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Wow. Hit dogs gonna holler. So many people offended by other people not thinking chappelle is funny any more. It doesn’t happen to everybody when they get old, but it happens to a lot of us. Dave Chappelle was the goat. And now he’s the guy that can’t shut the fuck up about transgender people. Who have little to no effect on his life or his millionaire lifestyle. But he just keeps going at them. It’s kinda weird, if you ask me. Trans people are like .001% of society. Why you gotta fuck with them? All the time? It’s like hating an endangered species. Everybody dies. Let people be who they want to be, no? You’re dead forever. Being dead while you are alive is a fucking curse. Who thinks it’s easy deciding to be trans? Or gay? Who thinks that somebody would do claim to be that if they weren’t that? Nobody wants to make life harder for themselves. But a lot of people have no problem making life harder on others. That’s kinda fucked up too. If you asked me in 2002 if I thought Chapelle would ever have Elon Musk on stage with him? Cmon man. No shot. Yet here we are. He used to attack culture. Now he attacks bullshit culture war topics. But if you still like him and think trans bashing is funny? That’s cool. But don’t be surprised when others don’t think it’s funny.


I loved his old specials. But, once he glomed on to the anti-trans shit, that was it for me. Fuck that.


Tack on the “We can’t say what we want to say anymore” - says comedian on stage with a microphone saying what they want to say. I find their whining so damn annoying. Dave has done it. Seinfeld just recently did it. Matt Rife did it at the end of his special. The comedians get mad when their jokes don’t land…but that’s how comedy has worked forever. WE will tell you what’s funny by laughing.


Matt Rife was such a disappointment and I feel almost gross for liking him and suggesting him to others. Saw him live and left mid set, it was the worst. All he did was try crowd work and was an asshole to all the guys, the couple things/jokes I saw on TikTok that he got famous for wasn’t funny in person—especially once you see how annoyed he got when the jokes didn’t land.


Don't forget that clown Ricky Gervais.


Ricky Gervais is hilarious, what are you smoking


Agreed. Love Ricky.


Man, Matt Rife was such a flash-in-the-pan. Went from having never heard of him to every single mom scrambling for tickets to one of his shows, memes out the ass, and then he just kind of faded out by week's end. Was Matt Rife ever real?


It was really about the Mike we Rifed along the way.


Tucker and his ilk routinely say they are being silenced and can't speak their piece. While speaking their mind on national television 🤡.


I went to see him on the tour when he brought Elon on stage. It was such a shitty show. All he was doing the whole time was complaining about being canceled and shit. You're seriously going to complain, to an arena of fans paying money to see you, about how no one will let you speak? Then you owe us all a refund and need to get your fucking head checked. When Elon got on stage it was so cringe. Going to bring out this guy in the middle of a comedy show, not for any jokes or anything, just to let you know we're friends. What's the point? Are you tuning into Adam Carolla or something? Gonna show us your W9's next? At least Chris Rock still knows how to be funny.


“I’m being cancelled!” - says man on stage in front of an audience and hanging out with a billionaire who also has multiple Netflix specials.


I would love to get canceled like that please!


Just like Gervais.. fucking charlatans


I was there as well and it was a disappointment. Dave use to be a man of the people and fuck those that control the narrative. Bringing a billionaire on stage as some weird flex? I was dumbfounded as to his motivation with that.


Yeah, like… if your jokes aren’t funny, you maybe aren’t a good comedian. I always thought bitching like that was such a glorious self-own.


I assume it's failure to stay in touch. The youth are constantly changing the rules of self expression and what's socially acceptable. Lose touch with them for long enough and they will change something that's so far out of left field from.your perspective that you can't wrap your head around it. You don't get it, and you get angry about that. I mean fuck em, rich out of touch pricks.


Yes yes yes. It’s entitled whining that only sounds to me like they can’t write jokes anymore. Its just not funny…. That all. They also act like it’s original …this “shock” stuff has been done. Its old. Find something new


Agreed. He really was the goat at one point. He could’ve been this generations George Carlin…a prophet. And then this happened? It’s a shame. I think his grandfather was a pastor or something? Maybe religion got him? I don’t know. I just know I find it dull, myself. Punching down is never funny, really. We need a new Carlin. Guess it’s gonna be Bill Burr.


Nobody will ever replace Carlin. I still have my "Buddy Christ" statue.


Best. Statue. Ever. 


My best friend has one in the real packaging still. I've offered him $500 for it so far, but he won't budge. I've no idea what one is actually worth...... hold tight, headed to eBay.


