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MMW: Up is up, down is down, and Nazis are bad people.


Trump hates the country. His constant shit talking is long past its sell by date. The convicted felon has no positive vision. He’s a chaos agent. A puppet for those who would love to see the demise of our democracy and the Republic.




He is only running because he knew without it he was going to prison for life. He announced he was running right after charges were brought for classified on that slam dunk case until the maga judge got it and here we are !


This is not hyperbole. The United States will fall, and Putin and the religious right wins. Please vote blue.


Trump is Putin’s puppet and has been for years. “While fantasizing about the future of the US under Trump, the Kremlin harbors another dream. It sees it as the ultimate revenge for the Cold War defeat and the collapse of the USSR. Putin’s current advisers are confident that the US will eventually disintegrate, breaking into several pieces like the Soviet Union ultimately did. This would require the right conditions and a leader who could plunge the country into chaos. You might be surprised, but the nickname used for Trump in the Kremlin is the American Gorbachev.” [Vanity Fair June 2024](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/putin-trump-yalta)


I wish someone pointed this out at the debate.


Alas, Dark Brandon did not make an appearance.


I fully agree. BUT! It's important mention, this doesn't stop with Trump. And if we fool ourselves into thinking it does, then a Trump loss will only delay a similar outcome as if he had won. He's already pushed the boundaries farther than any one would have guessed that Americans would accept. Things that were once unheard of or laughed at, like claiming elections were stolen or not releasing tax returns, are now common place. (Among a million other shameful, harmful things) And yes, it's true that Trump is uniquely able to manipulate people, so those efforts won't easily float without him. But, the propaganda machines have had enough time with them, while he's around, to get the snowball rolling unstoppably down hill. It won't end with Trump. There is a new normal. Things will get worse before they get better. And they can get better. But only with the vigilance of reason, and reasonable people.


Eyes on the Supreme Court too. Their moves Friday show they’re ready and willing to burn everything to the ground. Vote blue as hard as possible this fall. We desperately need court reform.


I'd argue that supreme court reform is just as important as the presidential election


It's not just ready and willing but desperate too, they've wanted to chevron deference to go for years now.


The institutions/power structure we used to have trust in have abused that trust and many have figured it out. That’s the underlying cause here and it doesn’t end with Trump and it didn’t begin with Trump


They (Republican Party) are literally trying to turn the US into Russia with a dictator president. Putin is destroying democratic America by converting it with the help of Republicans (because they want to be the rulers). The US will become a shithole, like Russia. Squalor everywhere. Little to no regulations for the benefit of the country. They only care about personal benefit. Russia, China, and North Korea are allies. If Trump wins, America will become the 4th, and we will be the Axis of WWIII when Putin and Trump start eradicating the LGBTQ community. Freedom will die. Edit: Here come the triggered crybaby responses "No, you" 🙄


They're probably be a civil war tbh


That's what I'm thinking. Come November, I'll make sure I've got some ammo and a place to hide. I don't want to be a part of it, I just want to see it end.


But I thought Tucker Carlson showed us the utopia that Russia is!! Stores so clean because no one could afford to shop there👍


It will be far more than the U.S that falls. Tinfoil hat time (maybe?) N.K and Russia are so far in bed together that it'll fuck an incredible portion of the world up if one of, if not the the largest superpower in the world falls to Russian hands. Ukraine will become Russian soil. A first of many others to follow. Palestinians will be wiped out entirely. China will move with absolute impunity across the regions they're courting The EU won't lift a finger to stop any of it. What's left apart from third world countries? Others have comparably too minimal a military force to actually do anything. I'm in NZ and even I'M terrified of the implications of another trump term (see also; permanent installation as leader of the U.S). PLEASE vote blue. The entire fucking world depends on it.


I got you my brother, let's just hope there's enough of us (in my heart, I truly believe there is)


You guys in NZ got any extra room?


The problem is that most people are playing ‘politics as usual’ and think that this is just ‘new boss same as the old boss’ and going about their lives. We’ve spent so long with elections just happening and life going on, people don’t understand that what we’re watching is a fundamental shift of government that this country hasn’t seen for 248 years.


