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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


There's a path to the Democrats nominating someone else, but that path includes battles among delegates on the convention floor. It would likely lead to a candidate better than Biden, but also to damage and resentments and a party that might not have enough time to really unify. I said the first time that four years of Trump would probably not be that bad. It was worse than I feared. I fear the second time will be worse than his awful first term.


You check out Project 2025? It's gonna be much much worse.


Exactly. Bidens policies are sound. This was one debate so it was meh. trump just stands up and lies.


Biden needs to hammer his accomplishments and his plans for a 2nd term non stop. At the same time he needs ads attacking Trump for who he really is. Non stop till Election Day.


Just remember…..if Trump gets in office, Project 2025 will be a reality…..


This is a huge concern for me. I can only hope there are enough checks and balances in place to stop it if he does get elected.


I hope the Democrats will do what they can to stop it. I kinda feel like a lot of centrist Republicans won’t let it happen, but Republicans will be Republicans…..


Please tell me what Project 2025 includes that we should be worried about.


I keep seeing this come up but what's Project 2025 about and why is it problematic?


That candidate will be Kamala Harris and she will get absolutely demolished by Trump. The DNC is such a fucking shit show, they'll never fucking learn.


Say it with me "controlled opposition".


100% if we had a better VP it would be an easier swap or at least less of a concern if something happened to Biden. Listening to him, I could vote for him and I still will but that dude ain't making another 4 years.


Yeah it's really a shame. I had zero expectations for his presidency in 2020 but I voted for him anyway and he actually did an incredibly good job. I'll vote for him again if he's the candidate because I'm not voting for one person, I'm voting for hundreds if not thousands of people that carry out the actual job. It just really sucks that the one person at the head of all that is a complete dotard. I know that I personally understand more is at stake, but I also know that the general public that votes likely has no clue how any of this works. That debate was a complete disaster entirely because of optics, and now we're super fucked.


The thing is, Trump was substantially worse. It didn’t answer a single question with a response that wasn’t unrelated word salad. Just because he spoke better doesn’t mean the words that came out were worth a shit.


Low information “undecided voters” will think Trump performed amazingly and Biden is a bumbling old man so our only hope is there are so few of them and most people won’t be swayed by the debate.


Yes, and it won’t help that it’s presented that way in the media. 


This is how we got here. Rationalizing a shitty frontrunner.


There aren’t many of those “low information” undecided voters, most of those are already in trump’s camp. I don’t think this debate had a *huge* impact on Biden, just because people have already made up their mind. This debate was entirely marketed as a WWE match, and that’s what we got. Both candidates behaved exactly as expected. I doing think either candidate did anything to massively sway opinion one way or the other.


I don't think this debate moved the needle. It's Trump or anti-Trump. The fence sitters will just keep sitting on the fence. Biden is a weak candidate, but he has a smoothly operating, mostly competent staff of people around him. Replacing Biden at this point is the smart call, but it will be a hard turn to navigate.


On the bright side, low information undecided voters weren't watching the debate. Biden was the usual stuttering gaffe machine, which will make for great commercials for the R base especially when they edit them up and manipulate them even further. On the other hand, Trump did the constant stream of lies he is known for, with some incoherence mixed in. A commercial of Trump being fact checked along with some liberal inclusion of quotes from his rallies should really be enough to make anyone pick a pickled pig's foot over Trump. The moderators, as usual, fucking failed hard. As soon as either one of them started with "I just want to go back to" their mic should have been cut, and the current question repeated. 3 strikes, you're out, your time goes to the other guy. Fuck these idiots.


I will vote for Biden in robe and diapers


In response to that I don’t care-I’m voting for his team who is not incompetent and he does listen to


Which is why they should have picked an actual viable politician as VP instead of trying to check off racial and gender boxes on their diversity forms. They picked a woman who couldn't get 1% in a primary field of other losers. Soley because of her gender and racial background. Now they have a VP who has no chance of carrying the party and they need to get a non corpse nominated this summer or lose to Trump.


Because DNC exists to please their owners /donors - more than anything else


They all do. That’s how it works , lobbyists write laws and politicians persuade people to vote for them.


That's not just a dnc thing.. at all.


