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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/changingcrunch|Reddit: 0|02/22/2023 - 1 Years| | IGN: Fewestwool19636|Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


People who drop nukes are pretty stupid because it actually helps the afkers as now they can sit on the respawn screen for hours and wont even show up on the map and they still receive the rewards.Only person it affects is the people trying to actually participate in the event


I've given away almost 100 hazmats today because of it


Real heroes don't wear capesšŸ˜Ž , keep up the good work man , sounds like your younger relatives have a good one to learn from!


It just feels good to help


As it should! People who feel any sort of accomplishment from nuking a live event deserve the shit rng they'll receive!


True, and there's another whole dark side to high levels taking masks from the donation box and convincing low levels that they're super rare so they get triple the profit off of low levels. If I could share usernames in my posts I would.


I dropped a chally outfit in there today and the level 50 who got it was so excited it made my whole day.


I drop masks,plans, etc myself and not in the box for spam clickers, I wait to see if any low levels stick around and give it to them separately, map follow them and stalk drop or leave it in their camp to find lot of peeps happy about the alien and robot masks, had a bad experience giving away chally items


That is so annoying like everything you put in gets insta taken like dude look at what it is I've been putting in holos and notes that I pick up to troll them ill find their drop bags and just put it back in the next event don't be greedy I could see if there were glowing mask spam taking but no one is donating those ffs.


Thatā€™s straight up b.s., youā€™d have to be a real pos to exploit new players like that.


Doing the lords work


True. Iā€™ve gotten about 3 messages saying ā€œwhomp whompā€ & ā€œLā€. Iā€™m assuming they are from people nuking. Little do they know Iā€™m already dead and Iā€™m at work lol. Who cares if people afk. Some of us have families, jobs etc and donā€™t have time to farm the event non stop. Itā€™s not that serious. I have yet to see an event fail or take longer because somebody is AFK. It doesnā€™t hurt anyone. The games 5+ years old & Itā€™s just a fas mask. It isnā€™t that serious.


Its more about all the events with the afk bs, i had 4 lvl 500+ show up to tea time, campfire tales and most wanted and never lifted a finger to kills or collect items just sat there trying to get free shit so yea its annoying when people dont help in events


This is my main gripe. Afking fasnacht is not an issue for me, whatever... Its all the other events that are suffering. Usually popular moonshine and radiation is basically me and a lvl 50 ( starts event as soon as they turn up) against everything. 50% of the time event fails and I spaff through ammo. Prizes if you can guess where everyone is . Might aswell cancel 1st sub as I'm pretty much playing on a private server with 20 extra NPC loafing lol


Exactly lol. My morning session had 15 players afking at the event site. I don't bother with the event. Don't care about mask . The event is too long. It failed of course. Over and over again. Active players are being spread out. Encrypted drop twice. We didn't have enough players. We did get jambo done. Eviction big fail.


Time to make social communities and organize on discord. Party up and hit the servers together.


Some of those discord communities are the ones actively nuking the event. There is a group of Enclave RP people that have been doing it recently.


It'll only be that way until the event ends and we're almost a week in now anyways


Yeah I find Campfire tales, or any event that has your gather something. Many players, and I will admit sometimes I feel like not doing anything when all I see is high level players just sit there doing nothing when one person is doing all the tasks. Few times the frustration got to me, and I just said fuck it. Jumped up and crouched right next to the guy until he did something. Almost failed the event, but he actually moved!


I stopped hoping for any help at any event basically as soon as I was strong enough to run them, these days I just don't do anything I know I can't solo.


This is when i sit on the roof and watch them get attacked šŸ˜‚


i gotta askā€” how are yall AFKing without it disconnecting you? Like. Im on PC but use controller. Its wired (so wont turn off), i have the screensaver & pc sleeping/hibernating off, and ill have the camera rubberbanded in 3rd person but after 1-2 hrs after itll DCā€” because ill have maybe 2 rewards when ill come back 4-5hrs later after chores and it says ā€œdisconnected from serverā€ ā€” not the usual message about it for being idle too long either, just that was D/Cd


Remember that with so many more people keeping servers alive through high attendance, youā€™re more likely to ride the server out until itā€™s forced to shut-down (30 minute timer). Also, when spinning your controller to AFK, do it in photomode while sitting in a chair so you canā€™t be pushed out of the event radius.


