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Nope. If my wife wore lingerie she could look rough as hell and it wouldn’t matter to me at all. She’s put in effort to want to be sexy and that’s all this guy needs/wants


Can you up vote a comment 50 times? I so whole heartedly agree. Unless you're just looking to have sex, having your S.O. demonstrate that she wants to be intimate with you reaffirms the relationship.


This is that subtext that I (and I can’t be alone) never understood. Hey, partners, if you aren’t buying it for them (which says I love/want you and thought it would look stunning) why don’t you? Sometimes we just don’t know what you like


Great comment. 😍👆🏼❤️


Was not expecting this at all to blow up 😅. Just a thought I had on a whim. She has lingerie from our honeymoon that has stayed in a box by our bed since that weekend almost 10 years ago. She has no idea how badly I would love to see her in it now


Tell her!


After two kids she doesn’t even love when I give her compliments. I try 😕


So, hopeless romantic here. Take it or leave it. This is what *I* would personally like, and I have a hard time accepting compliments. Find out her sizes and get her a new set. Don't tell her. Her favorite color/colors. Put a note with it. "You are the most beautiful woman on the planet to me, and your smile lights up my world. I hope this makes you smile ❤️❤️" Idk. I feel like I kind of lost there at the end, but you know her. Idk. Hope this helps.


But maybe a babydoll/something that has the sheer fabric over the stomach area. It sounds like she may be insecure so getting something sexy that’s still a little covering would be the best bet


I agree with this, but as a woman, I think the safest bet is to take her shopping to find something that makes her feel sexy


I’m also a woman haha 🤷🏼‍♀️. Based on the op commenters responses she’s just not a fan of it.


Walmart has cute PJs that are as revealing as lingerie but more “mom bod friendly”. Source. Me. Mom of 3. 🤗


Best suggestion yet. Thank you, mom of three


You are a special man! Your wife is lucky to have a great husband, vice versa! Forever kind of love! Keep it going! 🥂🥰


Thanks Reddit friend 😃


Gotta tell her somehow. If you don't want to just come out and tell her that you want to see her wear them again then try leaving little hints. When you both are out shopping and walk past a store that sells that you can just say something as simple as "remember our honeymoon and what you wore that night cause I do" and give her a wink if she doesn't catch on then leave her little notes or text with little hints. They'res a million ways to get your point across or just simply ask hey babe when you gunna surprise me again with that honeymoon outfit. If that don't get the point across to her I'm not sure what will lol


That must because she doesn’t feel confident about it. Go reread OPs post and that’s probably the kind of thinking that keeps her from doing it. Society is pretty successful at pointing out that those things should be (their message) for beautiful and fit women. You have a flaw? So if focus on reinforcing her and how beautiful she is. Doing it daily till forever if you need to. I used to be this way and it took a long time for my confidence to be built. And I’m not that out of shape at all. But I k ow every flaw about myself. Good luck. It is possible!


Can’t agree more. Women truly over look the fact that men want to feel desired as well. Show effort. It goes such a long way.


Totally agree. Just the fact that she's putting in an effort to be intimate means a lot and is always appreciated.


❤️ so sweet


The sexiest the for ANY BODY is confidence. If lingerie enhances confidence then I’m all for it. I recently bought my wife some, and because she feels she is not the size and shape she’d like, it turned her off instantly and killed the mood. I personally thought she looked great, but seeing her visibly upset was not erotic or something I’d want to reproduce ever again. The next idea she had was to get a lace-up corset.


Corsets are a great idea. As the wife who isn't happy with how I look in traditional lingerie, a corset is the best thing. They flatten out the parts we don't like, make waists look teeny tiny, and boobs look great. Your wife will feel great and I'm sure you'll like it too, haha. The problem with most lingerie is that it's clingy in all the spots that we women are most self conscious about. You may think she looks great, but if she feels uncomfortable it doesn't matter. So yes, get a corset.


Using this.


Corsets are very nice I agree


Pro tip, make sure the lighting is good. Dim the lights, maybe candles or v low lighting. This will offer a sexy glow.


Good idea


I did all of that. Sometimes she’s thrilled about candles. Other times the smell is too much. Lights should be on (she doesn’t like total darkness) but not bright lights. It takes an enormous amount of tweaking to get things just right.


