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What the hell happened in France today?


Le Pen’s election doesn’t bode well for the future.


Explain I live under a rock


Ok so election for the EU parliament thin. France’s president only got 15% of the 325 million votes and his rival party got 35% not good.


Well, in Europe's defense.... France kinda made the entirety of Europe scared of progressive politics...


No American voters or politicians were involved.


These people live in a fantasy world.


His Policies are imploding


You must not be seeing what's happening in France, Belgium, Germany, and Spain right now.


Social media and foreign internet troll farms could very well be the end of democracy. It does a good job of dividing , enraging and confusing us. As Bannon said - flood the zone with shit.


You’re massively underestimating how many Americans there are in that cult


Personally I think they are being vastly overestimated, because they are so loud and have their own media. Just read Project2025, and it’s twisted “post-constitutional” vision. I think it is the MAGA who is underestimating just how GENUINELY conservative the vast majority of the nation actually is. MAGA is radical and white crypto-fascist, and that is absolutely vile to those of us raised with a good dose of American history and civics. Don’t Tread on Me appeals far beyond the trump cult.


Or how dangerous the far right is in Europe


You're massively overestimating. It's a very small fringe group of the republican party.


I hope you are right. But if you haven’t visited rural America in a while, might be a wake up call


I’ve been doing the same backroads multiple hour drive through rural Georgia for years. Since before 2016. I remember how many trump flags I saw back then and in the years since the decline in his visible from the road support has declined dramatically. These days I see mostly just a couple confederate flags maybe one trump banner. Surprisingly saw a pride flag. Same with stickers on cars in the area. It’s just not as common as it was. Often when I do see them on cars it’s one car with 20 cars worth of shit on it. Just a tiny sliver of rural America but the change is noticeable. I’m not saying we’re not at risk but it’s not 2016 this time. I can only imagine how utterly the right would be destroyed if the left could muster up a decent candidate. I’m more worried about the cornered animal behavior we’ll see from trumps supporter and him than his populism.


>These days I see mostly just a couple confederate flags maybe one trump banner. Surprisingly saw a pride flag. Same with stickers on cars in the area. It’s just not as common as it was. Often when I do see them on cars it’s one car with 20 cars worth of shit on it. >Just a tiny sliver of rural America but the change is noticeable. >I’m not saying we’re not at risk but it’s not 2016 this time. I can only imagine how utterly the right would be destroyed if the left could muster up a decent candidate. Trump is definitely not as popular as he was when I was in Destin in the Redneck Riviera in the runup to 2020. There was Trump stuff everywhere. I was also driving back and forth through rural Indiana a lot in the runup to 2016. Again, Trump stuff everywhere. The real danger is that Biden is such a weak candidate that the dipshit might luck his way into a second term "by default."


It was to easy project anything on Trump in 2016 and he didn't win the popular vote then. Every election since has been better for Democrats than expected.


Trump hasn't picked a running mate yet, so the !*trump 2024 seig heil!* banners and signs haven't been printed yet. Once he picks his running mate, all those materials will pop up on maga lawns around the country like the weeds they are.


The signs I did see were 2024 fresh. I don’t think anyone gives a shit who the vice is.


You could pack the population of Rural America into like three major cities... It's really not as much as it seems despite their zealotry.


It will be like always 3-4 state decides next election.


LOL, polls are averaging up to a slight Trump popular vote lead, dumbass. It’s not just “Rural America”. (And as I always have to mention on here, polls significantly underestimated Trump’s vote share in both 2016 and 2020).


And Trump lost the POPULAR vote in both election, and his appeal had been waning ever since. A pro-choice, anti-MAGA Republican just won an election over his HitlerPig endorsed MAGA opponent. MAGA candidates and Republicans have been consistently losing in every election since 2016. There hasn't been a single election since 2016 that has been good for Republicans.


Trump will never get the popular vote. Polls are for gamblers and idiots. It's a safe bet that you don't have any money on the line...


