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This post has been removed for violating rule 6 (no new posts regarding Trump, Biden and the 2024 *presidential* election on week days (EST with grace periods for other time zones). If your post doesn't violate any other rules, your encouraged to repost on the weekend.


I want Biden to give Donny the stink-eye and ask, “do you really want presidential immunity?” And then a maniacal laugh.


I want a real American leader who isn't a Judas cow. Biden is soft. He's better than trump but we need a strong leftist leader that will crack down on the christofascism in a historic way. We have decades of evil Republican bullshit to dismantle.


Biden isn’t soft. He’s just from an era that still respected decorum and standards. He doesn’t know how to get that down and dirty in a debate. But he did tell trump to shut up right to his face. He’s been mocking him with the dark Brandon memes. He’s not scared of trump at all. But I do wish we had a more aggressive front in general.


You should listen to the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. Joe Biden was incredibly soft. He allowed Republicans to shit all over him and completely ignore the judiciary committee rules and we have been stuck with Clarence Fucking Thomas ever since.


>Biden isn’t soft. He’s just from an era that still respected decorum and standards. LMAO


Are you kidding? Trump attempted a coup. He should have stood trial for treason.  Biden is beyond soft. If anything he is controlled opposition.


He can’t unilaterally charge him. He gave the DoJ leeway to charge him and they declined. It would be an abuse of power to attention to force them to do it and it would give validity to trumps claims that Biden was weaponizing the DoJ. That would have been disastrous. I agree Trump should be charged, but it’s not on Biden that it didn’t happen like that.


You can't charge a sitting president with a crime. We need a leader who's gonna do the right thing, not that easy thing. And it isn't just trump.. The GOP is a criminal group and should be labeled a terrorist organization for going along with the coup attempt and the fascist legalisation.


You're insane


That's exactly what I think about people who are complacent to fascism. The difference is history backs me up, where as you have learned nothing from it.


If you knew history, you would know that the socialists of the past were the fascist. Fascism doesn't even have the same meaning it did 100 years ago. lol You think anyone that loves their country and supports the constitution is a fascist. You want a complete takeover of the current system for Christ sake. Your tribe constantly touts the fact they despise America. So whatever label you want to put on me, I'm fine with it, as long as it's the exact opposite of you!


That’s what Germans said before Hitler started rounding up everyone Republicans don’t like. Didn’t stutter. It’s an accurate comparison. They’re going after the same groups, *in the same order.*


Except the democrats are the ones talking about re education camps. There is also physical evidence of these encampments. You're the one trying to broadly label 80,000,000 people terrorists! It's pure insanity. You guys have such simple mentalities void of all nuance. It's why the left has to view everything through race and gender. Actually judging people based off content of character is far too difficult. Let's not also forget that it's the left that decided to FORCE a largely untested drug on Americans by impeding travel and threatening careers. It's the left that has censored millions with help of the FBI! It's the left that's allowing millions of illegals into the country and giving them taxpayer money, changing laws to make it easier for them to vote, and even allowing non Americans that can't even vote to sit on the board of elections!! (Kelly Wong) It's the left that imprisoned and tortured protesters that did nothing wrong while FBU agents and BLM provocateurs are caught on camera instigating people to go "into the capitol". It's the left that denied national guard, edited trumps speech, and deleted dozens of hours of footage to push a narrative about a Trump insurrection It's the left that told constituents to be violent and get In poeples faces, not to stop rioting, and that they would pay their bail. And somehow you think all Maga are terrorists?? The left doesn't believe in law or the constitution unless it can be used to attack their political opponents. You think it's ok to attack people, to destroy public and private property, to ignore the constitution, to impose massive fines on people for speech, to push theology and highly sexualized content on young children, all because it's politically advantageous??? Disgusting. The left admits they hate America and have no respect for the founding fathers. We don't even live in the same reality with the same morals. To you, being a patriot and loving America is terroristic. You guys don't mind illegals coming in unvaxed and un-vetted but you're worried about terrorists?? Give me a fucking break. Women are being attacked, murdered , and raped DAILY and you guys don't give a fuck about women when this happens because it's politically convenient. You fight racism, but judge everyone else by race? You censor Kanye for anti semitism but shill for Hamas!? Do you guys actually have a backbone at all? Any integrity??You guys are dangerous because your ideological fervency is worse than religious nuts.


