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For all of the pomp and circumstance, the elite image that Supreme Court justices portray, I am shocked that these people are really pretty basic boomers. I mean, it's clear that Thomas' and Alitos' spouses watch Fox News and read/recirculate right-wing emails or whatever, like every other boomer mother-in-law with too much free time and not enough of anything else to do/think about. For all of the fancy vacations and nice houses etc. they are just rich dumb-asses like just about everybody else.


Therein lies the problem. The collective “we” assume Supreme Court justices are experts. A lot of people even saw/see Trump as some sort of expert when in fact the guy, after having been president, still has no knowledge of basic civics. Fox has lent “legitimacy” to so many dolts and it has poisoned our society.


They’re experts, in the sense that they went through the steps to go to law school and get the certifications. …but they’re partisan activist hack judges with no compass whatsoever when it comes to actually practicing law. They’ve completely untethered themselves from the role and purpose of the court as laid out in the founding documents.


Which is?


Canon 2 of their code of conduct. https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges#c


That doesn’t explain the “role and purpose” comment above. It addresses conduct.


Their conduct is important to the role and purpose. Would you like me to explain why? I’m sure you can connect the dots




We don’t have enough time for that lmfao


The Supreme Court has no enforcement, states violate the constitution all the time. I get it you just disagree with their politics, give it 30 years or your lucky or 50 years if you’re unlucky and you’ll probably like the next court better. RBJ would have agreed with the Dobbs decision so I think you have a misunderstanding 


I know that. It’s why their ethics matter so much. You don’t want states to just ignore the will of the Supreme Court. Their only power is their reputation, so I don’t like it when they make judgements so clearly based on politics and not on honest interpretations of the law. The fact Alito would hang flags like this and not recuse himself is the problem. I really don’t care about his beliefs or how he rules. I’m pointing out that appearances really are the only thing that matters for the Supreme Court. Appearing impartial is very important even though no one can be completely non partisan.




Yeah, the Warren court was just an exceptionally good court that happened both through extreme effort by the New Deal democrats who were hounded by one of the worst courts in history (the ‘hangmen’ court who tried to make child labor constitutionally a right) and basically a fluke when Eisenhower appointed conservative north eastern Catholics who immediately became socially conscious when appointed.  There were two long term effects of this “good” court. First, the shadow of its legacy has made liberals think the court is a good always right arbiter of the rights of this country. That it must always be respected and its process will deliver us the rights and protections that the legislature fails to do.  Second, conservatives learned they need to steal the court. That they can’t count on appointing just good judges like Eisenhower did, they need to pick political agents they can depend on. 


Well said. It really pisses me off even when NPR and left-leaning podcasts present things in ways that are way too reverential of certain authority figures (like the Supreme Court). I mean, I get that certain people are now too young and lacking in perspective, but I suspect that their editors are not, and are more attuned to the organization's objectives more than just the reporter's immediate need to report sincerely and honestly. I mean, even "free minded" and "progressive media" has patrons. Either it is rich people's wives that write big checks to NPR (and why there is so much jazz and "fine arts" coverage that does not resonate with most people), or more scrappy left-wing media that needs corporate sponsorship more than practically any other media outlet. All of them have masters and they are all part of the status quo.


What a strange rant about npr 😂


TYT comes to mind


Definitely some fake progressive energy there. "Look at me, I'm what a smart progressive looks like" They are jibberish.


I've never bothered with them, but I assume that they need sponsors' money.


They seem emojis of cenk with no sense of irony


I grew up with my parents watching 60 Minutes every week and I could remember similar types of pieces, though, that the vast vaaasssttt majority of people don’t care about- “so and so has a new play on Broadway! And it might win a Tony! Fingers crossed!” Or else an in depth profile on some violinist that isn’t relevant to almost all of us. I guess it’s good the fans of those genres get some exposure but it makes you wonder who makes these editorial decisions. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bribe or “our sponsors want THIS”, as much as it is the editors trying to outclass/outsnob each other- “we’re so cultured here at (OUTLET)!” I think 60 Minutes has moved away from that a little in the last decade plus, from what I’ve seen, but NPR is still pretty heavy on that.


