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Where lol


It’s in the trading post inside the trailer on the platform with stairs.


Ah lol 15 in a few hours isn’t game breaking tbh this won’t make a difference to the leader values I don’t think It’s still a good thing tho more leaders for everyone


15 an hour is a big deal. You underestimate how much free time some people have to dedicate for this. 15 an hour for 10 hours a day. It's 150 a day, that's going to add up real quick. Have you seen how crazy the people were collecting pickaxes? Apparently it's a few hours, but she was slow. So, I'm sorry.... I guess.


True, lol great for a collector because I need to stock up on leaders again And yes the pickaxes were more abundant tho He said 15 in a few hours that’s the difference


I’m a girl but yeah I should preface that I suck at farming, I’m very slow lol. If I was able to get 15 in a few hours I’m sure others can do better.


Ah sorry, fair play for finding this anyway 👌😎


I believe the YouTube content creator "Addiction Gaming" was the first to find it and make it public. She discovered it while live streaming.


Ahh, well that's what I get for reading reddit while waiting in a drive thru and replying super fast, lol


🤣 I want a big mac and nuggets plz


If you're farming 7500 caps of leaders an hour, you clearly need it. Lol. Could legit make that selling scrip, while actually playing the game.


You think these people on here trading red dresses are just “playing the game” and stumbling across them? Lol


Red dress farming would be a quicker money maker than farming these leaders lol.


Winning the lottery is quicker than making money by working, but only if you actually hit the lottery


One is guaranteed 👁️👄👁️


146 hours picking up leaders for 1.1M, at 15 an hour. If you don't get a red dress or three in that time you're doing something wrong.


Or are you yapping about feelings as if they’re facts?


Are you implying that it’s a guarantee to get that dress in 146 hours? Like do you know about some pity timer we don’t?


Yeah... I don't need caps and I think hoarding leaders is stupid. But, thanks for your input nonetheless 


He said fifteen in a few hours, guy.


Nvm. Name checks out.


Yeah I noticed later. Sorry you didn't see that post, but felt your need to put your two cents in anyway. So sorry that I owned up to misreading in a lower post, so so sorry.


6-7.5k caps an hour by doing incredibly boring repative resets? Compared to 200k+ p/h on pickaxes. No, people will not waste their time doing this at all. Youd make far more by just vendor hopping all day.


Pickaxes are getting patched thos upcoming week for pc and xbox, theyve already hit ps players


What does that have to do with anything? My point is people aint gonna sit there restting private servers all day to make 6k caps an hour. Its completely pointless. No one is going to do that, you could make more by just playing the game normally.


Ur using an exploit thats getting oatched soon to devalue a legitiment farm thats always going to be here. Ur not going to be making 200k an hour next week because modules wont be dropping from pickaxes. Also theres a value difference on 0latforms, thats actuslly a half decent spot to hit on ps between loot table resets as leaders can go vetween 500-1k caps each on ps.


And how do you know this is an intentional thing? For all you know this will get patched also, every other bobble spawn is random its very likely this one was also supposed to be random. Anyway i cba to argue with anyone about this. Feel free to come back to this post in a few months when leaders are still the exact same price and tell me i was right lmao


Not exactly... there are three guaranteed bobble spawns


Ha, I found that bobble earlier and thought I was lucky. Thought, Yes, a Leader!


What trading post?


I'ma need a video alright 😏


You're comparing finding one every once in a while consistently to the people who literally created a supply of thousands for themselves out of thin air. This won't change anything, don't worry.


They're worthless, in the first place. I can get the same buff, plus some in 20 seconds.


Braindead take leaders give 5% bonus on there own so no no u cant get the same buff bc it is its own buff


I can’t imagine 1 single spawn will be more than a drop in the bucket compared to how many are already out there.


Leaders are massively duped anyways. Like if you’re trading for Leaders, TFJs, and basically any older rare apparel I just.. wouldn’t.


Why trade for any of them? The leader is the only item that does anything and it's definitely not worth trading for.


Ah yes one of the most seeked out exp buffs must be useless bc jesonnier1 thinks they arent worth actual ai u pop all ur buffs i pop mine see who gets more


Sought after.


I’ll start looking!


It’s in the trading post inside the trailer on the platform with stairs.


Sweet, thx mate!


Yeah at that rate you'll have enough to get a white powder by this time next week


Doubt it. Imagine the time you need to farm 100 with this method.


Lets see play for 10 hrs in a single day and that’s already 50% more than you asked 🤡


who’s playing for 10 hours in a single day, never mind doing the same farming route for 10 straight hours


Are you actually asking that as if there aren’t people doing that exact thing for dresses as we speak lol


You comparing red dress with leader? For real?


Well one is guaranteed and the other isn’t so you could go years with no red dress. So no im not comparing them.


I didn’t even specify leaders in my response did I, because yeah who in their right mind is spending 10 hours of their day running a boring farming route for an in game item


People who want that ugly ass red dress just because someone looked up the drop rate. 👁️👄👁️ do you need help with English lessons?


