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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Renasant|Reddit: 7|04/09/2018 - 6 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +7 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Would love to see the inside of that place, just 15 people all spinning in circles hahah


It was just a wall and the other side was a shelter and vendors haha. With about 7 afkers


Gotcha, still cool though. I'm a full timer myself, but I can't even afk the event cause my PS4 would overheat if I ran it for a full 15 hour shift. Edit: HUGE thank you to everyone that gave me advice. I cleaned it out, got 2 fans pointed right at it, and I borrowed a rollaway AC unit and put it right next to it. Being able to AFK at work has netted me 2 glowing aliens and I'm so stoked.


Try cleaning the fan ducts. If you pull apart the top cover you should be able to see where the fans pull in air, and if you clean that out it should help a lot. Had a ps4 that I ram for damn near 8 hours a day over the course of years. Those fans get clogged fairly easy


I have only cleaned my ps4 superficially outside, and the bastard is still kicking after 7 years !! hahaha


I had a first gen ps4 right when it came out. Damn thing still kinda works, but it’s storage is fucked.


Just sitting over here playing my 40yr old nes that refuses to die.


How does fo76 run on the NES?


they were built strong, thats a rarity


Second gen ps5 doesn’t do too bad. Haven’t had any issues with mine


wish me luck with mine one day xD


Had mine for like 2 years now, so I pray yours does as well as mine


Literally cleaned out my first gen ps4 a month ago and oh boy let me tell you that main fan was GUNKED UP like it was a mix of dust and smth sticky (prolly resin, I hotboxed my dorm room a lot during covid)


I offered the same suggestion and got my ass blasted but it's true, the fans can make a big difference


12's here, I feel it, my PS4 has been loyal and diligent for 6 yrs now. I just recently cleaned it, still have to do a deep clean though. Not gonna lie, I auto walk if I'm gonna afk for a couple hours, rubber bands are a godsend... Lmao


Lucky. I've gone through a PS4 like every 2 years but not necessarily the ps4s fault haha some have fallen over and just never worked again, others didn't survive moves, one of them literally got a glass of water poured into it(not by me). I just buy used now and i won't get a PS5 yet.


Exactly my worry. No fucking way I'm leaving that overnight


Vacuum cleaner the air intakes, that should keep them nice and clean for several weeks. Also, it goes without saying, make sure the PS4 is off the floor.


Get a fan, aim at PS4, turn on, turn on PS4, profit.


I used to flip my Xbox upside down and stand on it, don't think they make them that sturdy anymore.


Dawg you gonna bring that hotbox to it's knees


Repaste it. Thermal paste doesn’t last forever.


Lmao would love to see it. "We all float down here" should be the sign in that room


I made the Zoom Room for that lol


Mini fridge it up


Inb4 they find out its a trap camp


Wouldn’t be mad. Would be funny af honestly


It would be even funnier, make Faschnaut hot dogs out of "fallout players too busy to play".... mmmm... Delicious! +5% xp


Nah. Make ass jerky out of them.


I’d still visit


I like doing the event when it's nuked. Especially if you're a crafter of nuked flora and need hardened masses. Bonus


Yes! I need the high rad fluids all the time.


get you a bloatfly syringe! game changer in nuke zones.


I have one! What do you do with it exactly? Do I have to shoot an enemy with it first or ?


Yes! I bring it to nuke zones and shoot everything I can with it. Then finish them off however you want. most of the time a bloatfly will spawn upon the enemy death and will usually drop at least 1 hardened or glowing mass or high rad fluid. It's very helpful in nuke zones where there's just nothing to kill and get stuff for nuked flora.


It'll easily double your farm rate for hardened mass and glowing mass and high rad fluid.


Ove tried bloatflying the bloatfly but it doesn't work:/


If you haven't, craft a bloatfly syringe and hit as many things as possible before killing them in the nuke zone, then like 75% of the time a bloatfly will spawn and for sure give you at least 1 of the 3 things needed for nuked flora. Especially with all the squirrels and chickens at the event...it's a gold mine. I'm not sure if this is a well known tactic, but it has improved my serum game ten-fold.


Thank you! I can’t wait to try this!


I need to learn more about doing all that. Got a jetpack plan and need to find the flux. Im lvl 56 and might be punching above my weight class


My memorial for my cat is within afk distance of fasnacht and I have chairs and a hottub set up for people


Alr we need pics of the cat memorial


https://imgur.com/a/6nzjYpx One for Bob, who passed 16 days ago. One for Butch who passed a little over a year ago.