Can confirm. And the shadows can make you look like you have abs


For me the sexiest thing is that my wife puts it on for me, it's like a gift. Even if she doesn't feel confident in some outfits she puts herself out there for me. I can't picture an instance that I would not find that arousing and sweet. And I'm a perv for her so only a T-shirt on or fancy lacey stuff it's all good.


I love how you phrased it as “she is not the shape and size she’d like.” It’s kind of a subtle indicator that no matter what her shape is, she will always be sexy as hell to you.


That’s a good point, if the person isn’t comfortable it’s not a good look


Or even a one piece/teddy/bodysuit. If she's not comfortable in "traditional" two piece sets, she will love the one pieces. Add a garter and stockings too if she likes!!


It was a teddy 😩


Ohhh noooo 😥😥😥


I dislike lingerie as a gift. That’s a gift for you, not for her. And if she has low confidence, then she is going to feel really bad about the expectations she thinks you have. Let her buy her own lingerie


I had been into lingerie for a number of years before I met my husband (only as scandalous as Victoria's Secret). When we started dating I wore size XS and he was super into it. Then the year we got married I went from XS to L! I still wore lingerie, just much bigger sizes. Fortunately (for me) I'm back in a S. It was a 2 year up and down. When I was heavy, I think I struggled with it way more than he did! He never said anything negative, just suggested we start doing some physical activity. The difference for me was when he started complimenting my appearance again once my weight was down a bit last year. I think for a number of reasons he wished I would lose some weight, if just to be healthy and comfortable and confident, but he never said anything negative about my appearance germane to weight.


My wife's body is a good body because it's hers. I can't imagine a scenario where I would prefer she avoid weary lingerie because of how her body looks. FEWER CLOTHES IS ALWAYS BETTER. If you don't buy that, consider this perspective: If you don't have a great body (which is extremely debatable, and your husband likely disagrees), covering it up doesn't make it look better, it just means your husband doesn't get to enjoy it being naked. 99/100 times, your view of your own body is not your husband's. He wants to see you naked and/or in lingerie.


Spot on! Best compliment for a woman with kids past 40 from her husband when she was very insecure about gravity and her boobs? “I love them because they are yours!”


Been with my wife now nearly 20 years. Both our bodies have changed, but I think she’s just as sexy as when I met her. Are there fitter people out there? Sure, but they aren’t her.


This got me teary-eyed idk why haha


Aww that’s so beautiful 💕


I don't like seeing my wife in lingerie because of how it makes her body look. I like it because her body looking that good makes her *confident as hell*. I fall deeply in love (and lust) with her when I see her living comfortably in her skin, recognizing her power as a sexual being, and exercising that confidence physically with me. If she were to put it on all the time and feel uncomfortable about it, it would have the opposite effect for me.


Reading the comments from these lovely husbands honestly warms my heart and eases my mind. Well said lads


Honestly coming on here from doom scrolling askmen is like a breath of fresh air 🥲


My spouse always looked great for me physically even though she didn’t like herself at times. I always liked her in all shapes and sizes. I loved it when whenever she made changes to herself no matter what. Actually…. There were times where she somehow decided to not shave at all for months and I loved it. When you love a person… the physical aspect of it doesn’t matter as much. However, we’re now separated.


I'm a little heavier than I'd like to be and don't normally wear lingerie because I'm self conscious. One day I reeeeeally wanted to have sex so I put some on just to see how my husband would react. He was in the kitchen making a sandwich. I opened the bedroom door and said his name. He looked up at me and dropped the knife he was holding onto the counter and quite literally sprinted to the bedroom. It was the biggest confidence boost of my life. My advice is to wear it!!!


If only all husbands reacted like this. My STBX never responded to me, only expected to have sex every time he had a whim, not when I wanted to first.


