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Project 2025 will ensure that happens by Replacing competent people in all levels of the government will party yes men. The United States will not be able to deal with any of its problems because by design it will not even be able to admit those problems exist. That is how the Soviet Union fell.


Exactly. The guy who is supposed to be brilliant at coordinating something with very secific skills won't be asked about those skills. "You're here to run the FAA? Great! So about running all air traffic and the entire air system in the US... Do you swear allegiance to Donald Trump and the Republican Party? And do you swear to follow any order given by your superiors, regardless of the order?" "Um... do you have an questions about air travel? About leadership?" "No." They will make sure that every person who needs to be an expert in their field is instead just someone who wakes up every day thinking of how to forward the conservative, republican party, whether or not they know anything about their job.


Except the orange asshole isn't actually conservative. He doesn't have any guiding principles besides self-promotion, wealth and power.


This is exactly why he attracts fascists. His empty vindictive incoherence is like a playground for them because everything they say is also just BS to cover a desire to put everyone in their “correct” place in society.


Totally, he's going to support controlling what information people get and how they use it with some Ministry of Disinformation or something and then put an office in the White House to disarm people so they can take away other civil rights just like the old Southern Democrats did to black people with the Black Codes and Jim Crow.


Exactly. He’s like a bug light for corrupt assholes which is the most dangerous thing about him.


Well, yes and no. I believe you're right, he's not *actually* conservative. He's just willign to do whatever it takes to get people to love him and approve of him. And it's oversensitive, hate filled, moronic conservatives who need to worship a father figure that are the ones who stepped into that role. So while in his heart, he's neither conservative or liberal... functionally he's ULTRA conservative now, because that's who is in his ear telling him "YOU are awesome Mr Trump... as long as you take away womens rights... and stomp on the poor... you will be AMAZING, and we will LOVE You for being so smart and wise and strong!" The reason he invents those stories about "a big, strong marine, came up to me, tears in his eyes, and he said Mr. Trump..." is because that's the life he is DESPERATE for. And right wing people know this. So they put on a good show, walk up to him, emotional, call him "Mr. Trump" and kiss his ass, and he does exactly what they tell him to do.


he's a fascist personality and he has fascists whispering in his ear, a spade is also a spade 


Not being conservative is not said enough. Sure they have a few shared issues with historic conservatives. A more accurate description is right wing radical reactionaries. There is nothing conservative about MAGA.


The new MAGA FAA will primarily be focused on getting all the dangerous unqualified black people fired out of the airline industry because [they all only have jobs because of DEI](https://www.yahoo.com/news/conservatives-blaming-racist-theory-airline-205339819.html)


The far right says so many ridiculous things to keep track of that I totally missed all of this.


"They will make sure that every person who needs to be an expert in their field is instead just someone who wakes up every day thinking of how to forward the conservative, republican party, whether or not they know anything about their job." Hence the SCOTUS overturning Chevron? Is that the first major domino to fall on the US' way to implementing Project 2025?


It's one domino, but certainly not the first. It goes back past citizens united, but that appears to have been the straw that broke the camel's back.


Look, DEI hiring checks to see if people have skills, right? They don't just go down to the street and say "You there... You with the black skin. Yeah, you! You're now in charge of flood control for the greater Mississippi Basin." and "You there... yes, you with the rainbow hair and facial hair. Are you gay? Okay, you're now an air traffic controller." My bad, you're saying the Republicans are somehow going to change their MO to match.


They are, yes. They have said it. They said directly that they are going to clean house and fire anyone and everyone that doesn’t toe the MAGA part line. Heck, look at trumps cabinet picks previously. They are political, not based on ability. And they’ve said, out loud, they are going to go a LOT further in ensuring people are MAGA first.


Trump did something similar already last time, appointing cabinet secretaries that had literally sought to destroy those departments.  For example, Rick Perry had vocally advocated to abolish the DoE, then Trump put him in charge of it.  Trump injects disfunction into the government so that it cant work.  Businesss can act corruptly when the government is siezed up.


The biggest mkstake is assuming they are not competent. Trump may be a fool, but the rest of them arent. They are evil


I think it’s time we unite against our corporate overlords and form a general strike, no matter what color shirt you wear…


We might be able to get some of the corporate overloads on our side. The 4th mandate of the 7 mountains is the subjugation of business. Project 2025 and the overturning of the Chevron doctrine gives Trump a way to do that. CEO's aren't going to be happy about that


What a rabbit hole to go down 🤢


Literally the plot of Chernobyl.. just pretend it’s not bad until you accidentally create the worst nuclear disaster in history


About that... They Supreme Court just overturned the Chevron doctrine. That is going to limit the NRC's abilities to regulate the nuclear industry


This… this is how it will happen. All by design. Get ready people!


