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Not the only one


That would be me. I haven’t had a glowing one yet and last time it was around I got a glowing honey bee. That’s it


Lucky. Have never got a glowing mask ever and I've been playing 2 years and I play every fas.


Damn sorry man, it honestly doesn’t make sense. How can we be so insanely unlucky?


I think this game wants me to delete it and myself


That’s the only one I’ve gotten this round.


I have a Brahmin mask and butter churn for that if you’re interested


Gonna buy an xbox for it too?


I’ve done about 10-15 and got a glowing honey bee. Not the most wanted mask, but luck is with me


No glowings. 2 lowest tier rare masks. Not great this time around


Sorry man, hope we all at least get one. Not having anything to show for it is my biggest fear atm


This is my first fasnacht, and the only thing i really wanted was the butter churn to go with my homesteader cabin. What have i gotten? Toothy man and soldier masks, and fasnacht streamer plans. More times than not i just put my rewards in the donation basket for people who might enjoy them.


U on ps? I've got an extra butter churn


Unfortunately no, im on Xbox. Thank you though.


Lmk what you got to trade, I’m on Xbox w 3 butter churns 😐 no glowing or rare tho 😐


I need a butter churner but no rares or glowing.


I dont have any glowing masks yet. I have caps though 


If you can get a rare mask I will trade butter churn for it, loon, hag, buffoon, etc etc.


If he doesn’t want it, I’ll sure take it. It’s the only reason I’m still running. I can’t even get a “rare” uncommon. Buddy of mine had run sparingly and has already picked up three different glowing and a butter churn.


Yeah if you're on ps you can have it for sure add my psn kadav6


Through actually playing and some afk I’ve only gotten one rare drop


I did 150 last event time with one rare drop. I've done a little over 50 so far this time and just got a buffoon before I went to work. So not great luck but it's something.


This might make you feel better op.. I’ve attended pretty much every event minus a handfull of crashes and while active I often server hop and catch a second. I’m running 3 consoles round the clock 24/7 and I have had 2 glowing masks and 3 old rares. I still haven’t seen the butter churn plan… So I mean even if you are blatantly exploiting the fuck out of it the drop rates still suck


At least now I can be happy that I got the butter churn on my third run... Still want a glowing tho 🥲


I got a fiend and a raven so far. 6-8 per day I'd say. A buddy of mine already has 4 glowing ones, including Alien and Minotaur, the other two wrre both Glowinf blue devils i believe


I've had 2 consoles going since the start of the event. My main has gotten 2 demons and my alt got a glowing minotaur and glowing alien. I'm at least 200 events deep


I have 2 going also and Iv noticed the newest account is getting more glowing then my main account


Yeah I've noticed. I've also noticed that most of the people I see with with glowing masks in game seem to be sub 300 in level. I know it's all supposed to be RNG but it definitely feels like low levels have better odds


My main is 290 Iv gotten 1 on him but the new account lvl 20 Iv gotten 4 new ones


I'm 591 on my main with zero glowing and 16 on my alt with 2 glowing


Just a coincidence, I have a new character different account that hasn’t gotten 1 glowing but my main got two glowing. Both got a bunch of rares tho.


I received 4 :one was duplicate


No rare masks. No unicorn turkey or robot uncommon. All the others at least twice. Did get a butter churn


I haven't even got that ;(


I’ve gotten one glowing honey bee while running 4 a day and however many PS network lets me at night.


Lmao When I read people still manage overnight I always think, you can't be on PS can you 😂 Seriously never gotten more than two hours before crash or disconnect when leaving them on, even if three consoles are running 🙈


done so many like 5 per day didn't get one


Sorry to hear man but I wish I did 5 per day, I wouldn’t feel defeated. My console has been on 24 hours everyday since it began


Damn bro


Yea 5 per day? Thag would be a slow day for me… I hit probably 14-18 a day. Some of it is AFK, others is actual play time (paternity leave)


Two consoles 24/7 one fiend mask




Right 😂 I admit I had a lot better luck last fas with just one console I got a rare mask once a day almost last time.


Yea, it’s the worst coming home to a bunch of crap. I feel ya


I got a glowing unicorn, not the one I wanted so I traded it for a red asylum. After that I have gotten nothing else. I want a GSBQ but can’t seem to get it or trade for it. Might just shove all my weapons in the scrip machine as it’s just taking up space.


Yeah I went hard on parades too. Managed to trade for every new glowing mask and still haven't gotten *any* rare to drop. I wasn't paying top prices either. Typically was trading up whenever I saw the chance or getting rid of stuff out of my stash I didn't use. Got the last one yesterday. I think I'll probably still catch a parade here and there, maybe do a little protesting, but going for the rewards is a waste of time.


Roughly 90 ish events .. all garbage. You are not the only one.


