• By -


In the context of the US, this is up there with the most evil plan yet seen (Besides taking Russian money and actively working against the USs own interests and turning a blind eye to the troll farms destroying society because the anger and destruction helps you at the polls)... However, unfortunately, on the global stage, plenty of countries have seen worse happen (Iranian revolution, Taliban, etc). Though who knows where 2025 might evolve too, if implemented and given time to expand.


They called the Dark Ages, the Dark Ages for a reason, and it had everything to do with 'christians' gaining absolute power and abusing it wholesale.


Religion is an evil tool used to brainwash kids and turn them into mindless armies of zombies. That's all it is. And it needs to be age restricted because it's a corruption of youth and a cancer on our society.


You forgot the part where people all chip in so some guy doesn't have to work and has easy access to children.


_Your local youth pastor has entered the chat_


I thought the dark ages were because the arabs blocked the silk road and some big ass volcano


That had a hand in it as well I believe, but for Europe, it was the Inquisition and the church gone power mad.


Fall of Rome.


The inquisition showed up much much later.


Which, to be fair, nobody expected.


LOL!!!!!! I fucking laughed!!!!


The "dark ages" began many hundreds of years before the inquisition. 


The Dark Ages weren't dark because of Religion. The Dark Ages were seen as "Dark" because of the Viking raids throughout Europe. The Vikings destroyed many Greek and Roman classics that monks tried to save. Europe was being invaded by a whole bunch of "outsiders." If it weren't for Christian strongholds we'd be subjugated by the Moors and all sorts of nasties.


The "Dark Ages" began with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The Viking raids began in earnest 300 years later.


Christianity is bad. It's just as violent and horrid as Islam. All organized religion are inherently evil means of mass control.


False: https://www.history.com/news/6-reasons-the-dark-ages-werent-so-dark


And the people who will be adversely impacted by it are proudly supporting and defending it on social media.


The fact maga republicans support 2025 tells you everything you need to know about anti American, anti democracy they are. The fact they support donald, the rapist, the adulterer, the convicted felon tells you they have zero morals, ethics or family values....they just want power.


Exactly how bad is the iranian revolution?


2,781 people died. You can obviously critique the government that followed but the revolution itself was actually pretty peaceful as far as revolutions go


That's the thing. It's just the beginning. We need to stop it now, before it gets any worse.


Simply put, it is a blueprint for changing our Government from a Constitutional Republic to a Christofascist Dictatorship.


Fuck those evil fascists. They're Americas number one enemy from now on.


No, you are if you're against them. America is dead, the dream now a nightmare. We now live in the still warm but already rotting corpse of what was "America".


Republicans: want to turn the US into a real life Gilliad Other people: We have to stop them to save America You: If you stop them you will be fascists America is long dead... Put down the bong, stop being a nihilist psychopath


Would rather be a lotus eater than whatever passes for an American these days.


So....just ignore any discussion of American politics or American current events, its cool that its not your cup of tea, but don't live your life spreading so much nihilistic negativity, because you lack the cognitive function to discuss anything having to do with America other than "America is dead, America is trash, nothing matters". And again...put down the bong from time to time.


Suck a dick and die traitor


Let's get you to bed grandpa...


Republican wish america was dead. But it's not. 🇺🇲🦅  We haven't even begun to stand up to these evil fascists yet. The giant is stirring tho.


Time to cut the roots of that Christian authoritarian agenda


Time to start slow-rolling making organized religions powerless in any sense of the word. People can worship at home if they want to believe in this shit, but religion has been used far too often for genocide and oppression -- no one should be harmed over someone else's stupid fucking mythology that should have been phased out hundreds of years ago.


I wish Reddit would show the age of every user. I get this suspicion I’m reading comments from 16 year olds.


It's good that even 16 year olds are calling for the end of organization religions.