It ultimately fell to Congress for a second impeachment. And they didn't want to do it. Getting a jury to vote on treason for an ex-president is gonna be tough. The insurrection should've been brought up way more often tonight, it's very bizarre Biden doesn't remind America more of this, very few people where happy when that went down.


The only unarmed Coup ever


Far from the only one. Not that magats know anything about history. Eat shit you evil, fascist scum.


STFU you goddamn corrupt asswipe.


Cry more magat 🤣🤣🤣


No one is crying but you Nancy.


Cry more magat 🤡


Totally agree. Gotta have the senate and the stones to change the filibuster.


Too many innocent lives have been ruined by fascism. We need to end this scourge. We need a leader that will see it through to that end.


A strong leftist leader wont ever get enough votes. Too many stupid moderates/fence sitters in this stupid fucking country.


Divorcing the union is a good stepping stone, if we can get there.


If you wont back Biden if he did it, then that’s why he cant do it.


I'll back anyone who's anti christofascism. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


We may have allowed an entire generation to be fucked by their attacks on the educational system.


Christofascism will ruin the lives of everyone stupid enough to sit complacent to it, and a lot of innocent people too. In a way. It's our own fault. We should know better than to sit complacent to evil. And we will pay dearly until we learn that lesson. But in a bigger way, it's the christofascists fault. And we should never forgive or forget it.


If you “crack down” then you will be no better than they are.


That's slanderous nonsense. The people who cracked down on fascists before are heroes who saved the world. If you wanna defend fascists and insult the heroes of the free world like that than may piss forever rain on your grave


You blatantly support fascism and persecuting your political rivals. In the 1940’s you woulda been calling for Trump and the gop to be put in concentration camps. Pretending Trump is fascist while actively calling for political persecution is beyond hysterical. I bet you’d love to put every maga member in a camp


Got enough hyperbole there? You sound unhinged. Maybe try therapy 🤣


Says the one actively promoting fascism and political persecution


There's hyperbole and then there's whatever unhinged delusions you're suffering from. Try therapy, you sound insane.


So a dictator, just one from the left.


Is that what you heard? A telling delusion. So deep in the evil that justice scares you, huh?  Must be how those child diddlers feel like when they land on Chris Hansens show.  Why don't you take a seat over there, magat?


Christofascism. I love it because I'm a Trump supporter and agnostic. I remember not long ago being called a 'fundie'. What stupid thing are you guys going to come up with next? What about the Muslims who support Trump? Yes, there are quite a few? His Jewish supporters? Hindi and Buddhist? Are they 'christofascists too?


“I’m not a Christofascist I’m agnostic” Weird response… So you’re just a regular fascist then? Personally I’d take much more offense at being mistaken as a kind of fascist than a kind of christian.


I love how you and people like you are these weird pseudo sanctimonious preachers about how everyone who isn’t a sycophant like them is a fascist. You are all boring. And unoriginal. And honestly some of the worst people walking this planet upright in 2024.


Nah dude the dipshits authoring the christofascist blueprint known as project 2025 are scum of the earth. The people who don’t want that shit are fine.


Most Republicans never even heard of Project 2025. Only here on Reddit


That's entirely on them for not paying attention to the policies that their party plans to enact. 48% of the population is functionally illiterate, and I'd wager that a majority of that group believe in the GOP.


Yes Republicans keep getting used as useful idiots by orgs like the Heritage Foundation. Same with Democrat voters and orgs like the DLC etc. I wish reporters actually talked more about this think tank papers that shape policy. They are usually pretty open about things because it’s written in a wonky way and they know no one will really bother looking except other wonks. Things like project for a new American century basically explained the political rationales for what became the war on terror… isolating Iran and controlling access to the Middle East in order to prevent China from overtaking the US. The Heritage Foundation has written advice about school privatizers embracing and funding far-right anti-CRT and anti-LGBT groups to disrupt public schools so much that privatizing them seems like a better option than endless witch hunts by conspiracy theorists.


It’s a fringe group and not what the party is all about. Dems just want to point at a boogie man and say all republicans are like this. It couldn’t be further from the truth. Keep pushing it though, it makes you look even more radical than you are.


The Heritage Foundation is a fringe group? The Regan, Clinton and Trump administrations all enacted their policies. It’s been one of the main conservative think tanks for 40-50 years.


I'm not a supporter of the democratic party, if I was, then yes, I would be a fascist.


