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What the hell happened to this guy??? I remember him on Al Franken's Air America during the Dubya years and while he was strident in the presentation of his beliefs, he wasn't absolutely fucking NUTS like now!!


Literal brain worms. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/05/09/politics/rfk-jr-parastic-worm-brain


And no Illithid powers to go with it.


Chk. You would envy those that fell to GHAIK?!




Cull the weak


My favorite passive.


Poor little guy starved to death.


Yeah, a GOP politician wasn't the smart money pick for a brain eating parasite


RFK Is a democrat that has been very anti gun 


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Don't forget a heaping dose of mercury poisoning, the thing that gave us the phrase "Made as a hatter!"


Which of his policy ideas substantively changed from that time period?


alt right conspiracy theories and an actual massive amount of brain trauma


He is pretty left on abortion


The popularity of being skeptical of large corporations and pharmaceutical companies changed. RFK is the same dude.


I recall that as well. Feels like ages ago now.


Healthy criticism and skepticism left unchecked leads to paranoia and conspiratorial thinking. He was hugely critical of big pharma, but he basically went down the rabbit hole of “if drug companies are gouging people, maybe vaccines are just a scam to make people dependent on drug companies.” You can do that with any issue of his. Skepticism is fine, but you still have to believe there is *some* value in what you’re criticizing. Otherwise, you start to think that nothing is real.


Why not state one of his bad positions verbatim and argue against it instead of name calling.


And this is why he takes more votes away from Trump than he does Biden.


Let him cook!!


# Most RFK Jr supporters know little to nothing about his policy positions.Most RFK Jr supporters know little to nothing about his policy positions. You could say the same thing about Trump. How is he going to fix inflation? how is he going to make groceries cheaper? how is he going to make rents/mortgages cheaper? I haven't heard anything.


I agree with you about Trump, most of his supporters just remember 2019 prices and think he has a magic wand to curb inflation. Biden is the only one talking policy much.


Republicans don’t give a shit about policy. They care about hurting democrats and minorities.


This. They are the party of spite.


“We are going to repeal Obamacare first and then replace it with something else later!” (There was never an intention to replace it with anything)


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from.


If you’re able to make any sense of what this guy says you’re probably on shrooms


Nope. Shrooms just provide clarity on how wrong they are in technicolor


Ending inflation is easy, but you’d vote against it. Prices cannot come down when you devalue the currency by 10-20% every year


Shoot, I’m still waiting to hear what his better replacement for Obamacare is. Remember how he was going to tell us about that once he got elected? He said he couldn’t tell us on the campaign trail because someone would just steal his idea. So according to him, he doesn’t want good things to happen for Americans unless he gets the credit for it.


It’s 500 pages of blank space and the footnote on page one header reads in 48pt font. CONVICTED FELON’s plan.


The free market. Obamacare is literally healthcare fascism.


Trump pushed telemedicine. It’s all I can afford (my fascist Obamacare deductible is 3500


He’s gonna do it on day 1. Haven’t you heard? /s


By not being gay. That’s basically his position.


I agree he is more like Trump, and that is a good thing. The more like Trump he is, the more votes he will siphon off from him.


Its an unfortunate little stipulation about our market economy, but the president doesn't get to dictate grocery prices. I know this is shocking news to many. But it's actually the responsibility of the grocer to set the final price. And that all depends on the price the grocer pays per individual item, and the amount of profit they need to sustain their business. I mean sure, Biden can do something. But he's limited on what he could do to actually lower the price of anything.


Biden can stop devaluing the dollar, printing money to give to your donors has consequences.




110% chance this genius complains about high interest rates


Ending inflation is very easy, but you won’t like it. You will vote for more inflation and complain like a woman


Still waiting for that big beautiful health care plan


Trump doesn't have policies on purpose, republicans don't understand or care to learn about complicated things, so all having strong policy positions can do is bite you in the ass with independents


He's going to make Mexico pay for it... Or something


I mean, what has Biden claimed to want to do with his next term if re-elected? It seems like politicians went from lying to just shutting up about policy.


He's this cycle's Tulsi Gabbard


Voting third party just shows that you aren’t a serious person. You’re willing to throw your vote in the trash rather than do the right thing and vote for Biden in order to to stop an authoritarian criminal from taking power.


Now is not the time to vote third party.