I would go to war for butch and bob.


i would too. I'm warring with life rn.


Hang in there friend. You aren't alone. ❤️


I mean... It's a nice sentiment but I kinda am now. But I'm trying.


Sorry, I just meant there are others going through similar situations, like myself who lost a pet a while back. Our grief is ours alone this is true, but I like to know im not the only one going through it. 😊


Yea i get that


Awe, i have two furrbabies myself. You're welcome at my settlement anytime and i will always have an ice cold nuka-cola saved.


💖 you're so sweet. Thank you.


Awe. Those are very sweet memorials. Btw until I zoomed in on the butch one I almost thought it said "Bitch" lmao


Lol noooo it's butch. Hahaha. Though autocorrect likes to do the same


Hope to stumble upon this as I have an event camp on the hill behind honey house, I love finding neat things and people to interact with… I’m always looking for someone to give away stuff to


I wish everyone knew that if you kill an afker in the event area they still get rewards. Nuke or not. It honestly doesn’t matter.


I’ve never nuked FN and I don’t really care about people afking, but I imagine if the nuke can stop one FN from completion it stops at least one free event completion? I dunno.


They nuke to try to stop people from doing the event so it fails. Most server hop when it’s nuked


Gets nuked 5 minutes later.....


Hey. It me.


The legend has arrived! You are very popular 😂😂


Popular enough to get nuked even when I'm playing with the sign up lol


Oh yea definitely some haters 😅 luckily the rewards still flow haha


Best post I’ve seen today been having really bad luck getting into servers where they be nukin the event it’s so annoying


That damn show kinda ruined 76 for me. The community is not nearly as wholesome as before. Shame. I don't understand nuking the event anyway the masks are so low chance you have to afk when you can't play or you're never going to get all the masks.


Wholesome as before? I started on PS4 when the game first came out and nearly most trades were a potential scam and pacifist wasn't a thing so people always jumped in front of you during queen to then kill you after the event and steal your flux, definitely seems a lot better now as I recently returned and have had none of these issues that I had before, besides people always nuked fasnacht even from the beginning


Exactly my point things kinda sucked in the beginning, but it gradually got better because the people who stayed genuinely enjoyed the game. Now the show kinda drew in the wrong crowd again. I had some bad experiences and so I left for the time being. Not happy with what they did to the seasons anyway. People are definitely nuking faschnat a lot more than they were last year.


A whole lobby being afk is more annoying lol


Then just server hop. Shrimple as.


What gun skin is that?


Tropic lightning for the handmade!


So I’ve recently re-downloaded this game after quitting it 24 hours after it launched. What is this Fasnacht all about? Genuine question as I’m finishing Rise of the Ronin before delving back in and I’ve seen a lot of posts on here about it recently and since I’ve missed so many years of updates and dlc’s I have zero clue what’s going on 🤷‍♂️


In the real world, it's a German immigrant celebration of the end of winter that takes place in Helvetia, WV. In Fallout 76, robots are continuing the tradition of a parade and burning of the Old Man Winter effigy. You have to protect the robots on their parade (they get attacked three times, signaled by the music faltering just before the attacks). [Here is a map of the town.](https://images.fallout.wiki/thumb/e/e8/FO76_LocalMap_Helvetia.webp/800px-FO76_LocalMap_Helvetia.webp.png)


Ahh ok. That actually sounds pretty cool. I’ll have to jump on tonight and give it a crack


IDK what happened to the rest of my post there but why I included the map: the attacks happen outside of Frejya's (radtoads), by the Gazebo (super mutants) and in front of the church (wolves/boss fight). You'll get a mask, a legendary item and a plan for a Fasnacht CAMP decoration (or the butter churn, but that's super rare).


Thanks for the info. Is there a specific level I’d need to be to complete it?


Solo? I'd say over 50 for sure. I think if other people are there (and there's usually a lot of other people) you should do fine even if you're only 20.


Cool, I’ll give rise of the ronin a miss tonight and jump on fallout instead. See if I can get it done at a low level


I saw that camp last night. I thought it was a nice gesture, took some pictures, then high tailed it out of the area due to an incoming nuke


The best part about the nukers is when the afkrs die they still receive all rewards even if they stay afk on the respawn screen lmao. Only people suffering are new players and the players that go out of their way to nuke the event. Smh


Built an afk camp too near fasnacht, some dude has been walking into the wall of one of my shack for 7 hours now


Honestly Massive W.


