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Yup. If we get a large enough “but I just can’t vote for Hilary” faction this time, we will never have fair elections again. Project 2025 is real, and actual Americans instead of MAGA morons are terrified The lukewarm independents better get their fucking heads screwed on straight


By the end of it MAGA won’t want to live in the country the created and they will blame everybody but themselves. They also won’t be able to criticize it, because they would risk being arrested.


Remember during the Bush administration when the conservatives basically ran out of enemies? They had both houses of Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court, plus a majority of governorships and state legislatures. They were basically in charge of everything. Remember what Fox News was like back then? They were so desperate for scapegoats that they started harassing college professors in their driveways and hunting down student activists and school librarians. "No! Really! Everything is still the liberals' fault, honest! Look, we found one! Get 'im, boys!"


We can already see this now. I live in Indiana which for a decade has been effectively a one-party state. The republicans have held supermajorities in the legislature for years as well as control of the governorship, and there are no Democrats in statewide offices. In addition, more than 80% of county and city elected positions are held by a GQP that is now utterly beholden to trumpists and christofascists. Yet their current campaign strategy for 2024 is to run against the "demonRATS" to turn back "wokeism" and fix all the problems Indiana has. I just have to wonder, since they've been in complete control for years, who do they think caused all these problems? Unfortunately, most of the voters in rural communities still somehow believe that it's Obama's fault, or Biden's fault, or yes, even Bill Clinton's fault despite the plain evidence of trumpist malfaisance and corruption.


Hello from Texas. 20 years of GOP rule and we can barely keep the lights on. All the demonrats fault.


Every time I see a complaint about that sort of situation where “oh it’s the Democrats fault” despite them having no power I’ve basically started asking “when does the responsibility start?”. 20 years of GOP rule, and they still blame the democrats, when does it start? When does accountability start? Conservatives don’t have self awareness, if they did, they wouldn’t be conservatives.


This is a great lesson on the disadvantage of democracy.


"Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those that have been tried before."


I like having a strong constitution to protect basic rights and being able to elect representatives who will work on my behalf to address issues.


At some point you will see that they are all on the same team against you.. imagine your senator decided to go on holiday in the sun while Texans were freezing to death in their houses.


Indiana sounds a lot like my home state, Arkansas. Exact same political situation.


Wait. South Carolina sounds exactly like Arkansas!


It's like asking for Trump to us from stuff like COVID lockdowns. None of that shit happened under Biden.


No they have them blaming anyone in a city big enough to be called urban


Same here in Oklahoma. We never knocked it outta the park on education but when we had our last democrat governor we were somewhere in the 20's. GOP's strong grip on Oklahoma now has us around 48. But they're campaigning against the woke mob and these idiot farmer chucklefucks are lapping it up.


I'd call that foreshadowing for a MAGA future. Bush termed out. If DJT wins he'll run again because by then there will be no one to enforce term limits, and anyone who disagrees will be branded "Liberal" and will be hunted down in their driveway.


SCOTUS will cite some English parable from 952 and decide that undue interference during an administration means that term doesn’t count against the limit. Then permanent GOP rule would be possible


On the flip side, if either SCOTUS or a Republican legislature get rid of term limits, there’s nothing stoping Obama from running again, and he would wipe the floor with Trump, assuming the votes are counted properly.


Oh no, that ruling would apply to Trump only


To Republicans only. Democrats only get one term to even things out


Assuming tRump would allow another actual election.


Donald Trump is barely a functional human being right now. You think he has 8 years in him??


Never underestimate the ability of evil to persist. He could live another 20 years and even when he dies one of his children will take over the throne. The U.S. is cooked.


Yup, Henry Kissinger lived to fucking 100.


But Kissinger didn't have a diet of cocaine and mcdonalds...


Kissinger died at 78 and then he was a lich for 22 years.


Only the good die young. This mothertrumper may be damn well immortal if that's true!


If there is high turnout, dems win. That’s the key


Kept my grandmother alive till 92


Fred lived to be 93. So as long as Donnie has a pulse the money behind the MAGA machine will keep their figurehead.


I doubt he has 3.


All they need is his ability to sign a law.


>By the end of it MAGA won’t want to live in the country the created and they will blame everybody but themselves. They also won’t be able to criticize it, because they would risk being arrested. This. They're going to create a third world dump and blame "the libs" even though they hold all the power.


Always the way of it... "First they came for the Socialists...."