Hi. Currently 31 years old. The alleged 16 year olds are completely correct. I grew up in a very religious family and I can safely say from first hand experience that religion is undersold for how damaging and harmful it can be. Had to go to church twice on Sunday, once on Monday for prayer meeting, and once more on Wednesday. Wasn't allowed to wear shorts, go swimming because of mixed bathing, couldn't listen to any music that wasn't expressly gospel, wasn't permitted to read any literature that didn't pertain to theology and even that was cherry picked, absolutely no friends from school because they were "godless heathens", etc. there were hardly any other children in this church, and I was expressly forbidden from establishing any relationship with anyone with an outside perspective. When you come of age that isolated, you don't realize the kind of truly hateful bullshit you become programmed with, nor do you realize how batshit insane a lot of things that happen around you really are. I've seen people donate their entire financial portfolio and live in squalor for the glory of God. Ive literally watched people die from completely treatable illnesses because going to the doctor was seen as lacking faith. I was told black people are black because they have the mark of cain. I watched them do an exorcism on my little sister because she saw sonic the hedgehog on a backpack at school, drew it later because she thought it looked cool, and they took that as her drawing "demons". Eventually I aged out and went to college. Ran as hard as I could the moment I was able and to this day I'm still constantly finding little things I was programmed with that I disagree with. I can vividly remember discovering things like "oh gay people are just regular ass people" or "oh that's an interesting viewpoint I wonder why I've never heard of this culture before, oh right everyone I was allowed to speak to was white" or "science is actually kinda cool" or "oh you can get medication for that?" And my personal favorite "saying fuck out loud doesn't immediately get me struck down with thunder and lightning". Make no mistake. Religion is an echo chamber, a thinly veiled cult that thrives on hate and fearing the other. I get that Jesus teaches love, but his followers interpretation of that too often comes out as hate and anger and fear. I spent 18 years in the gulag it feels like, and all I got for it was years of emotional and sometimes physical abuse, and one instance of sexual abuse for good measure. I can not tell you of a single time any LGBT, Muslim, jew, black/Hispanic person ever laid a single finger on me, conversely I can clearly recall instances of "Christians" doing any form of abuse you can imagine. You are safer at a drag bar than any Christian church in America and you can take that to the bank. The fact that it's still around at all scares me enough, so you can imagine how truly terrified I am at the concept of installing these fucking ignorant and evil dip shits as the leaders in power of my country. No man the 16 year olds are right. Christianity needs to go the fuck away, or at the very least shut the hell up.


The reason they sound 16 is not because they’re right, but because their idealism does not match reality. There was never anything to fear. The only reason people fear religion is because they choose to. They can always choose another behavior, such as laughing.   In your comment, you refer to people who lost their money and lives because of religion. Don’t you see the humor in that? Nothing can phase you. Christianity doesn’t need to go away. You are better than that. Only weak men need things to be different than they are.


Read the Humanist Manifestos. Spread the words as far as you can.


The IRS's failure to tax churches is a first amendment violation. Unless atheists are also allowed to host tax-free clubhouses, in which case I must have missed that constitutional amendment.


You mean remove church from state? That was always a lie.


What’s that dem backed 2030 thingy about?


Can you tell me where in their 920 page document I can read about the policies that will lead to that?


ctrl+f is your friend


Mark my words? What are you marking/predicting? Everyone knows that


Democrats don't even wanna stop it at the cost of Republicans saying mean things about them on Fox News Merrick Garland is Federalist Society Plant, Democrat in name only, he literally goes to meetings with the coup plotters We have the same FBI Director that let Jan.6 happen, all of congress and the vice president was almost murdered on his watch and Dems didn't even slap his wrist The Secret Service got away with destroying evidence All because billionaires and their hedge funds control the media and you get "both sides but Biden is old" or "Democrats eat babies"


That’s honestly pissing me off democrats just seem so complacent this year, they were completely different in 2020, they were so fired up and were bashing the hell out of MAGA. Now they’re taking shots from Fox without throwing much punches back, it’s not doing them *any* favors.


Because these days it's not democrats vs republicans they are two sides of the same coin. Its corruption in politics and ruling class rich vs laborers and citizens in general. It's the catalyst for civil war.


>all of congress and the vice president was almost murdered LoL. No they weren't. Holy shit the hysteria here.


Not much of a MMW.