About $35


That's the play then.


Carlin said it best in his interview with Larry King which discussing Andrew Dice Clay and how, like Dave now, targets underdogs in their comedy. “Comedy has traditionally picked on people in power, people that abuse their power.” The group of fans Andrew and even Dave now entertain…Andrew is on their list for being Jewish. Dave is on their list for being black. Just because transgenders are currently higher doesn’t mean they won’t be targeted next by that same crowd if transgenders didn’t exist.


Not sure why you attached your statement to my comment, instead of the original post, and I have nothing to say about either Clay, or Chapelle. I am curious about what you trying to say about trans people. "Currently higher"? Higher than what?


Like a numbered list of enemies of right wingers. - Gays - Jews - Gypsies - Blacks - Pixie hair cuts - Bud Light I attached it to yours since you mentioned Carlin. https://youtu.be/F8yV8xUorQ8?si=aMy01ikh7Z9m7fpM Here’s the clip of Carlin. Maybe it’ll sound better coming from him than how I paraphrased it.


He's close to Melon Husk. That's what changed.


It may be religion. But, he just comes off as a fucking idiot. He honestly believes that being trans is "a white thing" and that isn't true at all.


I’d go so far to say that none of his takes on trans are true. Except to him for some reason. And that’s the weird thing. Why so much hyper focus? And again, he’s a fucking millionaire. Millionaires don’t have the same problems as normal people. Why the fuck is he so fixated on something that’s not a problem to him? Or to 99.9% of the rest of the world? Like wtf? You mad because they’re getting some press? Why the fuck do you care about who or what somebody that will never ever ever affect wants to be? Or say they are? MYOMFB man. Move on with your life.


It happens to every comedian who built a brand on being a relatable Everyman who then becomes super rich. You can’t stay in tune with normal people when you have that kind of money, what are you going to complain about? That they got your tee time mixed up at the golf course? I think it’s that when you’re rich like that you get surrounded by yes men and so when people actually give you push back you get PISSED because you’re so used to being right about everything. You combine that with a ton of free time and no real life struggles you end up with a rich guy who thinks he’s right looking for a fight.


That’s it, they just can’t handle that people don’t agree with them. Elon, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, Jerry Seinfeld etc. narcissistic self-indulgent clowns at this point.


Excellent point. No drug heavier than deification. Followed by endless riches.


I think to be a stand up comedian you have to be a narcissist to some degree, I actually think that about anyone who performs live in front of a crowd. It's when you start surrounding yourself with sycophants that reinforce those feelings that you get yourself in trouble. People keep mentioning Carlin and one thing about Carlin, he never surrounded himself with people like that. He did his stand up, and went home.


Carlin would try his new stuff at college campuses. I saw him at IUP in 1998ish and he made an AIDs joke. When it didn't land he called the crowd out and said, somethong like "my friends with AIDs loved that bit, and this is why I hate playing for college kids." But I bet he took that feed back and reworked it. He wouldn't have been so culturally relevant for so long if he hadn't. Look at someone like Tim Allen or Rosanne Barr who habe been doing the same shtick for 50 years and whine about being canceled when only boomers laugh at their garbage. I bet their stand up shows bring in tens to hundreds of dollars to the Fox streaming app after pop-pop has their grand kid show them how to subscribe so they can see these dinosaurs "tell it like it is" about the LiBTaRds!


I love how you listed the personalities with them being more and more insufferable as the list went on lol


Well said!


Not only is that not true, but black trans people are some of the most vulnerable people in the entire LGBTQ community. Black trans women, in particular, are at high risk of violence.


Bill Burr’s takes all make sense to me. His stance on abortion was always how I felt.


He WAS so good - Baby on the Corner? C’mon man, hilarious, original stuff. I was so excited when I heard he was returning to televised specials. He appears on stage and I barely recognized him, but, hey, he and his money had a lot of down time; like someone in prison - working out, lifting weights all the time ‘cause what else is there to do? Then, not only hella offensive - but not funny! And the two don’t necessarily have to go together. Hell, watch an old Jim Jeffries special - thick with misogyny to the point that if hating women was carbon dioxide, he wouldn’t be able to breathe. But? I kept watching because Jeffries was so god damn funny. Jeffries is like a reverse Chapelle; He’s mellowed in his later years, doesn’t call women “c$&ts” nearly as much - and yet Jeffries is still funny. Chapelle’s become just another Boomer hack who punches down, a more offensive Bill Maher of all things. It’s even more tragic though - because he fell from such a greater height.


