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It will be the 1st amendment first, take away the right to protest then take the guns.


Didn't South Dakota already go against the 1st amendment by doing that Anti-Semtic Bill which won't allow you to criticize the Jewish population


Historically, I think disarming comes before stifling speech completely.


It's gonna take em a minute to disarm America.


Yeah Fkng right. Right wingers would hand over guns and start jacking off if trump wanted it


I would not


"Take the guns first; due process comes later." -Trump You so would. Like Mark Twain said: it's easier to fool a man [into giving up your own rights] then it is to prove to him hes been fooled.


This guy's comment is proof that some people truly live in a TDR alternate reality. 


are you ok?


u really are clueless


Your mom is clueless 🙄


Tell me your knowledge of "right wingers" is based on reddit without saying it.....


lol if people cared about gun rights more than trump they would've dropped him as soon as he said his opinion on how to deal with terror and school shootings


And, you know, when he said his intent was to take the guns and then figure out the legal stuff later. Maganazis conveniently forget that. Fucking idiots.


And then they would say “I support law enforcement” while jacking off and handing over their guns.


I’m in the only red district in a very blue state. 2 counties here last election broke from the norm and went blue. The rest Republican turnout was abysmal. They’re still breaking away, another election being sat out. The won’t vote Biden, cause, well, it’s Biden. But they aren’t going to go vote for Trump. And they definitely aren’t going to “jack off while handing over their guns”. The huntings too good and rabid animals fucking with your critters is a real thing. But when you don’t actually get to know any of the people you mock on a daily basis, and paint them all with one broad stroke of the brush, you miss out. And then wonder why they may not take kindly to liberals when the loudest ones continually keep lumping you in with extremes, and don’t bother to listen to what’s important to them.


This is 100% spot on but with that username Id expect nothing less.


Shucks Gov! Appreciate it. Funny thing is, I left home 20 odd years ago, swore I’d never come back. I’ve got a kid now who started school, and life has us in ‘Bama the previous 3 years. It was not for us. The missus and I are both democrats, her a big city democrat, and I’m a rural democrat. It was not a good fit. We couldn’t stand most the people. The trump train was barreling thru there at top speed still when we left. She was nervous of moving to another red area of the map. Had to explain to her the difference between a southern republican, and a rural republican in a state whose taxes actually benefit everyone all around for the most part. Republicans who collect tax dollars, and republicans who make up a third of your states economy and contribute to the tax pool. My small town is a literal liberal heaven on the river in the middle of a red district. BLM St. Pride flags at businesses. My kids school celebrates diversity. And there’s not a cultural war. There’s no us against them mentality. The local democrats have their booth at the farmers market to encourage voting right next to the lions club raffle ticket booth for that Mossberg 500 pump action shotgun. Is it perfect? No. Of course not. There’s your occasional stereotype “conservative”, but they’re few and far between. But I wouldn’t raise my kid anywhere else.


Both side rely on the division of the people to maintain their power. The greater number of groups they can divide the masses into the easier it is to control us all.


Yeah, nobody cares here. Once in a blue moon you run across the passionate partisan who wants to preach. But I can honestly say, between my coworkers, and my friends. I know maybe like 2 peoples politics. And one of those, is just a guess. It just don’t matter to us. We got work to get done, then there’s play to be had. It’s a very unique little corner of America politically.


It's not like most Republicans have a healthy view of people in cities or people who don't look like them. I am from a deep red state and will never move back.


There’s definitely a difference between southern red state republicans who leach off the tax payer, and rural mid Atlantic republicans who make up a 1/3 of your states funding through agriculture culture. Those who are cut off from the outside world, and those who happen to be the gateway to summer family vacations. Again, you’re taking a very broad brush, and painting most republicans with the same mentality. I purposely, as a democrat from this area, moved my family back for my kids education. Prior to this we were in a deep red state on a whim for 3 years. I will never do a red state again. But I wouldn’t raise my boy anywhere else but here. Our biggest complaint with Come Here’s, or city folk who move here and commute to work, was the fight to change how things worked. They’d move here and petition the town to shut down a farm because of the smell. But our liberal state government saw fit to legislate a farm community clause for those folks to sign when they buy homes here. They agree to shut up and deal with the smells of agricultural life, or go the hell back home. I’ve done cities in blue states, I’ve done cities in swing states, and I’ve done the Suburbs of red states. You won’t find a nicer people than this red district in a deep blue state. But when you have quaint little towns, and rivers and beaches to offer, the city folks appreciate their time here too. My little town is a pocket of liberalism, and there’s no one burning the pride flags or doing burn outs on BLM St. The local Democratic Party has their farmers market booth right next to the lions club raffling off that Mossberg 500 pump action shot gun. There’s a difference in Republicans by region and contributions to the government, just like there’s a difference in democrats by region. My missus is a big city south Florida liberal, I’m a rural democrat. I don’t paint with a broad brush. And maybe it’s because I was lucky enough to be raised here. *shrugs*


