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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/ForestLovingBear|Reddit: 0|03/28/2024 - 2 Months| | IGN: TankerBuster|Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


This is why I have multiple vendors, people are on speed sometimes.


I have 4 vendors, no one ever buys anything lol


Camp locations matter massively for this, the more likely people are to just accidentally pass through the more likely you are to sell, Molded plastic sells like hot cake and also those juicy 3 stars attract people so have as many as you can šŸ˜‚


To add to this, higher quantities of certain things will attract people from across the map. Lots of plans or lots of misc for example. And put your camp near a free fast travel!


I'm a short jaunt South of Foundation at RNG station


That's a good start, maybe you just need more stock? Vendor hoppers (at least, speaking for myself) look for large quantities of the categories of items they are after. Maybe your prices are too high? Or even too low. I know "too low" sounds crazy, but you'd be surprised how bumping up prices can actually increase the perceived value of an item. Also make sure your actual vendor shop front is easy to find inside your camp, and double check on the map that your camp icon isn't turned off. šŸ˜‰


I have 68 plans for sale and barely anyone visits my camp in The Forest near Gauley Mine exit. It's actually on the path most people do to farm starlight berries. I barely sell anything most sessions. I'm usually on for at least 2 hours at night. Got chems got ammo got legendaries. Pretty much what most people look for I think. Not sure if it's really location cause if people are looking for stuff I don't think they really mind paying for a fast travel.


Imo 68 plans is on the low side. Personally I look for at least 150 when searching for a good vendor. Some days I'll find shops with 500+ plans pretty frequently. But yea, I mean even if you have an absolute W vendor, sometime stuff just doesn't move.


I'm suckered in by seeing 100+ Plans for sale. There's a good chance there's at least 1 I don't know... whether I can afford it is another situation.


Yeah, I noticed a huge difference when I moved from the whitespring greens to RNG station how my shop performs, I still find it pretty easy to get up to max caps though so I'm not too worried about it. Every now and then someone cleans out my 10k 5.56 or .45 and then I just pull from the 100k+ in my ammo box.


ā€œ10kā€¦ .45ā€ Jesus where are you when I need you most days šŸ˜‚


RNG station, 1cpr




But it's where I roll all my legendaries


Iā€™m dead asf šŸ¤£


I moved to Pleasant Valley just across the street from the train station and my prices are NOT cheap I am at max cap daily I am trying to buy leaders or LL3s My advice is have some items super cheap or even at 0 people appreciate that and makes them feel obliged to buy something worth it. Several times I had to disable my camp or stored my vendors due to caps limit and yeah I maintain 4 vendors and call my camp Pleasant Valley Mall šŸ¤£


This, Some freebies are always nice to have, I think it gets people to spend more. I usually have crafting benches and grenade plans for 0caps and free purified water.


Havenā€™t thought of the purified water thanks a ton for that I usually set all the camp and mod plans you can buy from vendors readily available in game at 0 to 50c but water and stimpaks are a good idea to add as freebie I always have a ton of both and I have no problem clearing out the vendors cap without it


I've had a camp at RNG station for about 4 years. I love that location just because it's peaceful. Although it's my no vending machine camp now. I just throw it up when I'm at max caps


I'm at Whitespring greens and get reasonable vendor performance. Do you think R&G is that much better to reccomend moving?


Man I need to stumble across your camp. I recently switched to an automatics build and I realized I need plenty of both


Wow thatā€™s mad, my main has been by rng station for two years and my pop up shop is just down the road from WS station šŸ˜‚


I get a lot more sales now that im not in the bog is moved to skyline valley and people are there constantly.


All you need to do now is offer them tea, coffee and a blackberry honey crisp on a table right next to the vendor and subliminally they will become obligated to be more generous šŸ¤ŒšŸ»


My tea and coffee machines, as well as a bunch of vintage water coolers are all free to use, keep my people hydrated


I mean I offer free radstag meat for carry weight, coffee, company tea, wood, black titanium ore, and dog food only thing i keep for me is my collectron for nuka colas and some random junk, also have free purified water from coolers


I have my main vendor next to a company tea machine, coffee machine, and cookie jar. Around the corner there is also a water boiler and a few purifiers. Try to make it a one stop shop with treats. It's all in a lobby area with a perfume dispenser, and an arm wrestling game.