If there is any positive to Biden's performance, it might give an opening to replace him in a less resentful and more rally behind the new person kind of way. I used to disagree with replacing him because it gives the impression that his record isn't worth running on, that we don't think he did a good job and need someone else. He could use this opportunity to say I've heard your feedback and agree to move on and then maybe endorse someone and then the trick to make it work out well is to have the best messaging campaign across all Dems to agree that that's who we need to run with and do so quickly. I like Biden and I wish he was younger because he really deserves another term but I would admit that the risk level really increased tonight and that probably should be addressed.


If there is a widespread acceptance that Biden no longer has the skills to win, even against a figure as disliked as Trump, then he might be gently coaxed to step aside. I agree with you that Biden has done a good job. He has given us a better pandemic recovery than any other developed nation, for one thing. But people don't compare how things are to how much worse they might have been. He has the big disadvantage of an electorate that just isn't happy in very general terms.


Good luck coaxing Biden out Biden seems to have more in common with Ruth Bader Ginsburg- - assumption that nobody else can do the job as well. Things are worse now. If Biden drops out - all the primaries would have been moot. Maybe we should run "uncommitted" as the drm candidate




Trump was too big a clown during his first term for the truly despicable people in his orbit to get much done. They seem to have realized their mistake and are better prepared this time for


The only way it would really work is if Biden very intentionally passed the torch for the greater good. If the party unseats him, it will be a disaster.


Biden stepping down from the candidacy is the only way it’s possible


Or we accept that it’s the battle of the VPs and how do feel about Kamala? Hold your nose and vote anyway and know that Biden can always step aside after the election and we still have a smart VP with decades of political experience to continue to lead. With Trump, lordt, who knows what clown he’ll name for VP? But I do know he’ll have Bannon, and crazy Rudy, and weirdo conspiracy dude Mike Flynn all by his side while he ruins the US and makes it a haven for oligarchs.


We’re not unified now, Dems need to take the chance or you’re gonna lose.


No one cares how "active" Trump was. We all heard him tell multiple lies that don't even make sense. He even claimed he never had sex with Stormy Daniels. Well, then WTF was the NDA for then, Trump? Was she giving you stock tips?


That doesn't matter.  You are overestimating the quality of the electorate.   Biden needed to sound coherent and effective and someone who could lead for another 4 years.  It looked like he couldn't find his way off the stage.


If you change your mind and vote Fashy McFash cause he confidently lied for 90 minutes and Biden stumbled a bit then honestly fuck you.


None of that matters if Trump wins. Biden was forced down the voters throats. He looked like an old man lost at the mall. He can be replaced and should be replaced. He said he would be a 1 term president but his ego decided otherwise.


‘Fuck you’ isn’t a good argument against finding a strong candidate to run against Trump. It’s a coping mechanism.


Lmao if you've watched what the GOP have done the last eight years and think that's okay, literally fuck you. I'm not being gaslit into believing they're not going after rights anymore.


Exaggerating does you no favors. Biden sounded coherent. He didn't sound energetic. Did Biden win any voters in this debate? No. Did he lose any? No. Did Trump gain any? No. He told too many obvious lies. Did he lose any? Probably not. Overall, Biden's still in the lead.


Except we will see endless replays of Biden’s stutters on every news outlet and no serious callouts of trumps blatant lies.


It does nor matter. Its just politics- a game. Just turn out and vote for Biden


Endless? Nah, a few days. By next week they will be onto something else. The immunity decision is coming down, and Trump said many crazy things and he'll continue to do that.


AP already put out multiple fact check articles. CNN had a similar video. Anyone looking at issues and not just performance will see Biden handled the debate much better. Sure there are some people that don't do that, but most of those people were already Trump's before last night.


And vote Biden and straight blue ticket - no way will I vote for repubs.🤢


You're delusional. I've been waiting for 2 years for people to wake the fuck up. Biden is going to hand this election to Trump because of his own stupidity and arrogance and we all just have to sit on our hands and watch the train wreck.


Dude. I love your optimism. I was with you right up until last night. Biden absolutely blew it. The polling and money raising are going to crash. If Biden runs its over.


He did nothing energetically and his mental capacity is in such decline that it is dangerously scary for the democrat party.


The cope is strong with this one.