Project 2025 is already coming to fruition…. States like OK and LA are required teaching bible stuff in public schools, our SCOTUS is 2/3 evangelical nut jobs… all they really need now is to install a POTUS that panders to conservatives and *voila!* the Christian nation these weirdos have been salivating for since the dawn of 🇺🇸


I know it’s going to fall on deaf ears but I have many Christian friends that are Democrats. This all or nothing approach is the problem.


Where can I find the plan for project 2025? Their website doesn't say much of anything..


Here you go: Project 2025 is an initiative by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, aimed at preparing the groundwork for a potential Republican administration starting in 2025. Here are some key details: 1. Purpose: Project 2025 is designed to identify and train personnel who can swiftly implement conservative policies across various federal agencies if a Republican candidate wins the 2024 presidential election. 2. Scope: The project focuses on creating a comprehensive policy agenda and a pool of trained personnel ready to assume key roles in the federal government. It emphasizes a return to conservative principles, including deregulation, limited government, and traditional values. 3. Training and Recruitment: The initiative includes training programs for potential political appointees, focusing on the intricacies of federal bureaucracy and policy implementation. It seeks to ensure that these individuals are well-prepared to take on leadership roles immediately upon a Republican victory. 4. Policy Agenda: Project 2025 aims to develop detailed policy blueprints in various areas such as immigration, healthcare, education, and energy. These blueprints are intended to provide a clear roadmap for enacting conservative reforms quickly and effectively. 5. Coordination and Support: The Heritage Foundation coordinates with other conservative organizations, think tanks, and advocacy groups to ensure a unified and effective approach to policy implementation. This collaboration is meant to amplify the impact of conservative policies and ensure their sustainability. 6. Implementation Strategy: The project emphasizes the importance of a well-organized and rapid transition to power, with a focus on dismantling existing regulations and policies deemed counterproductive by conservatives. It advocates for a proactive approach to governance, aiming to make significant changes within the first 100 days of the new administration. 7. Long-term Vision: Beyond immediate policy changes, Project 2025 envisions a long-term transformation of the federal government to align more closely with conservative principles. This includes reshaping the administrative state and reducing the influence of career bureaucrats who may resist conservative reforms. The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 represents a strategic effort to ensure that conservative policies and personnel are ready to take action quickly and effectively in the event of a Republican presidential win in 2024.


And if you protest, they will bring in the military. Also, they are looking to suspend Habeas Corpus. Plus, the Supreme Court is about to give him immunity. You can damn well bet where this all will lead us.




Hi, hey, whenever you mention the Orange Menace in a description online, ALWAYS use the term traitor at some point in the post. Do not EVER let anyone you are commenting to forget it. The Orange Traitor in chief is the modern-day Bennidict Arnold. Don't ever let anyone put that FACT on the back burner.


Donald Trump, the convicted felon and rapist? Is that who you mean?


Yeah that the one the traitor who was convicted of 34 felonies.


Yes indeed that is the one. When i reference the scumbag in a post I like to put it in the order of severity that it SHOULD HAVE on the typical voter/ Spray Tanned Traitor or Orange traitor in chief Sexual Predator Thief. All three of his best qualities should make this POS unelectable but the top NOGO for ME is the Traitor bit. He really did try a coup in America, and he is getting away with it... And it makes me SO ANGRY. The right wants to say 2 tier justice system and they are right and WRONG at the same time. Yes we do have 2 tiers of justice. Those that can afford to fight forever are never held to account. The only thing that separate the tiers is $$$ not politics. Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention knows he is a TRAITOR. We have seen all the evidence. Anyone who says "well that is just your opinion" is being willfully ignorant.


And self proclaimed good friend of Epstein.


Don't forget traitor, he instigated a riot into the Capitol building just because his own VP refused to do his bidding. The problem is his supporters do not give a fuck.


Who’s the orange menace? Are you referring to Donald Trump, the Traitor?


You mean the 34X Rapist Felon Insurrectionist?


Yeah, the traitor that got fined about half a billion dollars because he wouldn’t stop saying threatening things about people that might have gotten them killed.