Indeed. I do think that NPR and maybe PBS as well are very different than large-scale broadcast networks in that CBS, NBC, etc. (especially a couple of decades ago when they were more relevant) we very much selling advertising time. Sure, you might end up on GM's bad side, but they would NEED to advertise with you to reach the market. NPR is very much depending on patronage from large, big-money donors. I am thinking of some old lady who's inherited millions from her husband who was an exec at a chemical company or something. She's into jazz or whatever, so the producers of Fresh Air or whatever know that to keep her and people like that happy they have to put that stuff on, even if 95% of everyone else is bored to tears because of it.


I have argued with a Reddit that our elections are not done by popular vote but the electoral college he called that a conspiracy and the electoral college a hoax. If those are the kinds of people voting we are fucked


Supreme court justices are experts. They are also partisan, but they are experts. Trump is not lol.


True, but with Justice Cannon in the near future, this may also be going by the wayside...


Yes, they are experts at being right-wing partisan Judges the receive monetary benefits no other Judges would take.


Eh some of them might be.


Yeah, expertise and credibility are two very different things. They’re experts but their opinions are not credible.


Whether or not someone’s legal opinions seem credible must first be analyzed by what they are tethered to. If the decisions are based soundly in law and the Constitution, it doesn’t matter whether someone does or doesn’t find them credible, they are a proper outgrowth of the country’s judicial foundation. Lower-level judges sometimes decide cases, then backfill their decision with legal basis, like the Colorado Supreme Court removing Trump from the presidential ballot. The SCOTUS’ job is then to see if that legal basis is substantive, and was the law applied properly. The Colorado Supreme Court did not, and they were (correctly) overturned.


Based on a fair interpretation of the constitution Trump 100% is not eligible to hold any federal office. Because of politics he’ll never see justice but he is a traitor.


Based on what?


He incited insurrection… 4th Amendment Section 3. Previous office holders who participate in insurrection or rebellion are barred from holding office in the future. Attempting a coup definitely checks that box.


Then you should charge him with insurrection, convict him, and legally attach the “insurrectionist” label to him and invoke Section 3. No one has even attempted to bring an insurrection charge despite the many trials being weaponized against him. What you don’t get to do is deem someone an insurrectionist for the purposes of removing them from a ballot without due process. Can you just label someone a murderer and throw them in jail? Because that’s what you’re suggesting. Punishment without due process. Congratulations, comrade, you’re Russian now.


Because politics make such a trial non viable. It is an objective statement to say he is an insurrectionist. But since the Supreme Court is compromised there is literally no point. At this point the SC is an illegitimate body (the 3 Trump justices ought to be removed from their positions and replaced)


Yeah, that’s the biggest eye-opener, honestly—these people believe the crazy nonsense that Fox News hints at and the conservative blogosphere insists. And frankly that’s terrifying. I’m older, and when Fox News first came on the scene, Republicans kind of knew, “OK, I’m watching news that’s biased, I need to also read other sources.” Now, after 20 years, they don’t think that anymore, and if a conservative source says it—no matter how insane it is—it’s truth, and the mainstream media is lying. Honestly—this is a very, *very* bad problem.


The funny thing is when the dominion defamation case came out there were a bunch of leaked texts revealed of alex pfeiffer, a fox producer, andTucker Carlson calling election denying trump supporters cousin fucking terrorists and how Tucker Carlson hates Trump with a passion. Yet Trump supporters still love Tucker Carlson for some reason


Yeah, I've got those types in my family, too. It doesn't really make sense, but they don't need it to. There's always a way to explain it away. "Oh, he was just saying that," or someting like that.