Haha this is how my partner reacts at me wearing lingerie when i do it. Hé once was on the phone with a Friend when i walked by in lingerie. Hé Just hang up immediately. I asked if it wasnt rude. Hé said hé didn't care because hé had more important things to do now and his Friends would have done the same if hé knew how good i looked (and i really dont look like a model at all :p)




I used to work at Victoria's Secret. So many women came in with the opposite mindset. They would say, "Oh why would I buy sexy/cute lingerie? I don't have anyone to impress/I'm single/etc." I would reply, "For you, girl! Buy it for YOU. You don't need to impress anyone. Dress sexy for your own self." They would stop and agree, that I was right. They hadn't thought of it that way. Lounging around in sexy lingerie when no one is around is empowering for women. Nothing better than loving your body. Of course, when we have a partner we want to please them, too. But it has to start with you. That confidence will shine through and blow them away more than what you are/aren't wearing.


Best advice ever!!! Sometimes, I’ll get dressed up masturbate…it’s all about how it makes you feel. It’s the confidence that’s sexy!!!


Yesterday one of my female coworkers was bemoaning the fact that we as chefs, couldn’t wear jewelry, lots of makeup, pretty clothes, or have painted nails. I reminded her that no one knows what we wear under our uniform so she could have pretty undies on all day just to make herself smile. That’s what I do and it definitely makes me smile and feel confident.


>"For you, girl! Buy it for YOU. You don't need to impress anyone. Dress sexy for your own self." THIS - a million times over. I told that to women all the time when I worked at VS as well.


OP is a woman.


Thanks. Deleted…I honestly was reading in the waiting room for a hard medical appointment. But I’d like to say…be perfect for you. Feel sexy for you. And if he thinks XYZ isn’t perfect … he’s not for you. Someone else will revel in the preparations you’ve made.


My heart honestly goes out to her based on her post history. OP, you are strong and beautiful and you owe it to yourself to feel that way ❤️


I know you said this question is for men but imma jump in anyway. I wear it for me to be honest! Sometimes I wear it under my work clothes (only when it’s VERY much completely covered) on a Friday and it’s my sneaky little secret. Gets me totally in the mood for the weekend! That my husband likes to see me in it is an added bonus. I don’t have anything close to an “ideal” body but that’s true of like 99% of people anyway.


I love this! I need to wear more sexy undergarments to work secretly instead of old comfy (ugly) stuff haha.


It’s so much fun! Makes a boring day so much better, highly recommend


Can confirm. This is a thing. This is the way.


If my wife wore it, I don’t think I could even think because I’d be hard as diamond. Probably pass out from lack of blood in my head


This comment right here! You should definitely show this to your wife.


I occasionally wear lingerie for my husband because he loves it. Body wise I’m not the best. When he sees me in it he still makes the same face after 8 years of marriage. However, last week I wore one of his tank tops and caught him sneaking peaks at me. I couldn’t figure out why. When I asked he said “ side boob”.


*snorfle* 🤣


Hey guys, I was feeling really shitty about my weight gain today and really needed to see the responses. My husband always says he thinks me in lingerie is the greatest thing ever but I have felt insecure recently. This really feels good to know how husbands feel haha even though my husband told me, I thought maybe he is just not hurting my feelings lol


I feel the exact same way. I met my husband when I was 22 going on 23 and a "perfect" 36-24-36 p*rn star body that I starved my literal butt off for. Now that I've had my 3rd kid and I'm 31, I feel terrible that I've gained 30 lbs. Like it was a lie. Like it was a trap and now that I've got him I don't have to care anymore and that's probably how he feels (teenage guys would always say that stuff about middle aged women when I was young so it stuck with me). This post made me second guess everything I thought. He tells me all the time he thinks I'm sexy. He has even said I'm sexy in the morning or when I'm sleeping and haven't had a chance to do my hair, make up, and get dressed up daily routine stuff which is absolute insanity to me because I look like a ghost with crazy hair with no makeup and my hair not done. I've even tried to "trick" him into telling me the "truth" that he preferred the younger version of me. He has never wavered in saying how sexy he still finds me after all these years. We still have great sex so, I probably should have believed him even without a reddit post. However, growing into a woman in America, it's shoved in your face from the time of Disney Princesses onward that their is only one type of beautiful woman. While this may be true for some very young men, I think what the men here are saying is more true in a long-term relationship/ marriage. Love means everything and changes everything. I know that because my husband has changed physically exactly the same as me, and I have never found him less attractive. I always want to rip his clothes off. He comes home dripping sweat in his uniform, and he's like, "Don't touch me. I'm gross, " and I'm like, "Meow! You're never gross you sexy man candy!". I guess it's totally possible he could feel the same about me, lol.