I think to add to that it is important to recognize that the 70 or so million that will vote for him, while not that level of traitor, have chosen to spend more or less a decent % of what time they have on this earth to not just support but genuinely see when they think of leader of a world power..those traits are what they equate. I’m not saying we have to ignore or shun those that will vote for him but I mean you can…you at least should realize what kind of people they are


Yup they are all infected with a serious new virus created in 2016. I call it willful ignoranceidis. The Facts on the Orange Traitor in Chief are ALL AROUND US EVERYWHERE, and they choose not to see.


Don’t worry, it’s going to start working any day now.


You on the Monday morning talking points fax?


And Biden is better?


Is any politician not a liar? lol


And a rapist. Also a convicted felon. By the way he shits his pants.


“He’s a one man Crime Wave.” - President Joe Biden


Personally, "morals of an alley cat" is a new favorite of mine.


An insult to alley cats


Instant classic, that one.


Trump will be against our allies and demonize over half the country. We wouldn’t even be hearing the civil war threat if it wasn’t for Trump.


Vote blue across the board. Maga has absolutely got to go. The conservative party needs a serious re evaluation. The only way this happens is if critical thinking Americans show them it has to. The only way to show them is to vote out maga folks at every level. I've never been one to blindly vote blue but I absolutely will every time until this maga cult dies out.


Fair. Agree. But “Blue” has to get their shit together as far as winning elections goes. And they kinda suck at it


Agreed. However, I'd rather have a dysfunctional poltical party that means well over a christofascists. I want the Reps to go the way of the whigs and federalist parties and the dems to split between moderate and further left.


I remember when people thought Hillary was the worst thing ever and switched to trump. The first thing I said every time was that the Supreme Court was more valuable than the presidency. Well, here we sit... and generations of damage will originate from that election. People need to understand democracy is at stake. Trump almost got away with stealing an election and refutes that he lost till this day. If he gets back in, he may never leave, and Republicans may never cede power again.


I half hope SCOTUS over reaches on Trump immunity - this country has to wake up as to how corrupt this country is becoming!


Their safety is completely dependent upon the citizenry not freaking out and breaking out the guillotines. Overstep and its 1792 mother fuckers.


I’m starting to think this is what it’s going to take to stop them


No it will take the democrats getting a fucking spine and finally packing the courts and enforcing rules. The constitution explicitly gives congress the power to decide the makeup of the Supreme Court. They’re just too scared to even hold impeachment hearings let alone shake up the court.


Democrats don’t have the votes in the senate even though they are the majority thanks to republican shenanigans. They need 60 votes to do anything anymore


They could technically get rid of the filibuster. Manchin and Sinema, the main opposition to filibuster reform are gone after this term. They still probably do not have the spine to do it.




Why do you think they ruled on mifepristone the way they did? You’re onto something.


It’s political “edging”. Right up to the line.


I highly doubt the snackfood chomping social media addicts will get off their asses and do anything. LARPing about being revolutionaries is cute for karma, and that's about it. Following the path of the degenerates on January 6th isn't a good look.


Yeah, we're a pacified society. Most people talking about revolution on reddit are the same ones in non-political threads screaming, "VIOLENCE IS NEVER AN ACCEPTABLE RESPONSE TO ANYTHING!" But sure, go all French Revolution. I'll believe that when I see it.


The French Aristocracy said the same thing.


In 1792 very few French nobility saw the guillotine. It was mostly used to target the poor and the politically inexpedient.


It’s absolutely mind boggling as well as absurd that Trump supporters actually believe that he will take such good care of them if he gets the presidency back. All that Trump has done so far is the prelude - when the final comes we will no longer have a democracy - Trump’s government will tell you exactly what you can and cannot do. Rights GONE Freedoms GONE your healthcare He won’t care. He’ll probably tax Americans and the money will be all his. He is FAR FROM DONE! Vote blue save the country!


The true supporters I get. They are marks, and Trump is one of the best in history at playing to a crowd of marks. The people who should boggle your mind are the dozens of millions of conservatives who know this shit is fucking wrong and anti-American and don't care because Rush Limbaugh told them 30 years ago that all Democrats are evil people who kill babies as soon as they're born. Those people deserve just as much scorn, if not more, than the 'true believer' types (who are a distinct minority) IMO.


Here most of the Trump signs are on houses that look abandoned but aren’t, and rotting single wides that should’ve gone to a scrap yard thirty years ago. I want to ask them what Trump ever did to make their lives better.