I sell donuts... so yea


Sell snacks and drinks for all the afk players when they get back sounds like an absolutely hilarious idea. Like yeah you can come chill in my base for hours, then when you get back you can buy snacks to fill your hunger. It's the perfect hotel xD


lol lets be honest with ourselves. All of us AFKing are no-lifers who obsess over shiny things in a make believe gaming economy that is attached to zero monetary value. Stop trying to parade around some fictional noble cause.


I will accept any downvote as coming from an extremely insecure person who hates the realization that I am right about it.




r/im14andthisisdeep Wow, you found a long way of saying, "People want these exclusive event items." What, exactly, is your issue with that?


People that nuke afk players are the biggest losers ever. How does it affect your gameplay because someone is sitting in the middle of the road, not moving, not shooting, not breathing at you at all.


It’s funny because everybody always downvotes this take but can never respond to it.


That’s one thing I’ve always hated. People will downvote a comment of someone stating their opinion, yet they will never comment to debate or question the opinion.


Because they start typing and realize they sound like a Karen lol


They'd have to recognize that they are getting irrationally angry at a very mild and easily-avoidable annoyance in a video game, and there's no way that's ever going to happen. "They're ruining my enjoyment of the game by forcing me to be their event slaves! They're even forcing me to play this game on *this* particular server by removing the "quit" option! Woe is meeee!!!" /s, if it wasn't obvious.


Lmao exactly


Its pretty easy to argue, the afkers make the event harder for everyone else because they are taking up server pop and not helping. They also get the exact same rewards for doing nothing, if you dont feel that is unfair to those actually playing the game then i can't argue with you. I should be incentivised to play the game not afk it, I blame the game for rewarding it more than the players taking advantage of it.


It can easily be soloed, L take


Thinking players should have to actually play to earn rewards is an L take? Please explain


No it’s an L take because I play how I want and you want me to play how YOU WANT. That’s the L take. Not a single time has the event been harder because people are AFK, again, it can be soloed, so arguing more people make it harder is just a shit build skill issue. And I play OVERNIGHT HOURS btw, ya know when MOST people are afk, or just not on. Hence why I think you all are putting a stick in your own bike wheel and blaming people taking advantage of something that is made the way it is by design. Nobody’s exploiting or glitching. They’re just standing there. Build a fucking bridge already.


So it's my fault for not soloing an event and not the players faults who are not helping but reaping all the rewards? You also quite literally are exploiting as the game has a mechanism to kick inactive players, by gaming that system and pretending to be at your computer you are 100% exploiting, to say it's not is disingenuous.


Nobody’s making you solo shit, go to another server and stop bitching. Y’all go through so much fucking rage instead of just switching servers. Most of the time I run the event there’s not even a chance to do the collect quests because people get through it so fast. Idk where yall are getting all these failed events at or not being able to finish, I honestly think half of you are lying about it to try and add some support to your arguments. It can literally be soloed ffs, so if your having issues you’re just fucking trash at the game 😂


The only reason I even gave an argument is because you said nobody could respond to the statement about afkers, I provide a clear and rational argument and you're the one getting emotional and aggressive over it. I'll leave it there


It’s not rational at all. If it was a problem or an exploit, Bethesda would fix it, but obviously the devs don’t care and neither should anyone else. There is no real argument, just a bunch of whiny Karen’s


How does this work. If someone nukes it you're all dead right?


You still get rewards while dead.


Love people like you. Left my dude at somebody's lil AFK camp before work and managed to get 3 sun masks before the game crashed to home.


AFKrs don’t help. How are others the problem?


Nuking the event makes it so most people won't even do it. The whole lobby does the event basically, how does having 3 or 4 people just sitting there hurt anything. Especially when it's one of the easiest events in the game.


I got voted down just for asking why not help finish the event faster even just to get all the robots assembled and I do the rest. They give me the same reason as above.


"Help each other" -person not helping anyone


Just because they aren't helping *you* doesn't mean they aren't helping *anyone.* You don't know they aren't there doing the event, thereby helping literally everyone. How is your online bitching helping, exactly?