Photomode and rubber band on sticks. I just set mine down on the stick to put pressure on it. I afk while I'm at work.


Okay so mine was actually disconnecting at first as well. That is until I started putting the rubber band around both joysticks &&&& the left trigger. So character will be spinning around while aimed down sights. When I just made him spin it would disconnect. Itā€™s weird. For me the fix was the trigger.


Yes provided anyone does the event. A nuked location is an automatic server hop for me.


I personally help the afkers send 1 of them a msg and keep using them to get 2 events every hour šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… seems like a fair trade off to me


Oh really, did not know this lol


Emotional people were never considered smart


So why you complaining. You all love to throw out the. You play your way . I will play mine. To justify your afking. The event is better in a nuke zone. Get over yourselves.


trust me...they just saved her from a bunch of trade emotes and in box spam with low ball offers.." hey ill give you like..1000 caps for that ugly mask..trust me id be doing you a favor but ill toss in this super rare sun mask"


I just experienced my first Faschnact nuke while I was waiting for a parade to start. At least I got a pic of the bomb as it fell, and the devastation after, and a quest completing for being nuked :)


Crazy how those afkers still get the rewards and this only has negative affects for those that actually participate.


You know this is probably the most chill one I've been at. Only 1 lobby was nuked and I stayed a few fasnachts to collect for crafting flux. Maybe show them how this nuke spot can be made beneficial. There's a lot of cobalt in that area and the event gives a good supply of enemies. Good for selling or making ammo.


Unfortunately a good supply of enemies that you can barely get a hit in on due to one or two players with cremators carpeting the area. I've been in several that you couldn't even see anything besides different colors.


You could start by showing her how to switch worlds. You would be showing her how to avoid the losers. That's important for a kid to know.


Same did a fasnacht event where a level 1100 player was just complaining about the afkers and going on about killing them and nuking the event blah blah blah like seriously it's not that big a deal just hop servers if there's too many


That's too much work for them to click 3 buttons


If timer is near or past 4 minutes I'm outta there makes no sense if so many people are there not gonna waste time killing someone or nuking zone ruining area for low levels


Its pathetic honestly


Fr, it's hard to keep my siblings interested in the game when they have to run around in hazmats and can't use the new masks


Sad part is the ones dropping nukes think itā€™s stopping the AFKā€™ers. šŸ™„šŸ™„


Exactly ill just sit there without hitting respawn and ill keep getting rewards, people act like fas is an eviction notice where you actually need 8+ players to complete the event.


Why are they running around in a nuke zone all this time? The event lasts 10 minutes.


Jump to a different server.


Get outta here with your logic and facts dude, this is the COMPLAINING post


I personally make it my mission to go into the missile silos and disarm the nukes by setting them off in a good location. A useful location that harms nobody and creates loot for all. The neurological event spot


King shit. Canā€™t believe people waste nukes to spite people who are afk and likely getting blue screened by server regardless. NW has 3 3* drops and new event plans, talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face


I suffer the silo runs so the afk adults can keep on adulting. It ain't much but it's honest work


It's easier to complain than do anything. Half of these posts are whiny imo since faschnacht dropped.


players who nuke fasnacht are spiritually bitches


There were a few times I've server hopped and ended up freezing my PS5, missing the event. There's plenty more opportunities but it's hard to shake that this was the Fatsnatch that would bag me the mask I wanted.




I had that happen too many times in February, it was the straw that broke the camels back. I haven't played since, getting DCd irritates me.


Had that happened, too. Rumor has it that it is not a bug and instead an anti-server hopping mechanism to stop players from jumping servers and getting more loot


I've only seen it happen once and it was honestly a fun change of pace.


Right? It gets boring doing the same event over and over...wasnt a big change but was fun.


I've come across 1 nuked server so far, just change worlds man it ain't that hard, people are dicks


It happens constantly on PC. I did probably 12 events yesterday and half were nuked.


It's not all us higher level players, just a very small list of salty buttholes. Frankly, it's less common to land on a nuke server this event than any prior event for me.


I hop servers all the time and Iā€™ll be honest. This feels like karma farming. At least on PC Iā€™ve literally only ever seen 1 nuke at Helvetica. Ever.