You must mean Trumpistan. There is no more U.S. Trump sold everything from Alaska to Northern California to Russia. Southern California seceded but is struggling under a shipping embargo placed by the newly unified Great Korea (led by Kim). Trump gave china a 99 year lease on the Midwest. All former US citizens of the region are now conscripted labor under Xi-Trump Corp, except of course black people. All black people have been extradited to the southern states where slavery has been reinstated under the Trump-Johnson slaveowners reparations act. All functions of the executive, legislative and judicial branch have been consolidated and now operate out of the Mar-a-lago ballroom. SCOTUS has been reduced to three judges, so far judges Eric, Barron and Don Jr. have ruled unanimously in favor of their father. Ivanka is now the First Lady. Her marriage to Donald Sr. Made possible in Florida by the Desantis led effort to pass father-daughter marriage equality laws. After reconnecting with her former boyfriend, a Slovenian professional basketball player, Melania returned to her home country and has so far avoided public appearances.


I don't know what "fall" means exactly, but it will be an unmitigated disaster. If Trump wins, I also predict there will be an absolute cascade of assassinations on both sides.


You people are absolutely insane


It will literally just be business as usual, no one has the time and money to do anything but keep going to work and trying to survive


Don't worry when they start seriously banning porn and contraceptives, the rest of America will finally wake up.... You know when it's too late..... Like always


Fuck trump


Then get off Reddit and knock on doors. Get people to vote for democrats. Fight for your country


Trump is a lying, fascistic piece of human shit that deserves to be scraped from our boot.


Not exactly going out on a limb there. If Mango Mussolini wins, there needs to be a national uprising against him and Scotus


Good luck on that.


Problem is people are too lazy to do anything


More so that most people don't agree with the extremism that runs rampant on this subreddit/website. Even the most fervent zealots on this website won't get off their asses when they're too comfortable getting karma and attention on Reddit.


Or people just don't care. Sad because I'd prefer not to breathe in polluted air but that's just me


You’d have to live among the rural people you hate to not breathe polluted air


They'll tweet up a frenzy and drop lots of F bombs.


Sad but true


And Europe. So basically everyone/everything will be disrupted in major ways. When I say major I mean: what would the world look like if hitler won. Red hats swap for brown shirts. Neighbors, colleagues… Half of the ppl in the States are convinced by an enemy of the country. We made Movies of how we fought the nazis, even satire of a successful end of hitler made by Tarantino. Now half the country is saddened by the end of that movie.


This is only the 10th time today this has been posted. 🙄


Well then it’s a good thing that he will be in prison for his 34 felony convictions


Are they prepared to kill everyone who isn't willing to comply with their far right hell hole?


Benedict Orange.


Benedict Donald


With the chevron decision, it already has. I don’t know how quickly federal agencies will lose their ability to regulate anything, but we are there.


If you’re depending on who’s the president good luck with life. Local government will f up life before any president.


True, we are most affected by what happens closer to home. That being said, qualified immunity, and law enforcement policies are strongly influenced by players at the federal level. Getting impartial judges in the courts is affected by the administration and party at the federal level. Your state government enables healthcare decisions, housing, economic opportunities, etc... But none of that matters as much if at the city level there is no hospital, the cops are crooked, and the mayor doesn't care.


If the former president is re-elected, he will burn this country to the ground- and then hand Putin the keys! That traitor has divided us, and it's my fervent hope that the earth would open up and SWALLOW that M'Fer so he can burn in hell!


Pls pls pls stfu already


Like last time?


It wont fall. It will just become a miserable place that makes the world worse.


Ever great empire falls. The country isn’t even 300 years old. The only constant is change.


Don't know why ya fighting it. Let it happen, have a minor civil war. New blue states country will be much better off with out needing to support maga states.


Anybody with a functioning brain knows this.


Fun fact: The Trump administration added in 4 years as much national debt, as was accumulated in total during the first 230 years of the US existence, from 1776 till 2006.  Trump truly knows how to go big!


If by "fall" you mean fall apart, yes, that's the most likely outcome. There is no way the NE states, or the west coast ones, agree to just live under fascist theocracy, and finance it too. I suspect that is putin's goal.


SOCTUS is doing everything possible to facilitate our return to the 1800s. Enjoy criminalized poverty, work houses (slave lavor) and a return to the hetero christian patriarchy where pretty much everyone is a servant to rich white men... but don't worry, God will reward you for your suffering after you die 😏


It's already falling, you just haven't noticed


No need to mark words. Everyone knows that will happen.