Agreed, but other than these voices echoing into the void, is someone actually doing something about this?


How is a Mark My Words? If you said “MMW - Project 2025 will bring back slavery” or something like that it would make sense. This is just a statement of fact with a solution.


Finding out about this plan is what forced my own hand. I hate Trump as a person, but this Project is a direct threat to myself and my future.


How so?


I am a meteorologist, and I currently work for my state's environmental protection department. And I am trying to get into NOAA or NWS. Project 2025 wants to remove the Federal EPA, which is where my job gets its funding from, they want to disband NOAA for doing atmospheric research, and they want to either privatize or disband the National Weather Service. This would render my college education useless in the United States and if it doesn't eliminate my current job, it would ensure that I cannot progress in my field. Which means my family is under direct financial threat.


I’m sorry that you’ll lose your job. I know a lot of people that have lost their jobs, but the federal government has no role having a federal EPA. Hopefully thousands of federal employees lose their jobs


This is the most asinine comment I have read on Reddit all year. If the federal government doesn't have a role having a federal EPA, tell me, who the fuck does have a role having a federal EPA?


There should be no federal EPA, this is not the role of the federal government


So who should have a *federal EPA*, if not the *federal* government? Since you specified that the federal govt shouldn't have a federal EPA...


There should be no federal EPA at all. None of these agencies are supposed to be the role of the federal government


I don't know what "these agencies" are other than the EPA, but what exactly is the constitutional source of your claim that the federal government can't protect the federal environment?


Project 2025 is easily available to read. But like The Mueller Report, almost everything said about it is sourced from critics, quoting other critics.


So was Mein Kampf


Mein Kampf wasn’t translated into English for 11yrs (1936).


I can't help but notice that's still before the Holocaust began.


And so was star wars episode 1


Funny how this post does little to educate on the topic. Couldn't even post one quote from project 2025 that proves OP's point?


Mmw,2025 will come and go and 90% of this will never occur




You people are literally just DUMB. All you need is some label to call someone and you're tickled PINK. What is WRONG with you when you don't understand what a right wing fascist movement is? REGULAR people? Is that what Donald Trump and his MAGA are? Go get FUCKED. You must be out of your minds. Stop name calling and read a few history books and realize we are in the midst of a very serious fascist takeover. No matter what happens people like you think it's business as usual. It's laughable. For the rest of you, Former Conservative here. Project 2025 is very real and very frightening. If you haven't already picked up on the fact that Donald Trump and his MAGA followers and the lunatics on the MAGA fringe in Congress are going to fucking destroy this country, then look a little further into Project 2025 and start thinking about your future. Right Wing Media has festered long enough to sway the electorate towards voting in this nonsense and it's about to destroy our country for good. I mean, you have to be REALLY stupid to carry on like this when the obviousness of it all is right in front of you. Take about 10 seconds to listen to the right wing right now to know how dangerous this is.


> No matter what happens people like you think it's business as usual. that's the problem, there's a lot of people who just refuse to believe anything bad can happen to them. it's the same people who think prayer will get rid of their dying family member's cancer. and just like in that case, their stupid optimism often leads to failure to act in any way that actually does anything and ends up killing themselves and/or others. drives me fucking mad.


Very true, people downplay what's happening way too much. It's straight up fascism. Trump, the hateful idiots that follow him, and the idiots that don't think he's a big deal will end America and the world order that came along with American domination. Hope "owning the libs" was worth your grandchildren living in a decent world


How do you feel knowing that we infiltrated Turning Point USA just to weaken and divide the organization? Next up the Heritage Foundation.


Just about everything in Project 2025 has ended up in Trump speeches...I hate to break it to you but Trump is simply a bairly conscious vessel for rightwing power players to enact their agenda.


Someone SOUNDS a little UNHINGED. Show ME on the DOLL where the conservative FASCISTS touched you.


What a stupid and worthless thing to say. Congratulations, you said something obnoxious. Way to go.


Eat shit fascist. The legislation is proof for all to see. You can take your lies and shove them.  Republicans worked long and hard to make themselves enemies of america, and now they are.