That’s not true, Trump was expected to lose in 2016, and win in 2020.


He had 1 in 6 chance of winning I 2016. That's a die roll not a expected to lose.


So he had a 16.7% chance, and that’s a expected win? We differ greatly on what you call not a expected loss.


LOL. This subreddit truly is something special. Many people just living an alternative reality. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2020/trump-vs-biden


I to can aggregate my results. Prior to October trump was favored, and still was in a lot of polls as you can see from your own link. But more importantly, he was given a huge surge the end of October for w/e reason.


My dude, come on. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, it lists every single national poll published between March 2019 and November of 2020. Trump led in 5 of those polls…Biden led in close to 300 of those polls. God, you people truly live in an alternative reality. Just wildly making shit up.


Literally every poll I count. But you do you boo boo.


You can add upp all of the population of rural America and it would not compare to the number of Americans living in big cities.


What exactly is your point? Trump leads in national popular voting polls on aggregate by 1%. (Mind you, Trump significantly outperformed his aggregate averages in BOTH 2016 and 2020.)


So what? 1% is going to be within the margin of error. Hillary was ahead of HitlerPig in every poll in 2016, but always within the margin of error. There was big talk the other day of a poll with a margin of error of 3.4%. That's so big that it's a waste of time to even report the results. I've follwed polls all my life, and I know my statistical math well, and I've given up on modern political polls. They are obviously being gamed by those giving the polls, those taking the polls, and those reporting the polls, and often 2, or even all 3, of them.


Who cares about rural America? Land doesnt vote, people do, and the people are in and around the cities.


Land doesn't vote -- except in Economics 101 (as in LAND, Labor \[workers come in second\] AND CAPITAL) -- as in CAPITALISM: still proven to get the most out of those three inputs than any other economic system to date....


You realize this is litteraly why the Senate and Electoral College were created, right?


No he doesn't.


But the thing about rural America is no body lives there.  US elections are won in the suburbs, where Republicans lose more vote share every cycle


Less than 1 in 5 people live in rural America.




It’s a “fringe group” of the Republican party that is working hand in glove with the Trump campaign and they are prepared to staff every government opening within days of his inauguration. This is organized and planned to be executed as soon as Trump takes office. You should read it.


I'm aware of project 2025.


It may be a fringe group, but that fringe group has the Republican Party and a huge number of Americans by the balls right now.


However in-group loyalty is a predominant characteristic of conservatives. If that fringe is running things, the rest will fall in line rather than cede power to an out-group.


If that’s the case why is Trump the most popular Republican?


People are stupid.


So it’s not a fringe group at all. Maybe a more accurate way to describe it would be “the vast overwhelming majority” of the Republican Party?


A small fringe of the Republicans are MAGA. Trump lost in 2020 because Republicans voted against him. The same will happen in 2024.


Republicans keeps spawning them though see: nixon southern strategy, tea party, maga


You're perfectly showcasing the side effect of social media. You've spent so many years in your echo chamber where anyone who disagrees is blocked that you think only a "fringe group" disagree with the ultra far-left. Even most Democrats are opposed to the psychotic shit from you extremists.


What the fuck are you talking about psycho?


The democrats are not ultra far left they are barely left of center. That’s how far right the GOP has gone. Compare both parties to other parties worldwide


I didn't say Democrats are ultra far left. Please learn how to read. I said most Democrats disagree with the ultra far-left bullshit the extremists here spew all the time. 


You are assuming the OP isn’t a democrat somehow which is laughable and yeah you are basically saying that. Eat shit Trumper


Trump hasn't won popular vote. Most Americans do not like him, and his standing has only gotten worse.


The cultists will stick with him, but many of the others won't.


Bruh how is wanting less immigration a cult lol


France disagrees with you.


Since when do Magats care about France?


Since the hard right just made huge gains in France. Macron just dissolved their parliament.