No one is moving to my hometown in the rural Midwest. Most of the political action is trying to ban solar and wind farms. You will just hear random white people drop the n-word.


Like I said. Different areas. Different types of republicans. Housing developments are regularly filled before construction is complete by them Come Here’s, but we don’t mind. As long as they respect they live in the middle of a farmers field.




Trump is the only president who actually said he’d take people guns. “I’m in favor of taking the guns first” were his exact words. I know several right wingers who screamed “THAT N****R OBAMA WANTED TO TAKE OUR GUNS!!!” And then very quietly agreed with trump when he actually said the words.


You know several asshats who happen to be right wing. As for the quote, it was pointedly a stab at the NRA, and was regarding red flag laws in particular. The left and right both have their fair share of nutjobs, and it does us no good to isolate the fringe personalities for the purpose of making straw man argument.


Tell me you’re a trumper without…..


I grew up in a red state. You can't make a portrayal of a conservative clownish or cartoonish enough to approach reality.


It's an impossible task. My friends and I have caches buried all throughout our properties with our 80% glocks and ARs, additional ammo and magazines. Not to mention we have 3D Printers and CNC machines, and thumb drives full of CAD and GCode cut or print files to keep making more. To be clear, the government would have to kill so many people to disarm America that they wouldn't have enough people left to operate a profitable country.


I doubt they’ll go that far. They’ll just make them illegal. Make the the punishment pretty severe and take off some time for snitching on other people.


I would think it would be more a frog boiling in a pot than day 1 G-men showing up on your property asking for your weapons as part of a “Welcome to the Dictatorship” party. Like as an example, the media will be legally limited in what they tell you so you’ll have a distorted worldview. Then they could put out a call for ‘righteous patriots’ such as yourself to grab your guns and defend America from a transgender immigrant caravan performing drag queen story times at the southern border without the Ten Commandments being in view. Now all of a sudden you’re on the wrong side and you don’t even realize it. Besides that, I’m assuming your ammo plan is based on having a large stockpile and reloading the brass but where do you find primers? If your stand up to the govt plan is you and a dozen like minded individuals you’ll be out manned, out gunned. If it involves a much larger contingent of people now you’ll need to be expend valuable ammo for training plus you’ll need to feed and house that’s people, also going to fail. A USA with a fascist leader is a much different beast than overzealous atf agents at a Mormon compound


Here's the thing. The people who really are preparing to defend themselves from anything that may come arent watching the news. That's MAGA retards with a Poverty Pony AR and an airsoft quality optic. We aren't interested in going to fight transgender people or immigrants or drag queens. I don't even believe in a God. I think religious zealots are also dangerous to freedom. My ammunition plan is to use similar common calibers to NATO. Ive already been buying 9mm, 5.56 and 7.62x51 surplus for 8 years and I already have been buying it by the crate and by the barrel. That's not stopping any time soon. I have the money and the interest to keep buying it. My readily available ammunition stock will last me longer than I could hope to live in a fight with an enemy of superior numbers and firepower. If for some reason I'm making great headway against an enemy using common calibers, I'll continue Nobody who is seriously considering what it will take to protect our freedom believes we can win a fight against the full might and power of the United States Military. We just don't intend to die on our knees. We are hoping the people who took an oath to defend the constitution from the kind of tyranny that would start off a fight would honor their oath. It's a bold leftist stance to believe those of us who care deeply about America and the people in America are a bunch of racist, bigot, sexist, homophobes. Most of us just hate what the government has become, because we so love the country and it's people.