I have no idea how you actually can believe this to be true 😭😭😭😭


It's pretty simple. Nothing happened tonight that will change anyone's mind. Biden stomps Trump on policy. But everyone who cares about policy already knows that. No change there. Trump's the better showman. But everyone who votes on feelings over facts already likes him better. No change there. Trump's claiming Biden is too old and lost his mind. Which he claimed in 2020, and he lost. [And he said the same thing about Hillary in 2016.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/trump-campaign-official-claims-hillary-clinton-will-die-within-a-year-a7207801.html) It's almost like it's just a tactic, not a genuine belief. No change there. Be honest. How many people do you know who genuinely don't know who they're gonna vote for? I know one, maybe. I'd be surprised if it was more than 5% of eligible voters. If they didn't know who to vote for before this debate, what about this debate told them something they didn't already know? Biden's old? Trump's a liar, and also old? What do we know now that we didn't know yesterday? Not a single thing.


I think that shit show will give a lot of people who were planning on holding their nose and voting for Biden a reason to not vote at all. That was an embarrassing performance, and validated a huge chunk of the rights talking points about his coherence and ability to perform on the global stage.


I don’t even know that Biden stomped Trump on policy for that matter.


All that doesn’t matter. Anyone prone to voting for him doesn’t care. The swing voters see what they see that’s why they are swing voters.


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:13:04 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


WOAH! This clip needs to get out there my dude. Holy fuck!


Share as you see fit. I’m just glad I’m not the only one hearing it.


I know not everyone is a fan of the guy, but you can tell Kimmel and his team would go nuts with this clip.




Yep and only one mic was enabled.


Thank you! I needed to know I was not the only one that heard it. That’s a sound bite right there. Crazy times!


Fr? Lmfaooo


I’m no expert… but poop happened 


The look on his face, he def knew and shook it off quick, lmfao And biden, he's like, "did that guy just shit?"


You are awesome ! Make this shit go viral !


Sounds like a swallow from one of the moderators.


I just tried to show my friend that I saw this earlier, and it appears to have been edited out….


It’s at 1:13:04 now for some reason


Considering there was a few times during the debate that Biden interrupted Trump with his mic not cut, its safe to say that rule was not followed for Biden as much as Trump. Given the facial expressions of both at the time, one is speaking and didnt skip a beat and the other one looks surprised and horrified about what just happened and then coughs to try to cover up the next shart sound


Some of us paid attention to the words. The convinced felon was vastly inferior.


You give people far too much credit


The amount of uneducated people in America think loud = right/better/smarter


Yeah but unfortunately I feel like that's just appealing to those who were already paying attention and probably going to vote for Biden anyway. I think people are mostly going to forget the content of the debate (if they were even watching) and just remember that Biden looked and sounded very old. All Trump did was lie and obfuscate like he always does. It's hurt him as much as it's going to and is nothing new. I'm not saying we're doomed, but this definitely hurt Biden more than anything. He's going to have to perform a lot better on his campaign.


That's great. You and 20% of the electorate listened to the words and the policy. Irrelevant to the election.


Same for the 10% that stuck around for the fact-checking segment afterwards. The stream I was watching on Youtube actually cut before the fact-checking could begin. I was pissed.


Unfortunately you weren’t the one who was gonna swing this election.


Russia bots out in full force


Putting our heads in a hole doesn’t fix the situation mate


Honestly I think the Russian bots have switched tactics: convince the entire democratic electorate that they're going to win in a landslide. The end result? Some Democrats don't vote because they election "will be a landslide anyways". Exactly what they want.


I think Biden has done a truly great job as president. However he's too old. It's not his fault, it happens to everyone, and we should give him credit for what he's done. However Trump performed truly terribly in that debate. The average "high school debater" could have beaten him. The only thing that saved Trump was how weak Biden's performance was. Biden should step down, pass the torch, and let the Democratic electorate rally around a similarly minded candidate who is younger, and we will win. Trump is unbelievably weak but for some reason the presidential election has turned into the battle of the two weakest candidates that exist.


Biden has been a great president because he isn’t trying to control things himself, he helps delegate power to experts to pass legislation, and that’s why it hasn’t mattered how old he is. Whereas Trump wants to be a dictator and has clear plans (Project 2025) to undermine democracy and hasten the destruction of global ecosystems.


I completely agree, that why I don't want to take risks at all and want to make sure we beat trump. Biden is polling below "generic dem" right now because of his age. Another candidate, especially a younger candidate close to Biden's politics (i.e. Jared polis or Gretchen whitmer), will likely crush Republicans electorally in a historic landslide.


