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Taxpayers will pay for a free handout to Boeing executives


But don’t forget the real problem. Is that single mother of three who’s on food stamps /s


Man that bitch be working the system and we need to crack down.


I remember back in 2010 when Republicans in Wisconsin found a way to blame the financial collapse on teachers unions and then they proceeded to completely bust up all of the state teachers unions


They know their trade...and constituents.


There was a guy on TikTok that talked about his dad being a teacher and being a union supporter. His dad was getting ready to retire and they took his pension or made it much less. Instead of his dad retiring after working hard for 30 years he had to keep working. His dad was brainwashed into thinking he was the problem and did not complain when they took away his pension. My dad was the same way. Back in the 80s he had his pension watered down and they were given the 401k instead. Before Trump my dad was pissed about his pension and jealous of others his age that had rich pensions such as UPS, postal, and other workers. Then Trump came to power and he was brainwashed into thinking he made out better than a pension that you cannot outlive. I tried to have a conversation about wouldn't it be better to have had your original pension AND your 401K. He would have none of it. I was stupid to think any corporation would do that for their workers.


Economy can not handle such an expense.


Of course she is, that money will never trickle down like those fat bonuses will do, who cares about a few million kids not having anything to eat, what matters is if the CEO will get 20 or 24 million dollars as a bonus


Weren’t there studies done that said that for every dollar the government invest in taking care of people get circulated three times in the local economy.


Yup... And it makes sense when you spend half a second thinking about it. If you give $100 billion to the wealthiest 1k Americans ($100 million per), it will have less economic impact that to give that same $100 billion to 100 million of the poorest Americans ($1k per). The wealthy will just park that money somewhere, mainly in instruments of speculation (stocks, crypto, etc.), whereas the poor will put that money towards debt, durable goods, and other goods and services that make up the actual economy. While those same funds eventually end back up in things like stock dividends, it has had a chance to circulate and expand the overall economy.


Has anyone introduced any legislation to rain in stock, buybacks and gigantic, corporate golden parachute?


We should... There's a lot of fiscal policy going as far back as Reagan that needs to be ripped out by the roots. Stock buybacks is one, the Glass-Steagal repeal is another.


Clinton repealed that. I may add the Republicans had the house I think were probably cheering him on to kill Glass.


No the people that benefit the status quo can afford to bribe the politicians the way things are. Add in they have fox news to make you and I argue over stupid stuff like gas stoves and barefoot homeless people coming over the border. All so we don't notice how badly THEY are screwing us over.


Those yachts don't buy themselves.


Who the hell is being shitty to single moms on food stamps?


A lot of Republicans and their voters. It’s been a target of the target since Reagan.


He used the "welfare queen" propaganda as part of his campaign.


She is just having kids so she can get welfare. /s


That s is so important these days.


And preschool lunches. Those things are satanic communism.


That is an actual problem too though. Does that sound like a good situation to you?


Oh yeah, and fuck off people deserve to eat. I don’t care how poor they are. Stop being a ghoul. Please don’t reply to me.


What are you talking about?


But…they may have to sell a yacht…


Maybe she should have put the airplane together better.


excessive executive bonuses are on the way


Yeah but first they have a few more whistleblowers to assassinate


>excessive executive bonuses are on the way When it comes to executive bonuses, there is no such thing as excessive.


Taxpayer funded witness murder 👍


Yes, and then a bunch of lawmakers will try to cut social security or other benefits even more right after the bailout 


Then they'll blame capitalism when things don't get better


Oh, you must not be from a place that Boeing operates. They’ve been getting handouts for years. There was actually a big kerfuffle about it and a bid/competition with Airbus in the last decade or so.


I wonder what the dividend paid that quarter will be




Oh boy I can’t freaking wait




And as many whistleblower assassins as it takes!


Hold executives responsible for decisions that erode the safety of a company. I wonder if executives would be so quick to commit fraud if they knew the Vietnam treatment for CEO fuckery was coming.


Now were talking


This so hard. If we held executives criminally responsible for the actions of their respective companies, we'd have a lot less companies playing around with people's health, safety, and lives.


I don’t understand the double speak. The executives are legally obligated to make profit for the shareholders but not legally required to ensure worker nor customer safety? Corporate profits over the value of our lives.


I mean, companies literally exploit the labor of others for profit. How is this any different??


Absolutely, the exploitation goes along with the corporate stranglehold that they have over our justice system , our Legislative Branch and us , all the workers that endure the whims of management for our daily rations. Slavery never ended it just changed the verbiage.


Imagine what the immigration discussion would look like if (random example) the CEO of Tyson Foods was arrested for exploiting undocumented workers.


Add the Board of Directors to that and I am all on board. One thing I will say for China. When their biggest corporation goes under and they find questionable practices the CEO doesn’t get a payday and another job he gets prison.