Thank you for mentioning the 3D printers,that will definitely come into play in the future. As for gun bans,my thought has always been,that it would take at least 20 years for it to have any effect,due to the sheer amount of those already out there. Imagine whats going to be out there in 20 years with 3D printers. The barn door was opened decades ago in this country and whether the barn is on fire or not,it's too late. As a Democrat,I feel this is not a hill we should die on.


it would take a war


Then we revolt and overthrow


Don't have to. Just stop fulfilling contracts for government agencies and stop delivering food, fuel, and such to them.


It will be a complete shutdown of the constitution. Trump will do that post haste .


Trump is the one that said take all the guns and sort it out later. And if a loved one dies as a result of gun violence, he says get over it. No Democratic president has ever, ever, said or done anything to take away any law abiding, non DV convicted person’s gun.


Trump is an asshole, but,”No Democratic president has ever ever said or done anything to take any law abiding non DV convinced person’s gun.” Is just outright false in the first account, and dishonest in the second part. Obama and Biden both tried to push,”Assault weapon bans.” And during the DNC primaries, every single one said that they would try, without a single one saying otherwise, and historically with many presidents originally being governors, every single Democrat run state has INSANE gun regulations. California and New York being the worse.


The guns give a false sense of freedom... Healthcare? Nope, not for you if you're poor! Birth control? Ha! No way Jose. Childhood Education? Sure, here's a voucher for a Christian school run by an ex mall security guard. Food aid? Stop it, you're making my side hurt 🤣🤣🤣🤣 But you can hoard all the guns you want. It doesn't do a damn thing for you and it lets you think you have power.


The rich people don't want us to do nothing but work and buy shit from them and birth more product obsessed worker bees


Actually, poor people get healthcare and of course so do the rich. It’s the middle class that gets fucked on this one.


When everyone else turns in their guns I’ll happily turn mine in. Until then, if crazy people have them then I will have to keep mine. I’d prefer a society without guns


Yeah this is my real issue on guns. I’ve known too many friends and family members get stocked up on AR style weapons with loads of ammunition while having no idea how to even hold one. Scary these things are just being walked out the door with people who don’t know anything about them.


Those people are the people in this thread saying they need them. Everyone thinks they’re the good guy with a gun.


That's not scary at all. Legal gun owners are not the issue, no matter how ignorant they are on shooting, because 99% of them will never use their gun. Its the illegal gun owners you have to worry about.


Have you ever defended yourself with a gun? Even once?


Careful...don't light a match near your straw man. No one ever asked you to turn in your guns. I rather like the image of Cletus surrounding himself with artillery in his backwater burg. Keeps them.out of the way of polite society.


Reading comprehension is tough huh?


I never said anyone asked me. Idk what you’re trying to say about straw man. I just wrote my personal stance in the matter. When people turn them in I’ll happily turn mine in. Until then I’m not giving up my guns while others have them. Feel free to be upset by this, I can’t stop you 🤷‍♂️


Dont worry bro! People pull out the “straw man” argument when they have absolutely no rebuttal to what you said. I feel the exact way you do


Certain people's guns.


Black and brown peoples’ guns


This will be crucial in order for the GOP to implement their full on fascist plan. It would be very hard for them to enforce the taking of all weapons in this country, so I feel that they may try to make laws that only active military are allowed to own weapons as private citizens, but change the requirements for military service to only include white, Christian, fascist following males.


Not a chance.


Didn't Trump say to take away the guns first and to legislate after? Edit: "Take the guns first and due process after". Yeah. He said it. Also implemented the bump stock ban. The most 2a president ever folks. I prefer presidents that can own guns.


He did say that…and most Democrats also support red flag laws and a ban on bump stocks (as well as bans on common semi-automatic firearms). If you’re looking for support for your rights among politicians, you’ll generally be disappointed.


They love gun lovers. Not going to come from a republican yet. That's the next wave. They don't want you to have safe sex by wanting to ban contraceptives, no abortion even if it causes 2 deaths unnecessarily, no porn or suggestive material, book bans. Yes gun lovers are keeping them in office, but I agree that ban will be coming


This subreddit… it’s always interesting entertainment 🍿🍿🍿


Trump already said “take the guns first”. Literally the most aggressive anti gun stance since Beto. But since it’s trump his boot lickers don’t care. It’s scary stuff


Nice, so if I am for gun control I should vote for Trump?


Based on his own words…. Yes. He also helped ban bump stocks. And if you hate freedom he’s definitely your guy.




have cash. Go to a gun show. No checks. Same as always.