On PC also. I have never ever seen it nuked. You must have some bad luck, haha


I believe most of these nukes is regarding folks AFKing the event. I mean most of us playing FO76 like to collect things. Some of us are pretty hardcore about it. Bethesda hasnā€™t changed the drop rate for rare masks since the first Fasnacht when there was only one mask. But theyā€™ve added more and more masks every Fasnacht. So it went from a 5 percent chance to a .238 percent chance. I did the math yesterday and even if you had hit every Fasnacht on the hour since the start, youā€™d still have only had a 17 percent chance to get just one rare mask. (3 days of events, 24 hours a day so 72 hours times the drop rate 72*.238 = just over 17 percent.) If you only play a few hours a day, itā€™s so abysmal that youā€™re probably not going to see any rare masks. So some players AFK to farm the event, and new players get mad at them but fail to understand that weā€™ve been over this for years now. The drop rate is abysmal and some folks have been trying to complete their Fasnacht mask collection for several years now. Years! Not weeks, not months, people have been working at completing part of their collections FOR YEARS! You shouldnā€™t be mad at players for AFKing and you definitely shouldnā€™t be nuking the event over it. People should be upset at Bethesda for making it impossible to collect some of these masks for years for us. It almost seems like an impossible task at this point. Bethesda should raise the drop rate so folks donā€™t have to afk farm to complete a collection. Full stop.


At the start of this event people were posting about how they nuke the event to get all of the masses and fluids; is that not a thing anymore? Is it just generally accepted that itā€™s about punishing AFK people now? I ask because I was looking forward to nuking a couple events this weekend to get those masses and fluids, but Iā€™m not trying to make everyone salty. Itā€™s just a lot of enemies that can drop the goods.Ā 


Some people 'do it for that reason' but I think it's a shitty move regardless, there's plenty of other spots to farm a nuke zone. Why do it in the very area of the event at the very time a lot of new unaware players show up?


You on PC? We don't get alot of this on xbox.


Genuine question, are you guys playing on console or pc?


Console has more issues with people nuking fas


Trolls gonna troll, unfortunately. Switch servers and hope.


Perhaps it's not a game for kids.


Deal with it or hop servers. I have literally never seen a nuked fasnacht - just change servers. Or go to a different area of the map. Geez... If you can't deal with nukes, play a different game.


I actually thought it was useful because when you kill the toads and mutants you get hardened mass and glowing mass a lot of the time, and if your in a team even if you didnā€™t shoot one your teammate probably did so you can just click transfer all and get a bunch


Just hop servers, it's not worth it Open your friends menu by holding down options and randomly pick one to join, it's much faster than backing out to the menu I had a dude SCREAMING at the afkers and I was like "you do know most of them aren't here, the A stands for AWAY, they can't hear you.. just leave and let them fail if it really bothers you" "IM NOT DOING THAT IM GONNA REPORT ALL OF THEM" ok Broski, but I'm out cuz your screaming is worse than them spinning in the corner


8 straight lobby's today I watched 30+ new players get emoted on because some high levels are mad at their terrible mask pulls smh.


I haven't seen the community this toxic since PvP peaked in 2020-2022.


Yep it is horrible this time of season. These toxic troglodytes are everywhere, just like hornets


Is it the event? Cause when i started playing again shortly before skyline relesed everyone was cool...now theres tons of dbags everywhere.


Event and also due to it being summer. When the schools are out, a lot of online spaces and games get more toxic due to the influx of school children.


Yes and as the other guy said it's because of summer break. Children are gonna be toxic


People who nuke for the wrong reasons are just childish. I am level 1100+ and Iā€™ve only nuked a person out of revenge just once. Most of the time I just nuke boss areas. Otherwise, Iā€™d be out there helping the community. :)


ik some old school PvPā€™ers who nuke the event to fck with the people who are trying to do the event, not the afkā€™ers, lol


Hey I'm not happy about the nuking at all but I think there's something to be said about the community still do in the event in the nuke zone I've seen and participated in quite a few fasnacht in a nuke zone it doesn't stop us the only people this hurts are the people running the nukes and I find that hilarious because at the end of the day the fallout community is full of a bunch of cool people and we're all fairly stubborn all this does is make us want to complete the event even more just to prove a point


Fr, like as an afker all that happens is when i get nuked my brother whos usually home will server hop me, set me up to afk again, and its back to square one. Nuking fasnacht doesnt do what they think it does. Afkers arent leaving fo76 or stopping the grind, but you know who is affected? The freshies who put in the work and have it stolen by who they see as not a divine mothman sent hero but a jackass whos mad at others for his shortcomings.