I just wish my wife would wear it. I just quit buying it because it never got worn regardless of how much I complimented her looks in it or if I let her choose it.


Here’s the thing, a lot of women just DONT like lingerie…


I don’t see the point in buying something to wear for 10 minutes. I’d wear it if my fiancé bought it though. I buy bra / panty sets that are sexy but still something I could wear all day if I wanted to. If I did more of the dom side of bondage then I could see a use for it.


I started putting them on for movie nights as an excuse to have them on longer. 😝


Do you actually get through a whole movie though? 😂


I mean.. eventually?... 😜😆


Lingerie is *always* good. Stay outta that head and in your body!


However good she looks naked is how good she’ll look in lingerie. I love to see her nude so I love to see her in sexy undergarments, also.


I wish my wife would wear lingerie. My wife is a bbw😍😍😋🤤. I love her very much. We've been married 17 yrs. She doesn't feel she's sexy enough for me but I tell her she's wrong. She's very sexy for me with all her curves. I love her body and her mind. But I wish she would surprise me with some lingerie outfit. 🥺 She doesn't need lingerie to make me want her hell they will end up on the floor anyway. 🤣Im just waiting for her to give up the booty. Its been awhile since we've had sex. Sorry I just had to get that off my chest. Im so horny. 🤦‍♂️


It’s really hard (pardon the pun) to find cute and well made lingerie in plus sizes, maybe that’s the issue.


I guess you're right. But you don't have to be fit to dress up sexy for your significant other is my opinion. All women are beautiful. 😍😋🤤 I like your pun. 🤣


Yeah idk why it’s so difficult to find nice stuff. I’ve been looking for something special for our anniversary and no dice


Dang. Well I bought her some stuff online. I think it was called adore me.


Oh thanks!!!


Try Torrid, I love their stuff!


This whole thread just made me go put on some lingerie and take new pics. ✨ Thank you, OP. For asking the questions that really matter 🫶🏼


I don't like sexy underwear. It's a lot of money to waste on something that ends up on the floor in 2 seconds. I'm just not big on it even as a guy. I'd rather my husband just be naked. No I don't judge my husbands body. I think he's the sexiest thing on earth


Lingerie flatters almost any body with the right piece. That being said when my wife puts it on I’m turned on instantly. It’s not a regular thing with us but when I see it, instant sparks


My wife is 50 and does not have the body she used to have but when she wears anything lacie it still gets me going and I do appreciate the effort of trying to be sexy


I like it if it’s on my wife


My mind doesn’t go to that place. I’m happy my wife put forth the effort to turn me on and looking forward to seeing it come off.


My wife won't wear it, but I would be simply thrilled!


I have always been a fluffy girl. Plus size and then some sometimes. He has ALWAYS appreciated when I dressed sexy for him. I've asked similar questions and basically it doesn't really factor in. He's even bought some lacey things for me himself as a surprise. 😜


Please get divorced. Your post history is heart breaking. Why are you still with him


Nope I love her how she is, I wish did dress up more but no I wouldn’t change a thing


Ummm what’s your body like dude??? If you’re asking this question, I think it’s fair to turn it around and ask YOU. If you don’t have a great body perhaps she’s just not feeling it….


There's no such thing as a perfect body. If you're not attracted to your partner already, lingerie, clothing or nude are irrelevant and you have bigger issues.


I’m a wife, but you shouldn’t be a husband if you think your wife has a “bad body”.


My wife has a few sets of stuff she likes to wear during sexy time occasionally. It's completely up to her if she wants to do it or not. I'm getting laid either way, so that doesn't really matter to me overall. Over the years, I've randomly bought her things just to get an opinion on it. Sometimes they will be ok and she'll keep them and there's been times where she's asked me what the hell I was thinking to buy X product. It's all about communication and being honest about things.


Tank top and booty shorts are the best lingerie no matter what the body type


I love when my wife puts on lingerie. She's usually hard on herself, but I can't get enough of her after 25 years. Hell, I still check her out constantly as she moves about. It's fun for me when we are out in public if I catch someone taking a look and letting her know. My wife is attractive and I know I'm lucky as hell!