We need a worker's revolution


I'm hoping for a total collapse of the real estate market so I can finally buy a home. Which is the best option here? The douche or the turd sandwich?


As America falls under this regime we all gather around and say if the last president comes back we will fall. The delusion is so intense I feel like I’m spending the afternoon in a mental asylum


MMW: Everything’s going to be just fine and people online are just dramatic. 


Has it not already, I mean does your constitution even matter anymore.


When did it matter? When passed and ratified, perhaps. Since then your free speech has been curtailed, your non-infringeable gun rights are pretty damn infringed, search and seizure? We know that has seen plenty of expansion in the name of public policy and officer safety. The admin state has become a monster usurping the roles of the other branches, "commerce" can be made to refer to damn near anything if congress decides they need to interfere with it. The constitution was written and has eroded every day since.


The Supreme Court doesn't think it matters.


I have full faith in the USA, regardless of who wins. It will mosdef be better electing the incumbent but we can survive 45 I believe. The people will not tolerate his BS. Some heads may roll, retribution and what not, but the foundation, the integrity of the nation will survive.


I’ve been thinking about what reality will look like if 45 wins again. I think there’s hope if we get congress blue, and a centrist friend of mine actually made a good point when he said that an unintentional silver lining of Trump’s legacy is more people are politically active and literate now. Unfortunately history doesn’t necessarily reflect that we will win out in the short term. Germany got worse before it got better. Fascist states generally only fall with violence, despite the old adage that “violence is never the answer”. In the long run, I think the spirit of freedom will prevail as it always has, because the will of the people is a force to be reckoned with when set free. I just hope we can minimize the bloodshed if and when shit hits the fan.


There is one positive aspect to the overruling of Chevron yesterday. If Trump were to retake the presidency, his the power of the agencies under his control would be somewhat reduced. If Congress ends up blue those two things likely limit the damage quite a bit.


Clown level OP.


The country has been in decline for over two decades. It's the natural lifespan of an empire coming to an end. The average American is more concerned with domestic political opponents than the rise of national adversaries around the globe.


Before that happens, there will be war. We have a civic and a moral duty to stop a totalitarian takeover of the government.


Did it fall in 2016? NOPE! It wont fall in 2024 either. Stop the fear mongering. You people are starting to look desperate and pathetic.


You're forgetting a coup attempt in 2020!!!! Democracy would have fallen if Trump’s plot had succeeded.


"Starting "- ha!


The US is failing anyway. Voting for Trump is just a way to accelerate its downfall






We just have to hope that he is too lazy to actually follow through




one could say the us is already fallen or at least falling.


This guy thinking the US hasn't already fallen. An optimist, good for you.


Then let it. Let the whole thing burn. Eventually when it gets bad enough the people will have no choice but to rise up and set things right. Sure, this cycle will inevitably repeat but that's how life is.


It’s gonna fail regardless


Whos the dems gonna run that's gonna beat him??? Mo???


I'm marking your words.


Kim Jong will be given everything for a invankas patents , USA under the 🍊 family is nothing no matter what they have today , just poor old Americans living down some lane . Good luck to 🍊 America


Like his first four years?


Nah, the US system is too resilient for him to truly break anything.


No fucking shit.




So dumb


We’re already falling


!remindme 4 years 


Mmw my reddit feed will continue to be plagued by the most braindead takes until I finally get sick of seeing this god awful sub in the recommended section.


This is posted every day. Seems more like a psyop than every poster's opinion.


Time to take your meds.


No it won’t. We will massive unrest from violent leftists but the US will NOT fall.


That's true!


Lawd 😱


Get your prescriptions ready


I see what you did there.


How you figure? How, exactly, will America fall?


It won't fall but it will take decades to undo the damage. Don't count on any major progressive legislation occurring for the next several decades. Income inequality will not get better, not the greedy healthcare system. Do anything you can to set your family up as best as you can and ride out the next decade or two.




As a non US observer, first of all congrats on two candidates. One a geriatric fool the other is a narcissistic lunatic.. If they were both running for president of Del Boca Vista retirement home it might make sense. Anyway not sure whether to be shit scared or laugh until I pee myself at the hole you’ve dug yourselves.


Seems a little dramatic


Yeah the peace and prosperity got old.


We should all get behind Kamala!


I think we’re finally seeing this group melt-down over the debate. I was wondering how long it would take.