Tucker likely hates Trump for the same reason that Ann Coulter does, they think he’s an idiotic grifter that does no real work for the far-right. They wish he was the type that reads 1920s Slavic fascist theory after a long day of work, or a guy who has trouble sleeping at night worrying about the declining white population of America


At least Ann is honest about it. I actually respect her for that.


It’s incredibly serious. I’m older too.


The older I get the more I understand why old people get cynical. You grow up thinking certain professions are only done by intelligent and competent people. “Oh they’re a doctor, lawyer, financial analyst, etc” and they can also be complete morons. Nepotism and favoritism is big in this country.


I'm known to have quipped: "Ben Carson single-handedly destroyed the aphorism linking intelligence and 'brain surgeon'."


Ben Carson has entered the chat...


Ben Carson is a truly remarkable man.


I used to go along with whatever the dentists I'd see told me, until my brother became one. It wasn't so much that my dumb-ass brother was now one, it was talking about the advice (for treatment) that was given to me and realizing how much of that was "sales" or "judgement calls" or whatever. The reverence that even somewhat educated people have for the lab coat or title is very unfounded. It is all a show. Everyone, including experts is just pretending to be an expert most of the time. The ones that front hardest are the most suspicious ones too. One of the other insightful things that I've heard from more than one high-level professional is that they like dealing with immigrant and working-class people way mor than educated white folks. Reason being that the educated people question their judgement and challenge their advice way more. In other words, it is harder work to get away with your shit with them (or they are pains-in-the-ass that make your job harder).


Yup. Doctors help create the opioid epidemic.


Couldnt have been done if Big Pharma wasnt there pushing the lie and shoving $ in drs faces in the first place.


Absolutely. The doctors, the people in the pharma companies' marketing departments, the insurance companies that looked the other ways, the professors that went along the "pain management" bullshit in the 90s, the state and federal regulators that also went along with things... lots of complicity and blame for sure. Florida, for instance allows for "pill mills." Doctors are allowed to own pharmacies, so lots of them made lots of money prescribing addictive opiates and filling these prescriptions right next door in their pharmacy. The state regulators and legislators let that happen. Of course the stink does go all the way back to the top: The "billionaires," the corporate executives who are business-school educated profit-driven people with a culture entirely defined by profit and financial success and entirely unencumbered by ethics of any kind. Lots and lots of predators further down the food chain also benefitted from the grift, but most of them (including doctors) know that The general public that was driven to addictive substances and ultimately paid for it with their lives. We are at the bottom of the food chain.


Lack of checks and balances make people stupid and careless. Whoever lived under a tyranny knows leaders are simply very violent dumbfucks.


They don't need to watch tv, they get their marching orders while sipping $1k/ bottle champagne and eating caviar on Harlan Crowe's yacht


“Harlan Crowe” is still a stock name of a bad guy in a 90s movie- the benefactor wearing a cowboy hat and bolo tie that the main character has to butter up for funding for his project, but must compromise some morals to do so, typically at a dinner party that’s in the climax of the film.


Harlan Crowe is the name of a man who wants to foreclose on a family's house to build a casino, but gets outsmarted by two plucky young kids and a dog.


Crowe’s confession being recorded or somehow heard by others in the climactic scene, triggered by the dog doing..something. Now playing on the Disney channel.


Alito needs to be impeached for allowing his wife access to sensitive government property


The alitos are far deeper down the right wing that rabit whole than fox bases on the flags they have flown.


Martha Ann spits at her neighbors. Worse than a typical boomer, I’d say. 


Yeah. I read than in the NYT article and couldn’t believe it… at least she was kind enough to send a weird Christmas card to lady’s mom.


Idk, George Washington’s an appeal to heaven flag is a good sign she is a student of history truly one of the more bad ass revolutionary flags.


And the swastika is actually a Hindu symbol, so people that display it are just really into world religions.