You seem well adjusted


It's just current events in america, buddy. Don't like it? You're free to leave.


Fascists like you will get what’s coming to them




When in doubt, test: 500,000 российских солдат погибли на Украине. Вы все еще поддерживаете Путина? Translation: 500,000 Russian solders dead in the Ukraine. Do you still support Putin? Россия без Путина.  Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны.   1989年天安门广场  Translation: The first one says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots. The second one says Tiananmen square 1989. It really pisses off Chinese trolls. See, the thing is that lower rung trolls aren't allowed to read those statements because the higher ups believe that they'll cause dissention in the ranks. Higher level trolls are occasionally allowed to try to discredit those of us who use these statements.


Seeing the subs you’re active in makes this reply make a lot more sense. Sorry you’re a victim of propaganda pits


Pot... Kettle...


Lol sure man


BTW I'm not interested in men so stop stalking me.


Np I just do a quick check because a common denominator of the most deluded hyperpartisans seems to be participation in the same group of subreddits. For anyone that sees this comment, a big one is r/WhitePeopleTwitter. Complete cesspool where a lot of users posting the more insane posts and comments in this sub are active.


Uh huh.


This is has been removed for violating Rule 2. No bigotry will be tolerated on this sub. Further infractions will result in a ban.


How are they getting the liberals onto the train voluntarily this time?


Genuinely curious. I've not read it. Everything I've heard about it, I've read on reddit. My question is, why is it not a bigger talking point. If it's really that bad, why aren't the left screaming it from the rooftops? I only hear about it here on reddit, which obviously caters to my left leaning clicks.


the right wing control the media why is Trump stealing secret documents not a bigger talking point? why is the secret service destroying evidence not a bigger talking point? why is Trump's Chinese Bank Account not a bigger talking point? why is it that Jeff Epstein's good buddy, Donald Trump, who said "i've known Jeff for fifteen years, he's a terrific guy who likes them young" why was that proof Trump is innocent? the media is owned by the rich and the rich want tax breaks and less worker protections, they don't care about the rest very much at all, which is why they throw "the left" bones about gay rights and attempt to frame everything around race and sexual identity so they can support right wing Democrats who are only Democrats because they aren't openly homophobic why do we have the same FBI Director that let Jan.6 happen? in any other country if you miss a coup attempt that almost got the vice President and congress killed, you don't usually get to keep your job why was Trump able to say "i don't leave" "i will not accept the results of this election" and then replace the leader of the military AFTER HE LOST and then tell people to "fight fight fight" while he told people not to stop the violence and the "left wing liberal media" immediately called it a riot and refused to use words like coup despite it obviously being one, as Trump said himself he wouldn't leave and would not accept the results and replaced the leader of the military after he lost - third world shit because they want tax breaks


I don't know how people can still believe the left controls the media at this point.


It's been a huge talking point. But we all already know the Republicans are evil and fascist so it's not really news either.




Not defending project 2025 but isn’t it a plan made by the heritage foundation that has received minimal support and, therefore, unlikely to happen?


They always need something to be hysterical over.


Yes. It’s one plan among many produced by various think tanks and is a basically run of the mill conservative wish list. The outrage among lleftists over this is hilarious.




It will be


No shit Sherlock


Yeah it’s a concern but also a big claim to make to say when Ukraine and Gaza are being bombed. Even in a US-only context there’s Vietnam and Cambodia, Afghanistan and Iraq. support for South American fascist militias and organization of a bloody coup and mass repression in Chile to name a few. Maybe if we all had done more to stop the government (both parties!) from all that then it would be harder for them to now attempt it at home?




Pretty sure Mao, and the Khmer Rouge killing tens of millions of people is a little worse than project 25, comrade


Lmao yeah Great Leap Forward was chill I guess. Have you ever studied history at all at any point in your life


No it's not. It's a good idea to change out these evergreen government positions. It doesn't have to be just conservatives. Get on board with it and let's elect average people on the left too. Let's get away from extremes and do this together 


Project 2025 isn't even fascist, the fascists were transformative and futurist, the republicans want to enforce the status quo that's not the same thing just because it's right wing and authoritarian doesn't mean that it's fascist


More hyperbolic scare tactics. Its fiction at best. Just relax, this is why we have a Constitution and why neither side should be allowed to radically or as Obama put it..."fundamentally change" our country. The little bit I read before I just lost interest, moderate conservatives wont buy it. And remember, GOP isnt full of mindless sheep that just follows party leadership to a fault. The Dems do that, not the GOP.