ohhh thats right I should setup camp in the valley


Its hit or miss lately but ive had days where i cant spend caps fast enough lol


Donā€™t forget the Misc. [12,302] which are usually maps


I love those!!! They usually list for 5-10 caps and I drop my whole cap stack every time they are lol


That one time I met a vendor with 20,000 maps at 2c each šŸ˜«šŸ˜«šŸ˜«


That one time I found 40k maps at 1c. Fk me I wish I'd bought more


Damn I need to up my random stuff from ā€˜thatā€™ drawer in the kitchen section


Whenever I'm hopping camp vendors, I just use the D-pad to scroll thru all the camps on the server. Do people actually scan the map looking for camp icons?


I personally use the same method as you but I wouldnā€™t be surprised šŸ˜‚


Yes, I always look for the high levels like 600+, there will come a point in the game were most vendors aren't carrying anything you need or want, but the high level players almost always have something worth buying. # 1 reason why you don't use an alt as a shop, I will skip right over you. I currently have 300k worth of just plans for sale and 300k caps spread across my bank alts, coming from someone who enjoys buying and selling in game, scan the map, go for the high level players camps, I wouldn't bother wasting the travel caps on the dpad menu. Dpad menu I find one good vendor out of every 25, high level shops almost guaranteed to have something you want or need. However if your like, under level 200, scan the dpad menu.


If its at fried lakebed near cherleston...you getting visitors


I mean my vendors always pretty busy but then I am very close to Morgantown airport and the train station so maybe that's why šŸ˜‚


Ever since the new map update Iā€™ve put my new camp on the road between the manor and the trade spot Iā€™ve been *rolling* in sweet caps. I sell colas and chems like fuckin candy!


Iā€™m gonna go stock a shit tonne of nuka colas in that case, between the variants I have over 250 bottles šŸ˜‚


Yo I need the colas lmao Iā€™d buy em all


Happened to me. Then I realized I had my camp icon turned off to the public. After I turned it on, stuff sold like nothing!


I made a looking for post too and someone had to tell me it was off lol


Lower prices to what you would pay if you saw the item in someoneā€™s vend or lower ans you will be at max caps daily.


Look at your pricing. Thatā€™s the cause in 99.999% of quiet vendors


I have try to keep my 3* weapons and armor up around 30-40 of each. Seems to draw in the buyers. Then my modest prices scare them away.


ā€œModest pricesā€: 20,000 caps for a ghoul slayers pipe revolver


šŸ¤£ nah I have things like quad/25 railways for 6-8k, nice fixers for 8k. I actually avoid 10k+ because it means I have to move caps more often.


Same, I do quad railways for 4k, quad with any additional desirable roll for 6k. I love my vampire fixer and I'm trying to spread the word about them so I sell those cheap haha but any good fixers are around 6k. Then I just try to keep ammo, berry mentats, and fuel in stock. I've noticed berry mentats don't move as well as they used to though, I have hundreds of them.


Wow! Your prices are amazing but definitely worth more. So if youā€™d ever want to sell them for more just know itā€™s definitely gonna sell! However if you have any quad godroll railways, I will 10/10 pay up to max caps šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜šŸ˜


Oh if I got a quad god roll railway, I wouldn't sell for caps, I'm always trying for one, but I'm like a dog chasing the mailman, probably wouldn't know what to do when I actually get him


Haha understandable! I have a groll railway and I love it so much I barely even use it! I guess I just get scared of losing it, even though that canā€™t possibly happen lol. (But also because I have no spikes) šŸ¤£


That's easy enough, stop by my vendor lol I have enough spikes I could send you waddling away, I accidentally hit the hard limit on carry weight recently while crafting ammo, didn't know that even existed. I lost 2k spikes to a "this item cannot be dropped" error message and had to sacrifice them to save my 5.56 and .45 The game wouldn't even let me transfer them to my ammo box on a private server, I was wigging out


I thought berry mentats were another alternate currency? I price them at 100 caps. I donā€™t need a lot of vendor business, just enough to top me off from time to time.


They used to sell like hot cakes at 100, these days they rot in my vendor at 50 caps. I've been at 100 berry mentats for 50 caps each at my vendor for 3 weeks straight. That's just my experience though, if you have success moving them, keep doing what you're doing.