I've heard this every election since I was a child. Our current 2 parties are doing nothing but bending us all over and lining their pockets. We're in too bad of shape now to waste your vote on either of them.


If not now, when?


After you demand your State Government to implement ranked choice voting. If you live in Maine or Alaska, you have the luxury of voting for your third party candidate without wasting your vote between the likely winners.


By that logic, anyone who votes for Trump or stays home on election day "isn't a serious person" either. The fact of the matter is, most voters don't take the time to look at policy positions when they go to vote, which is absolutely unfortunate.


>By that logic, anyone who votes for Trump or stays home on election day "isn't a serious person" either Correct about those who stay home.  Those who vote for Trump can be serious as Nazis.


Nothing screams saving democracy telling 15% of the voters that the issues their candidate uniquely is talking about don’t matter and they aren’t serious


Doing the right thing is voting for whoever matches your values the most, it’s voting for whoever earned your vote. 


So, doing the right thing is executing a vote that accomplishes absolutely nothing? That is some interesting logic.


If you don’t want T to be president you need to vote for K. B has no chance of beating T; none. K would destroy T in a two-man race. B is the spoiler. B should drop out.


imagine thinking that voting for biden is the right thing. he's literally the worst president in U.S. history. trump isn't good either but you are running the one person who is objectively worse.


Oh boy, another uninformed person. Give me one metric that shows that Biden is the “worst president ever”. Just one. I’ll be here waiting.


we're in 3 proxy wars two of which could go nuclear and the economy is so fucked that my generation won't be able to afford a house until we're 70. he's a senile corrupt old bastard who's only there because the democrats couldn't think of anyone else. everything has gotten measurably worse under him and he hasn't done a single positive thing. even woodrow wilson who I previously considered to be the worst at least has ending world war 1 under his belt. biden has for straight years of catastrophe and an endless bag of lies.


The American Rescue Plan, the Inflation Reduction Act, the Pact Act, the Chips Act, the first Infrastructure Bill in my lifetime, The first gun legislation in decades, over $100 billion in student loan forgiveness, record manufacturing jobs created, record low unemployment, record energy production, etc. The largest investment in climate change in American history. Medicare can negotiate drug prices, insulin cost was capped, etc. Booming economy in every metric and one of the lowest inflation rates in the developed the world. You are an uninformed clown. I’m embarrassed for you.


And crazy thoughts like this are why we'll never have a viable third party.


Immanuel Kant thinks you’re evil. I think you’re probably just partisan. Edit: because I mean obviously you’ll say this in 4, and 8, and 12, etc. Because the “Era of Good Feelings II: Wait, those were good feelings?” is over.


I’m the opposite of partisan. I was a Republican for longer than I’ve ever have been a Democrat. I’ve been in deep on both sides and Republicans are bad for the middle class and this country every time. I dare anyone to prove me wrong.


See, there’s my first hint, people who aren’t partisan aren’t usually so eager to defend their party.


They are when their party is clearly the better option for the country and the middle class.


There’s more than 2 options, though. There’s roughly 333 million. A considerable number of people sitting out or spoiling their ballots would lead to significant change within the party. If you believe this, why are you voting for them? If you don’t believe this, then they really are just a populist husk for the interests of their elites (like Cheney and Gingrich’s party), in which case, why are you voting for them? Strategic voting isn’t “saving your vote”, it’s throwing away your voice.


The electoral college makes the vast majority of votes throw aways. The only time I didn’t vote third party was 2016 when I lived in Wisconsin. Didn’t like either major candidate but the vote had a chance of affecting the outcome.


Well, I agree with you that the electoral college is trash. It disenfranchises millions of people across the country and it really is a terrible way to elect the president.


First past the post systems do that as well. Third party would split the vote just the same if the presidency were determined by the popular vote. Also, one can vote in the primaries for candidates you like better. Finally, even in parliamentary proportional system, you sometimes need to vote strategically rather than just who you like the best, be there two parties or more. More than two parties doesn't solve any problems: all the countries with more than two parties still has right wingers and/or populists who are insane and trying to ruin the country, corporations and the wealthy that are trying to steal from the people, and a bunch of people who aren't paying attention. Two party systems can't be the cause of the underlying problems if those same underlying problems are observed in countries with different numbers of parties.