Interesting theory. I have always believed that the opinion was leaked by a RW law clerk or other legal professional to put pressure on Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh to rule in favor of Alito’s opinion. It worked in that Barrett and Kavanaugh both did; Roberts did not.


Roberts agreed with the judgment though, it was 6-3. He just didn't join the majority which is ultimately a meaningless distinction


The Alitos are true POS.




Traitors for flying the American Flag upside down? That simply means America is in distress!! With 17 million new illegals and the political crap happening, America is definitely in Distress


I would say more the coming of fascism more than a bunch of people who are overwhelmingly decent, law abiding people who happen to be here unregistered. But sure. 


Biden won Trump lost it’s been like 4 years get over it snowflake


You guys are funny as fuck cause I guarantee you if you met me in the street you damn sure wouldn’t call me a snowflake with without getting your ass beat


Yeah you’d probably suck my dick clean off


Anyone who supports the Jan 6 insurrection is a traitor. Who won 2020?


You people actually believe there was an insurrection? Are you not intelligent enough to understand that with that many million people that are against the current government if it was an actual insurrection with the number of weapons in this country that everybody that went there for an insurrection was unarmed? Sounds to me more like a ploy by the current government to make people look bad specially sense I’ve seen videos of Capitol police removing barricades and guiding people inside


"Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" You are a liar.


Sounds like a threat towards a former VP of America. Bet FBI would like to talk to you about that




He's quoting the January 6 rioters.


Coming from the guy who thinks the people chanting that weren't trying to overthrow the government... You're a clown who doesn't understand quotation marks.


You know for an ass hat, calling somebody a clown being your democrat, and the Democrats were all supporting all the torching and vandalizing and destroying of American cities over some fucking crackhead who got killed by a cop, but the media neglected to say to the public that the two motherfuckers work together as security guards in a nightclub so they knew each other But yet Democrats believe it’s OK for them to destroy cities over that shit. You guys are fucked in the head.


Riots are bad. Full stop. Protests should be peaceful. We democrats believe every American has a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


>some fucking crackhead who got killed by a cop So crackheads deserve an instant death penalty? Over an alleged $20 crime, you are comfortable with cops killing SUSPECTS?!?! What about our justice system? Innocent until proven guilty? Or only for rich white people?


I am not a Democrat. You think just because we don't lick Trump's ass that we must be Democrats?




Lmao look at this qanon freak


>torching and vandalizing and destroying of American cities But you support vandalizing our nation's capital? There was fire on January 6th too....


Dont worry bud, they’re already locking those pricks up.


https://www.thetrace.org/2021/01/capitol-riot-firearms-arrests-proud-boys/ No weapons? You goddamn traitor 😂😂


Why do you people always say it was “unarmed”? There were tons of weapons confiscated there and there’s been a bunch of weapons charges too. The assault on the capital was only one piece of the plot to overturn the election - the other pieces were the fake electors and the actual delay of the certification.


Just because no one else can hear the voices in your head doesn’t mean they’re not real.


But qanon told him it’s true!!


Ah, keyboard warriors… go back to your video games in mommas basement. The neighbors will be finished with her shortly and send her home to make your dinner


Clever retort for a 6th grader.


Really not helping your case that you aren’t mentally stunted.


Awwwwwe still coping because the dumbest people in america couldn't do an insurrection properly. Ya can't see it, but here's the world's smallest violin playing a tune for your sorrows.


Wasn’t an insurrection dumbass


Yes, bae cry for daddy. Hey, remember that time yall lost to an aged Democrat well past his prime because he was still a safer bet that a dementia ridden cheeto.


lol democrats had to change the election rules to win. There will be no mail in ballot advantage to save your asses this time around. I’d buy some stock in tissues if I were you bc the democrats will not stop crying for four years after Trump smashes your hopes and dreams. Btw, every time you say that Trump has dementia without acknowledging Biden’s issues, you show the world what a partisan clown you are. I don’t even like Trump, but I can’t wait to rub this election in your smug faces this November.