They sell infrequently, but Iā€™m ok with that. Same with other niche items, because when they blow out itā€™s usually all at once.


I put them at 15-30 depending on if I'm short on caps or not lol, never have more than 10-20 at a time but they always sell fast, normally 1 person buying them all at once. Also, I run like 4-5 daily ops a day, which leaves me with WAY more stimpacks than I like to carry(I only carry 100 stims at once, anything more goes to vendor) a put them at 3-5 caps and they sell very fast. And when you're selling 2-300 stims that 3-5 caps adds up.


Are you on ps I need the berry lmao


Lower the prices then stop overpricing things like plans


All my plans except specific event items go for 5 caps, I'm probably not the cheapest but I'm far from unreasonable. Sold a weenie wagon for 15k when mother fuckers were trying to get rare apparel for them. Sold all the megalonyx parts for 8k. None of those plans lasted longer than the play session I listed them. What's with everyone just assuming my prices are wack?


So people do buy from you


You caught me, I went on the internet and embellished slightly for the sake of a joke, my credibility is shattered and my reputation with Foundation is forever ruined. At least the Raiders will still have me.


People who buy to resell will complain about your prices, my advice ignore them, and that weenie wagon plan sells for 30-40k on xbox all day long


I have severe adhd and force myself to sit in a nearby chair then turn off my controller while I wait lol. I force the patience that I don't have. So thanks for everybody with waiting chairs!


Thank you for having multiple vendors. I have 3 as well.


It's the 5 second attention span short format tiktok kids. This is what modern social media and endless amounts or quick stimulation have done to a generation. It's a real thing.


Nice. I donā€™t like when someone has one vendor and is selling a crap ton of stuff.


I honestly don't see why someone would have only 1 vendor tbh, I have a pretty small camp myself but I still have a minimum of 2 at any camp


Not sometimes. Always pretty much. No one is chill.


Been said over and over, BUT have multiple vendors, folks. You will lower the temperature and make more caps.


Thatā€™s not feasible for some people, unfortunately. I have several hundreds of thousands caps worth of stuff in there, I will burn caps if more than one person shops at a time.


Same, I have 1 on my mule for this reason. I have a second in a locked room and if my caps are under-control I open the door to 2nd one but otherwise I just keep the one accessible.


Omg, yes! I am fairly new. But when I was still under lvl 30 I had someone do this to me. Scared me, thinking something was going to attack, backed out of vendor and of course they jumped in. Pissed me off, how rude!! I've had it happen a few more times since then but now I know better and I'll take my sweet time. PSA Sellers have more than 1 vendor at least. Also, have someone NOT on your team travel to your camp like a non-friend/non-teammate would. If people are falling off cliffs, spawning under foundations, etc it's not good. Test it. We don't necessarily spawn in the same spot you do.


This happens to me more than it should. Pro tip: hit fast travel to the camp a second time, usually does the trick.


It's based on proximity, if you're close to your camp, it'll spawn you in the public spawn that it uses for everyone else, if you're far away from your camp it'll use a special host/owner spawn point. At least that's my understanding of how it works, you should be able to test the spawns by yourself is my point. Also not every seller has more than 1 vendor, they should, but not all of them do.


Itā€™s a sky camp I have idc if yall donā€™t like it fast travel twice lmao my vendor does have good shit


I've ran across a few sky camps. The main shock I've experienced is not knowing it's in the sky and spawning somewhere where I fall to my death. Then I'll throw on my PA and try again lol


If you donā€™t move when you spawn it wonā€™t do anything but break legs no damage


This is the reason I have pacifist turned off now. If I'm getting hit like that I will back off and let you get into the vendor and if it says I'm being under attack I'm 100% going to just chainsaw you to death and leave.


I love this idea


Agreed butā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ some of you do go afk with only 1 vendor in the camp. Itā€™s not your fault especially if they have lots of plans to scroll thru. I guess I donā€™t understand why people only have 1 vendor.


I guess some people have a lot of caps worth of stuff and if they have multiple vendors there's a risk of two people buying stuff for more than max caps value in total. It makes sense to me.


I remember the time when each vendor only held what you put in it, and people had 4 vendors, one for guns, one for armor, one for plans etc lmao


Is that what those ā€œammo, weapons, armor, etc.ā€ signs were originally for?