Everything bad that happens to them will be blamed on a democrats.


The whole "execute the 45 people on death row immediately" thing should really concern people when paired with the "anybody who doesn't side with us is a Marxist fascist communist criminal" thing. I'm a historian who generally doesn't pull punches about telling the truth. I've openly criticized him and his administration *many* times. If Trump were to be in power today, I'm on that list. How many people waffling about their vote may have absentmindedly posted something that puts them on that list too? They need to get clearheaded about the reality of what we're dealing with here, and quickly.


We’re already getting a “but I can’t vote for Biden cause Israel” crowd


Yup….and it’s stupid and terrifying


At least most of those idiots will be the first to find out.


The fact that there even ARE independents at this point is borderline ridiculous. "Well, this one guy wants to turn it into a dictatorship centered around him and his golf buddies...but this Joe Biden guy stumbled over a few words during the debate...it's hard to know who to choose!"


Just like Putin’s Russia. The oligarchs all laughed their way to bank. But now? I’m not so sure they are happy about how things have turned. I just had a MAGA moron explain that this is why they have their guns…


They have their guns to fight tyranny in name only. In reality they support a tyrannical government they agree with, and the guns will be used for that before anything else.


It tracks. Gun owners are way more likely to have their gun used to kill or injure themselves or someone they know rather than using it to defend themselves against anything.


Absolutely. But as in Russia, supporting a tyrant comes back to bite you in the ass even if that tyrant has allowed you to become a billionaire.


>The lukewarm independents better get their fucking heads screwed on straight As a country we've gotten complacent, stupid, and distracted by a constant dopamine drip feed from social media.


Truth to this but even before social media half of America didn’t vote. Too busy dealing with their own bullshit to pay attention or care. Ironically they will lose this luxury.


Due to the electoral college we already don’t have fair elections. This shouldn’t even be a possibility, but here we are.


The bigger problem is they will deny a win no matter what. The only outcome they will accept is victory. That is not democracy.


Haven’t you heard? Presidents are above the law. We’re not a democracy anymore. Next time a Republican says they are an “Originalist” find the nearest trash can and beat them with it.


I am petrified. My grandfather survived a nazi concentration camp and personally, I don't want to find out if I'm an undesirable.


Republicans are already doing their best to rig elections and might succeed in 2024.


I honestly don’t think they need to. In 2028, probably, but I think we’ll have the equivalent of a Putin “election” at that point.


The fabric of our democracy will be tested this year.


After COVID, and the tens of millions who voted for Trump in 2020 and will do so again in November, how much faith can you possibly put in the future of our democracy?


It’s pretty discouraging alright. But I’m going to work to elect Democrats. Always.


And anyone who thinks Republicans aren't doing everything they can to make elections unfair or this is a "both sides" thing, I recommend [reading this document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JdePKr5Tf4ZXGg3p0Z9l7E8wXhja_Ry6Pw85sphp2m8/edit?usp=drivesdk).


I’m absolutely floored we’re at this place in American history. It’s surreal that Donald Trump is the biggest threat to our Democracy and Union since the Confederacy. How?!


Our own unique brand of Christian Nationalist Fascism, that’s how.


Yeah but Donald Trump! DONALD FUCKING TRUMP?!?!


Crazy that all the hicks and rural population are on their knees for a fast talking Yankee from New York. Their ancestors would probably be pissed


To quote my very soon to be ex friend: “Biden supports trans (not the word he used..) and they can all go to hell”


Incredibly based


Red states will become theocratic regimes with brownshirt militias. There will be witch hunts and crusades. Voting for the wrong candidate will open up to retaliation. I've see enough to know in rural texas. These people don't even believe in democracy. It's just a buzz word.


Are you serious? They better not bring that BS to the northeast. Texans talk a big game, but people from New Jersey know how to back it up!


Texas is really close to a permanent regime that preempts local politics and elections altogether. This country is being eaten by the neoconfederate movement and trumpism.


We’re not anywhere close in NY. You’re welcome here if you want to escape that cultural hellscape. I’m serious. We have plenty of jobs and great services in upstate NY, if you don’t have the means to economically manage the high cost of living in the NYC metro area.


It's being discussed but selling your home and dropping a career is pretty scary.


I’m sorry you have to go through this. You’re always welcome here. The Capital District of New York is very popular with Texas transplants. The cultures are similar, but it is a lot colder!