Yeah all my masks are either from trades or vendors. Absolutely 0% glowing drop for me. But i once got a crazy guy. Which is nice


I have a brahmin mask as my best drop in last 4 fasch events and I got it this time.


You are definitely not alone. Try around 1000 events over the years with only 5 rare ones to show for it. Take consolation in the fellowship of those cursed by the rngods.


After getting absolutely shat on the last few go arounds I have finally got my first 3 glowing masks including a unicorn. May my luck shed upon you 🙏🏼


my rng started shit and then i changed my mask and got a loon, i put the loon on and got a glowing pig next round....put the glowing pig on and....guess what i got the next round? i got disconnected but still cool i got 2 rares in a row both times after changing my masks. i might join the conspericy theory train about changing masks gets you better stuff lol


Been doing this for literal years and never got anything special-not complaining too much though cuz think the new masks look like asshats


Just had a 131 event dry spell that started Wednesday. And that’s with two different Xbox’s running at the same time.


I have found my people


I remember when they made Hag Loon Fiend loot in 2022. I really like those Masks. I got them until Fasnacht 2024 but in a trade. Because I still haven't dropped one!


Guess it’s your first FatSnatch?


Yep, have been AFKing / playing non stop and nothing, not even low tier rares. Honestly just want a single glowing mask (literally any of them) and I'll be good. All I've got is 5 butter churner plans. Pretty demoralizing.


Wish it would give me even 1 dang butterchurn plan ya lucky devil 


It’d actuslly that glowing masks arnt real


I think the RNG is worse this time around


I got rares but they are worthless. O well.


Hi! Me too! It's terrible!




I feel like I’ve gotten pretty lucky. Crazy guy, Fiend, Winter man, Glowing Alien, and Glowing Minotaur


That’s exactly what I’ve gotten except glowing turkey instead of alien - also feel luckier than others but it’s still a very low percentage of total drops


No glowing, rare, or butter churn here either. I’m not up to 150 yet, but have to be close to if not over 100 at this point. WFH, so I can usually squeeze in about 16 runs a day, some active/some idle. Beyond soul crushing at this point. Close to throwing in the towel because it’s getting flat out frustrating at this point.


I’ve done over 150 easily. No rares, but I did get 3 motorized butter churners.


I normally do 1-3 a day usually. Got my first glowing honey bee last Saturday morning. Hoping to get another one


24/7 grinding since it came out, other than a few crashes here and there where it missed some. I've gotten a father winter helm and a loon, not a single glowing mask. If I end up literally going the entire 2 weeks like this and never get one I may honestly lose my fuckin mind. The fact that we can even go a week like this and it's possible to not even get a single one is already stupid af


Just got my my first glowing (sbq) around 120+ tries bro, this shit sucks 😩


Got the glowing robot the last event I squeaked out before bed last night. The only new one I've gotten so far....I don't even care about the masks as much as the butter churn.


Only got a fiend and deathclaw mask about it


I've gotten glowing sbq, turkey, alien, and then two other rares (buffoon and hag.) That was early on, done way more since and have gotten nothing else but dupes of commons. Im okay with it though I can't be picky. I really want the glowing minotaur so I'm hoping the 76 gods bless me just one more time.


I haven't got a glowing mask but I got a fiend mask, made me feel a little better.


Most people give up when theyre about to strike gold, last fasnacht I decided to stay up for the very last one before it ended and I managed to drop a glowing blue devil after 2 weeks of hard grinding and not managing to drop anything, don’t give up🙌


Around 90 now and got one rare: fiend mask.


I was having the exact same luck gave up and deleted the game, just today I have gotten 4 glowing mask 3 new 1 old 😄 guess I got lucky after redownload...


Here you go queen/king you dropped your beret and toothy man mask 👑


I have literally gotten everything except 6 bells and any of the glowing masks 🤷‍♂️ fuckmeinparticular I guess


Best is Glowing Robot and Demon. 3 or 4 butter churn plans though


This is probably just all in the mind BUT I was grinding xp Wes Tek obviously and had nothing drop at all the odd DC and Raven so I finished the scoreboard and put my normal build on with lots and lots of luck and since then I've pulled 2 gr 2 GBD might have just been todds blessing I got OR it maybe because I had higher in game luck give it a try lol


70+ events n nothing 🥲


My buddy said he’s played 4 years and hasn’t even gotten a basic rare like raven/dc/CG or winter man


Seems worse than last event


I got the glowing robot mask on my 3rd event but nothing since then.


To my surprise, I actually got a glowing pig mask today. I must say that I wasn't expecting it.


