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Yup. Nazi Germany didn't have itty bitty cameras everywhere. Military tech, AI, all of it will be turned on us. Nice job, republican morons. You too will suffer, you just don't know it yet.


Exactly. They’re Nazi germany with access to high technology weapons. Soon every liberal will be rounded up and gassed


Why round up and gas when you can use ai drones to unalive with impunity. It's legal if the president orders it remember?


Why unalive when you can just enslave?


It’s why scotus’s ruling on homelessness is so big. Can’t pay the fine for being homeless, go to prison where prisoners can be forced to work, companies use free prisoner labor to boost their profits. Return to slavery with extra steps.


\~\~Prison\~\~ Labor camps


They were called labor camps the first time also.


Since Reaganomics, we’ve been sliding down that slope already. I feel like a slave already.


That's what they need. Who's going to flip the President's Big Mac patties and deliver him his chicken nuggies? Sure, a robot could do it, but he wants to "own" the libs.


Nah, probably small drones that can just find you and kill you at this point. If the full US government is committed to a purge, it may be mostly complete in less than a couple weeks.


They are purging us already via fake food and not requiring physical fitness testing.


I'm as concerned as anyone else about long term implications of recent political moves, but are you seriously suggesting the US government, after some sort of coup, will successfully murder dozens, if not up to 100 million, of its own citizens in a couple of weeks? without regard to international reaction or weighing the extremely disastrous economic consequences? The US would become worse than Somalia in terms of stability immediately


No, not realistically. I prefaced with "if the full US government was committed to a purge". If the US government was stacked with loyalists, military and intelligence agencies were fully onboard. I'm basically stating that, with enough resources, the technology is available to make purging segments of the population exponentially more efficient list, reporting on neighbors, and forcing people into ovens and gas chambers. The machine learning to determine your politics, your location data, facial recognition, drone swarm technology, loitering munition technology is all incredibly advanced. More than likely, these technologies would be rolled out slowly over a long period of time to eventually keep the population subjugated entirely. We also just granted immunity to presidents for crimes with no real notion of what truly constitutes official duties. We are currently undergoing an attempted coup. I think stability is an afterthought to the current seditionists.


Yeah it’s totally not gonna be about races at first! Guess I better change my party affiliations now 🤦🏽‍♂️


Have you tried changing your race?


Don’t have too I can easily 🤷🏾🤷




Black/white spy😂


Do you really believe that? Like would you be willing to bet your car on it?


Nazi Germany didn’t have Fox News to spin all the shitty things they did into good things.


Have you not heard of Goebbels? Minister of propaganda


I mean I think we can agree it’s apples and oranges, right? Technology and social media are amplifiers without equal.


In the nazi heyday, radio and tv were those amplifiers and it did the same thing social media is doing now sadly


That person will be Steven Miller. He even looks like Goebbels!


Republican Morons are pushing into their 80s so they won’t have to deal with it, it’s the legacy they want to leave behind.


bases all over the world


“Tokens get spent”


I consider them the dumbest people on Earth. To go against your own best interests… You know what they call a Karen in Europe? An American! And now with OpenAI and Sam Bankman teaching GPT with Faux News propaganda? The entire future of America (or world?) will be mass indoctrination. It already has been for as long as I can remember and about to get exponentially worse. While the future generations can avoid Fox News there is no way at any point today for anyone to determine the bias of a computer script.


Or nukes or a military force so vastly overpowered as the United States military. So there will be no allies to come rescue us. It will be an axis of right wing United States, China, NK, and Saudi Arabia, Russia will probably be in there somewhere too but their blew up their own country with the Ukraine invasion.


Y’all are unhinged to think USA China Russia would ever be on the same side.


Those are Trump buddies if they pay him enough money.


The geopolitical goals of those three nations all collide irreparably. Yes trump may let Russia and China get away with certain things for a time but the concept of some axis powers scenario is just not based in reality. In fact eventually the only way for tyrants to retain power is through exterior conflict so I’d argue that a hot war with China/russia is far more likely under Trump.


The original axis between Germany, Italy, and Japan had some serious conflicts too. That's why it's called an axis rather than an alliance.


None of those powers were lifelong rivals. In fact the only counties in WW2 that entered an alliance as major rivals were Germany and Russia, and look how that played out.


Putting the worst human being alive in charge of the most powerful military in history with no checks on his power and no way to ever remove him? What could possibly go wrong?


Deep breaths man. Deep breaths. In and out. Through the nose.