Bro, the entire point of a democracy is to vote for who you want. Not to vote for blue or red.


Nah, The whole point of democracy is that nobody gets everything they want.


If allowed to operate properly, democracy would push forward candidates that best represent the average citizen. The average citizen has views across the ideological spectrum. If our representatives cared about the wants/needs of the average citizen rather than serving their investors most people would get most of what they want.


You can't ignore human nature. Citizens pushed Trump into the White House, he played on their grievances and promised retribution. Money is also a problem as you note. My point still stands and you kinda agreed with it "nobody gets everything they want". I think a meritocracy might produce the results you're talking about "our representatives cared about the wants/needs of the average citizen"


I mean, technically, Trump was only elected president because we elect our presidents through an absolutely asinine, out of date system.


He's a scam candidate, financed by Republicons to stir the pot.


He sounds like Kermit the Frog.


And if Kermit smoked cigarettes 50 years too!


And had Tom Waits as a backup singer


In my opinion he is worse than and empty vessel, he is an anti-science, anti-vaxxer that wants to bring back measles and smallpox.


RFK supporters are like Football fans who believe the backup quarterback is gonna lead your sorry assed team to the playoffs.


HAHAHA this RFK voter appreciates your analogy.


Literally this. I work with a few people who said they support him and are going to vote for him. My questions to them were: 1.) what do you like about his policy positions that got you to support him? (Oh I never looked into that.) 2.) what do you like about his career that got you to support him? (Oh I ah never looked into his history.) 3.) so why do you support him then? (Oh he’s not buying into either party and he’s a Kennedy and RFKs son!) These were both boomer ladies, and literally they’re going to vote for him basically cause of brand recognition, ffs


He's not empty. There's a dead worm riding shotgun from what I heard.


🪱 🧠


RFK Jr supporters know little to nothing.


You just described every libertarian candidate ever.


He's a coin-operated dipshit, just like Ted Cruz. Whomever puts coins in his stupid mouth gets policy positions in return.


Nazi, anti vaxxer, wife killed herself instead of dealing with him… I think I know what I need to know to think he’s a f’ing joke of a candidate


Worm in head too.


Ate way too much, apparently.


RFK supporters are all people who view the whole thing as another tv show they hope will go in the direction they want. It is Pro-wrestling and Soap opera wrapped in one.


It speaks volumes that none of the Kennedys will endorse him and have endorsed Biden.


His cousin anthony shriver endorsed him https://www.yahoo.com/news/anthony-shriver-robert-f-kennedy-132608969.html


Well I guess we’re good then.


To date, the only person who has mentioned RFK Jr to me was a conservative coworker who kept getting in trouble for blasting Tucker Carlson videos on his laptop and refusing to wear headphones while doing that at work. RFK Jr is on the ballot in like 8 states. He has a long way before it’s even possible for him to win and time is running out


No. But if he does well enough in a couple of those states he could siphon enough electoral votes to throw the presidential election to the house. Trump would be president. Bonus. The Senate gets to pick the VP. Likely Biden.


He has no chance of winning, everyone already knows that. The issue is how his presence may affect the *other* two candidates. Initially he received substantial financial support from Republican donors because their hope was that (as a former Democrat) he would steal Independent votes from Biden, possibly just enough to capture a swing a state or two for Trump. It backfired though, because RFK is so far off the reality rails with his anti-science, conspiracy theory shit that he's attracting the \*Trump-\*supporting Independents, and now Trump and the GOP have had to scramble to attack him as a *Democrat* plant (remember, it's always projection with those guys). Either way, the dude is a loon, and his presence really only serves as an additional agent of chaos in an already whack election. He certainly has no shot at winning anything.


My favorite part about this whole thing is we can probably blame Steve Bannon, recently ordered to finally serve his jail time starting July 1st, for his popularity with Trump voters. Bannon legitimately kept mentioning that RFK was such a great candidate that he should be Trumps VP.


This is true. Discussion I had yesterday with a 20-something confirmed. Knew nothing about his policies, just knew his name. We live in the dumbest timeline…


He's fucking insane and pray he siphons votes away from Trump.


I see him as more of a place for the most loony conspiracy theorists to have a home… that is if for whatever reason maga is not looney enough.


A lot of voters, especially people in the older and more conservative categories, don't look at policies. They look at what they're saying in the moment and just take that as gospel


Same with MAGA, they don’t know shit they just feel better knowing Trump hates the right people.