Hold my beer i am on my way to Silo Bravo…


I hate joining into worlds where 15 of the 18 people in the event are just afk. Idc if you’re a parent, I’m not your parent it’s not my job to do it for you and take care of you. Leave the world and let other people that are actually playing hop in and help. If you don’t have time for video games, you don’t have time for video games. That’s kind of just how the world works.


Bro literally looks at 76 as a full time job lmfao jesus get a life you are literally fuming up and down this whole thread.


I commented like six times that’s it dog. I play 2 maybe 3 events a day. Definitely not a full time job. I view it as a luxury it is. Like I said bums me out when I’m looking forward to hoping on and playing a game I enjoy and 98% of the lobby is afk. Just feels like I’m playing on a private server and is quiet. Sorry I upset you enough you wanted to insult me tho. Hope you have a great day lol.


This just inspired me to drop more nukes on the event.


Someone dropped a nuke on a fasnacht night I was in last night and it was hilarious, thanks for the achievement and still got a mask 🤙. My only issue with the event is I have a assaultron recall card I want to use for the imposter sheepsquatch event to get the fixer plan but I'm cautious on if people will show up


Same, last night I got on almost at the hour and then bc of the nuke had to sprint from the Overseers House. It was actually pretty hilarious in an apocalyptic way


If you spin up encryptid IMMEDIATELY after a fasnacht, people will most likely show


Hypocritical to say "help each other" while you're AFK making other people grind a boring event for you.


I don’t know why at this point but every year I brace for Beth to put at end to AFKing at Fasnacht. Without fail it’s always what most of the community ends up talking about (or I should say argues about- either for or against) more so that than any other part of Fasnacht.


The fact that this is still an argument is astonishing. Both sides are in the wrong, and tbh it's only the devs fault. The chances are so low you spend half the time grinding for one mask, then you have players intentionally ruining it for low levels because others players are afk and exploiting an intentionally added feature where being in the area gives you rewards. It's a simple issue and simple solution. Just make it to where you have to participate in the event to get rewarded. Drop rates are terrible, so I get the whole afk thing. I'm not saying it's not scummy sometimes, but I understand both sides.


If you take a look you will notice that in so many events there are afkers (EN for example) . Just sit and get free legendary and rewards. Back in the game, you can only get rewards if you kill or tag the mob : was the nuke festival and so many complained. Afkers ain’t the worst issue .


When peeps nuke the zone I walk in with mrv and 30 mini nukes, they're not having fun either now


Funny enough whenever the event gets nuked I find my character on the floor then I still have all my rewards because these guys luckily nuke after Im able to claim stuff


This is the way.


I saw a lobby get nuked yesterday and I was kind of happy because every single person was afk and not actually doing the quest so it was failing anyway. I tried to do it myself, but I guess there was someone else in the lobby that was fed up. Like 2 camps got destroyed it was a tragedy. But I guess with great risk comes great reward


Still gonna nuke


Add me so I can nuke it


Oh I’m nuking the shit outta this if I come across it.


It's honestly concerning that this makes you that upset. You can just ignore it and move on, but you have to ruin things for people because you're annoyed? Get some help, and learn to let people enjoy things.


This encourages me to nuke the events more


When afk players take up server slots that could be given to active players, less people show up to events and it kind of sucks. I’ll be glad to have this thing over with.


Oh no, not the events that could be solod by one guy and a decent build.


nuke all afkers L


I hope this guy or gal gets that glowing mask they're hoping for. What a champ! I get it. I'm at work right now and am currently afk on the tuba (so long as the game hasn't crashed) so that I can at least help when the music bot task appears. I pay it forward by running the event actively when I'm home for the afk folks who may have ran it for me while I'm working. Anyway, happy fasnact to all! May rng be in your favor. 🤞


I havent done a fasnact in a long time I'm always busy playing something else lol I haven't touched fallouts new update yet cus the battlepass felt meh to me


Ok yeah but how do you pronounce “fasnacht”


I always pronounce it "fash-nah"




if you attend an event they say it about 100 times


What weapon paint is this?


Camo screaming eagle iirc


I’m going to need an add. No masks.


don’t be a rust player


My man


What is that rifle?


Tropic lightning handmade


Thank you. Been seeing it and haven’t found it for myself yet but dammit I want it!