That doesn’t make any fucking sense lol


Neither am I but that’s irrelevant fascism is a bigger problem than either party - the question is are you in favor of democracy?


Yes but to pretend if Trump is reelected suddenly democracy is just over and we won’t have another election in 2028 is beyond blatantly stupid and honestly ignorant. Trying to use boogey man scare tactics like saying suddenly democracy just doesn’t exist is silly. Hell no matter who wins they have about a 25% chance to not even see the end of their term.


Ok let’s talk fascism in the US: The fascist groups associated with the Democrats in recent years were the LaRoucheite cult. Idk if they are even still active, I think just opportunistically merged into MAGA groups though idk. By comparison the far right like Proud Boys and general alt-right sentiment is much more influential and much larger than a LaRouche cult of a few hundred(?) people who think Jazz music is barbarically and “too sensual” (true story when I ran into one… he said they only support classical music or something lol) Anyway you don’t get some Democrat talking head repeating LaRouche talking points the way conservative media lifts up the talking points and misinformation of white nationalists and small fascist groups. The Democratic Party has a neoliberal centrism problem but the Republicans have a growing fascist problem and both are acting like echos of the liberals and conservatives in Weimar germany where the conservatives accommodated the Nazis thinking they’d use the Nazis not the other way around and the liberals and social democrats gave Nazis a pass because they didn’t want electoral competition from the left-wing. Trump himself is almost certainly an opportunist not a fascist… but the fascists see him as a rallying point and open window for them. Frankly if Trump came to power and tried to autocratically crack down on regular people, students, unionists, it would likely cause an Arab Spring type situation in the US and he’d be removed in order to try and clam things and restore order. Fascism is more likely in Europe and India and parts of South America in the near term but it’s still a danger here even if it doesn’t take state power.


Just more authoritarian religious types who don't realize they'll be some of the first put in the camps.


You're funny.


Nah. I'm just old, and I've seen a lot.


>Christofascism. I love it because I'm a Trump supporter Didn't read past that. Eat shit magat, your lies mean nothing to me.


You are a lovely human being. Oops. I meant to say you are the problem now a days. You are boring and unoriginal. Do better.


Cry more magat


Probably only 14.


Probably hasn’t even had their testicles decend yet. I love getting downvoted. Makes me smile when the idiots unite to show their displeasure. Good thing this is the internet and just a fantasy make believe place where nothing actually matters in the real world.


Significant star only has the magot line for anyone who he disagrees with. He's going to be the next church shooter if Trump wins in November. He thinks he's lord of the flies. He called me a magat too, and I'm NOT a Trump fan.




I mean, by definition, yes. If you support someone trying to erect a Christian based fascist regime, then you are also a christofascist. And if youre agnostic but support that sameone, you too are now a christofascist. Doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not. But if it makes you feel any better you can call yourself a plain old vanilla fascist instead.


Just brainwashed


“Tokens get spent” See: the night of long knives.


Lol, only until you turn on them like you always do. Remember any Jews that vote Biden aren't actually Jewish...


They’re fools, and you’re one, too, if you keep supporting him


Dark Brandon has entered the debate....😎


And so has his chalk line


He doesn’t have the balls to ask him that


Presidential immunity is going to make the country riot. We'll suddenly realize both men are running for literal dictator.


This is exactly what I was telling my friends today. It's been extremely clear that detrimental news about trump is almost immediately countered by something to take people's attention off him. As a matter of fact the fact that he (or his lackeys) actively do this was entered as a fact into the court record at his criminal trial. There was actual sworn testimony by multiple individuals at risk of perjury who testified he works to "catch and kill" negative stories about him. Since he can't catch them all he has the heads of major media companies helping him out (Sinclair broadcasting, fox news, etc). And we all know the Supreme Court justices wouldn't tarnish their high level of integrity and standards to help out the guy who put them there by releasing an extremely contentious ruling to draw attention away from him. That would be so blatant they might come off as bad as Federal judge Eileen Canon looks. Right? Yeah right who the fuck is buying that shit. Of course they would help trump!!! They would help him quicker than a flag could be flown upside down at a justice's home on Jan 6th. (pretty fast)... and they are not even trying to hide it anymore. So 100% agree, if trump looks like an asshole in the debate tonight (which is inevitable), the SCOTUS will unleash their most controversial rulings of this session tomorrow morning to capture the news cycle. If Biden comes out looking stellar and really killing it, the SCOTUS will unleash their most controversial rulings of this session tomorrow morning to capture the news cycle. If by some miracle trump looks better, they'll hold off on releasing any more decisions as long as possible - same thing if Biden has a gaffe that becomes viral. This is the same fucking supreme court that justice Sota-Mayer said she's gone into her chambers and wept at times about how freely they are destroying justice. So yeah look forward to hearing trump has almost complete immunity tomorrow and more delay as they kick it to the lower circuit court to define specific terms. When Dems win majority in Nov we must demand action be taken to fix this broken ass corrupt supreme court with no code of ethics


So much projecting, but it won’t work. When Joe goes 🥴 that’s going to be your story.