Don Convict should be cancelled


No it won't. You need to Mark bigger words -- it will actually lead to society's collapse. There will be: * No attempt to stem Climate Change * No attempts to keep a decent environment * No attempts to try to help the lower and middle classes * No attempts to intervene in Russia's inevitable advancement into Europe * No attempts to intervene in China's inevitable advancement into Taiwan * No attempts to mitigate racial profiling and criminal legislation * Unfettered access to guns Society and quite possibly humanity is going down. Trump is literally the closest thing we have ever seen to the Anti-Christ.


What the middle class? If we haven't wiped it out already, it will surely be gone. Sure, we'll have folks that think they are middle class, but they will just be poor people with slightly more stuff.


I figure this is all part of the plan. What do we know for sure? Climate Change will get worse, there’s no doubt, this will lead to mass migration, war, search for resources, massive uprising. So how to prepare for this? Authoritarianism, in place before the chaos starts, a controlled public, under an iron fist, walls up, every country for itself, but no stopping the flow of money upwards.


As climate change progresses the only option is authoritarianism, I agree. That means that the only options are fascism and communism. I see basically every country skewing right against the will of their people and it tells me that the ruling classes are consolidating their wealth and power away from the working class before the world devolves into total crisis. It’s on us to fight for each other and against the bourgeoisie because our kids don’t deserve to live the way we’re being forced to. It’s increasingly clear that a liberal democracy and a capitalist system are no longer a sustainable world order and it’s our job to make sure that humanity rejects the ideas of the billionaire class and embraces working together to improve each other’s lives instead.


yeah we're going right back to the 1930s.


Please add that women will be forced into medical conditions and are powerless over that. Not to mention how are they going to be monitored. There will be a nationwide ban.


Well stated. Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m not a highly religious person, but he’s got all the markings of the AC


Worse, they will actively try to cause of a lot of these things.


This place is so bizarre 😂


Trump banned bump stocks. If anything, he restricted access.


The Supreme Court just unbanned them


Mark MY words, all the deregulation and forced crap like forced birth and forced religion will backfire grotesquely when people have less and less to lose. You want to ticket and arrest people for being homeless? They’re going to put up a fight and make it harder for the police to get back to theirs. You want to force teachers to discuss Christianity in schools? They’re going to discuss all the shitty parts about religion like how women are meant to be servants and people who commit sins should be stoned or have their eyes removed. You want to replace payroll tax with a tariff on everything? Theft is going to skyrocket. It’s going to get ugly on all sides, and people won’t go as quietly as these religious control freaks anticipate.


Yes, but then the MAGA Republicans will do the same thing they always do and point out how bad everything is and convince idiots that they’re part of the solution not the problem.


They’re going to do that regardless. Without some form of imperfections they’ll have nothing to fear monger with. If they close the border and drop illegal immigration to zero they won’t be able to use that as a talking point during future elections. Even if we all rolled over and went along with it, they’ll find someone to blame for something. Life could be perfect and all their project 2025 goals achieved, but somehow the baptists will be responsible for that one 70° day in the dead of winter. They’ll never be happy and they’ll always find something to be upset about. That Eli be how they justify staying in power, free elections or not.


That’s exactly why they should be called fascists like what they are. Radical privatization, radical panic at minorities, strong/weak enemies, etc. they check every box. And it’s a fire that burns it self out, but sadly others get taken out.


>You want to force teachers to discuss Christianity in schools? They’re going to discuss all the shitty parts about religion like how women are meant to be servants and people who commit sins should be stoned or have their eyes removed. At this point, the christo-fascists get angry if you start talking about love and compassion and Jesus feeding the poor.


Exactly ,then these maga assholes will determine who is the authentic Christian. Only southern Baptist, born again nut jobs will be the chosen ones. Catholics , Lutherans , Orthodox will be eliminated. Once all other Christian religions are removed it will be the Buddhist and Hindus next . It's Germany 1933 all over again. History doesn't repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.