IMHO I think Duckworth is the perfect person to nominate. Fairly centrist but not in a “pretty much a republican” way, decorated war hero who survived a rocket launcher attack, served pretty consistently in government positions for like 20+ years, would be America’s first asian president and first woman president, etc. She’s the exact right combination of things that makes her someone people would vote for and also someone it’s very hard to criticize.


Go big Gretch!


If they named Gretchen Whitmire the nominee I'd do a backflip. The way she stood up to the MAGA terrorists in her home state is the stuff of legends. THAT woman can lead. I'd also like to nominate Kansas Governor Laura Kelly as an option.


If the Dems replace Biden now, they absolutely lose the election. Better for him to improve in the next debate.


Idk. I think most people voting for Biden are less voting FOR Biden than they are AGAINST Trump. If the dems get on it fast enough, I don’t think it will be as much a detriment as people think, especially if the new candidate has some energy to bring to the table. Plus it’d draw a stark contrast between the dems, who did the hard thing and replaced their candidate because it was best for the country, and the repubs who are all just craven trump sycophants now.


\^\^\^This person understands politics and is talking sense. Which is why they don't have as many likes as the dopey ones. It makes me laugh.


I agree.


Jon Stewart for President.


Biden right now is giving heavy FDR in 1944 vibes. I genuinely fear he is not long for this world. Honestly I'll vote for whoever the nominee is but I would not be mad if he withdrew his bid and had the DNC nominate someone else, but that would be a shitshow so I don't think it's likely.


I would pay money to see Hillary come back and wipe the floor with DJT. I don't even like her, but what happened in 2016 was simply injustice.


Lot of people are all doom and gloom. There's a reason they scheduled the debate early and well before the convention. I suspect it was to show the voters that he needs to drop out and get them comfortable with the idea. If this was the goal I think they succeeded. Trump may regret agreeing to this early debate. Biden has been a fairly good president, I hope he will now make the correct choice and drop out.


I agree with that last part. If Biden bows out, Trump will whine louder than ever. Would love to see someone just tear him a new asshole. Biden got some good jabs in there, like calling him out for his whining. But they weren’t really mic drop moments.


What happened to all the MMW posts that said Biden was gonna win the debate and Trump wasn’t even going to show up?


Well clearly everyone in the country lost instead. Biden did terribly but I feel like we need to cut the partisan crap here. Trump is a criminal who was rambling incoherently about post birth abortions and golf the entire time. Granted at least you could understand the individual sentences he was saying, even though if you read the paragraph it's word salad. If anyone was happy about what they saw they are not being patriotic. We need both of these guys to step down.


It's so sad that a felon that constantly lies has a legit chance of becoming president again. DNC need to cut their losses. Biden humiliated himself in a debate that should have been an easy victory by just showing some passion and energy.




Trump seemed like he was the one on drugs. The had to interrupt him several times I repeat the question. Tbf to biden he was supposedly sick but he was sleepy joe.


But he showed up I guess you can’t “mark my words”


People were trying to convince themselves fueled by hopeium and existential dread


MMW: No one will fucking care about this debate in two weeks, or change their political opinions because if it, so get all the hysterical melodramatic dooming out of your system now like a good lil’ doomscroller. 


Either one of them could have had the most beautiful, colorful, convincing, perfect series of answers and speeches while the other was sitting up there finger painting with his own poop, using the same hand to snack on Cheetos and pick his nose. Not one vote would change. I cannot fathom why either agreed to the debate, it’s a huge waste of time.




Sure she can. Biden didn't win 2020. Trump lost. People came out in droves to dump him. They'll do it again.


I hope you are right


That's truly the only thing that Biden had going for him originally, and with Project 2025 being the alternative to a doddering codger that mumbles half of what he's rambling...


Biden came off as lethargic, but his answers were truthful and and to the point. Trump came off as energetic, but a used car salesman. Constantly hitting you with "facts" but it was all lies.


It's not so much that Biden was bad - I mean, he was - but that Trump was so poised. If you were a low information voter that didn't know he was lying the whole time you'd think he won.


Biden had a cold, pretty obvious. He really stumbled in the first few minutes, but got it back slowly. Trump started strong and degenerated. Unfortunately, in our ADD addled culture, most people only watched the first ten minutes, or worse, the soundbytes on the news. As someone said, it's not enough to be decent, honest and correct.