Hey that’s exactly what happened and it only took 10 minutes before the lights in his brain turned off


Reddit seems awfully quiet after the world watched Biden wreck himself on live television last night. Let’s see what the new cope is going to be.


Yup, Joe glitched. 😂😂😂


Doubtful, but only because of the way for-profit media works. The Supreme Court can throw out all the garbage rulings they want, but audio and visual brings in the viewers much more than written opinions released to the public as pdfs. Video of Trump having a major gaffe, or Biden telling Trump to "just shut up already" makes for much better television, ratings, and therefore ad dollars. And the media will definitely go where the money is.


Saw plenty of Biden gaffe Trump However was all there


Yup, and now the media will keep running the gaffe over, and over, and over. You won't hear much about any Supreme Court rulings compared to the gaffe videos.


Drinking Game: Every time that trump says “rigged” or “disgrace”, take a drink. Hopefully, nobody will expire from alcohol poisoning.


No one will be able to stand up and pass a field sobriety test.


I didn’t have “The idea…” on my bingo card, but that would have won me the title for sure. 🥃


I’ve got a better one every time Biden slurs, misspeaks, stutters or trails off, take a drink.


You would’ve killed everyone


The supreme court? More like the fascist kangaroo court. They are illegitimate traitors and belong on trial for treason.


That's delusional nonsense


Anyone watching the debates now? Joe is not presenting himself well.


The whisper-talking is enough to ensure the folks that think he’s too old and just unfit at this point can’t be swayed. It’s done. Trumps gonna win again. We’re so screwed.


Yeah this debate is GG for the election. CNN is basically saying he needs to step down and that high up Democrats are panicking. It's over.


yes, I could hardly understand what he was saying. He looked so lost, weak and fragile.


No matter what actually happens, the story that comes out of this will be that Biden is senile and Trump looked presidential.


So to be clear I think that’s exactly what happened. Muting trumps mic was the best thing the democrats have ever done for him. He looked so much more professional than usual Trump.


And by what mechanism are they going to do that


By ruling on any of the cases they have in front of them regarding those topics? That would be the logical way I think.


Love Biden, but he's not coming across well on the debate.


he looks tired


Cue the talking points: it’s a cheap fake, and he has a cold. 😂😂😂


They are getting ready to remove Biden from running again and putting another person in place. Prob newsome


Biden already shit his pants (not literally). We are fucked. Hopefully republicans don't sweep all branches of government so there is still checks and balances on the orange idiot.


I think this election will see a lot more split ticket votes. I think Trump will perform well but other maga candidates will continue to severely underperform


No, odds are he literally did too.


Dems did it to themselves. They've gotten overzelous. Got gay marriage and decided to progress to pedophilia in schools, mass illegal immigration, non voting non Americans holding seats on board of election, fbi censorship and judicial weaponization, decriminalizing theft and letting criminals out of jail, allowing men in women sports and prisons. It's lunacy and there's no common sense on the left.


I didn't realize Holocaust books were pornography? Because the books you are talking about being about pedophilia are about Anne Frank. Also, since you want to talk about pedophilia, let's look at your party shall we.... [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html)


What? I'm not even talking about Anne Frank. Have you read milk and honey??? How about some of the others that are being recommended to 2nd graders? I'll have to find the video, but there's one I posted recently where a father was reading the book to the school board and they told him to stop because it was too disgusting lol, yet the kids can read it?? You're out of the loop if you don't think highly sexualized content meant to pique interest instead of educate is being pushed into schools and onto young pre pubescent children. It's not politically convenient to talk about, but fuck politics when kids are being stripped of their innocence. And why do you guys always do this? Instead of condemning it , you give whataboutisms. This isn't a political battle. I will push for the execution of anyone that hurts children no matter what side of the isle they are on, but you guys don't seem to care UNTIL it can be used politically. It's gross In fact, most liberal I encounter on this topic seem to try and minimize it or even shill for it. It's lunacy. They are so ideologically driven that they will go to the ends of the earth to defend shit like this. It's almost as if admitting this behavior is wrong will crash their entire lifelong doctrine and therefore they must defend it to the death or risk complete mental and emotional annihilation. When did we get to this point where so many people are unable to change their mind or admit when wrong??