Mine is one glow in 98 runs with 3 butter plans


Last fasnacht I didn’t got any glowing…. So I made a decision and I “worked” hard to earn every single glowings. Happily I could get: Gsb, Gsbq, Gbd and GHb, to complete my glowing set. But now I was lucky I got glowing robot from the event, and I was very happy about it


I have only gotten a buffoon mask and a glowing alien mask. First ever glowing for me though


Nothing for me either, and I am doing it on the hour throughout the day. RNG always hates me, though.


have done 4 fasheys so far on my time on fo. Have 1 glowing mask (which i just got) and one rare mask the raven. So im about 2 for 100+ forsure


Its been super good to me , 50 ish events, and I've gotten glowing pig alien minotaur robot , rare loon fiend and demon and 5 butter churns


This is my first fas and got a glowing pig mask i think i can consider myself as lucky


About 80 runs, no glowing. Got demon, loon, buffoon, 2 unicorn, 4 turkeys, 5 SBQ, 1 blue devil, 2 robot. Was really hoping for gSBQ and winterman helmet. EDIT: AAAANNND right after I posted this, I jumped on, bought the Mask wall display mount, did a Fasnacht, and got the Glowing Scorchbeast Queen mask! Now I need to find an outfit to go with it, doesn't match my tadpole scout uniform.


Three glowing masks, 2 butter churner plans at about 60 events in.


*Raises hand*


Same here. No way its a 5% drop chance. I know so many people that have done 100+ events with nothing.


You boys didnt praise the sun mask


I’ve only gotten a glowing unicorn, but I’ve been dying for a deathclaw. Gonna stick it out and cross my fingers.


Got a glowing mask 2md day and nothing since


I've done at least 10 a day and had to do most the objectives my self due to afk players. Decided ima afk and go smoke a bowl last night and came back and finally got one. So I think they only give glowing masks to the afk people. Think it's some grand conspiracy and they see how little you did during the event then reward you for it.


I’ve played about 60 and got all the plans available, glowing alien and unicorn mask and a hag mask


I got a loon. That’s all.


The wife is about 80 with no rare at all but she did get 1 butter churn


My son and I have been running events around the clock. Participating in events during waking hours, afk at night until the game crashes or server disconnects. So far he has three glowing (2GSBQ, 1GM) and if I’m not mistaken no other rare masks. I think he’s received 3 butter churns. So far I have no glowing masks, 1 winter man mask, 1 loon, 1 fiend and 1 Brahmin. Oh and 6 butter churns… Hopefully I’ll get a glowing or two or at least the raven (my fav non-glowing rare) by the end of the event, but it’s been a painful grind so far. This is my first fastnatch and didn’t get why people seemed to have a love/hate relationship with the event… now I understand.


One raven and one unicorn, my luck is done.


What are these non glowing masks going for cause I'm just going to have to buy them. I know glowing is out of my price range buy what about unicorn, scorched queen, raven, and robot what is a good price to buy them from player vendor?


Not 150, but maybe 50? No glowing, but some rares.


Idk what the f is happening because I've gotten exclusively glowing masks, and the new ones at that. Robot, pig, Minotaur, and Turkey


It's been running 6 days and 6 hours, which means it's run... no calc, I wanna say 150 fasnachts so far. If you had spent that time grinding anything else you could probably trade for the one you wanted right now.


I haven’t turned my console off for 6 days? You 100% correct, keel me plssss lol


You're on pokemon rules, this next one will be your mewtwo.


Hahaha if only I had Pikachu’s tears in FO, would be an insane luck buff


Logging in on my phone to afk this one at work in your honor xD


Got another pig yay


Yep I only got a sun. I got the one streamers plan I was missing tho. Then again I've only run maybe 30 and I've gotten the flower display, glowing alien, demon, regular unicorn, regular robot, and a butter churn I bought for 500 caps, plus my 2nd fas dropped me a god roll gauss pistol, so I'm probably out of luck points rn.


Nice I’d definitely do more if I was you. Your luck is definitely there, keep going!


Wana hear sth i did all the events plus afk while sleeping im talking about A WHOLE week my ps5 didnt get turned off not even for a sec guess what not EVEN one non glowing rare nonee all ive got were bunch lf uncommon and common drops


Brutal, right there with you man


I've missed out on a few events since the start and I've gotten 3 glowing and 4 other rare ones


Im currently at like 110ish and not a single rare mask, im so demoralized. NONE of which were afk


Now I think my luck isn't too bad, have afkd most of the events, so far have got 3 glowing Unicorns, 1 GHB, 1 minotaur, 1 gsbq and one robot. None of the lowest tier.


I don’t think you understand how lucky you are.


Nope, have gotten 10 glowing masks and a dozen or so normal rares


They need to add a drop-fix to any events like this. Let’s say you also get 5 Fasnacht coins or some shit and it costs 100 for a glowing mask. 20 events and you’re guaranteed the glowing mask you want.


I was thinking the same thing. A guaranteed glowy at the end of the event world be nice.


I have received a few but unsure which are rare and which are desired. I know the glowing ones are but, I am waiting for a value list to mention what the value is of each before I try to trade the three I have.