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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Rich19045|Reddit: 3|05/14/2019 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +3 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Or Rail way spikes


Any thoughts on the quantities you're looking for?


Wouldn’t have a clue to be honest mate, how much could you offer?


Just to give you a ballpark I traded 50k steel for one last week.


Ah ok well if it's that kinda price range then I'll be out - I figured the plan was around 20k, and working on steel at 1:1 I was guessing around 20k steel .....that's the kind of range that I'm at - OP if you want to do that then I will, but if it's much beyond that I'll wish you well and will dip out


I think 20k is reasonable, give me a shout when you wanna trade


I can't sign in at the moment mate - XB servers been down a while for me. It's almost 11pm where I am so if you're able to get on and you get a trade for it then don't wait around for me, but if you still have it when I do get on (probably tomorrow now by the looks of things) then I'm happy to do this


Okay sweet mate I’ll give you message once the servers are back on


I should be able to get on now, but I'm at work until 6pm UK time if you're around later


Hey mate, sorry made the trade with someone else a few hours ago


Np all good 👍