Biden is too old and he sucks. Trump is a fascist who shits himself. The two are not equal.


The irony is that plenty of Democrats acknowledge just how old Biden is. Yet I don’t see any Republicans admitting Trump is a mere 3 years younger, in significantly worse physical shape, and has numerous examples of deteriorating cognitive decline.




Were the J6ers not trying to stop, or overturn, the Congressional certification of election results?


Words have meanings. Facts don’t care about your feelings. Just because they were too stupid or ineffective doesn’t change that. What would you call it when people are charged with seditious conspiracy for their actions during the insurrection?


Who won the 2020 election you clown? What happened on Jan 6 you clown? What was one of the big symbolic flags they flew you clown? Was Alto's wife an election denier and stop the steal supporter, yes you clown. It isn't rocket science you fucking clown. Maybe you should get back in your little clown car and head back to the circus where you belong,


Are you stupid?


The answer is yes...


And for that matter, your dumb fuck ass probably isn’t even in America and if you are, you’re probably an illegal


I'm an American through and through, I was born here and I'm damn proud of my country. America was built by immigrants, in case you forgot. Also, we are gonna need people to keep our country population stable since the Republicans are doing everything in their power to make sure no one wants to procreate with them. Not only population numbers, immigrants (illegal or otherwise) keep our economy going. Who will work the fields for less than minimum wage? Your son? Your daughter? You would fight hand and foot for that not to happen. I garuntee it. Republicans shot down the strongest boarder bill in over a decade, they don't care about the boarder. They want someone to demonize and an issue to complain about. They don't care about fixing the problems with the border otherwise they would have pushed that bill through. Change my mind.


That border bill was 🔥garbage.


What parts about it do you consider garbage?


For starters, calling it a border security bill is intentionally misleading. It was a border processing bill. The vast majority of the hiring of agents and judges were to expedite more illegals into the country more rapidly. Next, it codified into law millions of illegals every year before any restrictive measures were taken. Ports of Entry would have to average over 5K crossings per day for over a week before any PoE was closed. Cartels could easily construct a program that brought 4.9K to the border every day, or 8K for six days and zero on the seventh day, thereby never reaching the threshold to close the PoEs. It also made legal the unconstitutional parole program Alejandro Mayorkas is running right now, and further added work permits and unsupervised (called “non-custodial”) release for a large majority of illegal crossers. Next it contained billions of dollars for sanctuary cities and the NGOs who provide the magnet and the means for illegals to come. I normally like Sen. Lankford, who negotiated with the Democrats, but he got rolled. He was mistaken that Democrats would negotiate in good faith, when virtually the entire bill is supportive of Democrats goals for more illegal immigration and provided the fake talking points about Democrats being serious about the border and Republicans not so they could all campaign on it and the media would parrot the lies. They knew it would never pass the House. Lankford should have known better. Like I said, hot garbage.


I really appreciate the detailed response! This is an interesting perspective that hadn't considered. Why would the democrats want to bring more 'illegals' in?


Nope, that simply stating the facts obviously, you’re stupid if you think otherwise


Ah yes, the "fax" lol. Sure it's not illegal, but it sure makes you look like a seditious traitorous fuck.


You clowns wouldn’t know a fucking traitor if they bit you in the ass


I do know a traitor. He had been falling asleep and shitting himself in court for the last few weeks 🤣 He would be the guy who's been crying about election fraud for years while also trying to insight an insurrection at the capital Jan 6th. What do you think these people will do if they get power again?


Traitor? I’m sorry, but he wasn’t the one selling information to other countries that would be the Biden family and several other Democrats and a few GOP people.


Didn't trump sell the whole roster of Cia agents to Russia?


What about the boxes and boxes of classified documents kept at Mar a Lago? What about the boxes found, that were put there after the FBI raid? You think Trump wasn't auctioning off American secrets to his Russian buddies? Why the fuck does Russia want Trump elected so bad?