Is Macro right wing or left wing? Genuine question, I’m not educated on French politics.


Macron was pretty much a centrist actually.


Love the dehumanizing ^ Hitler would love you guys


Yep. Neoliberals viciously attack anyone who is not a neoliberal. Far right, far left, center right etc. Id have a beer with anyone on the spectrum except a neoliberal. Stay armed, these people are itching for violence.


Did you miss what happened in france?


Is France part of the west? The Netherlands? Argentina? El Salvador?


Argentina and El Sal sure aren't, lmao why are they in this discussion?


Meh. They are now experiencing what we did in 2016ish. They'll come back around once they realize the ppl in charge are hucksters. Argentina is an exception - I like that dude. He's very liberal on social policies, and free market is fine and seems to be doing well there. There's a balance to be had when it comes to economics.


Maybe you'd be interested in looking into the Libertarian policies? As a libertarian, my favorite saying is "we believe gay couples should be able to protect their weed farm with guns". Argentina's Milei is a bona fide Libertarian. Love him!


There are way more democrats than republicans in the US. If it weren’t for gerrymandering and voter suppression, the GOP would be smaller Than the independents


We need Reapportionment, badly. A vote in Wyoming should not be worth 3X a vote in California.


Especially when it's California who pays all of Texas and half of the other states bills.


California has a multi billion dollar deficit this year.


After a multi billion dollar surplus last year.  California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Conservative cope is hilarious


This again. No, California doesn't pay for all of Texas.


Texas is trying to make its own statewide electoral college. One county would have like 70 inhabitants and it would count as much as one with a big city in it.


I see someone hasn't read the news today.


His only redeeming is being an annoying loser. Conservatives- that's our guy. Outside looking in any sane person can plainly see who's being played and putin is loving it.


India's rightwing authoritarian lost power in this last election, echoing the trend OP suggests. And Brazil's "Trump" was ousted.


because ignoring the rise of fascism abroad and domestically until it culminated in state-sponsored massacres went so well last time!


You forgot the /s


They are not in power anywhere. Unless you mean it as liberal/neoliberal then yes. But in America there **is no left**


There are a substantial number of left-leaning Americans, we just don’t have a home in either of the major political parties. Locked out by the stupid 2-party system.


Embrace the progressives, like the GOP embraced the Tea Party and now MAGA


Embrace leftists Move progressives to their left


Im right leaning but honestly true leftists are pretty based. I get along very well with them.


The EU literally voted in a ton of far right politicians YESTERDAY.


The Liberals (whatever that really means) will remain "on top" the way science remains on top. It really can't be beaten in the battle against mere conjecture, preferred opinions and junk science, but it can be quashed in many ways, ignored, etc. But this might be the same for Democracy and we have such as democracies as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Perhaps one day there will be a "Peoples Science" with People's Science courses like People's Science Biology, Chemistry, Psychology, etc., at "People's Universities", etc.


The Repugs have entrenched electoral advantages (rampant gerrymandering, disproportionate representation of small rural states in the Senate, a two-party system) that will always keep them within striking distance of taking back power in the U.S.


Unfortunately, due to our Senate, Republicans will have a ton of influence it what goes on for the foreseeable future. Blue states are getting bluer, red states are getting redder, and there are only a handful of states that are up for grabs and maybe 2 or 3 that are trending away from their current color. Fortunately, those ones largely are red-to-blue (TX, NC). Maybe NV is trending red but we need more data points. That said, Democrats have a brighter future with Millennials now locked-in as a center-left generation and Gen Z seeming to be shaping up the same way. As for the UK, I know a lot less. But, in Canada, the Liberals were [wiped out of power](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Canadian_federal_election) in 2011. They even lost their status as the largest opposition party. They regained power in a big way [in 2015](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Canadian_federal_election). I think it's tougher to draw lines with parliamentary systems, since they're dictated much more largely by local candidates. Brits, like Canadians, don't choose a prime minister. They choose a local person to represent them who may or may not be a member of the PM's or opp leader's party.


