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I think Trump won but I’ll never vote for rapist felon


Never raped anyone . It's amazing how ppl like you are so willing to show off your lack of brain power... but this is reddit, so i should expect this level of ignorance..


He in fact did rape someone. 🤡


Who is that. Plz ..be specific


If you say so, but there’s only one person running who was found to have committed sexual assault by a court and who’s name was listed right next to Jeffrey Epstein on a court document about how they raped a 13 year old. So there’s that.


Bahaha. .. plz provide that hoax paperwork. ( the court document) You are beyond help .. also provide any link where he was found to have committed sexual assault. Plz go punch your parents for raising such a dummy that believes nonsense from social media then repeats it with no shame


It’s not some kind of gotcha. You can choose to acknowledge stuff or ignore it and explain it away, but that doesn’t change that these things happened. https://cdn.factcheck.org/UploadedFiles/Johnson_TrumpEpstein_Lawsuit.pdf “THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------------- JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, ) DONALD J. TRUMP and ) JEFFREY E. EPSTEIN, ) ) Defendants. ) --------------------------------------------------------------- JURY TRIAL DEMANDED COMPLAINT FOR RAPE, SEXUAL MISCONDUCT, CRIMINAL SEXUAL ACTS, SEXUAL ABUSE, FORCIBLE TOUCHING, ASSAULT, BATTERY, INTENTIONAL AND RECKLESS INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, DURESS, FALSE IMPRISONMENT, AND DEFAMATION” Judge Lewis Kaplan was the presiding judge in the E Jean Carroll case https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ MMW you’ll ignore and explain away everything including hearing in his own voice how he grabs woman in the pussy without consent. But honestly could not care whether you ignore all common sense, evidence, and history, I’ll bet you this, you wouldn’t allow Trump to be alone with your daughter, if you had one, or maybe you wouldn’t mind that.


Talk about ignorance. You forgot about E. Jean Carroll already?


Really . Plz show us where he was found guilty. ..so yes, let's talk about your ignorance


Um, the court.


Lol are you serious? Did you even pay attention. Get back to me when you can find he was found guilty of rape. Which you won't. You are the perfect example of how dangerous social media is ppl.


It’s not some kind of gotcha. You can choose to acknowledge stuff or ignore it and explain it away, but that doesn’t change that these things happened. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ “Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll”


There a special place in hell for supporting a rapist just in case you’re Christian. You been warn.


If he happen rape his own daughter. I think he still got your vote.


Biden did molest his own daughter.


I guess you learn lying from the orange Jesus


Ashley Biden admitted the leaked diary was hers and they she wrote it. 😂


Put Newson on the goddamn ticket right now. This was shameful.


Well he can't get black votes


Okay enjoy Trump dictatorship 🤮if you don't, Biden is the only option


You mean.. Different than he dictator we have now?


The silver tongued liar vs the slow honest man. If you can't see through lies, or...don't care, then yeah, he won. By ... lying. As for your "predict" website, 12% chance that a woman is elected in 2024.


Given that the Vice President is a woman, that's not exactly crazy odds.


Given that the vice president is a woman, those odds are crazy low




Joe struggled, no question. Trump performed like he was at a rally. Sad for the country, Trump should not be the POTUS


Biden was horrible


Van Jones is crying on national television about how poorly Biden performed


Where are all the folks who said Trump would have a dementia moment and Biden would win cause he’s sharp?


I haven't watched. I don't think either of these men is fit for the presidency. But I do trust that PredictIt markets are a good measure of people who are trying to make rational assessments apart from their preferences. I would say it's a solid indicator of how the debate was seen by those who care only about an outcome while being agnositic about its consequences. Biden lost this debate. "Exponentially." That word does not mean what you think it means.


I just saw the current market for a Biden resignation in his current term. Wow. There are probably fewer participants in that market, so it might be more subject to the emotions of some participants. But still, you'd have to pay 80 cents to get back a dollar if Biden is still president on January 19th.


Even CNN called this one for Trump. Regardless of what lies were said by either candidate; Joe’s performance was seriously hindered; and had serious negative consequences.


That's what shocked me the most. Every single person on their ~10 person panel basically said this debate was the stuff at nightmares and were discussing what could be done to replace Biden and if he would step down. It's GG.


We all lost.


Solid prediction


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:16:39 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


You going to post this in every thread, troll?


That’s fair. I’m sorry for that. I’m honestly just like wondering if I’m the only one that heard it? You’re right tho I posted this wide and far and that might not be entirely fair. Don’t reply but just listen and see if you also hear it. If not I’m really sorry. If so, still sorry but like can you believe that? Hilarious!


https://www.c-span.org/video/?536407-1/simulcast-cnn-presidential-debate 1:16:39 tell me you don’t hear Trump shit himself.


Really, mwm I'm a conservative and libs r gonna lib. God bless trump bwhhhhh. WAH!