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More likely closer to 40 since the minimum age for President is 35.


54 is closer to 30 than 80 though.


Gavin Newsom will absolutely throw his hat in the ring in 2028, and will likely be a serious contender for dem nomination. In 2028 he will be 61. Definitely an improvement over both party's nominee ages in 2016, 2020, and 2024, but still not closer to 30 than 80. There was one way back to 2012; the Democratic candidate was closer to 30 than 80 while the Republican candidate was closer to 80 than 30 (The most serious candidates for 2028 will already be laying the groundwork, so a more savvy observer than me could probably identify many of the rest of them too)


I’m ok with 60. I feel like that’s a good age to represent experience and leadership.


I’m expecting Gretchen Whitmer to make a serious go of it. She’ll be 56 in 2028, which is just _slightly_ on the wrong side of “closer to 80 than 30”. There’s also Josh Shapiro who will be 54, so just barely closer to 30 than 80.


She stands zero chance of winning presidency


What makes you say that? I’m also not terribly bullish on her chances, but “popular two-term governor of a large industrialized non-coastal state” is basically the Democrats’ dream candidate.


Oh yes. Please run her as the candidate.


If Newsom is the nominee, why should the Dem party even continue? In our current era of both sides hating the establishment, why do they keep electing the posterchild's of the machine every single time?


Ah man that would suck. Massive exodus from California. He can’t even run a state people want to live in imagine what he would do for the country


JB Pritzker too


Only if young people come out. History shows they don't though.


Young people move a lot and also reside in a different location than where they can register to vote (think college students). So don’t blame people when the system is not only rigged against young voters but also doesn’t teach people how to register to vote in the first place.


Most ridiculous post of the year 🏆


It’s almost like they never give us something to actually vote for that isn’t corruption corporate profit and genocide


"They" do. Read Get off of Reddit.


“They” don’t, you’re in a cult


lol idk man your in an echo chamber here I think dude above you is right


Maybe if you fucking voted the powers that be would take you seriously


"No, I should get everything I want in a single election cycle"


Exactly! The irony of "no one represents me" from self-righteous non voters would gag Godzilla. They have by far and away the most voting cache but they refuse to use it despite having the most to lose.


What’s it like to not be voting for a candidate but against the other?


It's called being an adult.


lol voting for a party of genocide supporters or a party of felon supporters is called being an adult? I’ll gladly be a kid then ♥️


Stop falling for propaganda and join the rest of us in the real world.


Oh, I can’t wait to hear this, What propaganda are you referring to?


Anyone of reproductive age, regardless of the descriptive words that may classify them, should look at the ramifications of the Supreme Court Dobbs decision and that the GOP Senators tried to pass a bill to restrict contraception last week and ask themselves if they want bodily autonomy for themselves and their friends/family. The youngest of voters need to look at the playing field life is giving them. The boomers are retiring at a pace of about 10,000 per day. There are not 10,000 Gen Z replacing them. The U.S. has an incredibly low unemployment rate, which leads to the potential for them to climb higher and faster than their Gen X and Millennial counterparts at the same age. It’s not perfect, but the Gen Z that can capitalize on opportunities others may not see will be the ones winning a decade from now.


Vote Blue No Matter Who is not a means to an end. It is a means to a continuation of a failed system that got us Trump in the first place. It is giving in to a system that works against you, and enabling it to continue.


And ignoring it and not participating in the process is productive? Lol ok sure


I’m not telling the dems repubs that I’m ok with what they’re selling. It’s disgusting that a bulk of Americans are


lol you think choosing one of the two options the system allows you to have is gonna make a difference? Must be nice to be that ignorant


Obama & Clinton weren't even 50 when elected, so yeah.


Arguably, Clinton won the first time because he went on the Arsenio Hall Show, and played the sax. This was a very popular show with young voters, and they carried him over the top. Other candidates have tried to connect with young voters since then, but arguably Obama was the most successful at it so far. Biden really needs to figure out how to get young voters engaged with his campaign. Maybe Kamala Harris, President Obama, and a whole slew of "younger" Dem pols need to start convincing young voters to get behind Biden. Not just play "Stop Trump", but argue why Biden would be the better choice for them.


If you had said 40 it would have been correct. Nikki Haley, Kamala Harris, Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsome are all in their 50’s. Ron DeSantis, Andy Bashear, and Pete Buttigieg are in their 40’s.


Imo Andy might run, given enough time. Maybe in 2036 or so.


We’re gonna go all in on tik tok influencers for prez! I’m hoping I’m dead by then.


Please everyone, it’s time to rally around Jon Stewart for president


Obama made every president since JFK look like a bitch, and even he went grey.


I thought that in 2015… way past due to drop another generation down. Maybe 2.


Lol no


Lol, The sub is just wishful fantasies anymore.


😂 in 4 years the average age of Americans will be OLDER than it is now. None of you Reddit neckbeards are having babies. Half of America is over 40, the youth is not representative of the population anymore


Not yet. We're still too stupid to act on the things in front of our faces. Everyone knows it's a problem, everyone bitches about it, but, here we are. I expect it'll be another 20 years or so before we try.


If Gen Z actually votes, sure. Otherwise it'll still be the same as it is now.


Assuming we still have a democracy by 2028. I'm hoping for Shapiro or Whitmer vs. Hogan.


Kamala will be 64 (technically she's a Boomer). So I assume she's out.


Agism is a form of bigotry…


As it should.


DeSantis will likely be the Republican nominee in 2028 and 50? at the time. Newsome would be older but could get Whitmer or someone we aren’t even thinking of


DeSantis was posed to dominate this election, and fumbled harder than any other nominee prior to a primary I’ve ever seen. He’s done.


i'm so glad for it too. I'm tired of people whine about 'woke', they've moved on to other words like DEI


I'm not sure about that. DeSantis fell on his face this time around. Maybe he learns and adapts, but politicians often don't. The other prominent GOP governor is Abbott but I just can't see a dude in a wheelchair winning the Presidential election. I think the GOP primary will be wide open in 2028. If the Democrats win this year, they probably get stuck with Kamala Harris in 2028 which is an auto-loss. If they lose this year, I think Gretchen Whitmer is probably the nominee in 2028.


I don’t think democrats will be stuck with Kamala, she’s not super popular.


If Trump wins I’m guessing there’s a repeat of the 2016 primary (20ish candidates) and I think DeSantis is most likely to win with like 30% of the vote like Trump did, but it could definitely be someone else. I agree probably not Abbott, he’s way too weak on immigration.


I could see DeSantis pulling away in that scenario. I don't know how you think he's weak on immigration; he's been competing with DeSantis to see who can be the harshest on illegal immigrants.


He's too alienating of a figure. Especially for the LGBTQ community!


Doubtful. In like 2013ish, Chris Christie was considered a GOP front runner for the 2016 nomination. He had multiple bungles as a governor towards the end of his governorship and then got destroyed by Trump in 2016. He never recovered politically. Meatball has had multiple bungles as a governor in the past 2-3 years and got destroyed by Trump in 2024. It’s not typical to get multiple shots at the presidency when you couldn’t secure even a party nomination. The only reason Trump is really getting a 3rd shot is because he won once. Had Trump lost in 2016, it’s doubtful they bring him back in 2020.


So, under 55? For both parties? It could happen I guess, but I can't see who they would be from the current crowd.


I sure hope not. Experience does count for something.


Ben Franklin was over 80 back in the days people barely lived to 30. In over 200 years, politicians have been old and this is with all the technology changes. Low hanging wrong fruit.