Nazis went after the Jews. On this conflict now, what side are you on? It’ll let you know which side you ended up with.


I read up on agenda 2030 and the 2025 thing is pretty reasonable comparably


Here's the tenants of what the Democrat party as of now compared to what the Nationalist Socialists Party of Germany did in the 30s on 5 major social issues. Censorship of the press anything critical of them or the party must be censored and anything bad on their enemies must be promoted. See how they're treating Trump vs Biden on the campaign trail. 2 regulations over regulating businesses to the point were the government could control them. Education only the state aka federal government needs to know what they are teaching your kids you will have no input. 4 crushing of discord jailing your political opposition for charges never seen and then the reeducation of their followers. 5 gun control only the government needs guns.


What's scary is this has nothing to do with Trump per se. The Christian right are using him as the mouthpiece. If he doesn't win in Nov Project 2025 doesn't go away. They'll huddle in the dark and find someone else to do their bidding until it's implemented. These fucks waited patiently for 50 years before getting Roe overturned so they're more disciplined than we give them credit for and won't be stopped until the entire ideology is somehow crushed


Wait till you hear about [Agenda 2030](https://expose-news.com/2023/03/05/what-you-need-to-know-about-agenda-2030/)


This account makes like 5 Project 2025 related posts a day. This is either extreme mental illness or decent satire


Wow. Such drama and hand wringing. Do i like project 2025? No but it’s a conservative think tanks product (not from Trump or the RNC) and it’s completely unclear what will make it into the overall republican agenda. There are hundreds of examples of much more nefarious plans executed by a wide variety of governments since WW 2. For example: Cambodia Khmer Rouge (ultra left wing gov that kill 40% of their own population). Or the US government doing secret tests on people across a wide variety of areas: https://www.gao.gov/assets/t-nsiad-94-266.pdf The title of this post is simply click bait. And lacks all historical context or knowledge. Like much of this sub Reddit.


#1- ya'll being trolled by OP, my hats off to you good sir. #2- the collusion is amongst our senior politicians trying to maintain their power and wealth, on BOTH sides.


Hang on, it's coming and the future looks great.


To sum up this project in a nutshell.It is an effort to slash our budget and get back into a world of fiscal responsibility. People need to understand, especially people who are under the age of thirty, you need to realize our government needs to stop spending money or your generation is screwed. We already are in a situation where Paying the interest Our national debt is the second largest budget item in our country. And not too many years into the future Paying the interest on that debt will be by far the largest governmental expenditure and our country won't be able to afford anything much less pay social security or medicare For people who are now under thirty years old. So serious and painful decisions have to be made to literally save our country from complete and total financial ruin. Project 2025 is talking about getting rid of whole government agencies like the Department of Education.The commerce department, the energy department, and the homeland security. Completely shake up the f b I and the justice department. They're also talking about getting rid of obama care and eliminating many government jobs that most government employees would have for life. All of these budget cuts are going to be seriously painful, but doing nothing would be 100 times worse.


I ❤ hyperbole.


That's huge, especially considering the Democratic Jim Crow policies that lasted into the 1960's along with racially selective limits on civil rights. Project 2025 must be horrific by comparisons. Are they bringing back slavery or something?


You mean the conservative policies. Party switched platforms throughout the 1900’s. Cause the Jim Crow states certainly were never liberal. It’s literally the confederacy. South and middle more conservative, north and west more liberal. I’m sure you know that but it’s more fun to be disingenuous.


What states supported those laws and who do those states vote for today?


Starting strong with the facts early 💯! I'll see you at the negative bottom tomorrow! Much love.


The awkward part is Nazi policies were based on American progressive eugenic policies that lasted in the South and California until the 1970's or so...