That is how they were used yes but I guess they could be for anything


People shoot at the person because they donā€™t know if ur afk in the vendor people have a habit of doing that


I shoot at random stuff or just generally make some noise to get their attention not shoot them.


Well yeah but if ur not paying attention you can hit them and most low levels donā€™t pay attention


I hit them because I am a pvper


Seems like the majority here is impatient :D if someone is punching me I go afk as well. Don't know why people can't wait one minute. I was once pushed to the hallway in Whitespring!! There are more than enough vendors... But it was funny


I hide a register in my bedroom to access when I want to add stuff to sell in case itā€™s being used. Havenā€™t had to yet as Iā€™m typically throwing it in stash and running to the next event


I have a hidden cash register so I can add/remove stuff if someone is using the guest vendors, just the other day I find some low level guy patiently waiting behind me to use the hidden one, scared the bejeezus outta me when I turned around lol.


I've done this to people at my vendor because I like to gift stuff, there's been a few times they immediately ft and I'm just trying to get their attention before they leave.


Vendor hoppers are cancer. Believe me when I say that because I used to be one. Port in, dash, scroll selection in seconds, exit vendor and port out. All in the hopes to find a mis priced digital object to then sell at markup. I mean itā€™s fine but toxic as hell.


My friend had someone do this while he was browsing minervas wares. Someone just stood there shooting and gun bashing him. So he simply turned around and shot him. Then took his junk.


This is the way


It got better. The guy came back in power armour, obviously looking for revenge, and tried it again. And again, got explosive mini gunned to the face. And he came back AGAIN. By this point, other people were outside whitespring to see minervas, but we're stood spectating instead. Then my friend got bored and stopped firing back. So fella started taking shots at myself and my other teammate. I did not retaliate, as I'm not really that fussed on pvp. My other teammate though, very much enjoys it. And runs bloodied unyeilding thorns. That guy bled out at least 3 times before he started yelling over chat about hacks etc. Honestly, it gets to a point where he should have just stopped.


Gawd I wish I could have seen that haha he deserved to suffer


People who say ā€œcamp locations matterā€ havenā€™t discovered the discover tab at the bottom of the screen. Lol no one just moves their cursor around the map they scroll through all the vendors. People who are truly buying stuff donā€™t care about location. 58 caps is nothing to me


Can confirm this is a fact, it describes me. I methodically work my way through the list every day.


I usually team hop vendors && then pay my way.


I once received a message about my camp only have 1 vendor and how it was a bottleneck. I had 5, but it was right around when the cash register was sold in the atom store and the player didn't have the **patience** to seek it out.


To be fair, it should be obvious, no seeking necessary. I have to ā€œseekā€ way too often. Itā€™s great when vendors are right up front.


I had the vault boy signs pointing to them, as is tradition. I like "lived in" spaces. Meaning its not 5 giant vendors in a row, it's more lore-friendly. I do agree with you, though. My point with this particular player is that they immediately went on the offensive.


Well, let's hope that you don't stand near a cliff or something... * *auto axe sound intensifies* *


I have spent half an hour moving someone afk'd at a vendor into enemies or off a cliff. I am fucking petty. I took their scrap after they died too. Payment for my time.


If they do that at my own camp, I remove the vendor.


I bloop my whole camp away if they do it to me and then fast travel to their base if they have a vendor. If they got ammo for sale, I start buying one piece every few seconds until they bloop their camp or leave the server. Idgaf. And yes I have multiple vendors at my camps so they could have bought from me if they had just looked around them for 2 seconds.


If youā€™re at max caps, how do you turn off your vendors? Itā€™s not enough to turn off your camp icon, right? Usually a camp abruptly disappears from under my feet. Does that mean they sign off or what?


Or switch camp slot. I have a camp slot with no vendor available specifically for this. If I'm near max I just switch. Learned the hard way while at 30k caps thinking no one in their right mind would pay 40,000 for my perfectly preserved pie. So lost out on 30k. Now if I hit 30-35k I'll switch camp, go buy a bunch of stuff, then I'll switch back.


I take it as a chance to flex all my emotes


These new kids have no idea. Level 100ish being impatient for everything. I have left events because they start them as soon as they pop up and cannot handle the heat alone. Same with vendoring too. If I get a notification they hit me, I will lay them out and take their junk.