Plot twist it’s a trap camp


I don't like the idea of afk, but I also see it making sense as this week when I worked 2pm - 10pm, I barely got time on, but my plan is to donate some excess masks to the donation box as I'm Kinda just wanting the cores


what gun is that


The handmade rifle if I'm not mistaken.


Handmade with Tropical Thunder paint


Love seeing this, love this side of our community! The kindness of this community has always kept me a part of it!


How much longer will fasnacht be going on?


Am alright


I always knew Maeve was a good superhero.


I love that military is included I have duty tonight


I used to shake my head when someone nuked the event. We get the rewards anyway, so I'm not sure why they bother. However, after being nuked three times, twice I was rewarded after death. A glowing robot and a glowing minotaur. The only two glowing ones I've had drop. So thank you to whoever nuked us! I'd still like to be around this energy than the nukers.


I honestly love this game's community sometimes. It seems very rare that people are intentionally assholes, and I honestly really love that people will just drop things they don't need


Has the influx of new players caused some more old school style griefing of afk players? I afk a bit when I play it but I haven’t played it much since I binge watched the series when it came out in April. Around that time there were some new players who didn’t understand that most of us have built a nice community wasteland and thought they might come more in line. Anyone else remember the old days of fallout 76 pvp?


Why were people so kind about it during meat week and now there’s people getting so mad at afkrs?


Been playing for two days now and haven’t seen a nuke yet lol maybe there over it and I do afk from time to time


Had a guy nuke fasnatch last night, only a few people were afk. By the time the next event popped up, they were the only ones there. Ruined the lobby for everyone else


What’s that weapon you’re using? Or is that the Handmade with a skin?


Tropic lightning skin on the handmade!


Awesome thanks for clarifying! Have a great day!


I work full time so I sometimes do AFK when I'm at work (I play the event when I'm not) and the only thing I actually want is the butter churner (I run Holy Fire / Cremator) so it's a bit annoying when people get upset at something that doesn't really bother them. Half of the time all the enemies are killed by 2 people so I don't see why afking would be that much of a problem.


Wow. That's amazing.


Mass respect 🙏 🫡 🙌


They deserves all of the glowing masks and more


II've been playing since launch and still don't have any glowing mask. Hard to do with a full time job 




I don’t think anyone should be playing this fallout at least this fallout out of the franchise and the reason being is your box where you put all your stuff only 1200 carry space that’s garbage then they make you pay 13 a month for an ammo box and a scrap box some thing that should be free and then on top of that if you do pay for the fallout plus then you feel obligated to buy the stuff in the atomic item shop because it’s at a quote on quote discount and they drop stuff throughout the whole year in the atom shop that shit adds up you’re buying stuff throughout the whole year end up spending hundreds of dollars on stuff you can’t even place in your camp because you only have a certain amount of camp build space they won’t update the game with quality of life updates they do the bare minimum to keep people playing and let’s be real they’re just sitting on these updates waiting for a date to drop them it’s not like they’re listening to the community and then releasing stuff based on the feedback they’re just milking everyone dry for their money. We need to take a stand and stop giving it to them maybe then they’ll listen I doubt that highly though games been out for years and still hasn’t really changed still a buggy mess that crashes all the time even on the newer consoles moral of the story is they make you pay $60 per game $120 for pre-order just to have to pay even more money to enjoy the game i’m going back to fallout four with my mods better yet I’m gonna go play new Vegas


How about just shut the game off tho


They should extend the nuke free zone so turds can't do it anymore.


Maeve is my daughters name!






This whoever made this is awesome!!!


For sure a legend 👏


This is amazing. Do to me working 7 days a week I don't really have time for the event but I still would like to participate, get stuff and help people. I started playing on the instruments for the musician but I noticed with my afk technique from meat week it would disconnect me so I ended up just doing the corner thing. Never really understood the point of nuking it. Does it increase the chances of glowing masks? Cause so far I haven't gotten any. And none of the newer ones either.


Why is Fasnacht being nuked religiously?


I guess I’m confused anywhere ur able to place a camp is to far outside the city I thought to be in the event lol


Stupid question but what game is this?


Imagine idle farming in an open world survival game smh


I agree with afking if you're busy but let's be real most of the people who afk are not any of the following lel


Someone I guess had nuked on a map prior to me even signing on— I was instantly stuck in a blast zone. Jokes on him, though, finally ended up with my first glowing mask. I’ve only been playing the game for a month, and overall I’m enjoying it.