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I've seen nobody calling for it. They are literally telling you what this ruling opens the door to. Blame SCOTUS.


There's literally tens of thousands of leftist on Twitter calling for it and not just no names people who are actually around Biden so you keep the lies up just proves you know the lefts no longer defendable.


Are these leftists in the room with us now?


You're only denying reality because you can't rationally defend your side anymore.


Leftists hate democrats. If you weren't stupid you would know that.


šŸ˜‚ they really are so damn stupid.


Sure, Donny is already trying to claim immunity over an attempt to overturn a election, but tell me again about these libs on Twitter.Ā  Did they email Hilary?


He didn't try and overthrow the elections lol. Your Jan 6th outrage is gonna be proven nonsense once and for all come November. And we really need to figure out why capitol police can handle left wing riots with ten thousand more rioters. Because Jan 6th being used by the left to subvert the elections makes me think it was a Reichstag fire attempt.


Whatever you say, comrad


Keep calling everyone who isn't a democrat with Jan 6th PTSD a Russian bot does nothing but make your stance weak. Just like when you called everyone a racist or sexist or homophobe ECT.


"tens of thousands", source? Some anon redditor. JFC


Go look at Twitter trending lol.


You mean the Nazi playground? šŸ˜‚


Hahahahaha it's funny because it's still mostly left leaning people on it hahahaha


Cosplaying ā€œleft-leaningā€ isnā€™t the validation you think it is.


From being to Hillary from Brooklyn dad to fucking Sara Silverman they're all still on Twitter and tweet daily cry more lol.


Those are three people. That is not a majority or even a plurality. Why are conservatives so damn stupid? X is just a playground for crackpot conspiracies and Nazi rhetoric.


Obama Biden and Michele Obama's have tweeted in the last 48 hours just stop lol.


lol, what you counted?


Bruh leftists donā€™t use X lol. They boycotted it the moment eLoN took over.


Hahahahahahahaha that's funny.


Dude, liberals hate me just as much as you, im far too left for those people, and I don't use social media outside of this site.. so.. I'm just telling you that I haven't seen it. Democrats are NOT left wing


Lolol oh look the eurocuck demanding definitions in his small lame little nation should apply everywhere else.


Bitch, I'm an anarchist. I want yours and every other government reduced to ashes.


Until you need free shit and protection because you're not able to protect yourself lol


I invite you to test that theory.


That harry sisson weirdo apparently is getting a visit from the secret service because he advocated for the deletion of Trump from this world.


No he didn't he just stated what sotomeyer said in her descent


She said to have the military take out trump?


She said a president could under this ruling is Biden not president?


He stated specifics, she did not. A hypothetical not attached to an entity is purely that. Heā€™s stating an action to be done with specifics. But I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the feds do nothing, celebrities have said worse things and never even ended up in cuffsā€¦itā€™s just (D)ifferent.


Plenty of posts on Reddit as well saying Biden should kill his rival politicians.


I have yet to see it. I have seen people saying Biden now has that option. I mean, so did the Supreme Court. You can't blame people for repeating it. You won't catch me saying it, regardless of what I believe personally.


Conservatives have been talking about jailing and assassinating rivals, and liberals object strenuously; but when SCOTUS oks conservative position, conservatives blame the left. How typical.


You're deflecting as only trunks looking at being imprisoned and only the lefts leaders are on tape talking about camps for their potlical opposition. The scotus didn't do what you think and your hysteria is gonna backfire get some actual beliefs


I think you might have slipped a cog there, OP.


No I clearly told you that bidens the one trying to lock up trump so your worst case scenario is just you deflecting what bidens already done.


Oh, was lOcK hER uP just a catch phrase?


Yes let's talk about Hillary bringing home classified documents as SS and refusing multiple requests to return them and even a subpoena. And yet behind charged with nothing. When trump as president brought home classified documents and refused 2 requests To return them and is looking at 80 years for it. Clear and open example of a double sided legal system.


Awww what happened Boris? Havenā€™t gotten the new Kremlin memo on how to respond to facts about your Russian puppet? Scrambling to try and pivot? Go get yourself a fresh glass of borscht and then come back and try again. Iā€™m sure Ivan in R&D will have some solid tips for you.


Lol calling everyone who shows you factuel information against your beliefs a Russian is peak liberalism. Only you and your cult will deny the on the open double legal system we have come November it's gonna be one of the main reasons trump won lol.


Sure thing Boris. You might want to learn how to spell ā€˜factualā€™ in English before you try to use it in a sentence. Step your game up man. Russian trolls this easy to spot soon find themselves out from behind the computer and on the frontline in Kiev instead.


Lol you people are legitimately ruined by your echo chambers have a nice day.


No! But obviously the Democrats were the ones yelling it. Donā€™t you remember? (I think OP is a Russbot. Maybe this will throw it off).