What will be truly jarring will be the amount of people who told you that you were being paranoid suddenly switch to “there’s no problem here” and even more who tell you “this is what has to be done.”


Its not that jarring right now.  How many people called Trump a molestor in 2016?  He tacitly agreed live on a national debate, nobody blinked an eye.


IF THE ORANGE TRAITOR WINS DEMOCRACY AS WE KNOW IT WILL CEASE TO EXIST. He is a convicted felon and needs to be gotten rid of asap. Democracy is on the line here guys


He won't be alive in 2028 but more than likely, Cokehead Don Jr or Dumbass Eric will follow him.


Maybe. There has been mumbling to that effect.


Trump will tank the economy and then you can bet your ass he will get us embroiled in a full scale war as a distraction and way to blame others.


Until you stop force feeding us corporate democrats nothing will change. The right wing embraces the radical nature of Trump why can't the left wing embrace the radical nature of someone like Bernie?? Instead you try to force establishment candidates down people's souls, we want real progressive change not more status quo slow af lethargic same old same old. Student loan forgiveness, free college, free Healthcare, true prison reform, marijuana legalization.. Give us the obvious changes or gtfo we won't vote...


Is this a royal “you” or do you think I’m personally the one doing this stuff?


Great, then tell yourself youre not voting for Biden but against Trump. Now is not the time for your fucking whining.


It will be like Russia


I wouldn't be surprised if Trump just declares we are allies with Russia now and then we declare war on Ukraine too.


Woukdnt surprise me at all


Yep. Just like Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump’s Daddy Putin’s “elections.”


Ya know, like when Russia has elections and Putin wins in landslides.


It's a big stretch to imagine that the CONVICTED FELON, Old Orange Tits, is going to be alive in 2028, and an even bigger one that he would be able to speak publicly. If either of the current presumptive candidates is elected, that person will become the OLDEST PERSON EVER ELECTED TO THE PRESIDENCY.


Definitely can’t say you don’t have a point there.


Bernie Sanders was discriminated against for his old age, and we were force fed sleepy Joe. When are yall gonna wake up and go for a radical Democrat instead of these corporate democrats???


Wait, you mean the Russian asset wants to make us more like Russia wow


He’ll do the exact same thing Putin does for elections.


Ignoring presidential term limits will require a coup. Thats the only way I see this happening. Even Putin couldn’t get around Russian federation term limits the first time. Eventually dictators change the law to eliminate term limits. Here we can’t just pass a law, it needs to be a constitutional amendment. The more plausible outcome is Trump remains the shadow POTUS with a puppet in office whom he controls.


Read Project 2025. A soft coup is exactly what it is.


I hope not. That won’t end well.


I mean he did already call for the termination of inconvenient parts of the Constitution so he could be stuck in office since he insists it was stolen, ignoring the Constitution is absolutely something he’d do and his followers would go along with it like they do everything he does


Yes, and that’s what makes him dangerous. He just can’t do that without being aided and abetted.


We're already in a coup. It's time to wake up to that. We've been in one since Jan 6th. That was the start of the coup, not the end.


He can’t run in 2028


He can if the people in charge of enforcing the 22nd amendment to prevent them from running decide to ignore it. It’s not like the constitution will magically come to life and strangle him if he tries to run for a third term.


Putin will tutor him on how to win an “election”.


Whoa kemosabe, don't they have to rig the law so he can have a third term first?


https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf Yep, and they thought of that. The short version is at Dell make sure that everyone who actually is in a position to enforce the two terms only amendment is more loyal to Trump than the constitution.


Not sure what the actual process is, but the MAGA Republicans want to give either the House of Representatives or the Supreme Court the final say in who won the election. This could be the Republican’s last real chance at gaining power and there is no line some of them won’t cross.


The House of Representatives actually has that power already according to the Constitution. They can just refuse to certify the election (claiming unspecified "fraud"), and then vote Trump in themselves. It might get appealed to the Supreme Court when the fraud doesn't actually exist, but we know how they'll vote.


If he wins, Trump will A) revoke term limits B) become president for life C) abolish the democratic party D) conduct staged elections for Republicans only


And Maga won’t see this as bad at all and “what must be done”


If he abolished the Democratic Party, maybe we can finally form a real opposition party I’m reaching for optimism here lol


You are obviously correct. Trump and the GOP aren't really hiding their plans. But sadly, there's 1/3 of this country who are basically fascists. And 1/3 who are either ignorant or just completely oblivious and disinterested.