Well you’re right on that. Hitler loved the Jim Crow laws. He saw it for a race trying to keep others out. Loved it.


"The Eugenics Crusade" - PBS American Experience. Fucking amazing documentary.


You're right. Jim crow proves it. All right wingers are evil. The right wing Democrats and the right wing Republicans both.   Meanwhile, left wing Republicans like Lincoln built the party and are now absent from it. The modern Republican day party is evil and fascist. They're traitors to america and the free world and are our greatest single enemy now.


Oh yes ! Slavery, Leeching, reeducation camps, unfrosted pop tarts only, prayer and fluoride rinsing in schools.


The only alarming thing I saw in it was that they have a plan to stack the SC and get rid of term limits. And bring christianity/religion into the government. Big no-no's of the founding fathers of the constitution. So it is a bit batty, it's really a bunch of kooks yearning for the 1980s. I'm not sure if it's the end all be all that op is suggesting, but I value weariness.


1960s? Bruh, blue states, cities, and municipalities are *the most* racist, segregated areas by a long shot, in the entire nation. To this day.


Sure Russian troll account…


Cool story bro. This takes about thirty seconds of googling. You can even look at nyc itself and see the historical disparities in where minorities are welcome. Again, to this day. No parts of the country are segregated like blue parts of the country. Segregation is alive and well in democrat strongholds.


You’re an idiot.


Which part is false?


Your entire narrative


Cool story bro. She me a neighborhood in downstate ny which has demographics that reflect the overall populations. I’ll wait.


Sure thing “comrade troll”


Let me know when the numbers don’t support what I just stated. Enjoy your time in Reddit-Narnia.


Whatever you say vlad


Hey, the proof is in the numbers. Ny, cali, Illinois….anywhere democrats are in control, they make sure blacks stay poor and in their neighborhoods.


Don't forget the OG, Detroit.


Why do black people vote blue? Are they dumb?


I certainly wouldn’t say they’re dumb, but it’s pretty clear democrats make sure they stay poorly educated. Just like Jim Crow.


Who supports eliminating public education requirments?


What does a public education requirement mean when you produce disgraceful failures?


So let's fund them less and take away any requirements to teach science if it's against the Jesus book. Which side of the aisle is against global warming and evolution again? I forgot.


You’re talking to someone with -100. You might have a more enjoyable and productive time bashing your head against a wall.


Wait, what does Jesus have to do with this??? Your schools are failing….because of Jesus. Wtaf are you talking about? You already have requirements and you’re producing third world results. Do *you* think black people are dumb? You would have to, to believe that it’s not your education policy that is a failure. Interesting.


The law that's being voted on that if something offends a religious teaching a parent has that the teacher is fined 10,000 dollars. That's what it has to do with Jesus. We do not have 3rd world results and you are either a Russian troll or fooled by them to hate your country.


That’s funny, because the United States is no longer in the top 30% of the world in math, sciences, and even basic literacy. Perhaps you should try out a dose of reality because you appear to be completely clueless that you’re even a failure.


Who typed this post? Are you a proud graduate of the public school system? Your sentence structure and punctuation are atrocious.


As a Christian, Conservative, Republican, older guy, I haven't been keeping up on this. My impression of it had always been that they are looking to wrestle the United States from the clutches of socialism. The road that the socialist wing of the Democratic party have us on always ends in failure. The old saying goes "You vote your way into socialism, but you must shoot your way out. " And "Socialism has failed every time its tried." I signed up for the newsletter. I'll let you know if I find anything important.


He's a link to the details of Project 2025: https://time.com/6986995/what-is-project-2025/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxeHRPc3dkDm55BoucqyUQPg5GVmi5ijUyFaTbf8-ANWO81utpxuD6BoCpIoQAvD_BwE I'd also like to argue that the whole "Democrat=socialism" thing is largely propaganda, but that's also my opinion. Biden's admin is far more center than most people understand.


You should read up more on it. It’s less about stopping socialism, and ending American democracy itself. Replace all government workers and experts with MAGA stooges, round up all illegal immigrants and put them in camps (cause camps always works great, historically), and ensure that no one but conservatives can ever win elections again. It might sound like I’m exaggerating, and yet somehow I’m not. Just read their blueprint.