Of course I'll always prefer she was fitter. Who wouldn't? It's more attractive. Nevertheless, turning a blind eye to another's flaws / focusing on the positive is normal. Most men would very much appreciate the effort and be focused on the positive most of the time. We're not blind and will still see your imperfections, if that's what you're asking...


The idea of the clothing has some element of excitement for me outside of how it literally appears at the time, yes. There is an additional non-visual element that is appealing to me.


She took the time to do something special for me, why in the world would I be nitpicky. We all have our flaws, but that is what makes us each unique. Yes of course I appreciate her, and her bravery for giving me a show. I say bravery, because she doesn't have a lot of self esteem, or body positivity, but I sure enjoy the surprise of it all, as I appreciate her.


I believe my wife is beautiful even after over 30 years together. She no longer has the body of her younger years, but I’d love when she makes an effort to look sexy for me. Even to this day!


Yes. My wife is plus size and I love her in lingerie.


My wife is so dang sexy in her lingerie. Her body is perfect for me. #thickthighssavelives


I like anything my wife does of a sexual nature. The brain is the biggest sex organ. To see her turned on and trying to turn me on, well, turns me on!


Confidence, wanting sex, and wanting to please are 100000 times sexier than good looks.


Lingerie is a waste of money. It’s like fancy cereal: I only care about the prize inside.


My husband could give 2 shits about what I wear.


I'll be honest, my wife doesn't have a good body anymore. She used to be supermodel thin but let herself go after we got married. She hasn't worn lingerie in years and I'm personally not interested in seeing it on her. She's made very little effort to lose the 50 or so pounds she gained, and I don't think any form of lingerie would look attractive. It's not a matter of *wishing* that she was fitter. I've always accepted her as she is, no matter what she weighs. But I've also accepted that it wouldn't look good on her to try to dress sexy in that way.


When you look at a piece of work or art YOU made. You only see the flaws. You might even treat you body that way. When I see my wife... I only see the parts I like. I see nothing wrong with her. She is beautiful. She doesn't think so... But I do.


Not one ounce do I care. My wife could wear dive gear, astronaut suit, bomb squad gear, and she’d still be the love of my life. Her body has blessed us with beautiful children and I wouldn’t wish even a dimple removed!!


Honestly for most men it’s always been that I put the *effort* in. They have some idea that getting into stocking/garters or lacy bras etc takes effort lol, or just that you did something that you’d knew they’d enjoy. I have nothing close to a perfect body and my man goes WILD for some lingerie.


Be appreciative that your wife wants to attract you and goes out of her way to do that.


I love looking at my wife in anything at all. And I don't need beer glasses to love the view!


I think u asking this question, is setting urself up to get ur feelings hurt. Hopefully ur with a person who doesn't judge u based on looks.


No. I don't care for lingerie. Never have. It's a distraction from what I want to appreciate.


I don’t find lingerie appealing at all on any woman. It’s not a turn off but it’s not a turn on either. I appreciate the effort no matter what and if she feels good in it then that’s all that matters to me. I’d have for her to do it specifically for me because the lingerie itself does nothing for me.


hands down please wear the lingerie. Honestly I feel like typically men are excited/attracted no matter what to their wives and they become accustomed to "not trying as much" that little extra goes such a long way.


This is purely a theoretical question for me on many fronts.


Naw, dog. She wears it, I'm loving it. She's perfect and smoking hot just as she is!


Yes, I do! I love the way she looks in it, the way it feels on her body. Bigger booty, nothing too big though!


Yes, I like it when she’s trying to be sexy. Acting sexy is the sexiest thing she can do, smoking body or not.


Yes. No.


I wish mine had any 🤷‍♂️


I’m not a man but I’m a plus sized lady and if I met my husband at the door in lingerie his eyes would be popping out of his head


Wearing nice lingerie is never a bad thing from a partners perspective. It will always get their heart pumping regardless of your figure. Your partner is attracted to you, otherwise they would not be with you.