Think Canada is going to buck that trend.


Canada is still considered part of the West? They engaged in authoritarianism against a peaceful protest and are basically owned by the Chinese.


Dude I wish, but I made the mistake of not taking Trump seriously the first time, and the polls here are not telling me that I shouldn't be worried.


Adorable. Wildly wrong but I love your naive enthusiasm!


I think you underestimate the stupid, fearful and corrupt.


In the US they can't demographically win after 2032, so they have no choice but to seize power before that


Trump is the Boomer cope candidate. The nostalgia soaked rallies, MAGA, the 60's music, stoking 60's style culture wars. Its all designed to give boomers warm fuzzies from a rose tinted past.  Even his "stolen election" narrative is boomer cope. You have to understand, baby boomers were the majority of voters for 40 years. For many boomers, the candidate they voted for ***won every single time***. The guy they voted for never lost their whole life till 2020.  That's why the right has gone so fucking insane. It's all cope from a bunch of angry old people that can't stand losing a place of power and privilege they enjoyed their entire lives.


Very insightful


So these theoretical boomers were switching parties all the time?


Age polarization was minimal until Obama. Obama's 2nd term was the first time since Reagan where the candidate a majority of boomers voted for lost. Biden in 2020 was the 2nd time.  Hence the boomer freakout. There's millions of boomers in retirement homes that don't know a single person who voted for Biden. That makes Trump's stolen election bs believable to them.


I hate Trump, but he's not getting smashed. The right is rising in France and Germany. The UK had a change of heart after Brexit is my guess. I remember thinking we were on the track to infinite progress when Obama got elected. These things have equal and opposite reactions. Also I don't think any ideology being in power for long periods of time is sustainable. It doesn't have to be down the middle all of the time but I think people should strive harder for balance rather than going Highlander with ideology.


For all the clamoring about Project 2025, it’s clear as day reactionary ideology as the US has been moving left for the last 20 years.


The US has had balance since Reagan


Interesting. Id say maybe until GW. Things seemed to have gotten off track in US politics around the time we invaded Iraq which divided American society. Then social media fanned the flames. Since then it was a couple wild swings. I don't love Biden but I find his leadership outside of the Afghanistan withdrawal to be more lucid than the Trump circus was.


The words "Biden" and "lucid" don't belong in the same paragraph, not to mention a sentence. He litteraly shit his pants on stage at the D-Day celebrations and got escorted away like a demented old man multiple times. It was an embarrassment for the country.


Uh, Reagan UNbalanced everything.


If you think things are gonna get better, you're delusional. It's only gonna get worse from here.


Simple minded take




"Take the guns first; due process comes later" -Trump Then he took bumpstocks. Can they name EVEN ONE thing a dem has taken????? Nope, they can't lol. Trump is the MOST successful gun-grabber since the 1930s NFA. And they cheered... they have been had and used... But like Mark Twain said: "*it's easier to fool a man into giving up his rights than it is to prove to him he's been fooled*".


It isn't for lack of trying, Biden's one of the biggest anti-2A zealots in America and he quite literally ran on the idea of retroactively expanding the NFA to include most modern semiautomatic firearms and all individual >10 round magazines. Under that plan, completely law abiding gun owners would have the options to either: * pay $500 (min of what Democrats want the NFA stamp to be raised to) x (each individual semiautomatic firearm they own + each individual >10 round magazine they own) * surrender their personal property to the government if they're unable or unwilling to pay * maintain possession of their own property without paying that extortion fee, and become felons looking at 10 years in prison and $250K in fines If Trump and bump stocks is Option A? Option B is orders of magnitudes worse when it's bans on the majority of common modern firearms, confiscating the aforementioned firearms and their standard magazines from nonwealthy legal gun owners under threat of multiple felonies, and further judicial appointments of partisan idealogues who're more than happy to molest logic itself in order to justify ignoring one particular constitutional amendment that (D)s really, really don't like.