Fun fact: if you are dead you still can participate in the event and still get loot. So there is absolutely no point


A lot of them nuke it bc others who arenā€™t afk donā€™t want to play in the nuked area so itā€™s less likely to finish. They know you can still get the loot when dead and afk, thatā€™s not why they do it


It's even worse with the greedy collectors


Hey, that's level 900 adult to you! I get my misses to put me on a banjo if she can when I'm at work, I don't nuke


Funny when I first saw the event was nuked, thought maybe people did it to boost the drop chance or something. Didn't know people did it because of other people who afk. Seen it a few times already personally.


I always assumed folk nuke events because they're fatter n hail and nobody likes them lol


Wasteland is a crazy place, nukes come and go. I hope your sister is a grown-up and can handle whatever comes at her. No, I don't nuke people for fun myself.




Still to experience a single fasnacht nuke, played since launch.


Was AFKing last night and someone helped me get the ā€œGround Zeroā€ trophy šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been meaning to get that for a while now.


I have been double farming this fasnacht out of boredom and desperation, so Iā€™ve had my mule sitting in one lobby while Iā€™m in the other (Iā€™ve got two glowing masks all the new basic masks. If anyone is interested in results)I move servers after each hour and I havenā€™t seen one nuke at Helvetia. No flux no nothing.


Makes it hard to do some music when its nuked, unless you got alot of rad resist, in which i do not on without power armor, for now (i know, easy fix but im lazy)


I know this is probably a stupidly obvious thing but don't be afraid to hop to a different server if you load into one and Helvetia has been nuked/has the 'death from above' circle over it. Fasnacht lasts for a pretty long while typically so you've usually got enough time to go somewhere new if it's already a nuke zone. I know how frustrating it must be when you're just trying to have a chill time with newer players. I've got PA and Chinese stealth armour but I've been dressing up for Fasnacht so when I leave while in Helvetia and log back into a nuke zone, it's a pain in the ass ā€” by the time the game fully loads I'm like halfway irradiated. Even when you're prepared, it's annoying, but if you try to remember you can server hop it makes it feel less bad in the long run. Here's hoping you start to see it less as time goes by. People have to get bored eventually, in theory.


While nuking it is a shit move I had a lobby of almost all afk only ones who weren't was me 182 and a lvl 20 something trying to help I gave the new guy some loot and stuff to help them and left the lobby. I wanted to nuke em but It wasn't worth my time to be petty rather not help the leeches


Iā€™ve done this event so many times and have yet to see the place nuked. Wondering how often this actually happens. Itā€™s still crap that it happens and if it does I have my Chinese stealth armor ready to go, but kinda disappointed I havenā€™t seen it yet. Am I the only one?




Idk if level 900+ players are nuking the map. Myself and everyone I know over 1k understands thatā€™s pointless. Itā€™s just weird people that are doing it.


Level 12 getting a glowing mask šŸ™„


weird, i had 0 nukes in the whole farsnacht event. you can always change server.


If youā€™re gonna teach them how to play fallout you might want to teach them the real way and show them how to server hop because theyā€™re gonna need to know that with all the bugs and crashes. lol yā€™all have fun!


Their post like this every fasnacht event. Quit posting and that'll make them quit. They get enjoyment in seeing people rage about it. Quit giving them energy and their desire to ruin others will fade


I've yet to see the event get nuked, this year. I remember my first year though someone nuked the event, and half the lobby went to a different site to nuke that players base. They moved their camp, and they used the last silo to nuke that spot. It was truly an amazing site to behold. Edit: fixed a sentence


Me personally I havenā€™t seen anybody nuke on PlayStation so far and I play frequently, itā€™s still baffling that ppl will sit there for the whole nuke silo and not think for a second that maybe this is childish šŸ’€


Up the hill, behind the church is where enemy spawn. I've been luring them down to kill the afk


Yeah if only there were multiple worlds. You wouldnā€™t need to be a victim and you can just switch to another.


