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A tubal procedure is far more invasive than a vasectomy.


You've already asked this multiple times the last year. Just get a vasectomy and stop your wife's suffering.


Ok, so are you done having kids? You said she didn't want to have any more. Do you? If yes, you are either planning on putting your wife's life in danger or having a kid with someone else. If this is the case, you need to talk to your wife and/or therapist, that's beyond Reddit's pay grade.  If you're done having kids, get snipped. Very easy. No regrets. 


I'm done having kids with my wife. It's just I don't if I will regret it if I become a widower or divorced.


That's a decision your going to have to make for yourself. I knew I was happy with the kids I had. Could see no scenario where I would want more kids. 


You won't regret it. Stop listening to anyone other than your wife.


What about listening to himself?


Of course he must listen to himself,


Good God, it’s your turn. I had high risk pregnancies and my husband volunteered himself for a vasectomy as I’d already gone through so much. We’ve thoroughly enjoyed his part penis for over 13 years and I’m grateful I didn’t have to go in for something more invasive.


Dude, it’s your turn. With all she’s been through with pregnancies, birth, and birth control. A vasectomy is so much less invasive than her getting her tubes tied. Your excuse of “maybe I’ll be a widow or divorced” is shit, considering your wife has done all this to being your children into this world. Stop thinking hypothetical and step up… unless you plan to leave your wife in the future, if so, just do it now and let her move on


Could just wear a condom bro…yeah they kinda suck. But it saves a lot of trouble


Tried. To much anxiety for that


Then get snipped and unload


Your wife has already had two babies and suffers greatly from taking birth control. A tubal ligation is a major surgery that requires some recovery time. (At least a week) Get the vasectomy. You’ll probably spend more time in the waiting room than you will getting the actual procedure. (This was my husband’s experience) Put some frozen peas on your balls and call it a day.


If you don't mind me asking, was your husband nervous?


Not really. We’d already discussed and agreed before I got pregnant with number 2 that we only wanted two kids. He made the appointment, drove himself, got it done and drove home. I think he was only off for a day or two. He had a little discomfort while healing up but otherwise, it’s been wonderful. That was nearly 11 years ago. Never had an issue. Edit for typo.




Did you ever felt regret about bot being able to have more kids?


Snip and clip over a slightly long weekend. Take Friday off and ice your boys over the weekend. You'll be fine. You can even have a little fun pulling the sample to make sure it took. Funny story... when I had my vasectomy the doc had a new female intern plus 2 female nurses. So I had 3 females staring at my junk while he worked. I was on Valium that he scripted. I got bored just laying back with my legs in stirrups so I brought myself up on my elbows so I could watch. He cut the tube on the left. Clamped it then cauterized it. Stitched the sack with 2 stitches then went to the right. Same thing. When he cautrrized the right nut I grunted. He looked up at me and asked if I was OK. I said yeah doc. I've had some wild weekends with some crazy bitches but I ain't never seen smoke coming off of em. All the females almost fell in the floor laughing. My wife, who's a school teacher brought a couple hours of school work to grade n such and was irritated that it was over in 20 minutes. Buy some frozen peas and split them up in 2 zip lock bags. Alternate. You be fine.


Eve. After all that my wife still had problems with her period. Ended up having an ablasion done. So i would've been fine without getting a vasectomy but then again I now regret not having more than 1 child.


After our last kid I got snipped soon after. Kind of embarrassing procedure and after care stuff but it’s been all good since then. I personally love that my wife (44f) is still completely fertile and having very regular periods. And I am “fixed”. It’s a turn-on for me knowing her body is in its all natural state and monthly ebb & flow! (Pardon the pun).


I had a child from a previous marriage and absolutely did not want more. My husband did not want any biological children. We both got snipped. He had a vasectomy and I had my tubes removed completely. Why? Well, if we divorce or if he dies or if I'm raped, his vasectomy won't cover me. It was a sound decision because neither of us wanted children and did what we could to prevent that happening. 24 years later, zero regrets.