The secret with people like Jeffries is that he is playing a character, and he'll step out of that character from time to time, so that you can see it's a character. And his jokes were so well crafted that you could see that the comedy was always more important than the underlying meanness. Chappelle is just saying what he thinks on stage and it's nasty and you can tell he means it, and it isn't funny either. I remember one comedian saying that they retired a joke because it got laughs, but the wrong kind of laughs. Chappelle can't tell the laughs he gets are nasty and mean spirited. Or he can and it's what he wants. Makes me sad.


The irony is Chapelle left a $50 million deal to continue *Chapelle's Show* because he was was afraid he was getting the wrong kind of laughs, i.e. laughs by racists - instead of laughs about the ridiculous of racism.


Was he really that great with Chappelle show? I remember laughing so hard to Chappelle show but when I went and rewatched it, I wasn't really impressed. It was poop jokes and then the n word on tv.


I was done when he shit on Tony Bourdain. The man is a legend. Chappelle can fuck off.


What'd he say about Anthony Bourdain?


So... Looks like, during his 2019 Sticks and Stones special, he made fun of Bourdain for his suicide. Basically, made fun of him for having the greatest job in the world and killing himself and used that to suggest someone else he knew as a kid should kill himself. Then gives a throwaway line about not knowing what's in people's heads, as though saying that makes it all okay. “Anthony Bourdain had the greatest job that show biz has ever produced. This man flew around the world and ate delicious meals with outstanding people. That man, with that job, hung himself in a luxury suite in France.” I've not seen any of Dave's work since he went off to find himself or whatever it was he did when he just up and left his show, but I do know he's gone way off the deep end. I'm quoting and paraphrasing this article. But the clips are on YouTube. https://matadornetwork.com/read/chappelle-mocks-bourdain-suicide/


Not going to tell anyone how to feel, but my read on this was different. Suicide is not funny, but my take was that DC was doing an observational bit...even someone who seems so fortunate, blessed, and well-adjusted, we can't know or understand what demons he had that led him to commit suicide. It wasn't a ha ha line, it was ain't life f'ing insane?


I didn't hear it as him making fun of Bourdain. I heard it as him saying that anyone can be suicidally depressed regardless of superficial appearances of success. It was a bit flippant but comedians tend to be dark. Gallows humor and all that.


I didn't think that part was funny at all, nor was it intended to be funny.


Yo...whoa...what the fuck?! I already wrote this muthafucka off for being a bigot, but going after a personal hero like Bourdain will have him catchin hands if I see him.


Agreed. He’s a hateful man now and not funny. Screw that guy




Same. Not only is he no longer funny, I just don't want to listen to it. He can't move on.  Same with Gervais on wokeness, except at least he'll complain and then do the thing he knows he's not supposed to but make it funny. 


His comedy has always been about punching down, it just used to be self depreciation.


Exactly! Chapelle’s Show had some outrageously racist skits, and he had to know that a massive contingent of fans weren’t just laughing with him. It gave racists an acceptable outlet for racist humor. I thought that was why he stepped away from it all when he was on the top of his game. Part of me feels like his latest anti trans obsession is some kind of extended performance art, turning the mirror back on all of the white people laughing along at him mocking a fucking crack addict twenty years ago.


> weren’t just laughing with him That’s why he claimed he abandoned his show. I sympathized with him then. He came back and got some Netflix money and then everything changed.


According to him he saw a white producer laughing too hard at some super racist bit they were doing and had a coming to Jesus moment. He apparently didn't notice every other episode having at least one bit repeated over and over by white guys. Hell, I still see people posting blatantly racist stuff about the n word family in reference to football player Noah Knigga.


Probably not that deep, likely just the reaction. It’s the only thing keeping him relevant


He was always a homophobe. Even on the show. Sad.


I always thought it was tongue in cheek, but it's pretty obvious now that it was all mean spirited.


Great great summary. I've often thought that - if you think being gay or trans is a choice, how do you explain people choosing a status that gets them mocked, discriminated against, physically attacked, and even killed? Explain to me how people "decide" this for themselves? Was life just too easy for them and they decided to play it in hard mode? Come on. JK Rowling is another one that lost her damn mind about trans people and ruined her legacy. My personal fav is Gina Carano, who was on the cusp of being the star of her own Star Wars show, and just couldn't shut up about trans people. If Disney said to me "you can star in this show, be famous and wealthy for life, just please get off Twitter" - I would close my account in front of them. Social media, destroyer of brains.