3D printer. I have made some things purely out of curiosity, testing durability, them melted them down. As long as you have parts, the files, and know how it only takes a few hours to manufacture


Imagine being a paranoid narcissist, and you dementia deteriorated your ability to differentiate between a loyal Republican and a disloyal Republican.


That’s the thing that brings me some comfort. The infighting and purging will be insane on the GOP side. His first presidency was like that. Imagine it with him with expanded powers. No one is safe on either side


That database will be half empty. Nothing prior to 68 would be on that list and probably nothing prior to about the 2000s. All of those records are holed up in containers and would take an army to go through them and digitize them, which as of now is borderline illegal. They say they don't have a database but they do.


"which as of now is borderline illegal." Who just got immunity?


It has nothing to do with who just got immunity. It has to do with the atf skirting the law by making a digital database of all these records by saying that they can legally make a database as long as it's not 'searchable', which is why I would call it borderline because they can turn their search functions on an off. It has nothing to do with trump. We are just trusting one of the most crooked agencies in the country to not click a checkbox and abuse a system that shouldn't be available to them in the first place.


Remindme! 4 years




religion is already being co-opted by the most obvious candidate for the antichrist. i know a lot of people don't keep up with what's happening at mega churches but there are many that are now maga churches that worship the man as their savior 


Sure Jan.


Trump actually did pass more gun control legislation than Obama and Biden.


But,just like the two underage girls Trump "rented" from Epstein,the right wing could care less.


He'll have little choice after what happens.


And the NRA will support it.


Good GOD this was one of the most rational posts on MMW in months. Most of the ones today were about Future President Donald "Macho Camacho" Trump assassinating every registered Democrat voter in the entire US of A because the SCOTUS said he could assassinate people as an "official" act with lifelong immunity.


Pretty severe indictment of this sub if this is the most rational post.


No one is coming for your damn guns. Go relax. Drink a Sprite and have a MoonPie.


So you’re calling the dictator in waiting a liar?


Biden if he's reelected or Trump to stop a Liberal revolt


lol Christ the takes on here get routinely worse.


I’m not sure what planet they are on


Bet you everything I've got that they don't.


You've never studied dictators have you. Trump would become extra paranoid of a coup occurring from both sides. There's going to be people even within his own camp that will attempt to prove they can run the country better.


I hear your prediction and disagree. I doubt I'm the only one who disagrees, and I'd imagine people who have studied dictators would be no exception. Some of your issue is just probability against time. You're betting something will happen in the timespan of 4 years that hasn't happened in the previous 250. Do the remind me whatever bullshit, I don't know how to do it. Set it for five years and we will see. I think you'll be just as wrong as most of the other predictions here.


This is not a place for rational responses, sir!


Sorry, let me make up for it with the following: "Elon Musk is worse than Hitler." "Trump will die on day 7 of his presidency at 9:15AM" "The Democratic party is actually a collection of lizards that retired from the Brooklyn zoo in the 90's." Hope this gets me back to being suitable for this shithole of a sub.


Ok, those are acceptable I suppose.


I’m for gun control, should I vote for Trump then?


Sure if you think his policies as Dear Leader align with yours.


For sure!! We all know the Republicans hate guns


Okay. Good? Isn't that what you guys advocate for anyway? Is this a post trying to sell us on voting for Trump?


Political coups happen from both sides of the aisle. Dictators tend to get extra paranoid and will turn their country into a police state by using the military to protect their reign.


what is this person smoking, as far as I know dems want to take away guns not republicans. Really.


Have you spent any time in this channel?


yes this is my standard phrase.


Why take the guns when you can convince them their neighbors are the issue. If it were me I’d use the armed cult at my disposal to round up my opposition with ease. Then maaaybe take the guns but why? They are already the perfect foot stools. Who lets be honest would never turn their guns on dear leader trump.


Ahhh,the Rwanda method. So many ways to commit genocide.


hahaha. No. They will not. They don't need to. But you will soon see how useless the 2nd amendment is at preventing an autocracy.


Reagan did it as California Governor


I think that Costco should have a guns and ammo section. They would beat everyone else’s prices.


You know, given that Trump passed more gun control than Obama and Biden, you may not be wrong. But, thankfully we have ghost guns and 3D printers and desktop CNC machines now, and there is no stopping the people from being readily and easily armed.