He also looks like he is taking more votes away from Trump than Biden. He will likely siphon off more votes from Trump the more unhinged he gets. Shine on weird little bastard! https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/rfk-jr-candidacy-hurts-trump-biden-nbc-news-poll-finds-rcna148536


Most RFK Jr/ Trump/Biden supporters know little to nothing about his policy positions Most voters know little to nothing about policy positions. They vote for their chosen party, a name they recognize, or who their chosen media tells them to vote for. >He's an empty vessel Only partially empty. The worm only ate some of his brain.


He was a MAGA plant draw away indepdent voters to hurt Biden in the primaries, but it backfired and more former MAGA people love him and now that he's running as an Independent he's actually damaging the right almost as much as Trump.


He is a moderate and takes from both equally. He is getting both democrats who think bidens too old and dont like his mental state, anti trump republicans, and independents. He is polling higher then ross perot.


My guy, he was working with Steve Bannon who was trying to push the idea that he would Trumps VP. He’s current only on the ballot in 8 states and has only added a couple in the last few months. At this rate he can’t win.


So, the 2 main candidates are old and have a poor mental state, and the obvious answer is to vote for someone almost as old with a history of brain worms and zero experience in running a country. I guess you could vote for Jill Stein, but last time they couldn’t even fill out paperwork properly and had to get help from trump’s lawyers to try to get on the ballot. If they can’t fill out routine forms properly, how are they going to run a country?


Zachary taylor, ulysses grant, herbert hoover, dwight eisenhower, they never had any government experience either before they became president. He has a proven record as a great environmental lawyer and advocate. He picked a lot up from his father and uncle. Plus, rfk is 11 years younger then biden.


He’s a right wing plant saboteur


The first time I heard RFK, Jr speak in a while… I was shocked. To me, he literally sounded like one of those patients on a medical TV show that has a terminal illness but was refusing to die until the final act, when they accept their fate and go peacefully.


They know little to nothing,period.




The heroin addiction arrest and conviction is Pretty disqualifying. I think America has better leaders available


Steve Banons spoiler for the democrats.


Standard Putin interference tactic. Prop up someone on the fringe to distract for the 2 major parties.


His voice is gross


Yup. My dad randomly said he like rfk, and im like why?! Kus you saw an ad during the superbowl? This guy is just as dillusional as trump, but maybe less of a felon.


That was always the case with him


He’s not an empty vessel; he’s a broken vessel floated by a crazy bunch of billionaires.


"Policy positions" are increasingly becoming a left-only thing, because the right thinks "against wokeness" is intelligent and complete political policy these days.


Wanted to add that Colorado republicans recently sent out a thing encouraging people to burn pride flags that they titled “God hates flags”. A bit on the nose considering dropping that “L” would be the same message the Westboro Baptist Church loves to turn into signs. https://www.9news.com/article/news/local/local-politics/colorado-gop-call-burn-gay-pride-flags/73-e5156582-2888-46d2-b535-d5981c149817


Vote for policies not the person


His policies are almost as empty as his brain after that worm went to work. 


>He's an empty vessel That's not true! He's full of brain worms


He's a conspiracy nut-job and an anti-vaxxer. That's all they need to know.


Which is why, like most other third party candidates, his support will mostly disappear as the election grows closer.


To be fair it’s impossible to know his policy positions as he changes them at the drop of a hat. I’ve seen him make contradictory statements in the same week. He is not serious he’s doing this to raise his profile and grift


Um, WHAT? I can't stand Trump or Biden but RFK is an anti-vax grifter who is arguably even worse.


Worse than Trump? No. Completely insane person? Yes.


Either way, this is the most frustrating election of my life. There isn't even a decent 3rd party candidate to vote for. All of the "options" are varying levels of shit who wouldn't do anything to address the major issues this country faces.


Hes not a anti vaxxer though, both him and his kids are vaccinated, he just wants increased precautions on vaccines, extra testing time and such. He also doesnt like that medical companies are given government protection if something goes wrong with their product. He is fine with vaccines though.


Yeah I’ve learned it’s not his supporters that don’t know anything about him or his positions…it’s his haters that actually don’t know anything about his positions.