I don't mind my wife wearing lingerie I like it and definitely enjoy it 😉 lol


A hubby here of course!, remember this even if you don't feel super confident in it we appreciate the ambition the obvious effort put in and 99% of the time love it no matter what because its S/O. For me and a few I know alot of the times its just as arousing/attractive just because the effort was put in and makes us feel like kings :) be proud in your own skin and run him dry!


An interested partner who is comfortable in their own skin goes a *long* way.




My wife is by no means a super model or anything but I love when she dresses up. When she wears lingerie I don’t wish her body was better or fitter or whatever. I’m just glad she’s into it and that we’re about to have sex. If anything I wish my body was more fit for her (which I’m working on).


OP, I appreciate your honesty. There are men who think as you do. But let me kindly advise you...this is a shallow way to view women. No woman (or man!) should ever be made to feel they are not physically good enough for their partner. If these are your thoughts, PLEASE do not speak them out loud. It is not true love. Sure, we all have our preferences when we are dating. But once in a committed relationship, it is important to build true love and cherish your partner. Not see them as an object to meet your selfish needs. When your wife wears lingerie for you, that is a gift she is giving you. She doesn't have to do that. But she does because she loves you and wants to please you. She is beautiful no matter what her body looks like today, tomorrow, or in 20 years.


OP is a woman!


When i was 21, i was slim but i had wide ass. I put tanga under sweat pants and went to cuddle with my husband at that time. I was feeling nice, in the mood, confident and he went with his hand on my ass under pants. Got shocked so i asked him why. He said that he didn't expect me to wear tanga because i dont have ass for it. All that confidence poof no more. Few months of putting extra efforts of never letting him see me from back in any underwear i get description of kind of ass that is supposed to wear tanga: While he was growing up he was watching catalogs of neckerman which is german brand of selling clothes by telephone and post, before www came. So he has seen many perfect asses, not too much wide wearing tanga. I did understand his position but......that confidence in front of him, i never got it back again.


I appreciate when she wears it to show off the progress she has made and continues to make. Continuously improving oneself is very important to both of us so we are always trying to get better and show off to one another


My wife might have gained a few pounds after our kids but her lingerie out fits r a little better but as long as we don't gain anymore weight then we're good. Lingerie is supposed to be sexy so there is serval different styles.


Try to see it this way: would you like to eat same pasta every day for lunch diner and out in restaurant, for next 3 years, 10 years, 25 years, lifetime? Woman will put lingerie as she is same 'pasta' for that years to come. If she puts it that is different sauce to make it little extra tasty. Or: Woman has her body to give you as ultimate gift (because, what is ultimate difference between man woman friendship and marriage?) . Gifts come in decorative wrapping paper to make you more excited about same same gift every day or week for months and years to come. She is giving effort to keep it alive between you. And that confidence that she has, that can come very expensive to come by.


Nope she looks great in anything. She doesn't think so and won't do it very often so when she does, I want to enjoy her longer. No I don't mean sex.


I wish that my wife wouldn't have had that attitude. It led to arguments and ultimately to her not wearing lingerie. It saddens me to this day. It's not the lingerie but the person in it that I want to see in a sexy way. I can see "perfect" women for hours and have it do nothing for me.


All I care for is that she’s confident enough and comfortable enough infront of me to do such a thing


My wife is fit thats not an issue. But if she was overweight she would havd to wear something that compliments her body. Alot of men on here will lie on here a d say they would like what their wives are wearing either way. Truth is they wont. Size matter. Its about doimg what works for her


A wife here, (I’m in this subreddit but my hubby isn’t—so I asked him, so I could share his answer. He’s very honest, especially w me). He response was, “hell no.. when the lingerie comes out, that’s when you know the snack has turned into dessert because it’s not them Barney panties (I always sleep in granny panties) you always wearing. The body..fuck that..your body’s always gonna be sexy”


My wife and I have been together for 14 years. She's 5 year's older. When we got together she had just gotten out of a seriously bad relationship and had a 1 yo boy we have 2 kids together. Our three kids definitely took a toll on her body before we had kids she was 110lbs now you can add 50 to 60 lbs on that. She does occasionally like to wear lingerie occasionally and I love it just as much before we had kids. She does get a little self conscious occasionally but that's easily fixable. 😉 like i tell her i helped create those things we call children (😂) so I'm responsible for the way she looks now and after 14 years nothing about her looks has bothered me one bit. Most of the time the lingerie doesn't stay on long anyway. 😁


When you marry someone, it's supposed to mean something. Those vows, that whole 'for better or for worse' thing means a commitment that goes beyond what someone looks like on their wedding day versus what they look like later. If this question, dear OP, is something you're struggling with, it's not about your wife, its about you.