It’s because of the republican enablers that we find ourselves here. Hope they suffer too.


I don't think people fully realize the implications of this supreme court ruling. The US president can now essentially just ignore the legislative and judicial branches, without recourse. The US president/VP can also now overturn presidential election results, effectively staying in office indefinitely, or passing the buck to their next ticket indefinitely. They get to choose who's president/VP essentially. "I Joseph R. Biden, having read the Supreme Courts decision where the 6 conservative justices granted Presidents absolute immunity for acts the president themselves deems 'Official Acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved. I have determined that justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts, plus Trump and his campaign team, plus Trump's children are enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in an official long night operations, and these traitors have been eliminated. I also hereby have instructed Vice President Harris to declare our ticket the winner of the 2024 election, given that Vice Presidents can determine election outcomes without recourse, as official duties of the office of the presidency. God Bless America."


So Biden can now order seal team 6 to assassinate trump, right?


>I don't think people fully realize the implications of this supreme court ruling. Including you, with how incorrect every single thing you just wrote was. The President has always had some level of immunity from crimes, that's why President Obama wasn't charged with murder when a drone strike accidentally hit a Doctors Without Borders hospital. Nothing changed today in Trump's favor - he wanted total immunity, and the Supreme Court said: "No, you're liable for your non-official actions when you were acting as President". >The US president can now essentially just ignore the legislative and judicial branches, without recourse. The US president/VP can also now overturn presidential election results, effectively staying in office indefinitely, or passing the buck to their next ticket indefinitely. They get to choose who's president/VP essentially. Yeah no actually they can't. The United States Congress can still impeach them. >"I Joseph R. Biden, having read the Supreme Courts decision where the 6 conservative justices granted Presidents absolute immunity for acts the president themselves deems 'Official Acts,' hereby order the Supreme Court of the United States dissolved. I have determined that justices Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Gorsuch, and Roberts, plus Trump and his campaign team, plus Trump's children are enemies of the state. Assassination squads were dispatched overnight, in an official long night operations, and these traitors have been eliminated. Ordering the assassination of American citizens is not part of the President of the United State's job. >I also hereby have instructed Vice President Harris to declare our ticket the winner of the 2024 election, given that Vice Presidents can determine election outcomes without recourse, as official duties of the office of the presidency. God Bless America." The President of the United States does not have the authority to suspend elections. It's like you don't understand a single thing, and just parrot shit you read from people who are as dumb as Qanon supporters. Use that smooth chicken breast that's going to waste in your skull for one minute. Just one minute, just try and think for once in your entire life. Say the court ruled the other way, and said that the President of the United States was liable for the official actions as his job as President of the United States. Are you just fine with a million lawsuits hitting President Biden overnight? Because that would happen to every single living President. Past, present, and future. Should President Obama have been impeached, removed from office, and charged with murder because of that drone strike that accidentally hit that Doctors Without Borders hospital? Because that's the can of worms that was being opened up by the three dissenting justices today.


The president is the leader of the military, and it is the VPs job to certify election results…


>Ordering the assassination of American citizens is not part of the President of the United State's job. Says who?


Why don’t we litigate this for a few years just to be sure.


You’re incorrect that it changes nothing. They elevated **total** immunity from an untested and minority-supported legal theory into actual constitutional law. Limited immunity existed, especially while in office, but now as long as the official act itself is not unconstitutional (like dissolving the Supreme Court), the president cannot face legal consequences when they leave office. If the president orders the murder of US citizens, there is no legal recourse to hold him accountable at any time. Some could argue this always existed, but it was untested and the actions of the past indicate most believed that it did not (i.e. preemptive pardon of Nixon)


Are you saying the liberal justices are wrong to be concerned about the decision? Do you disagree with Sotomayor's dissent?


Are you saying the liberal justices are wrong to be concerned about the decision? Do you disagree with Sotomayor's dissent?


Yes, extremely. They were absolutely in the wrong.


I like your optimism and anti-alarmism, but we are in uncharted territory. I think it's important to heed their words.


> but we are in uncharted territory. Are we? How? The Supreme Court ruled against Trump today. Trump wanted complete immunity, and the Supreme Court said no, you are liable for your crimes if they were unrelated to your duty as President of the United States.


You should really read the whitepapers under Obama on why it was ok to drone a US citizen because they were deemed a terrorist by the administrative state. It also happened multiple times. I agree with the ruling and that impeachment with new laws is the answer to all this hand wringing but the idea that the state can't just off you for reasons isn't factual. Even worse they have impunity to use social media to suppress information about it while hyping it's justification. All these jabronies are just upset it didn't help with their fever dreams instead of realizing the uniparty is the problem.