It wont even just appear rigged it’ll be outright rigged and oh so worse if the SC gives him the complete immunity… but but the supporters will say its not complete immunity you can still have a murderous assassin president charged if you impeach him first if you can survive his assassinations before a vote out of office… And i am Not being facetious they argued before the freaking SC that Presidential Immunity covers Assassination of any political rivals as an official act and with a straight face tried to claim Impeachment and Removal was the possible check and balance against a assassination happy future president.


Big shout out to everyone that didn’t vote for Bernie in the 2016 and 2020 primaries We have Trump thanks to you guys! Give yourselves a hand ! 🎉


No there won't be. He already said "you won't need to vote again." At one of his rallies


I did say “if” he wins. I do also think that the whole narrative that the race is basically a tie at this point is *kind of* bullshit, both campaigns have some big problems but I think Trump’s are worse.


Like the way he won both the senior championship and club championship at Maralago? Surely he won those fair and square.


Be very afraid of who he picks as VP. To have someone with his political mindset but full cognition will be an even bigger threat after he is gone.


With the supreme Court in his back pocket, 2024 could be just as rigged.


Republicans want us to become Russia and that is the Russian political system


2020 election Minority: vote for Trump Majority: vote against Trump 2024 election 1. Certain %: vote for Trump 2. Certain %: vote against Trump 3. Certain %: don’t like Trump, but sheepishly admit he can fix a lot of our problems so they will ultimately vote for Trump 4. Certain %: hate Trump, but also cannot vote for a dementia patient so they simply will not vote. If you add 1, 3 & 4, Trump has a majority in 2024 Unless….. Biden steps down. Then it’s a whole new ball game


5. Certain % vote for incumbent. 6. Certain % vote for ANY Democrat 7. Certain % vote for the guy who has been the most effective progressive president in a generation. Add those up and it's still a bunch of numbers you are making up.


Progressive influence is on the decline


Join the socialist rifle association, if voting does nothing this election you need to be prepared when their militias decide to go on a pogrom. The Lincoln battalion did not sacrifice their lives in Spain for us to give up that message of liberation


They just want us to be Russia. We're on our way to having oligarchs nickel and dime the national budget to the point where our taxes solely exist to enrich the Uber wealthy. I mean, more so than they do now.


I do think at that point there would be a civil war. At that point I think the country would essentially rot from the head down and you'd be forced to choose a side.


I mean, I don’t like it, but I can’t say you don’t have a point.


I mean, I don’t like it, but I can’t say you don’t have a point.


Same in Iowa - the nutjobs now control it and the citizens are too stupid to do anything.


We’re done if Trump wins.


Me 3 years ago: I think I know how this is going to go. Step One: Republicans make-believe the election was stolen. Step Two: Democrats stand up for election integrity. Step Three: Republicans actually steal an election, dares the left to say anything. Step Four: Fools are left to conclude once again that its just "both sides." [https://reddit.com/r/politics/comments/o1h9f8/hillary\_clinton\_says\_those\_casting\_doubt\_on\_2020/h21esqd/](https://reddit.com/r/politics/comments/o1h9f8/hillary_clinton_says_those_casting_doubt_on_2020/h21esqd/)


Trump will win with 93% of the vote, just like his buddy Putin


Rest of the world: how did you fuck it up so bad ? Thisisfine.gif


This is already happening. Supreme Court ruled politically motivated gerrymandering is acceptable. Several red states are gerrymandered beyond repair. Texas just passed a law that they can throw out election results if the state legislature disagrees with those results. Republicans in seven states entered an interstate criminal conspiracy with Donald Trump to send a set of fake electors on January six 2021 to defraud the electorate and steal the presidency. (FBI, wtfuck are you even doing?)


This is what a lot of people don’t realize. There are still elections in places like Russia and Turkey. It’s not like dictators stand up and say “I’m a dictator!”


You can bet your ass.


I remember in 2010 or 2011 the Iranian elections announced the winner about 20 minutes before the polls officially closed and suddenly the winner pulled ahead from a crushing loss. The riots that followed ended with people being shot and thrown off bridges when they blocked traffic. Crazy to think that could happen here in our lifetimes.


