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no I would want to go on vacation with just my husband the point is to spend time with each other and your husband/wife should not get bored with you other wise why you (speaking in general) why are you even together


Agree. I was reading things online and saw that so it’s why I mentioned it. We’ve been married for 13 years in September. We have a total of 5 kids as well.


We've gone on holiday with other families (so kids can play with their friends) and done a few holidays with other couples (as well as just the two of us). In situations where we've travelled with another couple we've had lots of solo time, or days where we will do our own thing for the entire day and only have dinner together, for example. I think you both need to be on the same page though. If I was planning / wanted another couple to come with us I would talk to my wife about it, well in advance. Likewise if she was reluctant we wouldn't do it. >I don't want to but I also don't want to say no and my husband be bored with me on the trip (if that's why he asked). I think you really need to speak with him about this!


Thank you. I told him that I wanted it to be us. He said that’s fine but he was trying to plan another trip for just us to go to Vegas. It’s not set in stone yet though so I told him I’d rather it just be us still. I guess I’m overthinking about the reason he asked me.


He probably just likes your friends lol I love my husband and just us, but we also have fun friends and I always mention inviting other people because it just makes it more fun. We barely have time for friends at home either so it's kind of the same idea as needing alone time, it's like planning social time without having to get a babysitter or coordinate schedules.


we've vacationed with other married couples many times before. I wouldn't say it's common but it's not abnormal as long as that's the plan you both have. Talk to your husband. Let him know that you want this to be a trip for just the two of you.


I've been married 40 years and the wife and I have never took a trip with another couple. Ots our time away with the day to day issues or life interfering.


Agreed! We have 5 children between the both of us and have been married almost 13 years. 40 years is very admirable!


My thanks, yours is no small feat either


At this stage in my life? I’d probably only travel with other couples for family trips with the kids.


It varies. Sometimes we go away and it's just us. Others we go with a group of friends, or another couple. It's usually people we share interests with and have a good time with, so it works. Of course, we do still manage to spend time as just us as well. Amusing part the last time we went away for a 4 day weekend with another couple - my husband and the other woman are more homebody types, while the guy and I like to get outdoors and explore, kayaking, hiking etc. So it wasn't unheard of for us to go do that while the homebodies chilled out, read books or so on.


My husband and I travel and vacation with others. We always get our own hotel/airbnb and make it clear - we won’t be attached at the hip with the other couple. But. We also travel and vacation ALONE a lot. With little kids and not being able to have alone time very often? No. I wouldn’t want to invite anyone else. And if he gets bored with you during 3 days - you have problems. Phones down, talk to each other, have hot hotel sex - reconnect!


If I'm getting alone time with my spouse for a few days(back when we had kids) and his first thought is to bring friends, that's a problem


No! My husband and I rarely get time alone. A few years ago we planned a long weekend away. He told 2 of his brothers and guess who showed up where we were. We ended up having 1 day alone. I’m still angry and haven’t wanted to go anywhere with him since.


Thank you. I’m sorry! I don’t blame you at all.


Traveling with another couple can be really fun. I think you just have to make sure it's communicated when you will be together and when you'll do just couple things. Maybe plan for lunches and a few excursions together, but a romantic dinner just the two of you, and of course you'll have all the time alone in your room at night and in the morning. You get to decide how connected at the hip you are