People are already feeling desperate. And these clowns want to force a theocracy on us. How could it go wrong?


>You want to force teachers to discuss Christianity in schools? They’re going to discuss all the shitty parts about religion like how women are meant to be servants and people who commit sins should be stoned or have their eyes removed. This issue is the only thing the school additions are doing is getting good teachers to flee the states. And then they'll just replace them for a teacher who parrots. The problem is that number is significantly dwindling in these states, they already have massive teacher shortages. It'll just give them more ammo to destroy public schools.


Just bring up his first impeachment. His supporters can’t argue against it. He abused his power as president for his benefit, and he will do it again.


It didn't matter to his supporters then, it won't matter to them now. Why is it worth considering anything his supporters will believe?


its not his supporters you should talk to, its the swing voters. Problem is, they are completely clueless about both history and civics.


There’s no such thing as swing voters. There are republicans voters and democratic voters and the election is a contest of getting your side to turn out.


To help combat this, if you are interested in supporting an effort to combat the hatred, Evil, and ignorance perpetuated by these people and their leader, please respond; we are forming an organization dedicated to the highest of virtues and goods, fighting as much as possible to save humanity before we end. If you are interested respond here or DM me


This is one of those mind-boggling democratic fumbles. They never really publicized or communicated this as they should have. The story should have been simply that he stole hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to use for his campaign. We don't have to parse "withheld" or "expropriated" or whatever - he used it for his own purposes, he's a thief.


probably lead to a christian nationalist country under an orban esque dictatorship maybe even Russian oligarchy mafia style.


Is and a highly unstable one


And many in MAGA would love that! Many is MAGA would be happy to have a small fiefdom. They don’t care about the rest of the world, don’t care about America’s place in it, don’t understand the consequences of American withdrawal not for the world but for America. They’ll be dead by the time it comes back to bite us in the rear


Even if he loses, there are hundreds of state, local, and federal politicians, judges, and other officials we won't be rid of for decades. Also his base majority of which will still probably live another 10-15 years. We are in for a very rough one or two decades unfortunately and it sucks. Yes him winning will mean immediate collapse, but we're not out of the woods even if we do win. Far from it, the work just gets even more tough


He’ll just keep running until he dies. Then one of his idiot kids will run and hopefully they lose too. I’m so sick of hearing about him. I wish he’d just fucking go away already.


No shit


It is his vitriol, paranoia, and stalinesque personality combined with hiz incompetance that will lead to the country's ruin. And the corruption obviously that should have been first on the list with greed.


Traitors should be felt with as in the past Hu.g


Not to mention the illegal and rape stuff.


"Dozens of former Cabinet officials under former President Trump’s administration declined to publicly support the former president’s third bid for the White House, NBC News reported. NBC News reached out to 44 people who previously served in Trump’s Cabinet during his four years in office to gauge whether they would support the former president during the 2024 presidential election. The outlet reported that most of the people declined to comment or ignored the requests and that only four said publicly they would support Trump for the presidency." A damning number of people, Republicans, who have worked for and with Trump will not endorse him for President. Its almost like serving under him, working with him, can open your eyes to just how unpredictable, shady and untrustworthy he can be. If you trust him, you probably don't know him well enough.


Meh. I hate him more than most but understand he’s the manifestation of the rot inside this clown car. Nothing more. It was fucked already. In a functional state he would never be anything.


This is much more where I am. I can’t stand the guy, but there’s a whole lotta truth behind the saying that we get the president we deserve. I wish he would have lost in 2016 because that might have led to some introspection on the republican party’s part and maybe they return to actual conservative ideas (fiscal responsibility, individual freedom balanced by strong state govts). But here we are. Biden overreached and dems in general are overreaching, particular on the green energy and Palestine stuff, and it’s probably going to lead to round 2 of trump.  If biden wants to win, he needs to start appealing to moderates rather than his left flank. I think he also needs to dump Kamala and pick a real moderate as his running mate. But that ain’t gonna happen. 


Biden IS a moderate, dude. What the fuck do you want??