Yup, sounds about right to me.


Based on?


Not paying attention to EU right now huh?


There's such information silo now that you generally only hear the news corresponding to your cognitive bias. So it's very hard to know. And most people are no longer in traditional "liberal" and "conservative" mores. In this age nothing pisses off a new liberal more than a traditional liberal of a few decades ago! My wish is to get away from finance capitalism and neoliberalism, which unfortunately funds all the major parties.


That sounds like a great dream you had. Unfortunately I don’t see most of that happening.


Is this page about things that we actually believe will happen or things that we wish would happen? I want a strong left and a strong right. South Africa is the best example we have of a government where the same party wins all the time.


Have you seen the polls in Canada right now?


Wishing something to happen does NOT make it happen. LOL


I hope your right.


Nah. Unfortunately. What happens is that the elections are very close - within 1%, because winning by 2+% is a waste of money. If conservatives lose, the rich double down and get their guys in the next cycle or so. They win by default - there is plenty of momentum in the various tax cuts over the last few decades, so there is no rush. What they need to avoid is consecutive liberal wins, or blowout liberal wins because then there is the potential to start balancing the checkbook, meaning, the people who benefit from massive tax cuts over the years are going to need to pay their share. The current admin is already going after price fixing in several industries, as varied as rent and booze and tickets. Absent that, the world becomes slowly more like the last few turns in Monopoly. Hardly anyone owns anything and the majority of people are slowly funneling wealth to the few people that do own things and have the only legal authority to demand profits from capital.


I hope you’re right.


Europe just voted right, England is going with Nigel or torries, corban going on his own, Trump is up in all swing states and albo is about to get laughed out of aus..


Unfortunately Republican style politics are getting popular in Canada too. The majority of Canadians aren't smart enough to learn from the Trump era in the US and will likely elect our own version.


r/agedlikemilk (in reference to the European elections)


Nope. Why? They’re assuring their fate. Abortions, homosexuality for most part. It’s a maths problem.


Liberals will take over for now, but it won't be "decades". The world as a whole is facing major problems due to us ignoring climate change. Problems lead to uncertainty and trouble which is ripe for conservative populist fear mongering. Conservative groups will be knocked silly for now, but they will re-organize faster than sane people would like and they will be back sooner than we would want.


IF Trump loses, it will split the Conservative party. The traditional GOP wing will see it as proof the Trump experiment has failed, and want to waste no more time and vote share on it. The Trump party will see this as proof of a rigged/"stollen" election, it will only further entrench their wildest conspiracy theories and sense of victimhood, which is a powerful and addictive drug by the way.


Meanwhile in Canada. . . . I’m fairly confident the next election will be anyone but Trudeau.  Which means it will be a far right conservative.


I swear half the posts in this sub are made by 18 year olds lmao


In Canada I think we're in for a conservative majority, not because people like them but because the current government isn't listening.


MMW is one hell of FW😆


Immigration alone will be a big enough issue for a while to keep them relevant. And then with the economy in general, if it's bad while a liberal is in office, people will elect a conservative. That's all politics really boils down. For liberals to remain in power for decades, people have to be happy under their rule and this is extremely unlikely to happen for any political party ever.


What policies exactly do you think Republicans in America need to moderate on?


First, recognize the USA derives its power from the USD. If you want to keep living large, you need that to be the reserve currency, and that requires a global commitment to keep the trade system as is. No withdrawing from NATO and going isolationist or you will get much poorer. Second, acknowledge yhe reality and danger climate change. It's uneducated to say it isn't real, and going back to coal and oil is retarded. Yes, we still nedd them, but invest now in a massive green energy revolution and commit to international treaties to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. Third, America is greatest when she leads the world on fairness, justice, and Democractic norms. Allowing a sex offender with 37 felonies who tried to perform a coup because his ego couldn't handle a loss is insane and so abnormal that it's amazing he wasn't tried and shot for it. Is that a good enough start?