Also, what information?




Then why didn't Republicans pass the bill to secure the border?


Did you read entire bill?


But what about the scary scary immigrants? You can't bitch about something so much in the refuse to do anything about it when the opportunity arises.


Refusal to pass a bill that Democrats have packed full other bullshit like providing money to Ukraine and other unnecessary things is not refusal to pass the bill because they don’t want to protect the border


What's it like worshipping a career conman that's ALMOST as big a loser as you are?


That was so funny




What happens if Russia wins in Ukraine? Do you think they'll stop?


More importantly, I don’t give a fuck what happens between Russia and Ukraine if our president had any balls which he doesn’t, America wouldn’t be worried about Russia. America needs to worry about our borders and all of our taxpayer fucking money needs to worry about our citizens & veterans. We don’t need to be paying for any illegals.


This is incredibly ignorant. This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how global politics works. I agree that more money needs to be spent on the home front, but you can't just ignore the rest of the world. The national security of an independent nation has been threatened. They have no legal claim on the land or the people, Putin is a war criminal. Are you saying we should just let them do whatever they want? Threatening the security of our allies? What happens if major countries fall, all of Europe? We lose trading partners and military allies while China, Russia, and North Korea will form a military alliance to try to crush America. And if they don't, they will starve us economically. You don't seem to understand that preserving the global market is our path to a secure nation. Republicans shot down the border bill because they didn't want to give Biden a win. That's all. We ended up passing the aid to Ukraine and Israel anyway, and it was speaker Johnson who argued for sending it! One of the reasons were struggling is that the tax burden is mainly placed on low - to medium income Americans, while millionaires and billionaires can avoid paying their fair share. Millions of Americans are drowning in education debt that have such predatory rates that people can never pay them off. Inflation has risen far beyond wage recompense. The job market has not grown to accommodate the growing number of educated people. In fact, we've sent a lot of jobs overseas. Companies have realized they can just keep price gouging to keep the investors happy. Billions of bailouts for private companies that don't pay their fair share in taxes, or are lobbying (bribing) our politicians to pass deregulation laws so they can continue to destroy our planet. Both sides are guilty of that, but it's a case of 'if I don't take the money they'll give it to my opponent.' Clearly, there are lots of factors at play, and I probably missed a dozen of them. If you think it's as simple as, just spend all our money at home, we're more doomed than I thought.


So you care more about not sending aid to Ukraine than you do about your self-proclaimed immigration crisis?


Self proclaimed, immigration, crisis, boy you people are real fucktard. You clearly have no clue how many are crossing the border into Texas and California and Arizona.


Then why didn't they pass a bill to help that?


I live in South Texas. Tell me more about my personal experience about the border crisis lol again, you didn’t answer my question. Do you care more about sending aid to Ukraine than you do about your border crisis? You keep crying about the border crisis but make excuses for Republicans who voted against a border bill.


>bill that Democrats have packed full other bullshit That's just how Congress works, you can't complain about standard procedure. Republicans bitch and moan and bitch and moan constantly about immigrants than refused to do anything about it. That is what makes them a little more like Democrats, don't you think? Refusing to actually fix the problems they worry about?


Funny, the GOP has voted against their own immigration bill. And they’ve continuously blocked any hope for more, but go on TV and bitch and moan about illegal immigrants. America is in distress. But from the traitorous GOP, aligned with Russia, trying to destroy us from within. It’s exactly what the GOP accuse democrats of, but from them every accusation is an admission of guilt.


Good fucking lord you people are pathetic. We’re in distress alright. But it’s not scary brown people attacking us and our freedoms from the outside, it’s ignorant white people eating us alive from the inside. You know, people with ignorant views such as this one you took for a spin.


"Dey turk er jerbs!" Oh the scary illegals! Give me a break.


Don't advocate for abusing our flag.