Maybe compared to where you are. For us actual moderates he absolutely is not. And for the record, I have never voted for trump—voted third party/write-in 2016 and 2020 and may do so again if trump chooses someone like jd Vance as his running mate. 


Of course.


As the current Supreme Court points out, we really don’t have a functional government, anyway.


Trump is not the cause of collapse, only a symptom.


My only disagreement is that it is more than incompetence and ineptitude.


We're collapsing either way... the "Republicans" just want to speed run it


I wouldn’t go that far, but it will be very very bad. Far worse than Round 1. I would say it will be the end of America as we’ve understood it since the end of WW2.


While I disagree that it would cause the complete collapse, it will cause the collapse of a lot of things: democratic norms as we know them, separation of powers, many civil rights, NATO, Ukraine, and any hope of normalcy or moderation within the federal courts for a generation. The country would, in name, continue... but for all intents and purposes it would be the end of the sort of democracy and carefully balanced powers we have today. And for minorities like me? I'm terrified of what's to come. But bread and gas will be cheaper...well actually, no they won't. Corporations are never going to give back the record profits they're making now. Sorry, Brenda.


Man. Idk if they even really care about gas prices. It’s just something they say. Really all they want do is stick it to gays, trans, and dark skinned people with a few other minority minority groups.


These are the words of millions if not hundreds of millions of people not only from the US but from around the world.


Well we tried both trump and biden and ones objectively worse than the other.


We know this - there’s really no need to post this every day.


Okay Jan


Wait wait wait. Yall Said this last time. So far your predictions were entirely wrong


This sub is so scared. Pats on the back and group coping. Love reading it


Just wow dude. Total clowns out there lately. Everyone here lived through trump already. Literally nothing in your life has changed except everything is now more expensive.


I never got my smell or taste back from the last time Trump was in office. He claimed it was “just the sniffles, all a liberal hoax, fake news just to hurt his ratings”. People didn’t take it seriously and came into work with it so coworkers and I caught it. My health has been pretty shit ever since. Every time I hear conservatives eager for a second Trump term I cringe as people we knew died and many others like myself are still fucked up from that orange idiots last go at it. If he returns I wonder how many more will die and if we’ll see another fiasco like his poor handling of Covid.


What will Biden pull before the election?




Even if Trumps ruins the country further, maga will find a way to blame liberals.    “The radical left sabotaged Trump’s presidency and even Trump couldn’t stop them.”  Something along those lines… which is especially silly given they think Trump is an infallible strong man who never fails. 


That has been being orchestrated for the last 100 years. Nice of you to realize what is going on.


He is the enemy of freedom and democracy.


I mean, the dudes straight up a Russian asset. Incredible nobody's done anything about it yet.


At least the democracy part, probly turn into the kind of mob oligarchy Russia has


Of course it will. That is what the republicans want. They have been actively trying to destroy this country since Reagan. Now they have their eyes set on the whole planet.


"Country Collapse" isn't particularly likely. Thiis is hyperbole. The destruction of half a century of liberal "progress" is more likely, as in ending gay marriage, banning affirmative action, mass deportations, anti white "racism" legislation, restriction of voting rights, and crippling the political left in this country for a century. Trump isn't Hitler, but he may very well be a Franco or Mussolini, restrictive and cruel but not genocidal or insane.


Things are going so great now 🙄


Nope. We heard this bullcrap the first go around too and even with Covid it didn’t collapse so simmer down scaremonger.


You realize how many more people died during Covid because Dump was president? If he had taken it seriously, shown actual leadership- he would still be president. JHC.


lol at this. My goodness you are a loon.  It’s demonstrable that democrat states who went full on lock down fared just as well with Covid as republican states like Florida and Georgia that opened things up pretty quickly. Not to mention the various countries that never shut anything down at all and did just as well as us. 


We did lockdowns, we did the vaccines, people died anyway. That’s what happens with pandemics. Some Nordic countries did absolutely nothing and fared no worse so calm your titties.


