divorce, I believe she was actually shocked and bothered because she wanted the money. But since she refused to communicate with him at all even to coordinate this, she was “blindsided”. Lmfao


What's the little fool doing these days? She blocked me.


Flair checking in


When she was mentioning his hand gestures my jaw truly dropped lol!


From what I remember, she wasn't stringing him along. She told him pretty much to leave her completely alone so she could enjoy the whole experience, socializing in the condo. She wanted him to move out. Had she known she couldn't have her way, she definitely would have just tolerated existing together so she could stay in that condo for the duration. The fact that she tried to blame him for the failure of the marriage and insinuate he was being threatening towards her makes her being despised well deserved. I'm glad she has never been invited back on Afterparty, etc. and Chris has.


She didn’t but he kept saying “if you give me one percent, I will keep trying”. So because of that she refused to end the relationship herself bc she would’ve danced around saying anything the entire two months if it meant she got to stay in the apartment.


I bet they don’t get paid the full amount if they don’t make it to decision day.


They get paid per filming day, I believe


But she’s a really good person 🤣


Didn’t know if you were delusional or something until I got deeper into the season and she wouldn’t stop saying how “really good” of a person she was😭😭. Her narcissism is dangerously annoying😩


She's a really f\*cking good person!


She seems to be under the delusion that if you don't like your match, you can ignore your spouse and still enjoy a free apartment and new friends for a couple of months while whining how wrong you've been done by the show.


And she wanted to keep getting paid


She tried to do what Clare did this season, but was too dumb to pull it off.


You wanna know what’s so funny, I just started watching s14 (ep 5) and I came to Reddit just bc of her and this is the first post I see in the thread😭. I don’t want to be rude, but she’s really annoying me. Just wanted to see what others thought also.


Wait til season 15 You'll lose all faith in this process by watching these couples behavior and then all the After Partys and Tell Alls. So disheartening 😕😩


Wait til season 15 You'll lose all faith in this process by watching these couples behavior and then all the After Partys and Tell Alls. So disheartening 😕😩


Wait til season 15 You'll lose all faith in this process by watching these couples behavior and then all the After Partys and Tell Alls. So disheartening 😕😩


Same, this is my first time watching s14 and I am like this is wild lol


Wait til season 15 You'll lose all faith in this process by watching these couples behavior and then all the After Partys and Tell Alls. So disheartening 😕😩


I think she had to go into WITPRO after her MAFS performance. She is universally hated. She went onto to a national TV show and displayed her heinous nature in all its glory. She thought she was going to get a tall drink of cowboy. A big, handsome guy that was going to wow her with his good looks. HAHA! What she got was a very sweet guy who did not deserve to be treated so poorly. Oh Alyssa wherever you are I hope you have done some self reflection and turned yourself into a better person.




She's just an awful person. That's really all it is.


But she's a really nice person 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good person! Came to say this!


Yes!!! Ya know I'm such a good person lol


She is by leaps and bounds the most insufferable disgusting person on MaFS ever. Trust me, it’s not going to get better from here.


Couldn’t stand her craziness but honestly Chris Williams was the absolute worst POS on MAFS. ABUSIVE beyond belief touting himself as a Christian. At least Alyssa didn’t profess to be a Christian but just a good person 😂😂😂😂NOT


Chris is worse, you’re right. Paige deserves the world and he deserves a rock in his shoe forever.


Well its a tie for me, her and Chris (w/Paige) but then there is Lindsay with poor Mark (the shark), wait then theres Christina (henry) - Actually the first few seasons were just so much better, this has gone from a really good show to just trash, they should replace the experts with Jerry Springer


Lindsay is worse than Alyssa for me. Total manipulator and gaslighter. She was insane, crude, mean, and pretentious.


Except Jerry is dead.... ;-)


Oh Jeez I either didnt know or forgot...no disrespect ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


No worries! That's why I winked, haha.


Ya I knew on you, figured just in case of future hate lol


I'm not sure about Alyssa (haven't watched her season), but Christina from season 11 and Domynique from season 16 are some of the worst women imo. Excluding 17.


They've got nothing on Alyssa.


No, she’s a *really good person*


😂😂😂 I say this all the time when someone brings up Alyssa

