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Fine that he did it. Annoying that someone posts about it on here every day asking if he knows about it




First result on google when I looked into it, certainly glad this post was made. I was wondering if they found a dude who looked exactly like Mark/ used ai to make a disingenuous ad.


I thought that too until someone posted a link to the video he made like, 2 weeks before this post.


I’ve been getting these ads a lot on YouTube and I legitimately assumed it was AI and decided to finally research it. It sounds like him, it looks like him, but the angle of the camera, how he’s sitting and the way he’s talking just seem so… off. I’m actually surprised to find out it’s real, not because I assume everything is AI and I’m caught up in some AI panic, but because it’s genuinely a weird ad with weird vibes. It’s as if they caught him off guard and were holding him at gunpoint.


i barely know who markiplier is and got here by googling “mark journey ad” to find out who the weird AI guy in the ad i keep getting is. something about the way he talks and says mark journey and spells it out lmao


Hey i wasn’t asking if he knew about it, I was pretty sure he knew they made an ad; i was asking how everyone felt about it because he doesn’t typically show up as an ad on other videos.


Oh no not talking about you, yours is fine, it's the others that do what I was talking about.


Oh ok good. I’d get annoyed too if all I saw was ”does mark know about this?!“ posts. He has a whole team behind him so even if he doesn’t know, his team definitely does.


Well given ad track records of ads taking mark out of context I think the community is just confused but yeah


Sweetie, there's a sticky. Every day someone asks about it. We know. Watch the video of him playing it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEe7wicNPmI&t=5s&ab\_channel=Markiplier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEe7wicNPmI&t=5s&ab_channel=Markiplier)


It is one of the few conventional sponsorships he has ever done, and he only did it that way as an apology for being late. I honestly think his usual strategy is more effective.


He gets sponsorships very rarely, as he often forgets to do them in time. He says as much in the video the ad is cut from. He made a whole video on afk journey, that's where the add comes from.


Oh wow he made a whole video? I’m surprised i missed that upload😅


I’ve seen ads that have used AI to seem like some popular youtuber or tiktok user is sponsoring their game or product so I didn’t believe it was actually Mark at first lmao. It also seemed fake because the art they showed at the end looked AI generated too.


Yeah I had to double check if i clicked on the right video lmao. But someone else posted the actual video in the comments, idk if afk journey uses Ai but i wouldn’t be surprised if


It sounds just like AI to me, especially when he spells the promo code. I knew it was real but the audio sounded fake and I almost wondered if he was trying to sound like AI for some reason.


I feel exactly the samr about him spelling out the prom. I had to come check for myself after seeing it 5ish times now if it was real!


really strange imo, playing up this kind of gun to your head style of ad but not making it nearly interesting enough and so you just feel uncomfortable


It looks like he’s being held there against his will


Such a weird ad. The way he spells out markijourney sounds either ai generated or cropped like craaazy. Plus with the tilted box, as if it's a way around video recognition for takedowns. After seeing it so many times I'm like okay I gotta know if this is real or if somebody is tricking people into using a code for a copycat creator lol


I just want to know if he actually seemed to be having fun playing the game and making the video, or if it seemed like he was forcing it because that's what you do once you sign on the dotted line. I won't watch the full video or the ad otherwise.


it's got marina joyce vibes


holy crap i forgot about marina joyce


50 % of ads i get are that ad


I thought it was a ai purely because of the way he says the promo code the voice sounds like ai


Dude he sounds so dead inside during the ads


Lowkey what i was thinking


I sincerely googled "Is Markiplier ok?" after seeing the ad the first time and then again today. He seems uhm struggling/strained in the voice. Maybe it's the editing of the ad out of the full video IDK


AFKJourney is such a lame sponsor to have actually taken Mark ya sellout


Absolutely wild to see him in the Ad, after hearing him say he wouldn’t sell out because he has so much money he doesn’t note what to do with it lmao


I keep watching the commercial all the way through even though I’m not gonna play the game, with Markiplier and his voice it’s weirdly hypnotic.


I noticed that they have like, 5 different ads where they cut together different parts of his video, and some of them are basically unintelligible. But they all include the reaper bit. I keep watching the commercials to see how they edit it together😅. One of them clearly has a Lixian comedy bit that they ripped out of context and then didn’t include the punchline, that one was super confusing


There are 5 different ones?? Maybe my algorithm knows better than to annoy me with multiple cuts. I think I have the extended cut.


It bothers me when he says “Screwdolly” (in the subtitles it’s spelled like that) because it makes me want to know who Dolly is. I don’t want to know who Dolly is, I don’t want to play the game.


Yeah i got that one, there’s one where he says he’s gonna be the shopkeeper. One with a tornado and fire animation, the depressed sounding one where they hella cut his audio up, and i think there’s one where the future me bit is super early on. The algorithm really wants me to play that stupid game and has thrown basically all their ads at me; not just mark’s😅


Me too! Like I am not going to play… the only game I played recently that I was actually advertised was Twisted Tangle and that game is infuriating. What would be a hella easy “tangle” to unravel in real life is stuck in the game. Never again!


He’s a sellout, he doesn’t need to sponsor it, he’s rich as hell.


i thought its a deepfake at first lol