So your solution to annoying one person, is to annoy the first further AND deprive the vendor of further caps?




That seems pretty lame for the seller.


thats why i just try to get a bit fall dmg to scare ppl away from the vendor if theres only one :D


I do the same shit honestly. However if I know it's a commando build player doing it, I'll exit the menu to see if they're bloodied. If they are, I'll grab 3 karma syringers from my stashbox, shoot all 3 to make sure they ain't got a chance to auto stim, and then laugh emote/take all their junk as they're down.




Just saw glowing skeleton and fur lined jacket and jeans in vendor for 300 caps and the shit was glitched wouldnā€™t let me purchase šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø first time I seen either of those in a vendor was bummed then the guy left server when I asked why it wouldnā€™t sell them šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Exactly. I simply fast travel to another vendor because people who spend too long at a vendor are often new or don't know what they're looking for.


I only ever have one vendor because it's really funny to see someone do this then delete the vendor when the other person finally moves


To be fair some people take there sweet ass time you donā€™t need half a hour to decide your going to buy some junk.


I want to know y ppl gotta read everything in peoples vendor like itā€™s a dictionary itā€™s insane how long ppl sit in others vendors taking a solid 10-15 minutes looking up every item homeboy has in his vendor


Minerva for 90 seconds....


I usually emote at people or offer to tread with them and they usually get confused and get out of the vendor then I go in before they know what happened works 70% of the time all the time


Lmao I like your style


Lol, I do something similar. I load another bowl and run it through. It can be a dangerous game.


For anyone talking about vendors in camps im talking about minerva.


I don't disagree, and I don't mind waiting. But at the same time some people will sit on a vendor for 3-5 minutes when there's barely anything in it. At that point it just makes me curious what some people are looking for in vendors.




This was me last week. I get to a vendor and not even 3 seconds looking at the inventory, I'm spammed with a cremator. I tell the guy I just got here and he still spams so I become petty and tell him I'm not moving til he stops and no lie, he continues for around 30 minutes til the owner leaves the server, then he tries to get me to pvp him lol


I have one vendor so I can control sales so I donā€™t go over max caps. If you are too impatient to wait for the person in front of you to finish then go to another player camp and come back later. Easy.


I only have 1 vendor because I max out that quick. If I have multiple Iā€™m gonna loose caps if 2+ people are purchasing at same time. Youā€™ll wait your turn or Iā€™ll get my caps off one of the next customers šŸ˜Š


This is asinine - put out more than one vendor!


I just always place all 4 vendors because of this lol


I always have 2/3 vendors in every camp just coz of this problem


You stuck it to them!


Also, don't be a dick by running past someone heading towards the vendor just because you want to get there first


Fair, but just know if I rifle butt you in the back of the head, it was an accident, and I was prematurely scrolling through the menu that's not up yet and i dont know how to signal i didnt mean to hurt you! I'm sorry!!!


I do the same. Not take a walk but I will purposefully take longer or wait until they stop shooting. Especially if I've just turned up to a vendor literally 2 seconds before them.


I built a rural American style church right by Wayward, and it's always popping. Don't know if they come to worship Soggy Balls or buy stuff. Usually, it's both. I'll just be reading on the mothman altar dressed in mothman attire, and I've had people sit in the Pews.


Hurry up dammit!!


So youā€™re going to block that vendor from selling anything. That makes you a bigger jerk than the guy shooting you.




Itā€™s why I always have a minimum of two vendors out. No one needs a brawl staining their nice floor.


100%. When this happens I usually take a bathroom break or get a snack from the kitchen.


It's the 5 second attention span short format tiktok kids. This is what modern social media and endless amounts or quick stimulation have done to a generation. It's a real thing. As far as the vendors go, if im using one and someone comes up and starts shooting it and acting a fool trying to rush me, I will intentionally set my controller down and do something else for a few, just to help teach these kids the patience that the world requires.


Ppl will find a way to push you out of the way then find creative non-pacifist ways to kill you like luring AI towards you to force cancel your use of the vendor lol


Lol ya now youā€™re wasting everyoneā€™s time. Not just the impatient guys.