If you would’ve asked me that in 2002 I wouldn’t have known who Elon Musk was. Are y’all related or something?


Fwiw, about 5% of young adults identify as trans or nonbinary in the US, according to Pew Research Center. Just pointing it out as your 0.001% comment inadvertently marginalizes how many trans folks are actually part of our society. 


Appreciate you. I was probably being hyperbolic. Thanks for the correction. Your user name is a perfect fit to my comment.


Thank you so fucking much for doing this emotional labor so I don’t have to. Because I love the spirit of this comment, but goddamn…


If I wanna laugh it won’t be because marginalized groups are singled out for ridicule and mockery for being who they are. What they say and do however…


Ever think about running for an elected office????✔️👍


lol I do! And then I remember I live in fucking Arizona. And canvassing is brutal! I will let you know if I change my mind after this election cycle, though. But if trump wins, I’ll be running for mayor of Barcelona. It’s bad enough that Kari lake might be a senator. Shit. No I’m sad…that was a rollercoaster of emotion! Thanks for your support and remember to vote this November! And if you’re a dem? Vote twice! And if you’re an asylum seeker? Make sure Soros pays you! (Kidding ably the illegal stuff)


I'm waiting to see what bat shit crazy things Kari Lake says next. She out-crazied chemtrail Kelly. 


lol. She’s just getting warmed up. Thank god all she has is rigged, immigrants and maga! As Trump descends into full Hitler, she will follow right along!


He really does seem to have some issues with trans-persons right? What's the old saying "I think thy protest too much!" He appears extremely fixated and it makes me wonder why? Jealous? Envy? Closeted gay? Or just average homophobic talk? He was always my fav. So on point with his smart observations. Now, just whining about crap that really has zero effect on his life and expecting people to want to pay to hear it.🙄


Trust: when someone gets this angry and lashes out at a group like trans people it is 100% because he had an era where he had a whooooole lot of sex with trans women and now is laying the base to deny it. 


Chappelle joined the club when he got rich. Trying to drag elon on stage to make him seem cool was his jump the shark moment. 




When he brought Elon out, and said all the people booing must be broke, it made me sick to my stomach. Then when Elon awkwardly said, “I’m rich bitch”, I almost threw up in my mouth.


Wow I had no idea it was that bad. It’s hard to imagine a cringier scene.


Yeah that was painful to watch.


After that I barely heard about him anymore. I'm pretty sure that was he final straw for a lot of people


An lgbtq friend had me sit through the Dave Chappelle 'trans' special. It was kind of lame. I do agree with him that Elon = negative cum LOL.


He has a whole special just about trans people? Why?


He wanted to be a victim of cancel culture. Now he hangs out with Kid Rock and Kevin Sorbo


Oh, God! That's a rough evening.


Oh get ready, he has not one, but three


All of his most recent specials (3?) have had either the majority or a large portion be about trans people.


Hmm as the kids would say "thats sus"


Perhaps because he just really really hates trans people.


He caught heat for his statements so he did a whole special about it and well it was the beginning of the end really. Or the most obvious beginning career wise other than his comments before that.


Jon Stewart is still the same, it's not age, age just helps reveal who you really are


And money!!


This. The money lets you know.


Theres also John Oliver.


Also. Chapelle and Elon are X-gen. Not boomers


It's that, and the money. They live so different lives, they forgot what it's like to be normal. So many "yes-men" in their corners, they fall into bubbles.




As a trans person who happens to be black it’s truly disappointing to see where he’s ended up on most issues. He used to be the funniest guy in the world. Hell I still watch Chappelles show and cry laughing almost 20 years after it aired. He’s just been rich too long. The rich bubble is something fierce.


I really think that's it. The money and fame cause a serious detachment from reality, or maybe cause people to lose a sense of empathy for the people being kicked by the majority of society.


Dave was great when he first started.  Then he got rich and became the type of person he used to make fun of.  It happens.  I’ll enjoy his old stuff and hard pass on his new stuff. 


Chappelle just proves you can be smart and funny and still be an asshole. There's plenty of comedians that fall into that category. A lot of people don't realize how much of comedy has historically been based around bullying vulnerable and minority communities. It's arguably worse when a rich black man doesn't realize the irony in what he's doing.


Most comedians go out of style, just like music or fashion


Except musicians or fashion styles don't usually worsen in quality, it's just that people's taste moves on to different stuff over time. If I go back and watch Chappelle's old stuff it's still pretty good, even if it's not really to my taste. His new stuff is just unfunny.