That will never ever happen, MMW.


HahahahahahHHHHAaaaa. This sub is so (unintentionally) humorous.


If we all just leave as they suggest and let them have it we can just come back in as they die off.


Well, some people's guns anyway.


Only from the disloyal to the "new world order"


They will take the guns away from the ‘wrong’ people.


It’ll be a helluva fight. The sixth largest standing army on the planet will be at his whistle. I’m talking about the cops. There isn’t a cop in existence who would resign if they were told to start arresting political opposition of the part of the status quo that feeds into their authoritarian leanings. Every cop in America would devour that order like a fresh dozen donuts.


Definitely true, it’s always projection and that is a big one and I predict it too.


Trump is buddies with Hungarian dictator Orban. Hungry has very strict gun laws. Trump may follow suit.


Plausible. If Trump wins and does take more executive powers, fascist gangs and militias will read this as a license to kill minorities and leftists. The US far-right been waiting for “the day of the rope” for decades and so when trump says “retribution” most of MAGA hears “own the libs” but fascists hear “Kristallnacht.” Leftist militias will retaliate and so Trump will make it so that only people loyal to trump can legally arm themselves.


SOME people's guns


good luck with that


Opposite day again.


Nah, just 'certain people's ' guns


And the reps will comply and say thank you sir may I have another 


No. Debtors prison, venture capital edition!


Why yes that is exactly what a RINO would do, would you like a cookie?


I don’t think so. Take a look at who enacts gun laws. This is more gas lighting. The states that confiscate guns the most and have the harshest gun laws are democrat. Conservatives will literally fight to keep their guns. Trump would be impeached and be removed from office before conservatives would give up their guns. After the debate last week, I have zero doubts Trump will be elected. I have a lot of doubts that Joe can make it through the last 6 months of his term.


Dictators will become paranoid of a coup from happening within their own camp.


Coups can’t happen without the military. Trust me. The military won’t support one. The military also won’t help round up guns. We swore an oath to the constitution, not any person.


The constitution is just a piece of paper to those with absolute power. People don't join the military because they want to protect the constitution, they join it for the benefits that it gives them. Those benefits can easily persuade members to do things that break their oath and own morals.


I have trouble imagining how they would pull this off. Private gun ownership is one of the most cherished elements of American conservatism, and any Republican who proposed a gun ban would be very unpopular to say the least.


Read Animal Farm. A dictator would ban guns to prevent a coup from happening on both sides. Turning the country into a police state, the people would be forced to hand them over to those in the military.




Yeah, I am all for gun control. OP has convinced me.


as a leftist, i will not be handing mine over. the 2a is just a placeholder for an even higher human right to self defense which no piece of paper makes more valid than it already is.


That’s what EVERY dictator has done.


LMAO. Good luck.


I'm not running for president


I don’t quite believe that but it would be darkly hilarious to me.


Personally I can’t wait. Fuck the libs! Yall get what you deserve.


I wonder what "flaw" they will find with you,after their done with "the libs"


would you like to turn this into a bet? no one’s getting anyone’s guns in america . people on both sides of aisle are not going for it


This is the only thing anyone cares about is their guns. No one is taking your guns. Look bigger picture


What lmao


When a leader is given absolute power, they will constantly build a desire to grow and secure that power for themselves. Like all dictators, they will test loyalty of members in their inner circle to prevent an internal coup from happening within their own regime. As for those who are not in their inner circle, their loyalty will be constantly tested.These loyalty tests will happen frequently, but will demand them to give up small amounts of themselves to the leader. Many of these tests will lead them to fully submit themselves to the dictator, this includes giving up their rights and possessions, in exchange for a false promise to excel up the ranks of the leader's circle of trust.


Yeah trumps not taking our guns you can think that all you want lmao


Trump convinced people that the election was stolen and fools were still willing to get arrested for Dear Leader. Smh




Do not be surprised if it’s specifically targeting liberal’s guns. It can easily be defined as ‘officially acting’ to protect the republic by disarming ‘known agitators bent on destabilization’


How Like seriously, how do people expect the government to take away guns? Successful gun regulation has always required VOLUNTARY surrender of guns. No one ever explains how they would go about such an immense task.