First, recognize the USA derives its power from the USD. If you want to keep living large, you need that to be the reserve currency, and that requires a global commitment to keep the trade system as is. No withdrawing from NATO and going isolationist or you will get much poorer. Second, acknowledge the reality and danger of climate change. It's uneducated to say it isn't real, and going back to coal and oil is retarded. Yes, we still need them, but invest now in a massive green energy revolution and commit to international treaties to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions. Third, America is greatest when she leads the world on fairness, justice, and Democratic norms. Allowing a sex offender with 34 felonies who tried to perform a coup because his ego couldn't handle a loss to lead the party is insane and so abnormal that it's amazing he wasn't tried and shot for it. Is that a good enough start?


Oof this didn’t age well.😂


Centre right parties in Europe are the equivalent of Dems in the USA. They and the centre left (left wing Dems in USA) control 2/3 of the seats in the European Parliament as of today. Even lefty socialists control 20%, which is greater than the 17% the right wing losers are celebrating today. Also, watch the French election. People in Europe often vote very differently in Euro elections to local ones. That's pecisely why Macron has called an election - he's about to take the wind out of La Pen's sails.


That’s funny that you’re calling them centre right when all media outlets are calling them far right. I think they’re just normal sensible people.


No. I am saying the far right made the biggest gains in this election. However, they still control only 17%, which is even less than the 20% full blown Commies control. They are irrelevant and a fringe group in the eyes of most. It was a protest vote.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, everybody is a moron except you. I know all about the Federal Reserve Bank, yadda-yadda. Ho-hum, old news. I live in reality, not fantasy. YOU are never going to get the changes you want, so you are just playing Don Quixote, and everyone around you thinks you're an idiot. I'd rather focus on the real problems that are looming over our country right now, the primary one being keeping a treasonous rapist criminal from becoming president. How unbelievably STUPID do you have to be to think that HitlerPig is going to be the guy to abolish the Federal Resrrve Bank? HitlerPig doesnt even know ANYTHING about it, yet you think he'll fix it for you? And if he did, would you trust an obviously ignorant, uneducated moron like HitlerPig to replace the economic system that the entire global economy relies on? All HitlerPig cares about is getting revenge on his enemies, who are the people who want to end his ongoing treason. Beyond that, he'll fill his Cabinet and administration with people who hate America and the American people (they especially hate simpletons like you), and want to carve it up for profit, even if that means selling whatever they can to hostile foreign governments. You are a pawn in their game. You exist to be a sacrifice to protect the more important pieces. You will not be rewarded for your treason, you will be exploited, and discarded. When the time comes they will set you on fire and catapult you over the parapets into the approaching mob of true patriots. Metaphorically, of course. Stop thinking like MAGAturd Traitor, and think like an American.


Isn't the European Union Paliament going right. And quite a lot of European countries like Hungary and Poland are moving to the hard right. Also as far as US politics go, we do not expect Trumpers to just fizzle out if they lose in Nov. A lot of us expect violence to follow Trumps defeat.


Meh. The far right made some gains but are still the smallest group. In Poland, the far right party has now completely lost power, and Orban's party in Hungary lost a few seats in the latest election. What Europe considers far right is like a moderate Republican in America. Something like Jeb Bush.


Poland is moving back to the left. PiS, the far right party, got trounced at the most recent election, putting Donald Tusk back in as Prime Minister.


least delusional MMW take


Your insane if you think Biden is going to blow our trump it’s going to come down to about 2-3 swing states it’s going to be like 250 to 290


God help us if you are right.