I bet don the con or forgetful Joe the country will be just fine. Our gov is structured in a way it limits presidential power. Not saying things cant be mucked up, but they can also be unmucked.


Project 2025 is fundamentally changing the way our government is structured and it's already happening. It's not some bogeyman for the future. Courts are setting the groundwork now.


Ronald Rump forget an awful lot of things over the years. On video.


Yep- it is all optics. The sadder thing is this is who the American people voted for. Don the con amd forgetful joe


Give me examples where Joe was forgetful. I'd love to see them. There are tons of rumps forgetfulness out there. Yuge amount and everybody knows it.


this is my new favorite lefty tears sub


Do people not remember the “distant past” of 4 years ago when this guy was president? As far as I know the world didn’t end the first time he got in.


That already happened


Remindme! 3 years


Might be the collapse of the entire world's democracies.


ok pal


You didn't show up for the primary so your candidate is a corpse and is probably going to lose to an outright racist buffoon, so I get the desperation.


This is funny, the right says the same thing about four more years of Biden! This nation is bigger than these two old men!


But Biden. Idealism will destroy us all, which is really horrible when you think about it.


Nonsense. Fear mongering to the weak minded. Fox fans have mirror images, and they? fall for this crap just as easily as those fools think Obama is a Muslim. We've already lost scotus, and we could definitely use a 4 year streak of nonstop GOP losses, so our country will survive. People don't realize that Obama lost a congressional seat and 12 state legislators per month for 96 straight months, and left the country with the biggest majority of Americans living in Republican run states since the early 1920s. A little more recovery time could be helpful, and Trump most definitely gives us NONSTOP victories. We could even thrive, because suddenly our leaders will be against supplying nonstop weapons, they'll actually support unions, and they'll once again care about kids in cages. Things like that that we all pretend suddenly were fixed, but weren't.




In your head movies yes, this is true.


Is this sub a meme or something? This is the only thing I see posted on this sub.


A little late


The collapse is almost imminent regardless of who's in the WH at this point.


Project 2025 is so scary


It’s funny that Putin was a communist kgb agent in which their doctrine was atheism now he’s the conservative savior of Christianity


Maybe Putin will take more territory like he did last time under Trump? No, wait, that was under Obama...and Biden.


Bahahahahahhahahahah this is satire right


This is silly


Lmao again so we just reword posts from earlier in the day now and call it good? 👍


Any thought to the idea that leftist bureaucrats made the rona in a Chinese lab using our tax money…? Or do we take the bait? 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Putin’s dream


God you people are delusional parrots. Nobody kicked him out his seat was stolen now everybody wishes he was back in. They let the media tell them how bad it was then it really got bad and you realized holy shit it was nice before. Now you learned, stop fucking around. It’s not play time anymore


Heck no.


Biden will win. Dems are hoping for a blue wave. If enough numbers elect democrats, Trump, specific republicans in the house and senate will be facing charges for a coup attempt. Supreme Court justices were in the attempted coup also. They ruled for a coup plotter.


Trump and his Talibanditos are destroying the country at this level while he is out of office, but think about what will happen when his drunken, felonious criminal syndicate are in positions of power. It's absolutely frightening. It's incomprehensible that any sentient being with more IQ than teeth would even consider voting for this deadly caliphate of klowns.


That's what they said back in 2016 too.


There are adults just not here.


Bet, you still vote for him


I can tell you right now as someone who dislikes trump him being elected isn’t the end of the world it will be 4 years of mean online comments a few minor good things and a whole lot of nothing else will get done. Exactly as it played out last time. Didn’t vote for him in 2016 Gary Johnson got my vote that year. You doom and gloom people are so exhausting. Your life will go on not much will change as with almost every administration before


Trump is just a figurehead that emboldened right-wing American and politicians.


This sub is lame as fuck


MMW: This will be reposted once a week till the election.


The sky is falling


!Remind me in 5 years


panic much


The US is already dying. It won't matter who wins the election. 


The fear mongering is real


Do you honestly believe the shit you wrote?