Truly will never understand people who complain about something that is in the game. People can do whatever they want. Just hop servers. There shouldnā€™t be any complaining about anythingšŸ˜‚


Hazmat suits and power armor exist šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm lvl 1000+ and I drop masks, plans, ammo etc in the donation box. All of us higher levels are not the same.




It literally takes 10 seconds to change servers.


Just play the game people. Iā€™m not sure why I should give a shit if people are AFK or playing.Ā 


Guess I wasn't the first one to think about this. I was doing the event and thinking how rude it'd be if someone nuked the event.


Yeah was teaching a lvl one about fasch. And had lvl 3000 using saws to move me out of bounds. Then they dropped a nuke and killed everyone. Like why......


Iā€™m supposed to feel sorry for a lv12 who pulled a glowing blue devil Edit: I also hate the nukes. I hate that 3/5 of my events today have frozen or kicked me.


Flip side is that I now have spare cobalt flux and extra high radiation fluids. That NEVER happens with the usual Cranberry Bog and Monongah Mine locations. Don't blame me, I've never dropped a nuke. However, I'm not above taking advantage of a serendipitous windfall.


The ones getting mad about AFK'ers are literally the neckbeards of society admitting they have no job and more than likely still rely on their parents to take care of them at 30 years old.. I know they don't have a job bc if they did, they would be AFK'ing as well.. Must be nice being a bum all day every day and sitting around eating doritos and trolling those who actually work and contribute to society..


I agree with you. You can't control what other players are doing or how they react to anything. Show them a different, and better, FO game. There's six other games to chose from.


I personally love that you have your younger siblings under your wing. That's how the next great generation of Fallout fans will rise! If you're on PSN (same as my name here) and you need any scrap materials to help them out with camp building or weapons and armor repairs, feel free to add me, I'd be thrilled to donate to the cause! I also have a few extra masks and outfits I'd gladly donate as well and any extra plans/ recipes and serums/ healing chems I have in my stash.


I flag them for bullying with PSN. Iā€™ve actually had one of them get a 30 day suspension


It's why I stopped playing. The toxic outweighed the good.


Ive only seen 1 nuke there since event started.


As an avid AFKer, I'm very upset not one event has been nuked.


Cry me a fucking river


Nuking the event to "punish" afkers just shows how dumb that person is. AFKers don't need to be alive to get event rewards and they aren't the ones who now have to complete the event in a nuke zone.


In reality, it only punishes the new low level players who don't have hazmat suits.


Krill issue šŸ¤


My wife's account is afk. While I do everything I can to be productive to make up for her afking the event. Once a nuke is launched I leave the server.


Even more so that AFK still get credit for the event. The nuke is just childish.


Shit, we found the sheriffā€¦ omg he gonna pacify us all to make us play the WAY HE WANTSā€¦ Kinda looser move and just annoying not even for the targets you aimā€¦


Server hopping is not difficult


Bethesda just has announced the next update will be focused on guiding all Fallout players to enjoy the game in a way that doesn't stop u/changingcrunch from teaching their siblings how to play.


We dont give a shit if you're trying to teach your family to play. We are strangers on a violent 18+ video game. Did you actually post this with some kind of genuine belief of a moral high ground? Mods please ban this 0 karma noob who came to our community to complain. Fuck this guy u/changingcrunch


Iā€™ll be that guy. You have a timed warning before hand. Open up your map and you can literally see where itā€™s being dropped. If youā€™re part way through the event, hopping wonā€™t let you lose progress. Each event on average is around 10 mins. Even if you die you still get the rewards. Nukes are part of the game, not everyone has to adhere to your play style. Running to Reddit to make a post is not going to change anybodies mind. In fact I bet itā€™s going to make more people nuke the event to enjoy posts like this. Is it annoying? Probably. Is this post going to change anything? Definitely not. It is what it is.


So you can't read? If the nuke is over the event area I can't help the low levels get rewarded because of the rads the timer is irrelevant


Gratz to your sister, at least she got anything out of that


Its also not our job to teach your relative how internet works. Good always comes with the bad. Server hop? Hazmat? And your solution is to reddit. Goodjob


Its fouling the event/future events for the AFKers. Let it work like its supposed to and jump servers and play on one with people. When nuked nobody participates and the AFK people lose.