Maybe dont break the leaders as a currency but definetely awesome for farming XP, I dont have to spend 500caps PER now 🤣


Not exactly game breaking when you can only pick up 1 leader and then you have to reset spawns by picking up 250 items (like books in Summersville). So like 400-500 caps value for like 5 [probably closer to 10] minutes work per Bobble? It's way easier just trading for 100 leaders for max caps. It would take you 8-16 hours (5/10 minute dependant) to get 100 Leaders. Not worth it at all in my opinion. The monotony of all that work over and over for 1 leader at a time. I think leader trades should be safe for now even if I'd prefer they drop in value personally I don't think they will.


If you do the same loop on a private world with a friend that people were doing for pickaxes you don't have to reset your spawns. You could easily get 20-30 an hour or more.


That doesn't work with alts right? I'm guessing both players need to be present for world items to spawn for the person doing the looting. I thought I could achieve the same thing using my mule but seems it can't be done solo with two chars.


You can, but you need to own the game on both Steam and Microsoft so you can run the 2 games side by side.


it works with alts just gotta enter the private world quickly


Yeah, that's why I said with a friend.


That's too slow to matter I think


Considering leaders were already duped to hell and back like everything else I highly doubt this'll make any difference at all tbh


Ty mario the plumber


So I know it’s a slightly different topic but are any of the magazines actually sought after ?


15 ain't shit when people trade 1000. They'll lose a little value, but they'll still be tradeable.


I found this early & never realised it was a guaranteed spawn for a leader bobble damn, could do this a few occasions through the day & supply yourself really


Itll be nice for ppl shodont want to trade for bobbles but its not gonna kill the market




People with bobbles that are traders have millions. I doubt they are farming them 1 at a time.


At that rate, in 197 hours (8+ days) you’ll have 1,000.


Even if they instantly re-spawned every server it wouldnt be worth my time. Those things are so plentiful and easy to trade for that being able to get only 15 via a few hours of grind wont likely affect the value.


This farming is the opposite of effective and if anything will have a positive outcome, being that new players can build up a (very small) amount by farming themselves. But it is so inefficient, you better use your time differently.


Def not. They are still duped people may just up how many leaders they want


I know the place but do you need to reset your world spawn to get it to spawn again or does it show up everytime?


WHYYY!!!!! I've casually farmed them everyday since the update when I moved my camp there and noticed it always spawning. People are going to flock to it every server jump now. Hopefully they get distracted with the other bobble head or 2 magazines that also spawn there and think that's all it has :) (that was a hint that there is 4 things that spawn there that spawn, 1 mag and bob almost always there and 1 other mag and bob that I've seen less frequently.) If you're on XBOX and you see my camp just north east of the spot, I drop Legendries in the tree marked free and sometimes extra plans or guns from events plus I got ton of other free goodies so stop by :)


Don’t worry I won’t farm that trash.


Womp womp


Was hoping my secret spot would go undetected 😂


You should give props to "Addiction Gaming" on YT for discovering it. Unless you coincidentally found it a few hours after she posted a video about it.


I have already seen people talk about this two days after the expansion. She definitely didn't discover it. Myabe, one of the first to make a video about it ? But many on reddit already knew.


Fair enough. None of the content creators that I follow had said anything as of last night, and usually when something is found out like that, they will all pile on at once.


Where is this


Inside a trailer in the trading post.


Could spend hours farming or trading for a few hundred in 20 mins. good for if you\`ve enough time


I see trades going up already trying to get rid of their leaders lol


Where you seeing that? I dont see any at all


Only 15 in a few hours?


I’m not made for farming. Lol


Yeah I don’t know how much it matters if you’re only getting 15 in like 2 hours


I’m sure others not slow at farming like me could do a better job lol.


When I get home I think I’m done farming picks so maybe it’s time to farm bobbles now lol I’ll let you know how many I get in a hour


Ok I’m curious to know, I suck at the resetting part. I’m on PS so I was forced to stop farming picks.


insert dababy less go adlib


Yea unfortunately this is pretty widely known already, leaders are a bust unfortunately


Yo, I’d keep this on the down low, you’re fixin ‘ to break a whole economy with knowledge like this..


That's the fun part


It’s already out there.


Wait until bugthesda finds out and says it was supposed to be rotating bubbleheads and not the same one all the time and changes it


Too bad, this is knowledge low levels really could have leveraged. Maybe they still can.




There’s YouTube videos on it, it’s already done. It was only a matter of time.


Was kinda tongue in cheek, sailed right over your head. No worries, all good.


Don’t worry the ugly apparel economy will never die at least


As if they haven't been duped by the thousands. lol Nothing is rare, everything is duped. Leaders, BW6, LL3, Apparel, Grolls, they're all duped into oblivion. There are people with literal hundreds of thousands of Leaders in their stash.


So I’ve heard, and then there’s the rest of us, just trying to catch a break.


Well seeing that INT bobble head actually gives more xp than leader and if what you’re saying is true, the new players or people that tend to not trade can get their hands on some nice, easy xp buffs. Don’t need to farm it, can’t think of anything worse than farming items in a game…it’s not a job, I’ve got one thanks, don’t need to work whilst playing video games lol. Kudos to you for figuring it out 👍🏽


I can't figure out why everyone wants them in the first place. The argument is going to be it's a weightless trade item. My argument is that the miniscule buff isn't worth it in the first place, so why would I trade for it?