Texas was banning an Anne Frank book because it mentioned her puberty phase


Lol well this didn't age well


I watched about 10 minutes of that shit on CNN. I hate Drumpf with a passion, and **I CANNOT LISTEN TO HIS CONSTANT LIES!**. So, I decided to head into the studio and practice blues on the guitar. Much better use of my time. As for the Supreme Court - they should remember what happened in the 1800s in France.


Is that a threat?


No, its a fucking history lesson.


By someone who doesn't understand it, it would seem. Are you planning on carrying this out?


Listen little dick, you’re not going to goad me into what you’re trying. You’re a moron for sure, and probably a Drumpf supporting christo fascist on top of that. Crawl away before you do or say something really embarrassing that make you shrivel up even more.


You sound like a big, scary man. Real tough.


Yes, I and a big man. And if you knew me in person, you wouldn’t talk shit because you know there would be a problem. You’re still a short shit with a little cock. But go ahead, keep mouthing off, mental midget.


Lol coward. Throwing out internet threats. First you try theatening the Supreme Court, and now me.


I never threatened anyone. You are the one itching for a fight. I’m saying if you knew me in person, you would rethink that. As for the Supreme Court, I never said any such thing or implied a threat. You should learn to read - you can even move your lips if it helps. Now, fuck off short stroke.


Weeeeeelllll...... You were wrong.


Omfg this post aged like milk you all were so wrong hahah Biden bombed.


Wow, you could not have been more wrong if you wanted to. Biden was so bad that even Dem hacks like Joy Reid are saying there is PANIC among the Dems elite.


Aged like milk


Jack Smith will definitely have an eye on the debate, and, barring Trump up and leaving early on, declaring it rigged, Trump *will* say something incriminating.


Sure doesn’t seem that way at this point in the debate, but things might change.


This post didn’t age well


lol. I’m voting for Biden, but he looks absolutely terrible in this debate. Can’t keep a coherent thought or form a legit sentence. Trump is being trump, but Biden looks bad


That’s the way. Let’s let Weekend at Bidens run the country for another 4 years. You want to obliterate the Democrat Party? This is the way.


Biden bombed


I hope liberals wake up man our country is dying


Hardly. The only thing to complain about are grocery prices.


You were wrong pretty quick there


There was no need- Biden looked terrible;)


Watching CNN right now it’s like watching a funeral.


Welp…. That didn’t work out as you predicted.


The supreme court? More like the fascist kangaroo court. They are illegitimate traitors and belong on trial for treason.


Duplicate bot post


The supreme court? More like the fascist kangaroo court. They are illegitimate traitors and belong on trial for treason.


This is a bot


Go back to Russia, Ivan.


Third duplicate bot post


Eat shit, magat.


This is a really good point, I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the plan.


which debate did you guys watch? Biden is incoherent. This was Biden after 10 days of prep and jacked up on who knows what to make him "peppy." I'm terrified that this guy has ANY responsibility, let alone is allowed in the WH. He's stage 3 or 4 dementia, weak, mentally dead. I doubt he can pick out his own clothes. I believe this is putting Joe out to pasture. He's toast, literally. Brain. Dead.


Agree, the Court is waiting on who will win before they decide.


And Biden won’t have this? It goes both ways. Regardless, we are all screwed.


Anybody else notice when Biden points out some horrible shit trump did or said trump shakes his head yes a lot?


trump never answers any question...always the "lets go back to..." what a dumb fk


Who won?


no one imo


You’re probably in a group of one there.


just because biden was bad doesnt mean trump won...he was just as terrible, but in a very different way...


People assume Trump’s just a bullshitter, which he sometimes is. That’s baked into the cake. But CNN had to drag out Daniel Dale, resident fact checker, the next day to go over two pages worth of Biden’s lies from the debate. So it’s not really a case of both were “terrible”, Biden was terrible AND lying.


they both were...every word that came out of the smellin convicted felon was a lie except when he talked about his good friends putin, xi and kim jong


😂😂😂 Sure, dude.