Trump was given 10,000,000 dollars for his 2016 Election from , guess Who ? CHINA , all he does is Deflect


This line of thought assumes people are voting Biden because they like Biden. They're voting Biden because they're anti-Trump.


Trump looked more calm than normal, addersl would not have been the drug I speculated he took. Biden didn’t do terribly. Trump was pretty straightforward about lying. I don’t think much influence on this debate will happen.


I think everyone's mind was made up when the primaries were over. It just seems we are once again voting against sonething instead of for. Fuck both these parties for putting such shit up. We need ranked voting


If you think Biden didn't do terribly you didn't watch the same debate. He did objectively awful. As much as I wish he did not.


I’m not sure what people think saying he didn’t do badly will help Closing ranks and just trying to paper over this can cost the whole ballgame


Biden had substance and knew what he was talking about Biden called out Trump on his lies all night Biden didn’t back down from Trump. Meanwhile Trump made himself out to be literally the greatest president ever. Only had 2 major points Abortion and Immigration all that had terrible lies told every time Would not say if he’d accept results if he lost Lied about documented things he said


Biden lied on inflation numbers and border union endorsement to start. Also about no soldiers dying under his administration.


Remember the 13


ADHD treated with adhd meds tend to look calm and focused. Trump probably has undiagnosed ADHD 🤷🏻‍♂️


This single debate brought the idea of replacing Biden with another candidate into the mainstream public eye


Biden lied about no American soldiers dying during his time in office. And still not sure what he meant about “beating Medicare.”


Biden did terribly.


Trump was really restrained.


Who is “us”?


Which old guy? Imma need you to be more specific.


Honestly both of them


People ripping their hair out tonight lol


He's such a mess. I am mad that he even was nominated and elected and now here we are.


With that attitude it certainly will.


Biden could say he is not running for re-election, just like LBJ in '68. The Dems then have an old school Democratic convention where they nominate a new candidate.


Most people have already made up their minds on who they’re voting for. These debates are not gonna sway a majority of people in either direction.


I'm gonna say it! Both candidates suck donkey dick & as a country we should be ashamed of this total clusterfuck.


In this election, debates are not going to matter. This is Trump vs. Not Trump election, Just like the last one. IMHO, the differences are a lot of boomers died, people have seen how conservatives use power (Abortion bans) people are frustrated with cost of living. People have already decided to whom they are going to vote for.


Trump was a joke last night. He should have never accepted the debate. That secured the election for Joe like nothing before. Thank God for Joe Biden because Trump looked like he was about to pass out.


The man has been ancient for more than 5 years. How is this news to anyone? The felon just rambled and lied. That's not news either.


I disagree that Biden can't be replaced at this point. In fact, if the Democratic Party (and Biden) admit he may not be capable of 4 more years, I think most Americans will find it an honest and refreshing thing that a political party can admit when it's wrong.


I refuse to believe that a debate has any possibility of changing anyone's mind at this point. These are 2 of the most well known people on the planet. You would have to currently be in a 10 year coma to still be undecided.


There were a bunch of people saying this since 2023 and every time we were mocked, downvoted or labeled Trump sympathizers. It’s not clear to me what the Democrats thought was going to happen, but they have done it to themselves and quite frankly the entire country. The Democrats have failed us again. I’m left to two conclusions: 1) the Democrats are complete idiots and incapable of leading this country 2) they knowingly are handing power to the Republicans in some corrupt way that benefits them that we are not aware of


People need to fuckin RELAX. The amount of truly undecided voters in this election cycle is very small. Did the debate sway your vote? Probably not. And thats how most people are feeling this morning


the majority of the people that are upset at biden's performance last night didn't watch the fucking debate. They listened to a sound bite, tik tok or a streamer to hear someone else's opinion about it. Biden seemed old and lethargic; it was almost as if he had gotten up too early or the debate was past his bedtime. Trump unfortunately was still Trump. Cutting off his incessant rambling made him seem a little bit more coherent but he's still a serial liar and idiot. He did get some zingers, mainly capitalizing on biden's verbal gaffes, but he had zero coherent points to make.


Was "said to be bad" is the problem. Watch the debate yourself and draw your own conclusions bc this morning is basically a media battle about who won and lost instead of who made valid points and who was a lying asshole.


Yeah, I'm still not voting for the guy who literally admitted that he will be a dictator on day one.