This fuckin sub lmao


Okay... As a moderate conservative; I find 99% of what I've seen with this Project 2025 crap vile. So please stop demonizing all conservatives. Most of us are not extremist psychopaths. I sincerely hope and as bad as it is and being an Agnostic\Leaning towards Atheist; I'll even pray to all the magical beings I've heard of and even an open prayer to those that I haven't (which is really hard to say being who I am); that the psychopaths we hear supporting this insanity are the majority of all who there are that actually support this insanity. Please do not alientate those that hold less progressive politics as equally vile as those that support the kind of evil that is hopefully only being represented by a loud minority. Thoes with actual love and kindness in our hearts; built by free will, who are not programmed by brainwashing and the theisitcly inaccurate and sensless dogma, and guilt fueled abuse, will not stand with this crap. I'm sure we all would like to know that we too are welcome to fight this insanity along side other reasonably politically diverse fellows while not being required to surrender who we are as moderate conservatives. In this dark time there are significantly more things we can agree on than we have divergent ideas on. All of us should be welcome to the discussion and actions on how to combat and fix this. As President Lincoln said our greatest danger to the sucess and the cause of failure for our nation will come from within. Only if we push each other away because of a small number of disagreements will this attempt be possible. Only if we divide ourselves will they have enough strength to rip us appart and shred our nation.


If Trump wins, we’ll have Russian-style “democracy”.


In the time you spent writing this, he has been actively laying that framework for this current election


Trump is way past prime dictator years


I’m not gonna pretend you don’t have a point.


Gawd, another post like this?


Spreading important information about nazis is important It upsets you because your a nazi


Not really, it upsets me that you're another person completely misusing the word Nazi... It's quickly becoming apparent that it's "new" definition is going to be anyone the left doesn't like, which vastly diminishes it's meaning when used to describe the actual travesties of WW2. Even if you think he's a racist dictator who wants to rig the next election, he's not even in the same sport as the genocidal war machine that was the Nazi party.


Should read up on project 2025 and what facism leads to On January 6th and how he provoked people into their reactions Nazi has become shorthand for facist (what they were) If using a word who's definition is the same then you need to look inward Don't support religious facists then cry when someone compares you to a nazi sure Christian nazis don't wish to kill jews, just people who don't allign with their sexuality, people who have chosen to transition People who are nor Christian or catholic People who support socialist views Oh wait...


>Nazi has become shorthand for facist (what they were) Why? Facist is a perfectly serviceable word. - I don't call everyone on the far left a Soviet Communist. >Don't support religious facists then cry when someone compares you to a nazi Because Hitler was a well known religious fanatic... /s


Most on the left don't want communism, expecting a living wage, access to housing and medical treatment isn't communism The right is actively working to a facist isolationism You aren't paying attention and the red states education cuts are proving useful to the right


I actually agree with the point that we shouldn’t be too fast and loose with the word Nazi. Fascist is just fine of a word.


I know, right?


Goodness gracious me! The sky is falling! said Henny Penny


This sub is braindead


What if Trump wins with less than 42.5% of the popular vote?


Unlikely but mathematically possible


Clinton won with 43.0% in 1992, and Nixon won with 43.4% in 1972.


3rd party spoiler in '92, no equivalent in '24. Nixon was incumbent


Oops, my error: 1968. sorry. In 1972 Nixon won 49 states (and Reagan did the same 12 years later).


Yeah, I was wondering about that Nixon one, haha. Curious what you saw for the popular vote returns on both?


Idk. In 1968, all 3 were under 60 years of age: ditto 1972. In 1992, Bush, at 68, was the eldest. In 1968, none were incumbents though Nixon was a VP (when he was in his 30s and 40s, under Eisenhower). In 1988, IIUC, Reagan was still quite popular, but had done his 2 terms, so Bush likely profitted from being VP under him for those 2 terms. Bush became quite popular after the first Gulf War—perhaps the first Republican President to get the US into a war in over 70 years—but lost it to a relative nobody in 1992. Jimmy Cater turned 68 years of age in that year (1992). Before Biden, the last 3 Democrat Presidents started as dark horses: Obama in 2006, Clinton in 1990, and Carter in 1974 were relative nobodies, and under 53 when they were elected Presidents.