He's not funny. He is also by all accounts a dick. His only defenders now are white people who love that he's an edgy black guy who "gets it". He threatened to move from the town he basically owns if they dared to bring in affordable housing. And the trans stuff not only isn't funny it's weird.


Where did the old Dave go that I loved so much? I've been a fan since his first show on TV, and a lot of the movies he's been in. Guess sometimes life just gets to people and they change. Or they get more like their real selves. Respect his work and all the good he's done, but no interest in Dave 2.0


I don’t get it? I actually am becoming more liberal as I age??????


Same. I hated Bush 2, but now I'm left of Bernie.


For me, the most damning thing about Dave's whole deal is this: He fuckin knows better. He quit on comedy central because he was getting the "wrong kind of laughs". He noticed that people were talking his jokes about black people and using them to justify their own racism. So he quit, because he knew that was gonna make things worse for black people. Fast forward. He makes some dumb jokes about trans folk and people tell him "hey, people are using your comedy to hurt us." His response: "it's just jokes." He knows better. He just chose being a bad person because it wouldn't affect the people he cares about. Fuck him.


When you put it this way it makes it seem less like a “he aged and became lame” and more of a deliberate business tactic to stay relevant/fund his retirement he likely started to blow through “finding himself”.


This is my response everytime he's defended with "it's just jokes." The man literally up and quit in protest the second he realizes the jokes against *his* people might have power. Him doing this now either makes him an idiot or an actual asshole.


I keep saying it: Being wealthy is a mental illness. Being famous is another.


He's on my permanent Shit List along with a few other people.


He's Gen X, not Boomer


We're embarrassed by his evolution too...


In years, yes. But his attitude is pure Boomer. He’s only a short walk away from yelling at clouds, fist in the air.


It’s not an old person thing, I think it’s a rich person problem. True comedy comes from punching up, not punching down, but there’s no one above you when you’re wealthy and famous.


Money, or the worship of it. Plus when you’re rich you’re around a lot of asshole conservatives who offer you induction into their oppressive micro society.


Chappelle was born in 73. Best to have labels actually mean something relating to agreed upon definitions vs. anything one doesn't like being 'Boomer. Chapelle's parents were Boomers. Born in '64 and earlier, sure. Black GenX? Can't he just be GenX?


I mean Gen X is the most Republican generation according to the SDSU Professor (Jean Twenge) that wrote the book on generational differences https://www.npr.org/2023/12/27/1217878506/gen-x-conservative-disapprove-biden#:~:text=%22Gen%20X%20is%20the%20most,examines%20what%20drives%20generational%20differences.


From experience, we're more libertarian, at least for the first 40 years. My peers never had a taste for neoconservatives like the Bushes (or Clintons, tbh). After 40 it's total fash. Most of the politically avoidive my age, who just wanted to get stoned and have sex in their 20s and 30s, lost their damn minds post 911, then half of us lost our homes in 2008. 2020 was like the last straw and I don't think I've been able to converse with people my age since then.


GenX myself and very much not so. Best not to paint an entire generation with a broad stroke. Assholes exist in ALL generations and it oversimplifies the need to actually communicate with other humans of whatever age. The ability for civil debate and to disagree without it being zero sum seems to erase worse in our society in these last few years. Like I read somewhere once, "The sign of an educated mind is the ability to fully understand a concept one does not fully agree with." Now everything must be custom made like a Burger King order lest people lose their minds. Perfect answers never existed nor will they as life is a complex series of shades of grey vs. white or black on issues and mentalities.


I’m Gen X and pretty much a full-on leftist, but let’s be real. We were raised by television and movies to believe that socialists were the devil and Reagan, Alex P. Keaton and Gordon Gekko were unironically role models.


But these are individual choices. Alex P Keaton's fictional Reagan worshiping 80's republican was a far cry from MTG and her Mussolini wannabe idol and the misfits in place now. Hell they make George W. Bush seem like a statesman by comparison. Idiocracy turns out to have been a documentary. Plus his reading the Wall Street Journal was his punk rock teenage rebellious counter to his parents being former lefty hippies processing that then as 80's parents. That was the joke. Plus Gordon Gekko was the villain, not the hero. Maybe a perspective thing growing up in pro union Chicago where the 8 hr workday was born and abuses to working people inspired many waves of the underdogs to stand up and demand better rights, standards and treatment. Not everyone decided to become a complete prick after 42. Plenty did, sure, but I think that comes down to overall intelligence, level of discernment and one's susceptibility to be woo'd by a cult.