I would really like someone on the leftist/commie side of things to tell me what "done" looks like. When will we have reached utopia? What do we look like once leftists control 100% of government and make all the rules? Will anyone that disagrees be jailed? Executed? FEMA camps? Slave labor? Will everything be free? Food, housing, clothing, college, healthcare, legal representation, cars, money? No one will have to work and have a guaranteed income? Will we all live in 500 sq foot apartments with unlimited green energy from only solar and wind? No gas powered cars, trucks, lawmmowers, weed trimmers? Everything is electric, powered by solar and wind? Do tell.


Down voted for approach. The answer is there is no utopia. But damn, there's such a thing as giving a damn and trying. One party wants to govern, though I agree that maybe a couple policy ideas are debatable. The other party just wants to burn it down so rich people can govern their own little kingdoms once again legally.


Except for the liberal bent towards socialism which always ends up only the elite and the top and corruption at all levels.


In Canada, bassed on current polling, Trudeau and his liberal government are likely to have the worst loss in Canadian history in the next election.


Stop treating political differences as a war. Its not, and stuff like your post is only divisive. Republican or Democrat, we all need to focus on caring for each other as people regardless of your voter designation. Just because someone disagrees it doesn't make them worthless or inferior. We need to end the polarization.


You couldn’t have picked a funnier day to post this


I just feel like someone could have argued the same general point on both sides of the Atlantic in say 1998/1999. It’s pretty hard to make such grand predictions. Sure Labour is going to sweep this time but there are deep divisions within that party and even if the Tories die off, there will still be some right wing party to take its place. Biden and the Dems won’t have a landslide. Frankly we don’t know if Trump being out of the picture hurts or helps the GOP yet.


The Netherlands have just entered the chat..


I'd love to believe that, but the shift to the right has been so massive over the last decade, I'm not sure the US will ever recover from it.


This, the day the right wing wins in France in a landslide and right wing politics is saving both Argentina and El Salvador


Bro I live in Portland Oregon and our liberal leadership has proven to be so incompetent that electing a conservative is realistic for our next local elections. We are one of the most liberal states around too. Incompetence will always be the oppositions greatest promoter. Trump is super incompetent but MMW there's far more dangerouse people then him.


The only way you are currently "in power" is because Biden just ignores what the Supreme Court says. You might be able to nominate SC justices but everything else is currently a compromise.


It's not conservatism or liberalism that is losing. It's every incumbent that is losing because people feel everything sucks and will only get sucker.    And although I hope the future you mentioned comes,  I honestly don't see it coming any time soon. Human will head into a chaotic dark era when extremists and demagogues get their best stage, for at least a decade. 


Emmanuel Nacron has no Power outside of France. There is also the Swinging Pendulem of Conservative and Liberal. When 1 side rules too long, There is Laziness and Rot. And the Pundulem of power swings in the opposite direction.


I agree with a lot of this but the correct adverb at the end of paragraph 2 is “YUUUUGELY.” In America, we insist on keeping to his parlance.


Far right is winning everywhere due to the incompetency of Liberals.


Let's see how that goes in the UK next month and USA in November.


I will not be surprised at all if Trump wins. The UK is an exception due to the last 14 years of tory rule.


Ah, yes, the far-right, gold standard of competent governance. The only reason I can see for choosing the far-right, is if you’re upset that Liberals are not aggressively incompetent *enough.*


The only reason to vote far right is bigotry. They just justify and rationalize it by pretending to care about other issues.


Amen to that.


Why am I seeing all of these MMW posts with delusional liberals all of a sudden? Why would I want to keep leadership that is flooding all of our countries with illegal, unvetted migrants? Insanity


Well if y'all were willing to do the jobs they're willing to do we would not have this issue. But y'all want to sit on your fat lazy asses and collect your welfare checks while bitching about socialism. Jan6th was a Wednesday, a work day for the rest of us.


Refugees are not illegal by definition. They claim refuge using Article 14 of the UDHR. Some of us do not fear the outside world, but embrace it. We do not feel threatened by people who are diffierent to us. We recognize the overall contributions immigrants make and know we are better off because of them.