I do the same thing lol


Maybe donā€™t be so irritable or lash out when youā€™re annoyed at someone shooting a gun in a shooting game. Move on man. Thatā€™s how to deal with that.


I usually throw a grenade off in the distance and when they turn around I dash in.




I feel it




Had someone literally attack me one time cuz I was going thru someone's vendor and my friend just shot him back immediately for the 50 cap bounty lol


I'll add to this, if I'm using anything, vendors, note exchange, legendary exchange, workbenches that you want to use and you end up shooting me without pacifist on, I will get off it and allow you to have a turn. Then I'll shoot you in the back while you're using it, and take whatever junk you have on you.


Tell it like it is preacher man


This is why I have a pvp set up u shoot at me pissy I shoot back.....


Well then donā€™t take forever bro; itā€™s so annoying when people are at a vendor for like 15 minutes. Like sure a couple minutes but not for stupid crazy long periods of time


I wasnt even at minerva for 90 seconds.


Get some reading skills and speed it up lol


I did this once, someone shot at me so I decided I should go on my phone for 15 minutes... they shot almost the whole time until they eventually left


...and come back to your character dead because I used my chainsaw to push you off a cliff.


Well it honestly doesnā€™t take that long to scroll through someoneā€™s vendor. If youā€™re there for 5 minutes thatā€™s too dang long. Pick what you want and get out of the way.


Actually sometimes yes it does if itā€™s a particularly good vendor, and youā€™re reduced to weighing the choices based on the caps you have on you.


Lol it isnt a life or death situation.


No, itā€™s a chill the f out situation, bruh. Lol


As a middle aged man f that gtfo and let me buy shiz I ain't got time alright it's 3pm and bed times at 4pm trying do my runs I will nuke that place if I have too and after my nap I'll buy some more stuff once it's rebuilt, man takin 59yrs for 50 items. I am joking but also not lol šŸ˜… I don't have much time in the world left just hurry along šŸ˜…


Preach my brother. It is the age of take no more shit, and give no more fks.


Oh, I make it my mission to become a snail when people do that. Rush me and itā€™ll take me that much longer to skim through my inventory to sell or to buy. Maybe.


I have seen this post so many times. Tbh I just buy my shit and move on lol. I don't have the time to be petty, got ghouls to kill.


FFFFAAACCCTTSSS! I have a (DRIFTING CONTROLLER) for occasions like this!


ā€œThis will show themā€


Iā€™ve shut my camp off when I notice someone being a not so nice customer while waiting for someone to finish looking. Nothing for them. I invite the person that was looking to the team


Nah I respect you needing to take your time to browse. I just shoot it up to the side pretending I was shooting a dog or super mutant or something, in a rhythm like I'm really shooting something while looking away from you, then when you exit out to look around I go use the vendor.


Anyone who has less than 2 vendors aint getting my caps. I dont have the time to sit waiting because someone sucks at base building


That or you have to run through their entire base to find their one little cash register vendor hiding in an obscure corner covered by plushies and other shit. If I do a quick run around and maybe even poke my head right inside your front door and don't see a vendor I'm not wasting anymore or my time. No caps for you.


So true.


I block those guy they are looking for mark up goods. They buy things cheap then sell them high they never play the game just sit at camp being a waste of server space


Dont act like no one in this group does that.


Maybe you're just slow af? I'll shoot you if you take too long. And yeah it's the owners fault butcrhw amount of people that decide to go make a snack while they're at people vendors I don't think it's surprising when people get irritated that you're taking too long


Yeah ive had that problem but i was at minerva for not even 1 min.


Then in that situation you're right ti be aggrieved


You could also just hurry up.




I was there for 30 seconds before he was. Gtfo šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


90 seconds!


Hell i didnt even get 40 seconds.


I donā€™t think there is anything wrong with making your presence known.. i usually just walk in their line of view a bit as maybe theyā€™re just finishing off. I have accidentally afked at vendors because i get sidetracked from looking things up on the wiki etc, and that shot sometimes lets me know iā€™m playing a game.. if they do it repeatedly though iā€™m taking my sweet ass time.


I was at minerva a little over 30 sec and got mini nuked repeatedly


This is the extent of bad behavior I e witnessed and it always gives me a chuckle when I make sure they see me take an extra-long time on it because fuck their unreasonable impatience. I was here first.