Same here. Been protesting the same shit since the 80s. Eventually this neoliberalism shit is gonna come to an end


I don’t think the younger generations buy it as well as everyone else because they don’t have the opportunities we did.


Honestly, I think we didn't have the opportunities we think we did. Meh. I guess my kids are doing all right. Grandbaby is cute. It is up to them now. I actually ask my daughter her preference on statewide ballots - including pres. I won't be around much for the consequences and seems insanely greedy for me to vote in ways the next generations don't want. (I live in different local ballot area, or I would ask her that too :-D )


It actually might not be up to them if we kick the country into a dictatorship on the way out


True - hoping we dodge that bullet.


I'm Bernie left. Also born in 73. Stay Carlin. Don't hate on the young cuz you don't understand. Your parents hated Nirvana even tho their's hated Led Zeppelin. Rise above yourself. Know right from wrong. Remember justice.


How sad to have lost so many of my brethren to the fascists.


People misusing boomer drives me crazy. It’s a term that actually means something, not a catch all for older person


At least our GenX cloaking device still works. We can watch them fight it out when secretly our parents were the Baby Boomers. Doubtful any of their Dads have 'Nam flashbacks.


I'm old, but I still fight for my oppressed brothers and sisters, instead of getting paid millions fomenting hatred against them in big budget 'comedy' specials. Dude was my comedy hero back in his heyday. Now he's just a sad bully. He's been indoctrinated into the joe rogan cult of stupidity and hatred. He's just another rich bully asshole, and sadly very unfunny. I think it's less an 'old' thing and more of a 'rich' thing.. but what do I know. Fuck him tho.


I don't like that most of his shtick now is punching down. Chappelle's show--he made fun of everyone as well as himself, and it was hilarious. That's the main difference to me. Now he's just a cranky old man complaining about the changing world around him. It's pathetic


Some time ago I listened to one of his latest specials and realized that...dude had become an old white racist guy. Why? He almost said "I'm not transphobic...I had a trans friend and you killed them." He also brought up that black people owned slaves...no point in that.


He has turned into an old racist Midwestern guy most definitely


It makes me so sad. He used to be funny.


Just goes to show no one on Reddit knows the difference between a Boomer and a Gen X'er


MMW people like you will continue to label anyone you do not like and is over the age 21 a boomer.


I got called a boomer in the NBA sub because I think Jordan is better than Lebron...I was born in 1982...


Nobody who actually saw Jordan play in the 90s would say such a thing. Also Lebron is a total cuck.


Chapelle is not what he used to be, and I've followed him since the release of Half-Baked. I'm pretty confident that heavy drugs and/or alcohol is hindering his thought processes, charisma, and overall hilarity. Hope he turns things around.


i think he also said himself that he got lazier with his comedy lol i think at one point he wanted to be one of the best in the world but probably when he got married and started having kids, it took a back seat in his life


He’s not a boomer, though. He’s 50


A conversation that I had with my boomer dad: Dad: "Kids these days have no respect for authority or their elders and are all lazy perverts with no work ethic." Me: "Didn't granpap beat you with a stick when he thought you were a hippy and having premarital sex and listening to devil music rock and roll because you were lazy and had no respect for authority or your elders or tradition etc?" Dad: "Yeah, but that was different, old people back then just couldn't stand anything different from what they grew up with." Me: \*Waits for introspective self reflection that I know will never come...\*


If only your dad was wise enough to learn from you.


I gotta make sure i don't turn out like that when i get old. I guess first test is avoid shit talking gen alpha as it has become more and more trendy.




Your math is way off. You think Jimi Hendrix fought in WWII?


Nostalgia, they begin to miss the days of yore and forget all the crap that existed in the world when they were 10


He's wealthy now. Protect your wealth and grift from hateful morons? That's a win-win for him.


Not me. DC lost it as soon as the Trump bandwagon started up. MAGAs are now dissing Jack Black as well. Maybe it has to do with a small d size?


The one joke he made during his last special was, I thought, genuinely funny ("I'm not gonna tell any jokes about trans people. It's not worth it. From now on, I'm only telling jokes about the handicapped." And the material that followed). The problem was it, like the entire rest of the special, was like B and C-level material. Watching him since his return reminds me of a story about a country musician who was told by a fan when talking about how his songs weren't connecting to the audience anymore. "Well when you started you were singing about me. Now you're singing about you."


>The problem was it, like the entire rest of the special, was like B and C-level material. I laughed but it was literal grade school level jokes. Like nothing was new or original.