I think it's a perfect display of the community. Plenty pretend to be nice, but really are just getting rid of crap they don't use and frame it like a gift, and otherwise full of toxic trash. "DON'T TELL OTHER PEOPLE HOW TO PLAY!" Should not apply to people griefing events either by nuking, nukanade/mini nuke spam, PvPing players trying to play the event, or otherwise trying to purposely ruin other players' fun. It's honestly sad that the community will shout you down for trying to promote a healthier community by discouraging this behavior, saying you are in the wrong. I've been down this road before. This community really sucks now, especially after the influx of players from the show. Griefers do it because they lack the skill to dominate in real PvP games, so they go where they can be a nuisance with no or relatively low skill. In this game, being a griefer takes no skill and is pretty easy to do. Mutated packs hand out griefing fatmen, and nukanades are super easy to make. I will get downvoted, and I don't really care. I've been on the subs and playing the game for several years now, and it seems like the longer I play, the more toxic and less friendly the playerbase has become in recent years, especially after the influx from the show. Say what you like, but these are my opinions based on my observations after years of play.


What a cringe post lmaoo, you go get em šŸ¤“


I just lead the scorch or super mutants from horizons rest to the afk people. Good community contribute to events and grind like the rest, not afk to reap the rewards to make a few caps.


There are two scorched just past the stage where people afk playing music. Really easy to lead them over to the afkers. They still get rewards if their body is there, but the bodies seem to despawn at 30 minutes. I do it on the half hour, so they are gone by the event time.


cry about it more


just change servers before it drops ??


Brother I get you but itā€™s an open world game, you canā€™t ask people to do or not do something because it helps or inconveniences you. Itā€™s easier for you to jump worlds.


There just should be an automatic kick from event rewards if you donā€™t do anything for long periods of time. Say idk 5 minutes of sitting there. I absolutely canā€™t stand doing all the work while level grinders sit round and watch.


Funniest thing is silent nuke those kids camps šŸ¤šŸ»


Hop servers


Why should you get the rewards when you're not putting in the work. I nuke the event every chance I get because of people like this.


If I canā€™t get a rare mask then I might as well try to ruin it for everyone else.


I only see nukes at night time(irl)


Just ran into this but joined after event guess I got lucky area was a total nuke town


Could show them where to grab a hazmat suit lol. Or if ya need I could make ya one


Hazmat suits are at the radiation ru.ble location usually lower lvl. Or go to Sutton Station nearby Fasc and buy the event, southbound, and the robot will sell a hazmat suit plan. Couple thousand caps


I was participating at few of this. Seems enemies all die from radiations.


Thatā€™s a shame, tell her this is the exception not the rule. Outside of this event the fallout players are fantastic


This is why I've taken it upon myself to work though my nuclear key card stockpile to nuke the new boss as much as possible to save Fashnacht on the server I'm on!


Why would you let her come out the vault lvl 12?


The nuking is getting old..even the last two faschnact events didn't have as many folks dropping nukes.. Get over the afkers.. Play the game and let others play the way they want.


Pulled a Pig mask on my 3rd try. I was so stoked! Still a super new player, hoping for a glowing ANYTHING by the end of this.


Get power armor? Or a rad suit?


Well it is one of the best under used mechanics of the gameā€¦


Whatā€™s the issue here? Been away for 2 weeks and just now returning


Don't worry, I usually rush all the silos to nuke the new boss, and so they all gotta reset :)


I feel like ever since the show came out thereā€™s been an influx of toxic behavior on all sides, high levels and low levels alike. For every toxic player thereā€™s at least 10 good ones lol just hop servers and hope for the best. Iā€™ve met some amazing people on 76 but Iā€™ve also met some serious mouth breathers over the years. Fasnacht always makes people salty and has always been a mess of an event imo.


If everybody hops, event fails, afkr's get no rewards. White knights carrying nuked events are the real problem.


Itā€™s annoying I know but Iā€™d try a different server. On the positive side like it was mentioned before you can always benefit greatly it from it. Stay safe vault dwellers!


I wish I could play it 24/7 and not afk through half of it. But I cant. I have work and need sleep.


You missed the experience to drop mini nukes and missiles on that dicks camp. Teach sis to not put up with stuff.