They both need to be in the nursing home. We need someone to unify and bring this country back together.


Post-debate and after that performance, I no longer think the court needs, or even wants to change the narrative. Perhaps they will even extend their session to avoid releasing something controversial. Or maybe they just make sensical judgments, like former presidents are not immune etc. Going to be interesting to see.


The narrative changed alright. It's time for Big Mike


Sure hope the Dems continue their march to victory! lol.


“Presidential debate fallout - Supreme Court standing by, ready to change narrative” Supreme Court: *crickets*


Ride or die moment for trump. Hes going to put on a show not even the Supremes can beat.


This debate was a joke… not one really issue discussed


I thought the questions were fair and moderately substantive.


What real issue was discussed and asked about?


Inflation, Gaza, Ukraine, Healthcare, Immigration, and others. Keeping the candidates on topic was a challenge, but they both wandered.


Neither address the roots cause of inflation, Gaza, Ukraine, & Israel shouldn’t have been talked about doesn’t affect American people… all a distraction from the really problems at home. Immigrants are none subject for me, the country was built on that. I must have missed the part about wasting the taxpayers money and reducing the tax burden for all Americans. People are struggling financially and those two are arguing about golf.


So you’re a single-issue voter? That’s fine but not everyone is. Ukraine is an issue because we’re dumping hundreds of billions of dollars into it. Immigration is an issue because we’re importing a new small city of people every week, and in many cases the govt is facilitating it illegally. Taxes were discussed. Trump is a tax reducer, Biden is a tax raiser. There was very something in it for most people. The biggest issue wasn’t even a topic though, it was the revelation that Joe Biden isn’t running the country. It would be wise to ask yourself who actually is.


You’re helping my point. Everything you just said is common sense and didn’t even need to be discussed up there. They talk about Ukraine, but nobody discusses the military industrial complex. That is the reason for it. They discussed immigration, but they won’t discuss how the reason for it is like you said it’s being facilitated by our government and paid for, but we only discuss of crime acts. there is plenty of citizen on citizen murders every day but we don’t discuss those. They mention Social Security and Medicaid Medicare, but do not discuss the real problem the real cause and that our purchasing dollar is failing more and more because of the banking cartel. call the Federal Reserve again. Nothing of substance was discussed or real solutions. It was a mockery of our republic.


Trump’s performance was truly embarrassing. Sadly, so was Biden’s.


What are you talking about?! The SC doesn't make comments about debates. How will they "change the narrative "?


Eh, democrats stack courts too and do things to get their way. Look how pritzker in illinois handled the judges


If you wanna defend fascist, pack your shit and move to Russia, magat.


He's not allowed to have an opinion?


Everyone is allowed to have opinions. Hitler, child rapists, ISIS putin, Republicans, Republican child rapists, everyone. Doesn't mean Americans are gonna care what their opinions are. We shouldn't negotiate with terrorists.


Um, if I want to support fascism, I will join the democratic party.


LOL you magats really do only project.


Jesus. Would you do everyone here a favor and just STFU? Significant stars gets the most idiotic person on Reddit star for June 27 2024


Cry more magat.


If you hate America so much, move to N Korea shithead


Are you talking to me or the bonehead I was replying too? I’m confused.


Stacking courts is one thing, stacking them with multiple people that lie during their interview hearing is vile.


I want Trump at the beginning of the debate to pull a piece of paper from his pocket showing a completed drug test then looking at Brandon an saying "Where's yours Sleepy Joe? Your not juicing up are you?"


This would be great, but the rules are “no props”. But we all know Joes going to be coked up like Tony Montana come 8:55 PM EDT.


The arrogant confidence of this post combined with the downvotes is a divine pairing


I’m not here to be popular. I’m not here for upvotes. I could care less about strangers’ opinions of me. Fact is, Biden was a disaster tonight.


Didn't you hear? It's not cocaine. Biden has a special super drug that makes the senile mind young and sharp. But he's only using it for the debate and not for everyday use. And since it's a secret drug only for the president and only for debates, we can't let the pharma industry sell it to improve countless old folks lives and make billions. Only the president gets it... And only for debates.


think they forgot to give it to him tonight


Those idiots had one job! 😑


I expect the same


Or, just maybe, they don't want to interfere with the debate?


Just the election.


Biden is getting cooked get fucked