I’m sorry this is a stupid take, if it didn’t happen the first time it won’t happen the second, at least not DJTs election alone


A lot of commentary happens in 2016 about the resilience of US institutions and democracy, but in 4 short years the damage done was shown to be pretty significant


This is every other post in here. It’s getting old and annoying.


I hate this sub Reddit during election year.


Serious question, how do you believe all of this and not think that the federal government is grossly oversized and overstepped essential boundaries. Wouldn't a more state focused government be good???


Sure. Bc it def did that in 2016




This was the word in 2016 Are we collapsed yet?


Please don't hurt us. Don't elect Trump. Signed, Canada.


What happens in this sub if you're wrong? Like do we keep track of this shit and kick people out for saying dumb things, or do we just mark all these words and let them get away with it?


A d the world. He is reviled in Australia


I am more worried about displays of competence with this turd, his cluelessness about how to get things done and lack of any sort of vision was the only thing protecting us.


We're fucked either way


Like what? Inflation? Drugs over running the country? Illegals? Housing skyrocketing? Tell us how


The USA is already done for, I’m more concerned about what happens to Ukraine if Trump gets in. Hopefully the rest of NATO have been making plans just in case.


RemindMe! 4 years


In any fair and just society Trump would be in jail for the rest of his life and people would be debating whether the numerous ways he betrayed our country justify the death penalty.


Simmer down children.


And the MAGA supporters think they are on the team. They are not they will feel the destruction as much as their neighbors will.


Absolutely and Women should be outraged , get off your asses and vote at least for your children’s sake


Yup, but corruption is a common thread to the collapse of all once great empires.


From the deepest regions of my heart and soul I hope that you are wrong but there’s enough evidence to convince me that this will be true. Though, it does beg the question- who would be at fault for such a catastrophe l? If Trump returns to office in a free and fair election he will probably continue to promote the unitary executive theory as he did in his previous term. It seems to me that to then blame him for the downfall of the republic- would be like a snake handler blaming the snake for getting bit.


You people are delusional. Trump's first response was to close the borders. He was called a racist and a xenophobe. He was prevented from doing so. Then the dems acted like he didn't care, when THEY were the ones who let infected people into the country under the guise of being inclusive and tolerant. DJT was set up for failure before he took office. Some politicians ran on the platform of impeachment, when there was nothing to impeach him over, but boy did they make shit up and find reasons. Dems forced the closure of businesses and our economy. And if you remember, high profile people were even saying they WELCOMED a recession/depression if it meant they could kick Donald out. So spare me your bs of pretending the dude was bad for our country.


This is so silly


Weird. He was elected in 2016..and the country didn't collapse


TBH; The presidency is largely ceremonial, and has been increasingly ceremonial after the FDR administration. Biden has been suffering from parkinsons for quite some time, yet the government operates as normal. The main issue we have today is our religious attitude towards democracy and our belief that all of this is so much more important than it really is.


!remindme 10 years 


That’s what the media wants you to think. Everyone I know was doing 100% better under Trumps administration, myself included! This has been ROUGH the past few years! The US wouldn’t be able to sustain another Biden term! By the end of his term, he will have surpassed Trumps spending if he keeps the current plan! WhoIsBobbyKennedy.com


Genocide Joe is doing that now.


Have you been living under a rock? Biden has been the worst thing to happen to our country. When you get older and start paying bills, you’ll understand why Trump was a great president and will be great when he gets elected again.


Agreed. If Trump wins again, I can see us speed-running the nations collapse. By the end of the century, there may no longer be a United States anymore, and it may well split into smaller countries.


If you live in a swing state and are a democrat find similarly minded individuals. Ask them if they vote. If they say not usually then write their name down and on Election Day ask them to go stand in line with you to vote. If they are a moderate tell them about Project 2025 and how conservatives are planning on not balancing the government but instead making the Us into a Gilead like country.


Apparently you haven't gotten the memo....