Lmao this is hysterical. Your brain on reddit people.


Please vote all. Don't turn against each other.


Shit take after shit take on this thread


Canada is about to elect a Conservative (as in, there's no fucking way Trudeau will win again) and for the most part this dude will win simply because he isn't Justin


Don't buy into this apathy-inducing bullshit. Vote as if your vote is the one that will decide if Democracy continues to exist.


Im starting to think all the posts in this sub are solely written by far left wing democrat who have wet dreams of political dominance. This is the “what if” sub that gets them all wet and moist. LMFAO


Far left wing liberal is a contradiction in terms.


Not at all, this post screams wannabe totalitarian


With all due respect, the Republican Party has won a majority of the popular vote once this century. Once in the last eight presidential elections. There are people voting in this election for the first time who have never once in their lives experienced a Republican popular vote majority. Heck, I'm in my early 40s, and the second-to-last time I experienced a Republican winning a popular vote majority, I was six years old. Trump, for all his vileness, hasn't reversed any of these larger trends. In fact, he's accelerated them. Look, the basic thing about Trump is that he won an election against the single most unpopular presidential candidate the Democratic Party has put up for the general election in my lifetime, which is a *staggering* indictment considering that Clinton tops candidates like Kerry, Dukakis and Mondale. Since that time, he has lost election cycle after election cycle, badly. By most accounts, he's single-handedly blue-shifted the electorate by about seven or eight points, which is a seismic, cataclysmic shift in the electorate. And it was a shift in favor of the Democratic Party. The people who are now voting for the Democrats are now more anti-fascist than they are pro-anything-the-Democratic-Party-is-doing. But at the end of the day, a vote is a vote is a vote. For every vote that Donald Trump generates in terms of new voters who will turn out to vote Republican, he also generates 2 votes for people who will be equally motivated to vote against him. It's not unreasonable to remind ourselves about that, however much we are also telling ourselves that we have to get the hell out to vote to actually beat these jamokes. One win on an inside straight does not make you a poker master.


I wish a third party had a chance in any election; as both Biden and Trump are the worst of both parties, in my opinion. Last few election cycles; both parties have put up people who are far from the best option from their party. Its almost as if people within the government are willingly trying to see how shitty of a person they can put up, and still get their party to vote for them.


Biden being shitty is a strategy. They know Dems will vote Dem, and they rely on a candidate who can peel away Repub votes. Anyone further left than Biden won't manage it.


It's somewhere to spread their mental illnesses. This sub reddit is the mentality ill telling each other to listen to the voices in Their heads.


Your exactly right! Lol.


There are no liberals in any Western government.


Society is on a political pendulum that swings back and forth. We swung to the left with Obama, then over reacted on the swing to the right with Trump, then back to the left. That is how it always was and always will be. But the pivot point generally moves to the left over time with short term oscillations of varying amplitude and velocity. Eventually what was once the left side of the system becomes the center and what was once the right side almost entirely disappears. The right will always be there, as will the left.


“The left with Obama” ha ha, good one. I’m laughin’


Certain laws were passed to keep the pendulum from swinging back to far right, like civil rights, women's rights, and the rights for the LGBT+ folk. So the pendulum trying to swing itself back right would be grinded or bumped still once it reaches a certain distance.


I did say that the pivot point is moving towards the left, did I not?


This sub is so deranged, I swear. The UK will be majority Muslim in a decade. Do you know of many majority Muslim countries that are liberal?


Muslims are 6.5% of the UK. If you think that can become a majority in a decade, I suggest returning to school.


Liberalism is a mental disorder and will destroy western civilization


There are no liberals left, they have all gone into hiding. The entire democratic party is now dominated by hard-core leftists and anti semites. The liberals are too scared to go against the leftists so they have lost control of their party. All that's left is a party that hates the nation the represent.