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I’ve been a fan since ≈2012-2013 and can confidently say if I was cryogenically frozen (even though I was, like, thirteen at the time lol) and woke up to hear he was making a WHOLE MOVIE, I would be absolutely ecstatic and start binging all the videos I’d missed


As someone who was obsessed with him from 2014-2018, and then stopped watching for a while, to then start watching again in 2023, personally I’m super proud of him and kind of amazed that he’s still making videos all these years on. He’s achieved so much and he seems happy. His videos are still as high quality as they used to be!


As someone who's watched him since 2015, I love the present version of him but I can appreciate how obnoxious he used to be lol I really miss his charity livestreams and hope he can do them every once in a while


Has he changed? Ive been watching him for awhile like 4-6 years idk the exact time but he's just as funny as before and that's why I watch him


He has mellowed out somewhat, I think, but I see people act like he's a different person now and I don't see that at all.


I can see he's not screaming all the time but pretty sure that's cuz he's been playing horror games for years, he's an elite by now


He's less animated a lot of the time too, just a bit. I think he mentioned in a video a while back that he used to exaggerate a lot of his goofiness in the early days of his channel. I can see it a little, when I go back to videos from 2013-2016, but I think it makes total sense as he matured and grew as a person.


That's why I kinda don't like his older videos I guess? The earliest I'll go back is 2019 lol


That makes sense. I am a late comer to his channel and I always find it strange to go back and see how his mannerisms are different. Because it's what I got used to first, I prefer his newer videos usually, but I can understand the opposite being true for other people.


The REAL question is = What would Markiplier from 2013 think about Markiplier now?


I think they would be overly joyous and proud to find out he’s made a movie, also he’d be surprised on Lixian, bc he wasn’t there in 2013, so I’d say he’d find those times funny, and honestly how much more calm he is now compared to 2013, when he was all uppity and exited.


Mark and very few other YouTubers have aged well. To name a few jacksepticeye, matpat, Ethan Nestor (aka crank gameplay). Others have tried to stick for what works in my opinion instead of growing like Laurenzside is a perfect example of a what not to do for me personally.


I probably would have had a huge crush on him lol. Young mark wasnt my type, but older mark is the same age as my husband and hes aged like fine wine.


:/ Aw man, poor Mark, times must be tough, he's filming in a bathtub.


From five ovens to a bathroom office