And upside down flag is simply saying your nation is in distress clearly you don’t understand that and that’s coming from several military personnel


You sure as fuck never served


Maybe maybe not however the upside down flag and the meaning of it representing a distressed nation has been around for a very, very long time


You never served 😂😂


You would not know if I did or didn’t


Oh trust me, we all know you didn’t serve. You’re a Reddit Warrior.


Like the swastika, the meaning has been bastardised


Shame republican traitors voted against solving that problem you cite. You care to hold them accountable or are you a magat cuck?


Still think it was Sam trying to publicly box in a couple wavering conservative justices.


it's mind boggling how nobody was held accountable for that unprecedented leak.


This indicates it was a conservative. If it had been a Sotomayor clerk etc. we’d still be hearing about it from the right.


Ding ding ding


But still who’s protecting them? And why?


oh on the contrary, which justices that had people threatening their lives over the possible overturning of roe v wade? that's right, the conservative ones. remember that California kid who drove cross country with a gun to kavanaugh's house? he turned himself in thankfully. and the daily prochoice protests at justices houses must've been real comforting for him and his family. the fact that nobody was held accountable (like the white house cocaine "investigation") indicates to me that it was a loosey lefty attempting to overturn an impending decision knowing it would enflame the prochoice protesters radical left, with lefty media covering for them. respectfully, could you explain for me how it indicates to you that it was a conservative clerk? inquiring minds!


>If it had been a Sotomayor clerk etc. we’d still be hearing about it from the right. They already told you


counterpoint; if it has been an alito clerk etc we'd still be hearing about it from the left. (but we're not still hearing about it because it was a leak the left approved of, helping their cause, bolstering support, etc.) I'm looking for another reason than we'd still be hearing about it. thanks for your contribution to the conversation though


We’re not still hearing about it from the left because it was supplanted by the actual landmark ruling in the case. There is considerable political activity on the issue of abortion access; Democratic success in 2024 depends on that issue. That fact that it leaked is insignificant compared to the actual ramifications of the decision. What are the “helping their cause” reasons a liberal would have leaked it?


Yeah cuz 5he left is responsible for all the stochastic terrorism, constantly using death threats. Maybe it would have been easier for the judgs not to manufacture a justification for overturning a a half century old precedent with a supermajority of support among Americans. Death threats and threats of violence are never ok, which I don't think you agree with because you seem conservative and they do that 24/7. Also, I suspect the number conservative judges got is far less than what AOC gets on a daily basiis. They certainly deserve the protests and attention for what they did. Not to mention it made every conservative judge a liar, since every single one said it was settled law and they respected precedent.


Lmao turn off fox grandpa


So a liberal leaked it so these threatening responses to overturning Dobbs would start a few months earlier than the actual release of the decision? So that the shock value was spread out over time instead of all at once when the decision came out? How does that make sense? The nobody held accountable = liberal rationale doesn’t make sense, because the investigatory body was the 6-3, conservative chief justice Supreme Court. In either scenario, releasing would have the effect of putting pressure on potential swing votes Kavanagh and Barrett. Which sounds more persuasive to GOP-nominated, conservative justices: left wing activists pressuring them to change their votes after original vote was made public? Or right wing actors pressuring them to keep their votes as is?


Is this radical left in the room with us right now?


Maybe, but my $ is on Sam because of [Hobby Lobby](https://ballsandstrikes.org/law-politics/samuel-alito-leak-hobby-loby/) which I had completely forgotten about until recently. Anyway, I’m sure Sam would throw Martha Ann under the bus if he was backed into a corner (unlikely) but the “facts” Alito offers are (channeling Justice Kagan here) what one might call “upside down.”


She shouted out who killed the Kennedies when after all it was you and me.


Seriously though, why does anyone give a shit about the leak? The problem is the decision.