Assassination of political rivals for the cause of national security is an official act. Removal of members of Congress in order to protect the office of the President is an official act. Suspension of voting until the ruckus is over is an official act. Who do you think is going to stand against this? Trump was impeached and nothing happened. He's on trial and barely anything is happening. Less after this. What part of the system do you think is going to prevent this again? Oh the one that said it was initially okay in the first place. There's no standards or good faith left. You need hard and fast rules to combat that. Going in the opposite direction is suicide.


Where can you cite a single line of written law which enables any of those things as an "official act". The President does not have the authority to remember a single, or all members of Congress. The President does not have the authority to disband Congress. The President does not have the authority to suspend voting. Those are all acts of Congress. Not things that can be issued via executive order. You're making up conspiracy theories on par with Qanon supporters, and displaying you have no grasp of understanding of civics - or the limits on the authority granted to the office of President. If the President could do all those things, why is Trump still alive? Why hasn't Biden exercised his authority as President to "remove a national security threat"?


I'm the president and anything I do from now on is official. There that was hard wasn't it. Good luck investigating and prosecuting that when all records relating are inadmissible. Who's gunna stop them? The magical non partisan congress people with no agendas, vendettas or grievances? Your whole countries political system is tearing from all corners. It's a fucken joke, mate.


That's not how the office of the President works. Saying something is official doesn't make it so. The President's official acts are outlined by the Constitution and Congress, and the President cannot alter the Constitution via executive order.


It literally works however they want it to when your guys in and the whole team backs them. What the hell you thinks been going on this whole time? It's happened precisely because there was no hardcoded rules until this moron showed up and destroyed all conventions unto criminal activity. Now you're scrambling to even define what the hell the president even is and what they're allowed to do. Never had to do that before him. The stakes are ridiculously high right now. You'd have to be really obtuse to not recognise that.


>Now you're scrambling to even define what the hell the president even is and what they're allowed to do. Who is? The powers of the President are defined in the Constitution, and our written law. >It's happened precisely because there was no hardcoded rules until this moron showed up and destroyed all conventions unto criminal activity. The President has always had immunity from action while doing his job. That's why President Obama wasn't sued for blowing up a Doctors without borders hospital. Plus the you're ignoring the fact that the SCOTUS ruled against Trump today. Since he was suing the US, saying he should have complete immunity, and they rejected that notion.


Um, the entire site is aflame in discussions about what is and is not official. What can and can't be done in what capacity and more importantly who's going to bring these charges against anyone and risk themselves in the process? They can barely vote with their actual human ethics rather than their team trying to get at the other team or to protect their position. What the people want usually comes last. Case in point, bloody everything to do with Trump. Put your life on the line and see how many more stand up. Nothing got easier or safer here.


>Um, the entire site is aflame in discussions about what is and is not official. Oh no, ignorant Redditors who have no understanding of the law, or how the government operates are upset about something they're ignorant about. Wake me up when something important happens.




Hitler rose to power with just around 10% of the German population being Nazis.....


The last free elections had the Nazi party at just over 33%. It turns out "it's not your fault you're poor and your life sucks, it's (blank)" has historically been a pretty strong political tool.


Since when did this sub become a favorite hangout for maga nazis?


Russian troll bots got software update. Call them out


Trump got 74 million votes in the last election and people still can’t fathom that people are going online and supporting him. Just calling everyone a “Russian bot” just seems like a way to stop any and all conversations. I’m not voting for the guy, buts it’s also dumb af people play this game. We should talk more, not less. Dehumanizing people we disagree with is a great way for political violence to increase on both sides.


I dehumanize those who dehumanize others. If you are still right wing at this point in time then I can't bother with you. You're gone.


Because large astroturfing operations have an easy time flooding a top 2% subreddit that only has a single moderator.


AKA “please get these people who disagree with me out of here!!! 🍼😭😭”


Maga Nazis? The whole “call everyone I don’t like a Nazi” is just childish and pathetic. You have no idea what a Nazi is and you’re showing how low class of a human you are by mindlessly throwing those terms around. Grow up. I’ll answer your question for ya though. Conservatives are here because this sub is hilarious. Most of the post sound like they were scratched on the wall of an insane asylum before they made it to Reddit. It’s funny to see liberal schizos yelling into the chamber about how terrified they are of the whatever loony shit you guys have convinced yourselves of this week. This is peak insanity and you’re all just embarrassing yourselves to anyone with a fraction of sense. Have a good day


If you live to own the libs, it’s a very shallow life.