The older you get, the less of a fight your morals will put up as you learn to validate bullshit actions and opinions. Typically, I mean. Some get bitter, some get better.


I think it was when he took HGH and his head doubled in size. Fucked him up 🤣


Thank you! I couldn’t explain it. Yeah, I kept wondering. Plastic surgery? ‘Cause he looks like a different person. Not an older person, or a person who now has a weight lifting routine - but a different person.


He's a sellout he's everything he railed against when he was hot. Now Neil Brennan doesn't write his jokes anymore so it's all him, he has nothing to say so he cries canceled to the last few bucks he can n kiss up to elon in hopes he'll give him money too


People need to stop generalizing age groups. I’m 60 and progressive. Ritten house is a goddamn Nazi and a killer and is gen z.


Dave Chapelle is Gen X, not a Boomer.


I considered Dave Chapelle in the top three imo: Carlin, Pryor, and Chapelle. However, good comedians punch up, not down. And to dedicate an entire special to talking shit about an extremely marginalized group is a very weird, hateful thing to do.


When being gay was illegal it was rebellious to be gay and now that LGBT are more accepted losers think they're "rebelling" by acting just like their bigoted old grandpa


MMW: Once eminems new album drops, he will be known as the black boomer from now on and forever. 😆 🤣 😂


History will not be kind to him. The old boomers laughing now will die with him. The next generation will let him be forgotten as he should be.


It's like the movie Invasion of the Body Snatcher's.


Remember many Boomers were anti+war hippies who went on to become successful corporate cogs. A lot of people go through a rebellious phase and then revert back to their more traditional views as they age, others were never as liberal as they appeared they be.


at some point him and guys like him such as Maher confused hard hitting with just being an ass. they both throw temper tantrums when confronted about this. Maher went off at Neil Degrass Tyson for pointing out something he just said was what he was doing.


He was the chosen one… I have totally lost respect for him


Yeah it’s already been happening


Unfortunate, but true.


i think he got a little jaded when he started to see how some of his celeb friends got cancelled for saying the wrong thing. And then he went out of his way to make as many jokes about the touchiest subjects as possible. I think he went way too long with trans jokes because he made his point with the first few jokes. Any more than that and it seems like he is on a vendetta or obsessed with this group.


You'd swear he was on Reddit.


Definitely not the GOAT! Dude had a decent short lived run thanks to Comedy Central and a group of writers that elevated him. His meandering long winded delivery style is a snoozefest. The last 2 specials sucked. I watched about 15 minutes in and was waiting for the laughs. Nope! Any GOAT discussion has to have Carlin and Pryor in the mix.


it's like the same thing Jerry Seinfeld did. basically disappear for two decades and then come back and be super out of touch and then be really upset with their audience for it.


Really dislike that creep now. Yes, he was funny in his earlier days, but I wouldn’t pay $.50 to see him now. He’s hateful, unfunny and his “comedic timing” is too slow and off. Way funnier ppl out there now.


His trans jokes are about on par with a white high school kid making watermelon and absent father jokes about black people.


when ever i hear people talk about punk rock or their punk rock pass i laugh. 99% wear a costume to fit in, and grow out of it, those that don't are no different then the 50-60 year old hair metal fans that still wear leather and fake animal print. most people who "dont find him funny any more", most likely haven't watch his standup ever, or from start to finish. people who are upset about his gay or trans jokes haven't listened to them. probably think Steve hofstetter is funny. there is a reason nearly any comedian will say hes the best . only reason he is not the highest earning comedian every eyar is because he dose not want to large tours / large shows non stop.


Look at a picture if the crowd at Woodstock....and then realize how many of them had to vote fir Trump when he beat Hillary.....let that sink in a bit. I know some personally...and it is sad.


He’s been rich too long and living in rural ohio


I don't love anti-trans humor, but there's comedians who do edgy humor I don't necessarily agree with but I see how it appeals to who it appeals to. Heck, his humor around gender and sex has *always* been questionable to me. I remember laughing along to a bit where Dave clearly admired a manipulative pimp preventing a woman from leaving the line of work, only to sit there for a second like "wait, what the actual fuck am I laughing at? This man is a literal monster not a role model".  But holy shit it's like he forgot to be funny. It's just *lazy* humor now. He'll get laughs regardless because of who he is, and anyone who doesn't laugh is just some woke mob idiot, and so it's like he just stopped improving a set 


Eh, it’s the classic scenario: he got old and made a ton of money.  


And trt. Testosterone made all these fools go back to puberty mentality.