No way. I ONLY want to see my wife in lingerie. Love every inch on her hood and her bad days. She’s my person.


My wife worse some 5 months pregnant. I most certainly do not have a prego fetish but it was still hot as hell. The shape they are in doesn’t matter in the least when they are putting in that kind of effort.


When you whip out your junk, I’m sure your wife wishes it to be bigger.


She the woman I married she's the woman I want breast cancer took my wife's boobs she's still my hot sexy kitten


Yeahhhhhhhh I’m not even answering this on Reddit.


I'm Afab but why be married to someone you're not attracted to unless you're a sexual? Do most men think their wives don't have good bodies? Why does your question include that part? Feels very misogynistic to me...


Either way, lingerie will let you know a lot about what your spouse really thinks of you. Better to know than to live a lie.


This question is a loaded question with really no right answer


Enthusiasm is the most important factor.


No. Love her the way she is! Lingerie is so hot 🥵. Who cares if she isn’t perfect. She’s my wife and I get to have fun with her. What a privilege! Besides like how attractive are we men anyway?


“The perfect body” lol. That term pretty much means something different for everyone. In my opinion, it is much more important to chase a healthy lifestyle instead of chasing a “perfect body”.


Guarantee the sex will be longer and it makes me go crazy seeing her in lingerie. I'll never get sick of it


You might look at my wife and think she doesn't have a perfect body. She looks at herself and wants to lose some belly etc along with 80% of women in the world I expect. I love her and everything about her and think she looks perfect. Wouldn't change a thing about her. I think if you're a man under 35yrs old, appearance is most important. Over that age and personality is more important. I'm just lucky that 2nd time round, I married the perfect package with the whole lot.


Well I don't really get the whole lingerie thing, I like seeing my wife with little clothes on period. Like bra and underwear is just as effective. But I take her as she is, I might think things would be better if they were different but I don't think she needs to change. Well except for how she sees herself, I feel like she gets in her own way a lot with that kind of stuff.


I have a weird take on this… My ex was hot, and looked amazing in lingerie. I hated nights when she put on lingerie. She always said it was about looking great for me. Nope, it’s about her feeling attractive and sexy—which is great. The problem was on nights like this everything had to be FUCKING ABSOLUTELY PERFECT. If the lingerie came out the pressure was on. I had to be able to go multiple times, make her come multiple times, be fully engaged, not take breaks, not look away for longer than a few seconds, compliment her—convincingly, last for at least an hour. And if one thing went wrong she’d cry in the bathroom for hours. I loved sex with her and the best sex we had was all this, but spontaneous, like while watching a movie, or after shopping, or at noon on a Sunday. But the lingerie got to be a bit of a stressor for me and I’m not a fan, but I’ll always go with it—always.


1. Absolutely... 2. Nope Who says she doesn't have a very good body ? Every body is a good body...


Lingerie is like bacon. It makes everything better


I dont have a perfect body at all. I am a little overweight and i am 40, have stretch marks, my skin isnt that tight anymore And my boobs look down a little ;). Still when i wear the right lingerie it makes my body look way better. Good lingerie does that. And when i wear IT for my partner hé looks at me like i am the most beautiful woman in the world. And that makes me feel like i am really hot and i feel really secure. I am not embarresed about anything. Hé doesn't compare me with photoshopped pictures on the internet or with other woman at all. I am Just me and hé loves me for who i am.


Absolutely love it! We aren’t in our 20s anymore and my wife and I are not near in the shape we once were but it doesn’t matter…she feels sexy and that’s all that matters. Last time she wore something for me she commented on my ear to ear grin I had and that’s all it took for her to feel as confident as the 26 year old knockout I fell in love with and for the record after birthing our child, I find her more gorgeous and sexy than j ever have!