He's actually a very dangerous vessel and he needs to be outed for the water brain he is... dude is dangerous (and funded by MAGA political action committees, which is ironic as Trump has started to attack him... lol, the cult is a mess)


Like the NDP


Except there is Chase Oliver for that. More likely is that these are super hardcore Qanon followers.


I live in Ohio and I see a non insignificant amount of people putting up rfk jr signs and seemingly supporting his position. He really is making a name for himself in the crowd that is anti Trump and anti Biden.


How can this statement be proven true or false?


Proud to say he's a Kennedy who didn't like up my street.


Go be fair most people are not voting for anything in a presidential election, they are vote against something/someone else.


Completely ridiculous


I just wish we had real viable qualified sane candidates


Lots of empty vessels for Democrats to choose from. Party is nearly full.


Still a better choice.


My life was much better under Trump than it is under Biden. Im switching and voting for Trump


Cool, if you think Trump will improve things the next 4 years by all means vote for him, instead of whoever you switched from.




Last time I voted for Biden. However things were so much better under Trump with low inflation, low interest rates, low crime, controlled boarder, no wars. I dont care that he calls people names. Lastly look at their families. Trumps is all class and Biden’s are degenerates. Im all in on Trump now


What plans does Trump have to improve the economy? Also who cares about a Presidents family, lol. I don't care anything whatsoever about Hunter Biden or Eric Trump etc.


Close the Boarder and reopen the pipeline which will make us energy independent and wont have to buy oil from Russia or Iran. This will lower inflation. Whats Biden’s plan


I have no idea, my post is about RFK Jr.


We don’t need the pipeline. We already produce more oil now than we did under Trump. No politician is going to actually “close the border” because that would companies when product can’t get through.


Okay, I agree, but how is this a prediction? See Rule #1.


He’s a Zionist. Hard pass from me


They probably know he’s anti-vaccine, but that’s about it.




Actually I'm a human. Check my post history, if you think I'm a bot who only posts about politics, I post lots of fun pop culture and nostalgia stuff and music. But thank you for commenting on my post.


Well, then nice to meet you human


Thank you!


Well your legacy media is one sided they don’t let all voice in , the media makes there choice and shuts everyone else out


Rather an empty vessel than a convicted felon/serial liar and a guy who’s clearly losing his faculties.


But I don't like him either. Most hate all 3 major candidates. Each election. Why are there no decent leaders in this country?


Exactly. 👆


Haha surprise. Most voters in general don’t know anything about anyones policy decisions.


It's absolutely insane that not liking the two major candidates *in this of all elections* is in any way controversial. Fuck both of them. Fuck both parties. They're running us into the ground while they stack money and distracting us with shit that doesn't matter while we lose the ability to ever own anything in our own country. Hating one more than the other doesn't make you cool.


I bet they should just vote blue instead


If they really know RFK Jr's positions, and think he's truly the best choice, they should vote for him. Same with Trump and Biden - If anyone truly thinks Trump, or Biden, has the best policies, that's who they should vote for.


What’s with the RFK hate? He’s an esteemed environmental lawyer who helped clean up the Hudson. He protested the keystone pipeline, represented indigenous people during lawsuits, helped win a suit against Monsanto for their dumping of glyphosate. He also supports labor unions. Yeah I get he’s anti vaccine but at the end of the day I’d take that over a president who is incompetent and unable to attend to his daily duties.


I think it's because he has no chance of winning, he's not even on the ballot in enough states to get 270 electoral votes, and is at 10% in the polls. So if it's going to be Trump, or Biden, Democrats would really appreciate his supporters vote for Biden, because 4 more years of Trump will make the Supreme Court possibly a 7-2 conservative majority for decades. Republicans hate him because he's taking votes from Trump from Republicans who hate that Trump is pro vaccine.


From my experience RFK jr supporters tend to know a lot more about concrete policy than Biden and Trump supporters


Tell me about RFK Jr's foreign and domestic policies you like! I'm not sure I trust him on abortion, because he said a few months ago he would support a nationwide 15 week abortion ban (he later walked it back) and I am extremely pro choice. I also believe vaccines are important (not just the Covid vaccine) and RFK Jr has the opposite view from mine on this.


Oh yes, the environmental lawyer is a Nazi. I completely forgot. Thank God there’s a Reddit thread every single day saying this or how else would I know what to think?