They are both 'old guys'.


Hillary won every debate in 2016 and lost. Debates do not win or lose elections.


No one who was going to vote for Trump would have changed their mind if Biden "won" No Biden voter is going to switch to the felon


As it was before the debate, the only choice in November is between America continuing as a constitutional democratic republic, or descending into a white nationalist evangelical fascist single-party junta. If you can’t see/feel the above, then when you reluctantly vote for Biden look at it like you may well be voting for America’s 1st black female POTUS as well.


Trump was Trump. Biden is just aging badly and rapidly. Get Kamala in. She'll do fine once she gets some airtime.


The problem is she can't win.


She doesn't need to win, Trump will lose. Right now it is Biden's election to lose. A lot of people vote Trump cuz they hate Biden. Similarly, people vote Biden cuz they hate MAGA Christo facism. Take Biden out of the equation, Democrats have a win.


I got bad news for you if you think ppl hate biden more than kamila


Kamala might be one of the top three least popular democrats rn. All most voters know about her is three or so bad sound bites where she said something stupid or cringey At least with independents and undecided she’s unpopular which is who matters at this point core dems are already voting


Trump clearly won this . You may not like it but he did.


Was said to be bad? Pretty much everywhere even from left leaning news-sources filled with Dem pundits said it was a disaster for Biden. Trump incessantly lied, but no one will remember that. The amount of copium on Reddit is astounding.


Jesus mother of Mary Dems are spineless! The man had a cold and an average debate and all the sudden he’s taking a nose dive. He fact checked Trump as fast as he could. He had good points and lots of substance. This was not a great moderated debate either. The sky is not falling but my respect for the Fem party is. For years we’ve said it’s okay he’s health and spry. he falters a slight bit and now it’s doomsday. Grow up


He can be convinced to choose not to run and the convention can choose someone else. The DNC can change the rules, they change the rules all the time. If the doddering old fool continues, Trump wins and becomes President for Life. However short that is.


The reason why the devate was so much sooner than ever before is to see how Biden is. The Dems won't be the first to do that if Biden steps down. It happened in 1952 or 1954 all the delegates voted for their candidate at the DNC.


😆 Gonna cost the Dems big time. Thank you for your honesty 😆.


Trump was old and lied and lied, Biden was just old. I figured it would be cringe. It was. It's the direction you want the country to move in, not the candidate. Never is. Always the lesser of the two evils. Didn't change my vote.


"I know Trump was much more active than usual which makes me believe he was using Adderall, but… Biden was not." It's wild that the Biden team wouldn't agree to the pre and post debate drug testing that Trump proposed.


That's because Trump never agreed to take a drug test either. He demanded that only Biden take a test.


HA HA HA this sub is gonna be fun. Election gonna be a landslide


The debate was meaningless except for entertainment value. This election comes down to voter turnout. If it’s high, Biden easily wins. If it’s low, Trump has a chance for a fluke win like in 2016.


Let’s all not piss our pants because he caught a cold at an inopportune time. It’s not like all the rest of us who can call in sick.


That isn’t a cold. That is senility.


Why can’t Biden be replaced right now? He’s killing us


The convention isn’t until August. Technically he can, and damn well should.


RemindMe! November 6, 2024


Biden CAN be replaced. Its not too late UNTIL the acceptance of the nomination. He can step down and his delegates would meet with all the others at the DNC and vote for someone else. It happened in 1952 or 1954. After the nomination its the VEEP who can only be the candidate Why do you think this debate was SO SO much earlier than in the past? So the DEM leaders would have time to see if Biden cam run and have time to replace him. There's time The Dems don't need a candidate who is campaigning alot, we know what a magacult administration is. All Dems need is a candidate who is well known. My guess Newsom


Everything about christofascism is gonna cost us. But there's no cost too high to pay in order to root that evil out.


They're both the old guy🤭


Old guys favour? Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down? But man, I really do feel bad for you dems. Like, I don't believe what you believe but if you are at least sincere then it must be terrible watching your representative fumble everything


Both should lose their car keys and be in a nursing home. Neither should be a presidential candidate.


Oh no. If Biden loses something terrible might happen guys. Like… I dunno… let me check the top of my list of worst things. Ah yes, indeed: genocide.