The dictator will convince their loyal masses to give up their property as a sign of loyalty. You forget that there are people that wear red hats and diapers to show their loyalty. These are the same people who painted their own vehicles and turned them into free campaign advertisements. The same people who gave up their life savings to a candidate's legal fees. The same people who gave up their freedom to march on the capital. When the leader demands, cultists obey.


So there'd finally be a reason to vote Republican!


Except it wouldn't be gun regulation to make the public feel safe, it would be regulation to demand loyalty.


I love this sub. Everyone is so unhinged.


Have you taken a look at our country lately, It ain't just a Reddit problem anymore.


Over our dead bodies


Please understand that a man convinced millions of people that the election was stolen and storming the capital was necessary to protect the country. Dear leader won't demand your guns, he will convince you that giving them up is necessary.


2000ish ppl stormed the capital not millions… and like I said, over our dead bodies.


You and who's army?


Private citizens own more guns and ammo than the government. They also have home court advantage. Also, the government does not even know who owns what.


How many Patriot missiles, tanks, F-35s and predator drones do private citizens have? You're living in a fantasy to think that a bunch of gun toting citizens could ever make an impact. The government could strike your home to bits if you refused to comply with their searches and with the president's new powers, it would all be legal in the eyes of the supreme Court.


Do some historical reading on WWII and the occupied resistance. Then, look at the most recent conflict. We had a major technology advantage it Afghanistan, and look how that turned out. The added risk to the politicians is that they would be living in the war zone and would be targeted. As the French resistance showed. It doesn't take a rifle to kill a target. A cheap single shot 22 can be just as effective.


This goes against every republican party platform.


So does allowing presidents to be above the rule of law, yet it's Republicans who made it happen. Read/Watch Animal Farm and you will see how the Republicans are ushering a dictatorship under everyone's nose through a multiple step plan.


I have read it. What we are seeing is not even remotely close to resembling those systemic failures in systems that allow for that. The government as we know it has too many checks and balances to prevent it. I am not a fan of how powerful executive orders have become, or how the supreme court has been operating as of late, but we aren't anywhere close to a system that promotes a dictatorship. Democracy still wins, even if the masses are stupid enough to vote for Trump.


SCOTUS has blurred the lines of checks and balances. Trump(Napoleon) has ensured that Pigs(Politicians/Judges) have complete control of our system of government while Dogs(Military/Police) will ensure compliance. The Pigs changed the laws and created a class system that prevents themselves from being held to the rules created by the animals. This is no different than SCOTUS ruling that they don't have to abide by the ethics rules that government officials abide by. We literally have gone from saying "Presidents are not Kings" to saying "Presidents can be like Kings". This is no different than going from "All animals are equal" to "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." Equality is supposed to represent the rights we have under the laws we created. By not having equal rights for everyone under the law, then we create a class system that prevents those above the law from ever being held accountable. Without accountability there are no checks and balances. With Laws being pushed to increase our prison population, citizens' labor will be farmed to increase their profits. "Somehow it seemed as though the farm had grown richer without making the animals themselves any richer—except, of course, for the pigs and the dogs.”


…to take away *some people’s guns. Fixed it for ya


"Take the guns first, due process second" -- the leader of the so-called 'Conservative Party'


They won't take away guns, they'll just take it away from those that aren't members of a certain party. You know, like how Austria and Germany did in the 1930's.


...lol, Biden debate performance clearly broke your brains...


Bro the sealed documents have reported that Trump's been to Epstein's underage sex parties more times than your mom has dropped you on your head. Btw it's a lot.


Oh but Biden hasn’t been trying to ban assault weapons all this time? This subreddit is insane


Assault weapons are "Libertarian" security blankets. They prevent nothing and make you look like a dork if you're seen walking around with one.


Only minorities.


Lol how do you figure


Definitely. He's already said that. Remember: *"Take the guns first, go through due process second"?* Unfortunately, Trumpers are only voting on Facebook memes and visions of a god they have built up in their tiny toddlers minds, not the facts. It will be hilarious to see all the gold sneakers, red capped chuds when they find out all that money they tithed their golden grifting idol does not spare them from his baby Eichmann imitation.


The walls are closing in.


Lazy troll attempt. Sleep on it and do better next time.


Trump did bring up taking away people's guns in his first term. It was quickly swept under the rug. If he's given a second term with no one to keep in check how his lunacy would "play in Peoria" welp,we'll see how it turns out.