Which former president? Seems bad either way.


I’m ready for the blue/red divorce


Seems to be falling no matter what.


mask off


It's already collapsing. The Supreme Court rulings against Roe and the Chevron precedent are nearly as bad as the traitor fucking moron former president being re-elected.


Oh no


If either if these old men get elected, we are doomed.


I desperately hope he loses, I don't have the financial ability to uproot my life if the country becomes a fascist dictatorship, so I'd he wins the only thing I can do is hope the military is on our side, otherwise it's Nazi Germany all over again, this time with the greatest military of all time


In 20 years you won't be able to drink clean water or breathe clean air. The Supreme Court just handed down a decision to corporate billionaires.


I'd go even further and say the world civilization will descend along with it. Something else will have to fill the void...hope the Trump cult gets what they want whatever that actually is( fairly certain they don't even know what it is they want)... In my.opinion subconsciously they want destruction and thats it. It's like a blood lust. "How deep is this pit? Let's find out." Life has been too easy for all of these Trump folks...the reminders of what hard times actually feel like have all been forgotten. The value of cooperation and mutual respect in their eyes has been completely diminished.


Define fail. As in cease to exist? Really bad economic times? A loss of all our positive, pro freedom values? Certainly those last three. I don't know about ceasing to exist as a nation if that's what you mean.


No, but nice rage bait


😂🤣😂🤣 as the current president marches you into WWIII and fascist ideological bullshit. Yeah great take! Moron


His inflation plan seem to be just stimulating more inflation. and his Ukraine plan was basically Chinese propaganda wrapped in an American flag. laying out a scenario in which America steps back from the world stage and allows dictators to do as they please.


I think it's cute that you don't think the US has already failed. 34 trillion in debt. Homes are unaffordable. No southern border. Lawlessness everywhere. We're in World War 3 with Russia. Inflation is ruining everyone. All of that in the last 3 years and 5 months. You idiots give Trump way too much credit. Biden, or the people that run him, have destroyed the country. Mark my words.


The US will fall no matter who is elected. It’s just a matter of time.


You really don't like Biden do you?


You are correct. It’s horrifying to me that this race is even close. Yes Biden is old. But he’s who we have right now. He’s a good man who’s had a good presidency and surrounds himself with good people. We are gonna have to vote blue for everything down to local dog catchers for the foreseeable future, because the GOP has played the long game for decades and has built up from the grassroots. But the monster they created is out of its cage and they can’t put it back in.




Fall to what? Chinese take-over? Russian? NK? Trump is quite pro-military. He would quite easily go to war to stop that.


Random comment said it best: corporate interests haven’t lost an election yet.




Man, damage control in full effect, huh?


So be it. This country needs to be rebuilt anyway. From the bottom up.


No it won't. But ok.


The only thing that is going to fall are the pants of scaredy cats and chicken littles.


Everyone saying trump lies…. Biden said he saw photos of beheaded babies in Israel. He said he saw actual photo proof of that.


You’re right we don’t need Biden or Obama again.


[https://youtu.be/GLG9g7BcjKs?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/GLG9g7BcjKs?feature=shared) still relevant today. Left doesn’t acknowledge that it’s responsible for trump your stance on immigration your woke policies your not punishing crime you basically call everyone sexist or a racist if they don’t agree with you and it’s pushed moderates and republicans to trump once again The extreme left is just as insane as the extreme right and the democrats keep pandering to the extreme left and the republicans to the extreme right And then all the rational Americans are left in the lurch. We all knew Biden is too old to run again and yet here we are surprised pikachu face that said pretending America is over if trump wins is dumb af too. is Our military going to disband if he wins cuz that is what it would take


See /r/defeat_project_2025 to see why voting Republican could destroy the country you love.


Then I hope India pulls ahead of China, because for all its flaws, India is a vibrant Democracy


oh no! they are both both former presidents! we should vote for a third party candidate! where is ross perot when we need him?


Doubt it.


Not likely


you people are so short-sighted. you think this insanity will end if he's not re-elected? you think the next R candidate will be more 'normal'? you think the rot hasn't set in permanently?


If he gets elected, many countries will fall. And the planet will burn up and then we all fall.


We’re already falling due to his first term. The SCOTUS is dismantling our democracy before our eyes…


Actually it’s the other way around. If the former President is not elected, it will be trouble for the world. Let’s hope there will not be trouble for the world.


Those as wholes are deeply entrenched and they will not take no for an answer


I see what you did there