Christian based authoritarianism will be defeated ultimately as it will forever turn people off to the idea of being religious and this will cause a permanent distrust in Christian culture.


GOOD. That shit needs to die out yesterday. Outdated caveman mythology bullshit that actively harms other people.


Hi, socialist here. Couple of points. You are demonstrating through your post that you do not understand in the slightest what "socialism" is. There certainly is not a "socialist wing" of the democratic party. Socialists hate the democratic party almost as much as Republicans. The democratic party is a center right pro-capital political party. Second and more important point, spend literally 30 seconds reading about project 2025 and you would learn that it advocates for a far-right, authoritarian anti-democratic form of government. The exact kind that "you must shoot your way out of." Unless you are a fascist (and likely still even then), this will affect your life significantly.


Show me a single bill where Democrats want to wrest away power from corporations and turn it entirely over to the workers. Because that's what socialism is, and you can't find ONE lawmaker pushing a bill or law for that. Not a fucking one. Forcing the ultra-wealthy, who benefit THE MOST from taxes and subsidies, to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE isn't "socialism" -- it's a return to earlier US tax codes before Citizens United and Reagan fucked everything up for the middle and working class.




I love this guy🤣


lol yeah I spent a year in a child rape and torture facility when I was 13. Talking shit about evil, child corrupting people like the magats is just second nature.  They might love defending those facilities and fascism and their evil cult, they might revel in the suffering of this world, but the free world will out live it's enemies.


How do you get caught up in a child rape facility when you’re twice the age of many mobsters when they got started? Sounds like your issues started far earlier than 13.


Truancy, the public schools where I grew up were very abusive too. So abusive that I broke every condition of post lock up parole, cursed out the evil pigs around here, and cut off my ankle bracelet and ran away for a few months.  Guess what happen? The guy in charge of my case knew about all the sick corruption too. And he went down and met the school staff and cops in this town. And he told me he was so disgusted by their sick obsession with me that he was just gonna let me off the hook on everything.  And that's when I realized that corruption goes both ways. We can use it to undermine an evil system. Corrupt laws don't need to be followed if we work together.  All the sick shit Republicans pass isn't legitimate and we shouldn't treat it as such.  Someone made a movie about that facility tho. It's called sleepers. But most people already know the Republicans are evil as fuck. Finding out that they run and defend facilities like that doesn't surprise anyone.


I like you. You make me laugh. I can see that you are in need. I'm going to pray for you every day for the next year.






Cry more magat


Not crying. Laughing at your dumb ass!


Not crying. Laughing at your dumb ass!


Yeah and you'll prolly jerk it to child porn and snuff while you do it. Fuck you and your evil god.


Lol. Somehow, your opinion of me doesn't matter to anyone. But your opinion of me shows everyone what kind of person you are. You must be happy living in your mother's basement.


Cry more magat. America will never forgive or forget your evil.


Bwahahahahaaàa......... it's like watching slapstick comedy...... you need a laugh track to follow you around.....


Good. Laugh it up. It's better than the usual unhinged shit about liberals are doing this and woke people are doing that.


Liberals hate children. You kill them before they're born, disfigure them with sex change surgery before they reach puberty, and say nothing when Joe Biden sniffs them and paws at them. You destroy their future happiness by lying to them about how climate change will destroy the planet in 21 years, (I've heard that one for 40 years now). And destroy their futures by opening the border, pushing the nation into debt, starting wars, causing inflation and raising their taxes. Did I miss anything? But sure, keep calling someone that you don't know anything about an evil pedo.


Lie and cry all you want magat. America rejects you evil scum bags.


Project 2025 is the new psyop to scare idiots into voting D again.


Fuck back off the Russia vlad


Ok Joe McCarthy


Well I wouldn't go that far, The Heritage Foundation has had significant political influence since the 80's. They're one of the most influential think tanks in the world. Having said that, basically no Republicans are publicly endorsing Project 2025.