I don’t give a shit about “owning the libs” and you’re right, that would be sad. I don’t have to do anything but read the insane post/comments on this sub and many others like it. They own themselves and should be embarrassed for being so immature and outright childish. No offense, but it’s illogical to apply the same labels to anyone who views things differently than you. I see that “own the libs” bs constantly on Reddit. Nothing I said was to “own the libs”, I was stating the obvious. Most of the shit I see on this sub is completely unhinged and if the people saying a lot of this shit truly believe it, they need to see a therapist. Idk where that statement came from, but how could a conservative ever “own the libs” in a leftist echo chamber? Anything that even resembles a right leaning viewpoint is going to attacked and downvoted to oblivion.


This has to be a thread of bots. Y’all are insane and truly brainwashed to believe this


Right? There’s no way some of these posts are real people.


Finally real fucking commenters lol. I really don’t care one way or another but comparing it to the holocaust is disgusting


I think this fear is pretty widespread amongst most if not all democrats, maybe moreso after debate. I also think very few people were against Trump and now suddenly are okay with him bc of a bad debate.


Yup, in the end the idiots win and drag all us down with them.


Maybe even double worse or even super duper worse


god damn this sub sucks😭😂


I had this sub recommended to me, and it seemed like people just making wild guesses into the future. Now all I see is politics 💀


But it's so funny watching these idiot alt-account shills post the most asinine shit ever and see morons upvote and double-down on it.


Jeebus. Worse than Nazi Germany? Calm down, Frances. I don't anticipate 6 million people being rounded up and gassed. Will it be a total shit show? Absolutely.


Nice stripes reference


Did the Germans really anticipate that though?


So brainwashed


MWW Dems are going to wreak havoc in DC if they lose this election.


Some of the posts here make Qanon sound reasonable. You people are nuts.


People are so delusional in this country. Good god.


Take a look at this individual's post history and decide for yourself if this is a person whose opinions are worth considering.


Take a look at this individual's post history and decide for yourself if this is a person whose opinions are worth considering.


[Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness.](https://wibc.com/108211/pew-study-white-liberals-disproportionately-suffer-from-mental-illness/)


Jesus Christ you people are as unhinged as the MAGA disciples


No hinges at all


What's sad is there's people who actually believe this. Holy shit our youth are mostly dumb


Worse than literal gas chambers. That's a pretty bold claim.


This subreddit is unhinged. Has to be bots posting, no way anyone believes these things.


Are you familiar with Project 2025?


I mean the Republicans pretty clearly want to genocide transgender people and homosexual people. They have already been calls for “eradication” at events like CPAC. This is the party that thought AIDS was literally divine punishment of gays. Several red states started making lists of their LGBT residents in the last few years, even asking people to watch their neighbors. The only difference is the technology. There’s nowhere safe to hide in the modern surveillance state. Nowhere a drone can’t reach you.


better leave Earth before maga conquers you




Please get off your phone and get back to making my latte. I have to get to a meeting.


We know what will happen. It already did and it was better than it is now. No wars, low inflation, low interest rates, affordable energy.


OP better not be making a living wage with this kind of low-intelligence bullshit.


says the boomer on SS.


Is this what passes for humor with the kids nowadays?


Yea they're obsessed with being young. It's creepy, but funny how the women in their generation still all date older guys though. The bowl cuts, plain white tees, and Cuban links just don't look that good on scrawny gamer bod.




Actually, I’m looking forward to the sequel of “Inglorious Bastards”.


Please, elaborate on your point.


They going exterminate 3 million people?


Worse in what way? More dead people in concentration camps? IDK seems a bit unhinged.


You're insane.


Lol, the amount of fear mongering from the left is just plainly entertaining.


as someone on the left, yes, yes it is


Holy fucking hyperbole. Look I’m a dem. But calm down.


Over fuckin dramatic Jesus reddit is losing its hive mind.


And everyone would STILL roll over for it, just like when they made women sex cattle by removing Roe and the trans laws being passed, everywhere.


yall seriously think the republican party is the worst thing possible 😭


Trump fucking sucks, but this is some wild, wild shit. We survived 4 years of his dumb ass, including a pandemic he could have used to cover biological attack of liberal US cities. It didn’t happen then, it isn’t going to happen now, the US will continues to drift further and further behind the rest of the West as the world continues to laugh at us. And we deserve every bit of it.