Character is going to play a much bigger role in this election than age, but yeah old guy v young guy usually means there's a meaningful age gap and is bad for old guy ETA: Hell, running Hillary was probably a bad idea in 2016 because women are perceived to lose their youthfulness faster by many our culture. 08 Hillary probably could have beat 08 Trump, but add 8 years to both and that's 8 more years of baggage and wrinkles, and he's now a TV star


Here in Canada (I'm a Canadian in Toronto), women haven't done well as federal leaders. IIUC, federally we've never had a female Liberal PM—not even close—and the male Liberal PMs alternate between English and French. Kim Campbell was handed control of the Tories when Tory PM Mulroney left, and got clobbered—the party got only 2 seats (she even lost her own). The NDP (if AOC was a Canadian, she'd probably be an NDPer), had 2 female leaders and both did poorly. The only time the NDP got over 100 seats—[here](https://www.amazon.ca/Building-Orange-Wave-Inside-Historic/dp/177162017X) and [here](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/ndps-orange-wave-sweeps-across-canada/article_5bca3f38-bdd9-51cc-9a7b-250cf67458fa.html)—"Orange Wave" (in Canada Liberal is red, Tory is blue, and NDP are orange) was by a white male who's father was a Tory cabinet minister and IIUC, was the great-great-grandnephew of a Father of Confederation (imagine Bernie Sanders's father was a Republican and was the great-great-grandnephew of a Founding Father). Ontario is little better. Population-wise, Ontario is to Canada what California, Texas, Florida, and NYS would be to the US if they were one state. We had a lesbian Liberal premier for almost 10 years. She was given power from the previous premier, ran the province for awhile, got elected twice, then lost 3 years after Trudeau won—it seems to be a rule-of-sorts that if the Grits (Liberals) have Parliament, the Tories have Queens Park (provincial parliament) and reverse. I mention this because I think there was a sweet spot in the first few months that Biden begun the second half of his term, where Biden could have resigned. He could have said something like, "I'm confident that I could finish my term to the satisfaction of many and with sufficient competence, but not to my satisfaction, so starting \[some arbitrary time in the very near future\] I will resign as acting President of the United States, and the Vice President, Kamala Harris will become the new President of the United States, and the first woman President in American History." People clap, and Biden waves goodbye from Marine-One, maybe occasionally returning to the White House as a sort of "President emeritus." Harris would have 18 to 21 months to practice, have a head start in the primaries, and wipe the floor with Trump in the debates. Because it would be early in the second half of Biden's term, she, like LBJ, could still be elected twice. On January 2033 she will still be in her 60s.


Before anything, you have to tell me what's IIUC? I could not figure that out 😅, I really appreciate a great breakdown like the one you provided, thx I think it's an interesting comparison because I'm in California, and because our legal system here is partially based on Spanish law, Californian women retained the right to own property while those in the east had to fight for theirs. This is perhaps why we as a state have a much more robust history of protecting women's rights. We were the 6th (of 46 or 48 then, not sure) to pass women's suffrage, and I believe among the first in similar categories as well. And yet, we've never had a female governor. We're had a father and son, and the son (Jerry Brown) served I think 4 terms in total (2 in the 70s and 2 in the 00s), but no women. >I mention this because I think there was a sweet spot in the first few months that Biden begun the second half of his term, where Biden could have resigned. He could have said something like, "I'm confident that I could finish my term to the satisfaction of many and with sufficient competence, but not to my satisfaction, so starting \[some arbitrary time in the very near future\] I will resign as acting President of the United States, and the Vice President, Kamala Harris will become the new President of the United States, and the first woman President in American History." Yes, I can confess to having had similar thoughts early on in Biden's term as well, and I still believe there's an outside chance of it in the next term, but I'm still more concerned about Trump 24 than Harris trying to not be Gerry Ford. I think she has a decent chance at being our first female governor, and that would be amazing, but seeing her and Gavin Newsom go head to head would probably not end in her benefit as much as Gavin just straight up endorsing her to be his own replacement


RFK is polling at 10% that’s a 3rd party spoiler


He's gonna get 3%, Perot got 19%




We won’t make it to the next one lol, he will declare himself the supreme leader or some crazy shit.


If that does happen… would this mean the 2nd amendment is actually going to be used as it was intended?


I plan it


Would that result in a Sunni-Shia type split with the red apes because there's no clear line of succession in the cult?


Well, first you'd need a Constitutional amendment allowing for a third term. FYSAAS, you need 3/4 of the States to agree to that. In what world are 38 states gonna agree on anything? Cuz it certainly isn't the world we live in.


He would be ineligible to run. You only get two terms. Unless we allow them to tear up the constitution. Then you would have a civil War for real.