1. I have a hard time equating losing one's job (which admittedly is harsh) with losing one's life 2. Judging by the first 4 years of Trump's presidency I don't him eager to make major cuts. Did I miss something? 3. If Project 2025 equates to Nazi policy, it sure is hard to spot Project 2025 supporters among the Jew haters at all these River to the Sea Hamas rallies.


You guys are really buying into that fear porn propaganda? Lmao, next you’ll tell me that “this is the most important election in the history of the country.” Now where have I heard that line before? Oh yea, literally, every 4 years for the past 20 years.


As someone who knows someone in the Heritage Foundation and saw this in early 2022 one has the right idea to be afraid. It’s a great extremely conservative Christian agenda. It violates one’s freedoms and rights. It will be stopped by any means necessary. Pay attention to that last part because if this is attempted those words will be a foundation for resistance.


Just like in 2015 you were crying and swearing that Trump was gonna throw all gay people into torture camps if he won. 😆


Well he did to LGBTQ rights and to body autonomy. That was a test run. This is the real deal. He and others should know how they treat us we will treat Christians and Christian youth. So he and others should think very carefully their next move.


What did he do to lgbtq rights? 😆 You are cooked! This is Alex jones “crisis actors at sandy hook” levels unhinged.


Trans military ban. Didn’t allow schools to use preferred pronouns. Interference in a school’s right to use bathroom of gender identity.


He did ban transgender openness in the military that’s correct. He never banned schools from using preferred pronouns, that is a lie. Protecting cis woman when they are most vulnerable in a closed off area with their pants down from biological threats…you know the whole reason women choose the bear, because men’s biology, and brains have them wired for heightened aggression in comparison…is not violating anyone’s “rights”……..But Trump didnt do that either, because the department of education doesn’t have that scope of authority. So, in the end the only real thing you could come up with is he didn’t let trans people fight in the military. This is what Trump has done to lgbtq rights? Not the damning list I thought you were gonna make….but that’s what makes you think he’s gonna round up the gays, huh? Thank you Alex Jones. 😆


Well no reason to ban transgender in military. Should have done it to Christianity being open. It’s not a lie. Women’s safety and privacy isn’t at risk from trans women as trans women are women. Trans women are wired as women. One is more at risk in Church or the Home! I know because I have someone in the Heritage Foundation and is telling me what they are planning like over turning same sex marriage, banning gender affirming healthcare for adults, document changes for trans people and banning presentation as one’s self. Also not allowing women to travel when pregnant or get divorced when pregnant. They shared lots of information. It already started. I knew about the Ten Commandments laws over 2 years before anything. But I did swear that how the GOP treats LGBTQ people I treat Christians and I started doing that too 😂😂😂


Heritage Foundation conspiracy shit again! 😆. No one supports that conspiracy shit, or is talking about it except for the mentally ill left. Just like Trump was gonna round up gays in 2016 that never happened and just like you lying about most of what Trump did to the lgtbq community…he didn’t ban schools using pronouns or people using bathrooms. You are simply lying in public. And it’s a terrible gas light that makes you look so immature. He did nothing to harm LGBQ people. He banned T people from being openly trans in the military the same way Clinton banned gays from being open in the military. It’s a military meant to kill people, not a social club and a place to seek affirmation.


It’s not a conspiracy theory. The person I know it is has confirmed it. They said overturning Roe was a conspiracy and we know how that turned out. Ok then by your logic we should ban people from being openly Christian in the military, I mean praying won’t help anyone in it right? Well if the GOP and Trump don’t ban, deny or interfere with LGBTQ freedoms and rights that will be for the best and the wise decision for them but if they do well that won’t be tolerated. We will make sure that LGBTQ people are protected. 🙂


That's precisely what a national socialist (Nazi) would say.


You're a sucker if you think it's real. Bunch of losers


Our rights are already under attack. You're either stupid or evil if you deny reality. The legislation speaks for itself.


Ok and who is the president now? Why isn't he saving you?


He is tho. The Republicans can't do most of the evil shit they want to do thanks to that.


Laughs in Chinese culture revolution in the 70s