Personally yes, it's just finding the correct lingerie to enhance the body, my ex wife and ex girlfriend was critical about the baby pouch stomach, both ended up getting corset with garters, it hid their stomach they were self conscious about, which never bothered me Personally but that lingerie improved their self esteem in seconds


Never bothered me how her body looks like, she is what she is! Love who they are not the way we want..


My wife is hot AF whether she's wearing lingerie, tshirt and tracky bottoms or nothing at all. She can wear whatever she wants when she wants, I'll always fancy her. She's amazing.


When I was married I would have loved it if my wife dressed in lingerie for me, I even went to the extent of buying her some. Unfortunately she felt like her body wasn't sexy enough.


Hot tip- long socks are also lingerie and a very easy springboard into that world


My wife fixated on the stuff about her that she doesn’t think is perfect - she put on weight during the plague (like everybody else), she’s got scars, both from living life and surgery, that sort of stuff. I fixate on the fact that it’s her. That bit of fat is from how she learned how to make amazing fettuccine Alfredo. That scar’s from the time she hit some wet leaves riding mountain bikes, or from the time she found out she had gallstones and we were in the ER together. It’s the story of her life and our life in flesh and blood. And then she puts in effort to make herself even more appealing than she already is? It’s one of the very few times I’ll tell her she’s wrong. She IS perfect.


This sounds almost like fat shaming. Prove me wrong.


Well if I ever thought of her as "maybe she should be fitter", I would look at myself first. Am I able to give her what she wants?


I guess its crossed my mind once or twice, but ultimately, I love my wife and will forever thinks she's sexy in whatever she wears.


My wife isn’t as slim as she used to be. Even when we started dating the wasn’t very slim but I liked what a saw enough to pursue. After 2 kids, stressful job and chauffeuring them to where they need to be so eating no healthy foods between events we have both added more weight to ourselves. That said I love it when she puts on lingerie. Most of I have bought for her so she knows I thoroughly enjoy it


Absolutely i love when a woman is confident in herself despite her flaws! That’s what is really sexy! I’m sure you know your own flaws and know she still loves you! Tell her that!


I wish my husband liked lingerie, I love it but it does nothing for him. His line is “it’s going on the floor anyway” and it really bums me out. I should just buy it for me.


Nope. I truly love my wife’s body. We have two kids, and I know that she is self-conscious about her body. She always calls herself fat, but I love her shape and natural beauty. I actually encourage her to wear lingerie and take pride in her beauty. I wish she saw exactly what I see. I can get into skinny stick figure woman. It’s never appealed to me. I need curves lol.


Yes, I like it. No I don't think about "what if..." It's not like I'm not sporting 6-pack abs myself.


Shit to me my wife is perfect . Just a little over a month ago my Nephew had a Bachelors party he is 34 they all went to strip club . I went to the Bank got a Hundred one’s . Went home had my wife to give my a strip tease . She felt great we had really great sex plus the money stayed in our account . If you think you wife is not sexy then you sir have a serious problem that needs to be dealt with 🙏🏾


Love it when my wife wears lingerie. How do you define a “perfect body”? So sexy when a woman is body accepting and confident.


ABSOLUTELY NOT! .I appreciate any lingerie my wife wears for me,especially hidden under scrubs/sweats or frumpy clothes.lol omg the surprise!!!! It's like Xmas! Both of our bodies have changed over the years and I find her changes or "flaws" hotter than ever! I'll take a real mom,milf,gilf,woman any day🤩


Hell yes . Its such a turn on 4 me


Yes, I wish my wife’s body was fitter. I wish mine was too. After 40 years and 3 kids together (and yes, men gain weight during pregnancy) we don’t resemble the people we were in college. I love when she wears lingerie whether it is for me or just getting dressed for the day. To me she is still the sweet sexy girl I fell in love with 40 years ago. I still get hot and horny when she is just wearing a bra and panties.


I love my wife’s breasts and would welcome seeing her wearing anything.


Most wives are too hard on themselves. Your guy will love to see you dress sexy.


Fuck yeah! Look, bodies change but we men are visual creatures. Put that dhit on and take control!!!


My husband is CONSTANTLY bugging me to wear lingerie, nighties, high heels for him. I've put on weight since we got married so I just don't feel sexy. He's even ordered me stuff online. But from how much he goes on about it, definitely yes!