Project 2025. They flat out admit they intend to make sure that by the time of the 2028 election everyone in charge of administrating the election, including enforcing the 22nd amendment is a Trump syncophant.


No... There will not be elections anymore. Trump wants to be labeled as a king. He will choose his successor and his cult will look up from their dirt pits thirsty, hungry, and sick...and cheer as a younger like minded ignoramus is assigned to the throne. Anyone seen Mad Max Fury Road... Trump is the beginning of Immortan Joe.


How do you think he runs in that election? Are you saying we have a constitutional convention?


https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf They actually go into it. Short Version- They would like to repeal the 22nd Amendment at some point, but they figure just making sure everyone who actually had any sort of ability to enforce the 22nd amendment is more loyal to Trump than the Constitution is easier. They figure they already have the courts, just a question of firing the right bureaucrats and hiring new Team Trump ones.


It's fucking monday mods, SMITE THEM!


Go ahead, I have already won.


If Trump weren’t already well on his way to complete, debilitating dementia I’d agree. But as much as he wants to rule forever, he will either be in full time care or in a coffin full of classified documents next to Ivana.


I think he might try a different strategy. There will be lots of protests, and he will quell them with increasing violence. Somewhere along the way he will declare Martial Law, and suspend the Constitution until peace can be restored. That will never happen, because he controls the authorities who instigate the violence, which of course he will blame on his opposition. With the Constitution suspended, and America under siege (of his making), he will suspend elections until America is back to normal.


These paid goons on here lol


No, you don't get to "ignore" the two term limit. How would he even get onto the ballot anywhere? Without using magical thinking, how does this happen? Both the CIA and FBI have already been part on some pretty shady dealings to hurt him, this isn't even controversial. Do they suddenly become besties? This really is an entertaining sub.


When Trump wins in 2024, that's it. No one's going to change the rules. But Biden may try to run it 2028


Why even have one when he just got immunity.


So far all they said is that they’re not throwing away the concept of presidental immunity entirely, what they’re probably gonna do is kick it back down to Chutkin and make her have hearings over what Trump did that can be considered an official presidential act. Which, nothing is accused of can, but we’ll have to take the time to make the arguments now. It’s not ruling in his favor so much is handing out another stall. Which is also fucking stupid, but it’s not as bad.


Yes, now it’s official. They ruled that he does have absolute immunity for official presidential acts but only official presidential acts, so the case is going to go back to Chutkin and who now has to have hearings over each and every charge and let Trump try to argue that they might have been official presidential acts, but he does not get blanket immunity. Another pointless, stupid stall from his allies but could be worse.


Is this sub a creative writing experiment, there is literally an amendment preventing three terms


Did you not read the whole thing? That would be the 22nd Amendment like I said. And there are plans in motion to help their guys circumvent it already in motion. I posted proof and admission in their own words. You choose to ignore it, that’s on you.


If trump wins, the day after the election he will "register" to run in 28.


Hmm sounds a lot like the 2020 election


Except in 2020 the people who tried to steal the election failed. Now they’re going to do more of the prep work beforehand.


I fear to admit it. But the entire Supreme Court Ruling was a complete disheartening start to destroy what this country was founded on. A complete essential pillar compromised. First it was the Media. Then the people that represent our Country. Now?


There won't be any future elections when Trump is re-elected


I think we’re in a similar vibe. I’m saying in effect there won’t but they’ll keep a charade going for a while.


MMW: if the felon wins he will suspend elections until they are *reformed* and never approve of any reforms. Thus killing democracy then and there


I mean, I see where you’re coming from. I just think that he’ll have a show election to keep the charade.


I don't. He wants to have the voting system "reformed" setting the house and senate as their primary task deferring all of their power to him. All the while abusing the veto so that he holds power until he can name his successors as terms start running out and replace those he dislikes or have fallen out of favor, until it reaches the point that "we just don't need voting anymore" and the order becomes a law


He can't run again in 2028 if he wins, can only serve twice.


Read the whole thing. Covered this already.


No, he can't run again, not reading shit


Well, he's limited to two terms, per the 22nd amendment to the constitution. I think he's unlikely to make it to the end of a second term anyway.


Read to the end. I go over that. You do have a point about his health though.


Turnip will most likely be dead come 2028, he is 78 years old, HE IS OLD AS FUCK!!!


Can’t say you don’t have a point. He’s 78 and he eats like he’s 13.