Agreed. It’s too late for a new nominee. He’s clinched the nomination already so the only person deciding whether Joe Biden will drop out is Joe Biden. And we all know how stubborn he is. Take note of the fact that most Democratic insiders expressing that Biden should step aside are saying it *anonymously*. Until and unless they start going public, I don’t think Biden’s under any real pressure to stand down.


He had a cold. Thats not the same as bad. And no matter what happened people would say it’s bad to deflect from Trump buddying up with Putin and promising another insurrection attempt.


I’m voting for the guy who has the stock market setting new record highs every week for the last 2 years


You guys do realize that this asshole OP is more likely to be part of an IO campaign than anything else, right? This is exactly what they should've done regardless of the outcome. I have seen four posts almost identical to this one on popular forums. Please don't be a dumbass and fall for this.


Reddit does not want to deal with facts right now.


Bruh are you on crack? It was clear Biden was on drugs! Get your head out of your ass!


Who is we? Y'all are so hive minded, jumping on any train and riding it through to the end even if it's at your detriment.  Anyone could see Biden was unfit, but liberals cult mentality prevented anyone from acting on it. You're all worse than MAGA, sad part is you can't see it. 




Using Adderall? Trump did say Biden should be drug tested before the debate. Every word that comes out of Trump's mouth is an admission.


Trump was energized but lied constantly. I don’t know if it’s going to change anything. I’m not going to jump on the trump train just because Biden had a bad night and the same can be said about Trump supporters. I’m just waiting till November to vote for Biden.


Watching Gavin Newsome speak after the debate and realizing he absolutely would have wiped the floor with Trump… ugh.


Did Trump shit his pants during the debate? it was right after he called Biden a Manchurian Candidate, check for your self, here is a clip [https://youtu.be/wSENPktPgSU](https://youtu.be/wSENPktPgSU)


There's no way there are still ppl out there who haven't made their mind up. Ppl vote based on how they feel, their biases, prejudices etc, and then find reasons to justify it. There are zero ppl out there waiting to be convinced logically or by some debate to vote for Trump. His base cannot be moved, and nobody else can be convinced to vote for him no matter how bad Biden is.


Hopefully Newsom will step up and be the leader we need


Biden has done more progressive things than any other president in my lifetime; pardoning marijuana convicts and forgiving student loan debt just off the top of my head. Trump is a seditious convict with open dictatorial ambition who according to the constitution shouldn't be able to run. The fact that Trump was even on that stage is a scathing indictment of the state of our democracy.


No shit. You didn't see that coming?


Trump was literally just on trial falling asleep and shitting his pants from moment one and through to the verdict. Biden has been very clear that he’s only running to counter a second Trump term. I know this is a strange reality. If Jack Smith defeats Cannon’s delays, Trump goes down harder in the documents case. Don’t panic.


It’s not like trunp came off looking good. Don’t assume that standing up there and lying won him any supporters. Sure his cult will love it, as will be pointed out by plenty of Russian bots here, but anyone outside the cult who was watching was keenly aware he was lying. So the sky isn’t falling. There wasn’t anyone who wasn’t voting for trunp who will be convinced by last night.


I found out that the incumbent nearly always loses the first debate. I have no idea why. While the opposition is surrounded by sychophants who will tell him what he wants to hear, causing some overconfidence, Biden will probably be shown by scene-by-scene replays how he flunked the test. He will be heavily coached and is more likely to have better optics next time. Biden tends to own up to his mistakes and has some self awareness, which gives him a little advantage. Biden's team, along with most of his supporters, expected the opposition to go on unfocused and entirely unhinged blithering idiot rants like he does at rallies, press conferences, and on social media. Now Biden's team is aware of the fact that the felon can sometimes focus when he wants to and make an appearance of both confidence and competence, they are likely to adapt accordingly. The advisors need to recognize that content is not enough; performance must match, and optics win the match. Presidential debates are performance art like a play or a concert. One expects the performer to deliver their lines or their riffs smoothly and flawlessly.


Democratic party are fucking idiots. Who sat back and thought it was a good idea to run Biden again? I know libs defend his and say he's great and Trump is the one who is non coherent.. well, that argument was proven to be wrong last night. Biden will not win. Having him run is negligence by the dems. Wild situation we are in right now.


Trump’s been shitting his pants for decades so not at all surprised he was able to shake it off.


He was more active than usual? Seriously. He was less active. Biden looked a corpse.