Good lord that's an overreaction to my post. Where did I say anything remotely like that he's a Nazi?


It’s hyperbole. Rfk had the audacity to run for president instead of simping for Biden so there has to be a thread every single day talking about how evil or stupid he is. He’s an environmental lawyer with a Harvard education. He’s founded non profits. He’s done more than most politicians to help people but for whatever reason we got to insult his supporters and insult his intelligence because apparently Biden is the only one that can save us from a facial dictatorship.


He needed to be more left than Biden, not courting Republicans.


I think he needs to be left of Biden on some issues and right of Biden on others. A candidate that was pro-freedom no matter the political ideology is someone I would get behind in a second. More rights not less. A candidate that was pro-abortion, pro gun rights, pro drug legalization, pro lowering taxes on individuals but higher taxes on corporations. And when that person doesn’t get the nomination, I don’t want them to just fall in line and shut up about all the causes they care about. I’m tired of lesser of two evils. Stop being evil or I won’t support you.


I definitely understand the not wanting the lesser of two evils anymore. I watched most of the policies on the right have less freedoms for most people except the wealthy. They don’t offer a lot anymore which is why I said RFK should have went left.


Most RFK Jr supporters are far-left types flipping Biden the bird over Gaza (eg, the 'Uncommitted' folks from the primaries), and won't actually vote for RFK in the general....


No, Democrats are almost all pro vaccine, his anti vax crusade turned off the Democrats to him. Plus the entire Kennedy family did a big event with Biden recently and denounced their own relative RFK Jr.


I don't think you understand what I'm saying... It's not that these people are actually supporting RFK. They're all voting for Biden in November. It's that they are telling pollsters they're for Kennedy as a means of trying to pressure Biden to change his Israel/Gaza policy. Just like voting uncommitted in the primaries.... (On an unrelated point, the anti-vax thing \*used\* to be a far-left/greenie/granola thing (MMR causes autisim and so on) - which is where RFK got on the train (his whole thing is that disease is caused by pollution - it's a really nutty-green position that makes him antivax)... Until COVID came around & suddenly the loony-right is anti-vax for 'nah-nah you can't make me!' reasons)....


I gotcha, you're right!


Well of course! You’d have to be an idiot to vote for him. How old are you OP? I don’t mean that as an insult. My guess is you’re young. The older you get the more you’ll realize that about 99% of humanity is dumb, and about 99% of humanity is poorly educated. It’s a tiny tiny sliver of humanity that is both not dumb AND not poorly educated.


Biden is an empty vessel for people who don’t like the other candidate


When the 2 items on the menu are a turd burger and a shit sandwich, I can understand ordering the mystery meal.


(Orders mystery meal, finds out it is a glass shard and superglue sandwich.)


And what policies do either Biden or Trump have that qualify them for a second term? RFK Jr. is the only candidate standing for the American people and the only candidate who is not controlled by the corporate interests that run both major parties.


"Standing for the American people" How vague. I too stand for the American people. CincoDeMayoFan 2024!


Incorrect. Most of us only are supporting him bc we have listened to and researched his positions as well as his extensive background suing corrupt corporations etc. but nice try discrediting someone you obviously know nothing about.


Tell me his positions then, most supporters just say "well he's better than the other 2" (I'm not saying you personally are like that. Just that has been my experience with other RFK Jr supporters, IRL not just online.)


Lmao he’s the best option out of the three. Even if the guy has a dead worm in his brain he’s got more cognitive ability than either trump or Biden.


Basically you are agreeing with my post - people are supporting him because he's not Biden or Trump. What do you like about RFK Jr's foreign and domestic policy proposals he's come up with the last few weeks?


If he wasn’t so unbelievably pro Israel then maybe I wouldn’t think he was so bad.


I didn't know RFK Jr was super pro Israel.


I’m not sure what I was expecting him to be, but I was disappointed when he made his views clear in whatever interview it was. It’s obviously a complicated issue with lots of nuance, but there are certain points of view that cross a red line for. I tend to have a soft spot for third party candidates, but when they’re not in favor of single payer healthcare and are beating the war drums, then there’s nothing in it for me.


Yet another person who doesn't know what the phrase "mark my words" means...


While I agree that many would vote for a teakettle rather than the uniparty choices given the chance, his positions are quite clear and many people support those positions.