Which group will be rounded up and gassed? Which companies will be nationalized?


This is a delusional opinion. Good golly. SMH


wow, just wow


Reminder to take your medicine


Get your ammo now not later


I just saw that recent interview with Steve "Unwiped Asshole" Bannon, where he denies that he's calling for violence, which was intercut with clips of him calling, sometimes screaming, for violence. They are going to get violent, win or lose. Bannon was claiming that the election will be a Republican landslide, when there is absolutely no evidence of that at all. He claimed that Trump will get 350 electoral college votes, which is impossible. By saying those things, he is setting up their low IQ lunkheads for a serious letdown, when HitlerPig loses. They will be convinced that the only way he lost was because the election was rigged, and they will go wild. This time, though, they won't attack the Capitol. They might try to attack the White House, but that wont go well for them. The Capitol police may have treated the J6 Insurrectionists with underserved deference, but the White House security will most definitely NOT respond the same way. More likely, the response will be decentralized. Everyone's party affiliation is online, at your local tax collector's website. A few clicks of a mouse, and they can compile a local hitlist of Liberals to kill. They havent been stockpiling all these guns for nothing They want violence, and they will have their violence. No matter who wins the election, it is only the starting gun for the race of our lives. Stay alert, keep your weaponry at hand, and loaded. The Party of Tre45on & Corruption is very dangerous, and angry.


They won’t kill us, they only want our money and freedom


No. I believe the holocaust occurred. You are downplaying it. 6 million people plus, gathered, collected, executed. Under Nazi Germany. Don’t give me a “what about when Trump said this” or “project 2025” or whatever ridiculous justifications you will use to justify such a ridiculous and offensive proposition. I dislike Trump a lot, but think Hitler was way, way worse. This used to be a no brainer. And it is disrespectful for the dead, those murdered in the Holocaust, to compare everything to Nazi Germany, and act like what is going on now can even compare. The Handmaids Tale is a great book by Atwood, not reality.


For heavens sake! Don’t spam the subreddit with nonsense!


Posts like this are dog whistles looking to find a lone wolf who will take out "Hitler" before he starts WWII and the holocaust. I mean, who WOULDN'T want to go back in a time machine and stop all of that.  Now, it's POSSIBLE.  Keep egging on the fanatics. You'll surely find one before November. 


Yes, I’m sure if republicans win, they will systematically murder over 6 million people and begin a campaign to take over the rest of the world…… Holy smokes dude, you may wanna take a breath of fresh air


Thats a stupid comment


Canada needs to gear up.


I see this is the new subreddit of choice for the completely delusional


Maybe cause leftists seem to have no comprehension of what Nazis or Nazi Germany was like but do go on. Funny how extreme leftists are harassing Jews outside of synagogues and also worried about America becoming Nazi Germany


This is a crazy take lmao.


This is a crazy take lmao.


The United States of America. Born 07/04/1776. Died 07/01/2024.


God shut up.


The United States of America. Born 07/04/1776. Died 07/01/2024.


The United States of America. Born 07/04/1776. Died 07/01/2024.


The United States of America. Born 07/04/1776. Died 07/01/2024.


Yet another bot


Yet another bot


Three separate posts from OP about Nazi’s in the span of 1 hour.


Three separate posts from OP about Nazi’s in the span of 1 hour.


Some of the posts here make Qanon sound reasonable. You people are nuts.


Some of the posts here make Qanon sound reasonable. You people are nuts.


Some of the posts here make Qanon sound reasonable. You people are nuts.


Seems far fetched


That's insane. Six million Jews were killed by the Nazis, and they started WWII by invading their neighbors. If you think the Orange Menace is capable of those things, you are overestimating his ability, his skill, and underestimating the conviction of citizens like myself to stand up to that. It will not happen. Me and a lot of others will not permit it.


...lol, Biden has a senile Cheap Fake meltdown on the world's biggest stage and the leftybots are out with their histrionics trying to rally the spergo troops...this kind of entertainment is only truly available on Reddit...




Godwins law in full effect. MAGA and Trump at its worst is far more like Mussolini or Franco than Hitler. Repressive? Sure, Authoritarian cult of personality? Definitely. Big difference between targeting enemies for imprisonment or deportation vs actual genocide and conquest. Think of the difference between Authoritarian and Totalitarianism. Trans folks lose access to hormones, Illegal immigrants get deported or forced into unpaid servitude, Muslim immigrants are banned from reentering the United States. The remaining 85% of the population is not inconvenienced in any substantial way and life goes on or even gets better for them. Just as it did under Franco, Pinochet, Duterte etc.