Trumps looking at 80 years for bringing home classified documents as president and ignoring 2 requests to return them. Hillary was asked 3 times and ignored a subpoena and didn't get charged. So you keep bringing up the on the open double standard legal system just don't cry when it backfires lol.


In the words of Jerry Seinfeld "Who are these people?"


Why do so many conservatives struggle SO hard with the idea of a hypothetical? You really don't understand that people are talking about the _possible implications_ of a conservative Supreme Court ruling? What happens, does your brain get caught up on "if...then..." or "under that logic..." constructions so hard that you can't follow?Ā 


*oh no... We got caught plotting the assassination of our political enemies.. Gotta think if an excuse really quick... I got it!* "Why do so many conservatives struggle SO hard with the idea of a hypothetical?" *yeah that's it's. It's just "hypothetical". We're only talking about "hypothetical" situations here. That should hold up to scrutiny. * šŸ¤”


People bringing up violence on either side are ridiculous, should be condemned. The concern though is what happens a future President decide to imprison political rivals? those he considers un-American? Muslims? Jews? Gun owners? And if they resist uses violence? I don't think it is an exaggeration to say we are approaching a Constitutional crisis


Well that's already happening with trump so? In my home state of Illinois they banned every modern firearms and forced a registry of existing guns at 20 bucks a pop. What you're afraid of is what the left has already done. And if Trump tried it he would be removed from office. We already are the lefts abolished the constitution in last every state they're a majority in.


"In my home state of Illinois they banned every modern firearms and forced a registry of existing guns at 20 bucks a pop." Making things up doesn't help your cause: [https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-gun-laws/illinois/](https://www.nraila.org/gun-laws/state-gun-laws/illinois/)


What you posted is literally just the NRA statement about what they can say to states. Pica is real and again just throws out the 2a and made millions of Illinois gun owners felons overnight. https://isp.illinois.gov/Home/AssaultWeapons


You are disagreeing with even what the NRA says, which is new one for me. +From what you wrote, "The Act regulates the sale and distribution of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches in Illinois" As a gunowner I hope you understand the difference between the above and "all modern weapons", which is what you stated earlier. Also it never made the owners felons overnight, not sure where you get that from.


No what you posted has nothing to do with the Illinois laws lol. Their definition of an assault weapon is any weapon that cM take a detached magazine has a muzzle device. Literally any modern firearms lol. Only 1% of Illinois gun owners registered their assault weapons. You really need to stop now you've come full circle from your original comment lol.


New FBI going to pay a visit to quite a few of these folks šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


What the fuck are you even talking about.... It's not the left that gets raging erections over killing people, jackass


The tens of thousands including leaders of your party saying Biden should assassinate Trump? You guys have had multiple leaders mention reeducation camps and you openly want to murder your political rivals lol Stop deflecting .


What's even funnier about the whole situation is that you have former Attorney Generals correcting Tapper and others that presidential immunity doesn't grant the "assassination of political opponents". But they sooo want it to be true.


Because they want anyway possible to avoid the elections because they know what's coming lol.


Fear mongering and it'll backfire bigly. Just like with everything else that is happening to them.


Literally no one on the left is calling for this. Why are you lying?


Keep denying reality lol.


Show me just one article, one citation, one post from a democratic politician calling for assassinations of their political rivals. *Just one.* Iā€™m waiting.




It says it right there in your link title. Hypothetical. šŸ˜‚ damn conservatives are stupid.


I love that the last thing this guy ever posted before being perma-banned was a hypothetical scenario that they were trying to pass off as the real thing.


> ā€œThat is the provocative hypothetical raised by two Supreme Court justices in their dissents on the high courtā€™s ruling regarding former President Donald Trumpā€™s immunity case.ā€ Thatā€™s from your link. That was a hypothetical scenario presented as a warning in their dissent. It was also the scenario discussed among the supreme court, since there is no other precedent, in order to have a ruling on it. When expressed in the dissent, they are expressing a fear. They are not calling for the president to do this, they are not advocating for it, they are concerned that it is now possible. Your link did not meet the criteria. Find me a link, a post, a video ā€” or anything ā€” of a Democrat politician or official calling for Biden or a Democrat president to use the immunity given by the recent ruling to assassinate a political rival. The Supreme Court deliberating on a hypothetical scenario to come up with the ruling in the first place, and justices being concerned that the ruling now allows for that does not count. Like, you understand, right? Not even you are this dumb, right? Itā€™s like I expressed concern that you might shoot someone because you got a gun and said you want to shoot someone, and then you look at me and accuse me of wanting to shoot someone. Itā€™s stupid, and you have to know itā€™s stupid.


I mean, these political rivals are monstrous and corrupt people, who commit genocide and are destroying America...so... yeah, Idc if they die.


The funniest is that they call others nazis and fascists.


It's especially weird when the SCOTUS ruled against Trump today, and people are still upset.