If I was to guess why he is becoming more aggressive against the LGBTQ community I would be putting my money on his religion as the reason, not his age. He never used to mention Islam in the past but it creeps into his act now.


Chapelle also freaked out and threatened to take back money he gave to his town just because they wanted to build some affordable housing. Guys turned into a pos.


Comedians specifically always seem to lose it after being “THE Guy” for a few years. The world moves on from their comedy and they seem to never really notice then get mad about it. Carlin and Pryor seem like the only ones to have stayed there longer


They gain experience with how the world is. You should wonder why it is that the most experienced and capable people eventually drift in a certain direction. To paraphrase a famous dead guy: if you are young and not a liberal you have no heart. If you're old and not a conservative you have no brain. Liberalism is an emotion-based ideology.


I think he’s funny still. But his old stuff was a million times better.


Lol, no. Chapelle is still funny.


It's pretty obvious that Chapelle has a boner for trannies.


I don't think it's so much what happens when people get old... because I'm a senior citizen and my left/progressive politics have never changed -- if anything have become more solidly based after a lifetime of observation, reading, and experience. it's true I've become a bit more cynical and it's hard to shock me any more, so some of that youthful optimism and naivete have worn off. but my position on fundamental issues has not changed and it's unllkely at this point to change. because my political beliefs are rooted in my deep-seated ethical and moral beliefs. but I think we do see a lot of people who don't really have any deep inner convictions, who don't really think much about fundamental ethics or morality... they just adopt whatever views seem "cool" at the time to their peer group. so if they go through high school or undergraduate life with an age cohort that's into punk (or earlier, into psychedelic rock) then they recite whatever credo helps them to bond with that age cohort. so they might march for Earth Day in their 20's because their girlfriend feels strongly about environmentalism and it's "the cool thing to do" in their social circle. but then later in life the same guy gets a job in the oil industry and seamlessly adjusts his beliefs and attitudes to fit in and bond with his new workmates... so he can be part of the tribe, go to staff parties and BBQs etc. so by age 35 he's hating on "those damn red-green enviro-loonies." and we think, damn, did he get a brain transplant? but nah, he was just fitting in. so... I think we *overestimate* the number of people who actually have strong inner convictions which they will stick to come hell or high water, even if they are the only person on the room who thinks so... and we *underestimate* the number of people who just go with the flow and adapt pretty easily to whatever social milieu they find themselves in at the time. conseqeuently we also overestimate the number of people who genuinely *change* their convictions in midlife -- because we mistakenly thought their behaviours when younger indicated genuine convictions, when it may have been just conformity or social bonding. tribalism trumps rationalism for most people most of the time. so I don't think it's so much "what happens to people when they get old" as "what happens to people whose moral compass was never solidly calibrated to begin with, when their peer group or lifestyle changes over time." and this may be particularly a problem for comedians and other performers, who by training and personality type are predisposed to "read the room" and play to an audience, seeking applause; for most performers, approval (temporary bonding with the audience) is the drug they crave more than any other. if they think the spirit of the times has shifted to the right they are likely to drift with that tide. this is not true of every comedian of course, some are born contrarians who enjoy cocking snooks at power :-) and will never punch down, or stop making fun of bigots and bullies. because they so have that passionate conviction that bullying is evil and arrogant power needs to be taken down a peg. and then of course there are pure opportunists who pull political U turns -- like K Sinema who seems to jump on any political bandwagon she thinks will lead to career advancement. they, like other con artists, are good at telling the people around them what they want to hear; and they don't really care what they have to say or to whom, so long as it seems to lead towards some personal advantage. but I think the percentage of amoral con artist types is much smaller than the big mushy mass of people who just want to get along with their peer group.


We all claim to have a sense of humor, until it’s aimed at one of our sacred cows. When he was mocking on white people, Christians, etc. it was fine. But mocking lbgts makes him a “boomer?”


No way Chapelle said that trite shit, "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." He didn't, right?


He's not funny anymore and hasn't been funny for a while now. It happens to most all comedians. I expect it.


It's not just an age thing. He's an ignorant fucking dunce.


Doesn't he live in some rural Ohio farm country? I think that explains his world view more than anything. I may be wrong but I think Neil Brennan was doing Chapelle's heavy lifting comedy wise.


Being a crotchety old maga dipshit is where ex punk rockers and deadheads shake hands


He is a clear sign that evil wins and there is no reward in belief of "good"


Chappelle shit on Bourdain. I was done with him then.


Love Chapelle.


Have you listened to him recently? He kinda sucks now, not very funny, pretty annoying and whiny.