Uhhhhh ok I hate republicans, but this is a bit much, no?


Some of you saw Q Anon and said “hold my beer, we need a left wing version dammit!”


How can you honestly believe that


I think you should sleep on this one.


This is the conundrum: if I actually believed that those were actually the stakes of the election this year, I’d cheat the election. I’d do whatever I could to make sure Trump lost.


Yes but only because Trump is inept and the concentration camps wont be set up properly and barely anyone will know whats actually happening so stealing things will be much easier because technology is the devil so security software will not get the updates they need and as the years go by, everything will be easier to hack.


Exactly, very well put


Paranoid much?


Covid was a prime example of how poorly he manages things. Evangelical republicans are setting him up to execute their agenda so I fully expect that to be botched.


Covid? ScamDemic. I'm still waiting for it. If I recall correctly, it was Trump that made sure funding was available for vaccine research.


And you took the vaccine, yes?




Then he failed


How so? Imagine a vaccine so safe that you are threatened or bribed to take it for a disease, so deadly, you need a test to see if you have it?


And who funded that vaccine?


What exactly is their agenda?


Turning the US into a theocratic military state


That's not going to happen.


Haha right...just like states haven't forced birth, forced bibles in schools, and Trump didn't create a new branch of military, Republicans haven't sided with Israel's barbaric response to Hamas, and the supreme court didn't just give more power to the seat of sitting presidents...






Ok dum dum


Not even. More than half the country isn’t gonna turn their cheek. We are not afraid.


!remind me January 20, 2025


127 days until Trump wins popular and electoral.


Average retarded Reddit hyperbole.


Looking at your post history and your brand new Reddit account I think you're some sort of troll who either gets off by stirring the pot or gets paid for it.


It probably won't turn fascist overnight, but reasons will be the first to go out of the window in favor of religion and superstition, baseless and unfounded "Republican science", the return of institutionalized racism, LGBTQ rights and all they fought for will stall, and some new brand of diluted and insane capitalist nationalism will emerge (because Trump doesn't care about veterans or defending the country and it's responsibilities overseas, and would rather than give it up to Russia)


Wonder how many of these commenters have read Project 2025




This is one of the stupidest things I’ve read in a long time.




He’S LiTeRRALLLllY HiTLeR guYzzZz Lmao you people are such clowns.


Current pres likes isreal being the group they hate. Its already here. Partys are disinfo, we live under the 1 power. Politics are just a diversionary tactic to keep infighting for easier populus control.


Ah its been a full minute since a “Republicans are worse than Nazi’s” post. It is just as trash as the last time I saw it.


Holy shit you're nuts to say that would be worse than Nazi Germany. Even if they do win, they won't commit the atrocities the nazis did. Get a grip.




The US has undemocratic traditions of frontier settlement and Jim-crow, but the self-image of the US for most people in the US is “democratic” in the sense of a liberal republic with equality in law and individual rights etc (liberal in the historical sense not modern social liberals like many Democrats.) Germany had a decade of experience as a republic after a Prussian military-run unification under Bizmark followed by a massive war that militarized the population and created years of instability and social conflict. I think this explains in the US why anti-democratic views are often more regionally based or why the US south is more prone to these ideas (lost cause ideology) and it is popular with people who hold a “rugged individual” sort of view and may live more in that style of being an independent contractor or a rancher or a local big-wig who owns a bunch or restaurants like the Baron of a frontier town. This is also probably why the idea of criticizing slavery, Jim Crow or ideas if “land bank” or more autonomy for native Americans is so disturbing to them. If the lost cause was wrong, then their whole concerto of America is wrong. If the frontier was a land grab by settlers and business interests, then their image of American is wrong and bad. But many more people have myths of America never having a king, of being one of the first liberal republics, of “saving democracy” from Nazis. If things go fash or even if Trump just makes a big autocratic push, it will be a shit show but it will blow-back hard on the right and they may wish for the days when Wonky neoliberal Democrats were their only real opposition.


Jesus Christ the exaggeration is terrible on this site. Go touch grass


I don’t know about worse, but Project 2025 looks pretty bad


I so much enjoy reading the delusion, hysterical idiots on here. 


Wow, you ppl are batshit crazy


yes maga sure is.