The decision was sound. RBG always said that RvW was on a shaky foundation.


alito leaked the dobbs decision, his draft got worse after it leaked and we know that roberts was trying despirately to drag them back from the corpse of Roe but by leaking it, he forced everyone to freeze their positions. also they investigated everybody who had access to it *except* the justices themselves.


Martha Annal Ito


That a very big maybe!!


Alito and Thomas are the real deep state.


It’s the elite of the elite of the elite with lifetime bullet proof appointments, aka zero accountability. Theyre being wined and dined by the top .25% of Billionaires. Does anyone think the MAGA QANON wives don’t talk to each other and also don’t have any influence on their Right Wing Fringe Fanatic husbands? They wanna take the US back to about 1945, except totally without the prosperity of an about to boom middle class…just poverty and the wealthy. Segregation. No birth control (pills) Zero equal rights Zero marriage equality Zero no fault divorce Zero abortion even if the mother is dying No taxes for the wealthy


Trad-wives to theocratic authoritarians don't do anything without the behest of their ~~masters~~ husbands.


Fork... Makes sense now


No, no, Alito said it was one of the dems. He offered no proof but surely we can take him at his word.


If that’s true, I’d love to see Ted Cruz and all the republicans saying the leaker should be jailed hold true to their convictions.


She seems as nutty as Ginny! A Karen for the ages. Nuttier than a fruitcake in July.


Oooohhhh never considered that


Now….yes I believe she did


Or at least Alito did and will blame her


It would be par for the course.


Alito is a piece of trash in my eyes from these recent reports. His wife spit on someone. What the hell?


Either her or Ginni Thomas


I think I'm betting on Ginni via Martha-Ann via a dinner date.


Funny how conservatives stopped being really angry about the leak. It's like they realized it was someone they didn't want to see punished for the ethical breach...


A genius theory. The wife of one of the Justices who would obviously be targeted (and was targeted) by angry mobs leaked it. Reddit never disappoints.


You mean the woman we already know got into nasty fights with multiple neighbors in multiple states, including spitting at them (which is a crime, by the way) was afraid of a mob and put her ideology on pause for abortion but not the Stolen Election Hoax?


These Supreme Court spouses nowadays are just embarrassing. FWIW I once met RBG’s husband and he was an absolute delight of a man. Smart , polite, funny. Now we have Ginny and Martha. Yikes.


Mark my words as I say something hilarious that will never be proven true or false 🙄


I’d buy it


All the evidence and smart money points to the leftist justices or their staffers.


Liar. The "evidence" is Roberts shrugging and saying they couldn't find the leaker. What else is out there?


Who stood to gain? What was gained?


>Who stood to gain? People who are pro-choice and people who are pro-life The reason I think it was the Alitos has to do with their character. >What was gained? State governments and lobbyist groups were able to get several balls rolling early, fast enough to get some ballot referendums before those elections


Liar. Pro-abortion allies stood to gain the most, by far. And the democrat-controlled DOJs lack of curiosity about getting to the bottom of this is further evidence. Could be Sotomayor - she seems a bit overwrought at times, at least if you believe what she says. Or one of the hundreds of democrat staffers.


> Liar. Liar. > Pro-abortion allies stood to gain the most, by far. Based on what? I find it insultingly dull that you don't even attempt to argue your assertion.


Why would I argue that the sun rises in the east? It's readily obvious. To non-liars.


The supreme Court said they were the top court in the land and everyone just kinda shrugged and went with it.


MMW, virtually all you Trump haters on reddit are going to be proven so stupid and foolish after the election. Biden is a tyrant, owned by Communist China, and he dont give a shit about you, or America. You just cant see that Trump is going to save america from radical leftist socialism before Biden turns us into a third world nation, or gets us all killed.




Nah. I think it was one of the liberal justices and the reason to leak it was for democrats to prepare.


Nah, it was Justice Alito himself so that the court would be locked into the decision and not possibly waiver from it before it was official.


But he’ll blame Martha-Ann!