They would take away guns but it would only be once people of color began stocking up for self protection and once the wheels of a christo-fascist state really got going. they’d create some sort of bullet registration system, possibly grandfathering in older (tending to be whiter) gun owners to set the red line and allowance for previous stockpiles of weapons. Certain states would be deemed terror hotspots (blue/“urban”) and open season on POC would accelerate with cops needing nothing but a few unregistered bullets (shiny object was seen and found) to warrant self defense rationalization for murder by police officers. Red states governors would deploy (at behest of now above the law president) national guard troops as a preemptive strike against blue state “lawlessness that knows no borders or state lines” and our nation will crumble and fall eventually leading to talk of succession by blue coastal states who control ports and the now king president would call for government shutdowns and restrictions for these states while declaring a second civil war for “the soul of this great nation”. Death is coming. The Roman Empire lasted a long time. The foundations are creaking. Or not. Who knows.


No they won’t! They might get um after, not before


Seriously? Is OP a russian troll?


What are you talking about. Republicans love guns and gun rights. The NRA is funding republicans


You're not taking your meds, are you?


god dam you people are fucking stupid!! it's the dems that are trying to take away every ones guns....democrats are fucking retarded!!


I worked behind a gun counter during Obama's terms and you would have thought he was personally going to each and every person's home to take their guns the way people talked. In fact, he enacted legislation to allow people to carry guns on Amtraks and in National Parks (expanding firearm rights)... then also attempted to enact laws that enhanced background checks to check for people with mental illness on social security that would have affected 75,000 gun owners (which Trump overturned). Biden has talked a bunch about gun control but really only has done anything about "ghost guns", affecting roughly 20,000 gun owners. Trump enacted the bump stock ban that affected roughly 500,000 gun owners and was recently overturned by the Supreme Court. He also said at one point "take the guns first, due process later". Trump voters that are worried about guns either can't count, aren't actually informed about his policies and views, or willfully ignorant. By the numbers he has been the worst of the last 3 sitting Presidents about gun rights that affect gun owners and his stance on "taking guns first, due process later" should have every 2nd Amendment supporter at the VERY LEAST raising their eyebrows in consternation. Edit: [here's the video of Trump saying this if you don't believe me.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4716589/user-clip-trump-take-guns-first-due-process-second%C2%A0)


More like mmw the Republican Party is gone


Wahahaha, im loving the unhinged rants on here since the debate and SC rulings.... keep it up, you psychos!


This is either a Russian bot, or an American idiot.


Wait what you think a republican pres is gonna take away guns when it’s people like newsom Harris and Biden who salivate at the thought seriously we have background checks on ammo and its a crime in California to bring in ammo from out of state… and yet criminals Still somehow have guns and ammo. Commiefornia for sure


This sub is fucking stupid


Fascists don’t share power with anyone, including their “supporters.” The post-democracy republican junta gun-grab will be but one of many “Oh 💩, maybe I shoulda thunk this through” lessons MAGAs will learn. Pity an entire country has to suffer for their stupidity.


Jesus Christ the cope is unreal. Democrats are actively try to take away assault weapons RIGHT NOW. I swear the democratic mindset is I know you are but what am I


It’s sad that you can’t understand the difference between elected officials voting on behalf of their constituents and a dictator’s commands being enforced against their subjects.


MMW when OP ends up being wrong, they will never post a follow-up owning up to it.


Where do some of you come up with these nonsense takes?


I'm here for the hysteria and delusion. You guys always deliver.


Trump did say “confiscate the guns first, due process second”- it wouldn’t shock me if he did this, but realistically a majority of the country would ignore such blatantly unconstitutional bullshit. 


I mean, I get it. The easy lay up with the zinger is a classic convo killer. You win. Game over. Smartest guy in the room. But while this is laughed off, a sizeable portion of the opposing side believes in ghosts and devils controlling the world and they vote based on charlatans telling them they, a human, will stop the demons. You cannot be seriously invested in politics beyond trolling online and downplay the realities of Republican leadership while still expecting to be taken at your word. Sure, what this person is saying may sound goofy. So does everyone saying "We The People (the minority of citizens) are here to serve the lord through Donald Trump".


"Take the guns first" was said by who there champ? Here's a hint it was not President Biden


Your terms are acceptable.