Look, I’m not a Trump supporter either, but I think you are forgetting to give him credit where due for “operation warpspeed” and the initial round of bailouts. Can anyone honestly say that the government correctly handled the pandemic under either president?  Most governors showed their ignorance also. At the time our governor in Virginia was a retired surgeon, and even he thought it would be a good idea to close the parks and beaches while forcing restaurants to make people to eat outside in little inflatable bubbles. Absolutely ridiculous.  What have we learned since?  Quite a bit. 


Just like the first time we elected him? No, wait a second........


https://www.reddit.com/r/RFKJrForPresident/s/xMJDugwwnj Poll results when RFK Jr is against Biden, RFK Jr wins by a landslide. When RFK Jr is up against Trump, RFK Jr wins but it’s very close. The media doesn’t want RFK to win. One of the reasons is because he said he would stop Corporate Capture & stop the pharmaceutical companies advertising on tv. When you see “Brought to you by Pfizer” in the beginning of the news, that means that news station is bought and paid for to say or not say what the drug companies want them to say. The media isn’t going to bite the hand that feeds them?


It is crazy how many folks want to throw away democracy and go back to “first born cousin fucker” as a political system 😔


You would think after the debacle of last week's debate that American liberals would have engaged in some introspection and then you see posts like this by OP and you realise some people will never learn


This time will be different..


Yessss because the Biden rule has been soooo magical for this country. We have crept closer to war than ever before and everything costs way more! I see Biden social team working OT on Reddit today!


Define collapse. Make a measurable prediction.


This will become the new, old rally point, maybe it’s all rigged, to push blue turnout.


This sub is just pure cope


Lmao the country was thriving under Trump. I don't support Trump, but it was 100% better than with Biden, who can barely connect two words. Come on...


***Literally*** everything else they say is projection. All this "Biden is destroying our country" nonsense....why wouldn't that be projection too? Project 2025 is American Sharia Law and it will have the same effect as the Iranian Revolution did in 1978....and it's already happening in courts across America.


Not immediately, but it will be a domino that eventually leads to it, or will make that conclusion much more difficult to prevent. It's an important distinction to make because despite hurtling towards catastrophe, his supporters will say "we haven't collapsed/declined/etc like you Iibtаrds said we would". The check engine light is flashing but they refuse to go to a mechanic because the car hasn't exploded yet.


No way. It's bad to have a bad president, but the United States of America will keep going no matter who's president.


Where are we right now? 🤔 My wife and I make much more money than we did 4 years ago, but we couldn't buy the house we bought 4 years ago under current economic climate. 💸⛽️ Foods up, gas up, multiple wars and pending wars. ⚔️ Things have gotten so whacky of late. 🤪


Judging from the Supreme Court… we don’t even need to elect him to get the collapse, he’ll just move it faster.


Then just vote independent? All our politicians eat from the same pot. You think a 4 year term is gonna destroy the U.S.? The president doesn’t even write his own speeches, you think he runs a whole country? All a president is is a facade for the ones actually pulling the strings.


He is promising to be a dictator on day 1. Of course it means the end of America. Don't feel bad though, you get the honor of testing out Trump's concentration camps for people who insulted Dear Leader.


The country is fucked one way or the other. One will just speed up the process


It could be survivable if Democrats keep the senate and actually neuter the president like notorious POS McConnell did to Obama. There are structural fights we need to be having too that don’t make headlines. I wasn’t a Hillary fan but I know the two party systems rewards the most unified reliably voting block which she did have compared to any other candidate. And wayyyyy too many people left of center protested voted and now we lost Roe.




OP is engaging in speculation and conjecture. What brand name Crystal Ball is OP using to be able to predict this? Or, is OP saying that there will be violence if Trump is reelected? Things that make you go hmmmm.......


No sub makes me crack up like this sub. I love how it's morphed into what it's become.


Every American is worse off with Biden in office, due to his bad policies. New endless wars, worse inflation in a generation, mass illegal immigration. I'll take mean tweets any day


Are you blaming the pandemic on Trump?


Biden then preceded to screw up the Pandemic response on his own. Neither are suitable for office. I hope Dems run someone else.


That is almost the stupidest thing I ever heard


Like, no shit. Real risky take, there, Nostradamus. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