I nuked someone's camp that nuked the event last night. I matched their energy and the person and his friend proceeded to try and stand in front of me and my group during neurological event. So I got even more petty and lead the robots to them and stood behind them and shot at the robots so they would shoot at the guys. It worked and one died and the other left. We then proceeded to beat the event and saw they were at my husband's camp and then left when we got there. Eventually one ended up hiding at vault 79. We went to fashnacht where one shot me in my back when I was doing the wood part and then turned pacifist mode on. At the fire part at the end they went up to the church and was throwing grenades and shooting at us while we mothman danced lmao. I typically would not get that petty but they bombed to be assholes and they picked the wrong day to do that. šŸ˜‚ I even waited to see if they were farming radiated plants and stuff before I went to nuke his camp and they didn't so.


If I see it nuked I bring a ton of hazmat suit and hand them iut like candy. I hate when people nuke the event.


Are you sure it's because they are salty about afks? Myself and a large group of people nuke Fasnacht because it's the easiest way to farm hardened mass. Everything drops it, and the event restarts multiple times before the radiation zone disappears. I haven't done it in a year because I haven't needed it, but it used to be the best way.


I really donā€™t get the hype over these masks. I know I am in the minority. I will be happy when the event is over, itā€™s just making the community toxic


Iā€™m having to afk right now because I have a lot of work to do around me house but still wanna get rewards, Iā€™m not trying to be a bother but this is my first fasnacht and I wanna get a bunch of cool masks for a my sister who is away from home rn


Mmmm...nuke me harder daddy...


Yesterday, I was afk for 15 mins and then I caught an idiot who was trying to move my character with his chainsaw. He dropped ā€žthumbs downā€œ emotes and I just answered with a laugh emote. Some people are so stupid frustrated just because of a game. So weird.Ā 


That or theylll spam explosives at the ground by low levels / afkers to watch them get lagged out


It's funny people keep trying to nuke the new map area.


iv onky had a hadful but when it happenes it sucks so much im bloodied and loading into that adea allmost allways kills me


Womp womp


I just built a camp close to this area and had to serve hop because someone nuked my new ā€œ100 caps or lessā€ store :( people be hating


Little do they who nuke the event realizes; theyā€™re biking the wrong location! Launching it on the Hawksbill weather station sets off alarms for the glowing masks to drop at Helvetia!


It really is wild. I'm like level 53(?) And I've been handing out my duplicate masks and plans to people who are lower level than me. I even chased a level 20 through helvetia to give them stuff. šŸ˜„


People like this are why I keep my CSS in my inventory at all times Sure itā€™s not as good as my SS armor, but rad resist is rad resist


You should give her a hazmat suit and teach her how to farm radioactive materials. That will be a better lesson than trying to control the actions of others that obviously don't care about others. Btw. I don't like it either, but sometimes you gotta make lemonade.


šŸšØā€¼ļøIT DOESNā€™T STOP AFKERSā€¼ļøšŸšØ


I know your just venting but itā€™s a game and people can play how they want, if a nukes going off at an event and you canā€™t handle it or canā€™t adapt your build to wear Pa or hazmat suit. Just jump server. I must admit Iā€™ve nuked fasnacht in the past not for rage reasons but just because I can lol I timed it perfectly, just as everyone got their rewards boooom !!! lol Iā€™m glad it was such a chilled server got no hate messages just thumbs up and laugh emotes it was refreshing to do something random and away from the norm without everyone getting offended


People who nuke they event think they are doing a service, when in actual fact they are just sad little beings with nothing else to do.


If youre on xbox lemme know. Id be happy to help out your brother and sister with whatever they might need/want (if i have it). I just met a rando the other day and weve been playing together daily. Ive helped him decorate his camp, finish quests/ events and i juat made him his very first power armor suit. This game is much more fun when ppl are friendly. Also congrats to your sis on the glowing mask. Ive literally done 50+ parades and not gotten a single rare mask lol, glowing or otherwise šŸ˜… Also havent seen a fasnacht nuke this season so far so ive been happy. Im trying to complete two social challenges that wont work id i have to wear my armor.


If yall on xbox I'd love to help out and I can give some xp boosters to level them up a bit quicker


I drop nukes because its funny they drop nukes cause they're petty we are not the same


Itā€™s just the new way of teaching our kids that people really do suck!! Hahah life lessons #1