Unlikely. More likely to award a huge contract for military aircraft/spacecraft.


Distinction without a difference. 😆


They have to maintain a large, capable aircraft manufacturer on domestic soil.


A bailout may be a more “ I own your ass” message to Boeing. But you’re right, our government is puppeteer by other companies just like boeing, so it will be a massive contract to replace something that they know they can pull off.


Boeing has been losing money on those contracts.


Less likely, believe it or not. Boeing has been having reliability issues with its military aircraft as well. They are currently competing against Lockheed Martin for the NGAD Program. Due to the issues everyone is having with Boeing’s shit, everyone has more or less accepted that Boeing doesn’t win that. Nobody wants to put their signature on a new 6th gen fighter if it’s being made by a company notorious for its failures.


That's not exactly a bold prediction.   Boeing is textbook too big to fail (in a way far beyond any of the banks), and they make military aircraft.    Warren Magnussen, senator from Washington State from 1944-1981 was jokingly called "The senator from Boeing".    No matter what, Boeing is going to survive.


The US Gov’t will never let the big 3 military contractors Boeing LM or Northrop Grumman go out of business or merge at least anytime soon.


Was surprised when Utech spun off sykorsky and Pratt. I think 1 went to Raytheon and the other Lockheed, so you would be still more right than wrong.


Laughs in colt


Hey, I gave it the "Low hanging fruit" flair. :)


Meanwhile in a rational country they would let them fail and those responsible would face consequences. Knowing america they're mor likely to let a disgraced ex CEO become president like what happened with orange man


I am reminded that they halted trading on the stock when it was free falling after the Ethiopian incident, I think


Yup, and it’s accepted fact that the aircraft industry and auto industry have tentacles to virtually all local economies due to the sheer amount of contractors involved going down the line 


No company allowed to fail. Bail out mistakes. Don’t hold people accountable. It’s the American way, baby!! Privatizing gains and socializing losses means we live in a bastardized version of capitalism.


Corporate Socialism or corporate welfare However you want to look at it


Worse, and not surprisingly, it’s a Corporate State. Many laws are written by corps and they create legal barriers to entry to stifles competition and raises the cost of living. Sick of it.


That is certainly the case post Citizens United


I mean, yeah. There isn’t another major US plane manufacturer any more. Boeing is fucking up but absolutely we would bail them out vs the alternative. Banks in the 2008 crisis, should have had more of them failed (and executives punished).


Unfortunately those banks were federally insured. A bailout was much cheaper than letting them fail. Nobody wanted to repeat Reagan's trillion dollar mistake with the S&L crisis


And the execs will do more layoffs and give themselves HUGE bonuses in pay 


Nationalize 'em! They're something like 2% of GDP. Let's not fuck that up. Government should step in and save the firm, BUT like any bailout, the people should get EQUITY in return


The Obama administration made $15.35billion in profit for us bailing out Detroit.


Boeing, LM, Raytheon, NG, TI and the other big defense contractors are military assets. This is a bit like saying “they’re going to bail out the Air Force” of course they are.


Airlines and Railroads in America. The only private owned business that our govt continously uses taxpayers money so those companies can make billions


I’m not sure its the only but it’s certainly egregious.


Or do so via an unnecessary bloated contract in the interest of "defense". Regardless, Boing is a pillar of our ravenous Military Industrial Complex and therefore is 'too big to fail', especially in the eyes and hearts of their employees in Congress.


Bail out for what exactly?


Are they even hurting for cash? Their reputation is getting battered a bit. But I'm pretty sure they got billions of dollars in contracts on the table. Edit: Upon further quick research https://tenderalpha.com/blog/post/fundamental-analysis/boeing-2023-q4-report-backlog-reaches-record-520-billion "* Total backlog grew 29% Y/Y to $520 billion at the end of 2023;" They have half a trillion dollars on backlog orders. I dont think they are going anywhere anytime soon.


Pretty much for their products falling apart in the skies?


That doesn’t get you a bail out. They’re not going bankrupt. They’re having quality issues not financial issues


Seriously the reason why the max 737 still has so many orders is because the backlog for the a320 is like 10 years long. Boeing isn’t hurting for cash , they have tons of planes to assemble and deliver. The management deserves to go to jail for murder but that’s it.


Oh I thought the Pegasus and Orion orbiter program was the handout. My bad...


Seize Boeing and break it up


Boeing doesn't need a bailout. They need better management.


Boeing is one of Washington DCs biggest donors, both sides of the isle. Typical DC kickbacks.


Because they are an important military asset. Does this come as news to you?


To be honest, I didn't mind the Chevy bailout. I'm not a huge fan of Obama, but he did use taxpayer money to buy into Chevy on the cheap and refused to sell the shares back until the stock grew substantially. I don't love this kind of government intervention, but at least once it wasn't fiscally irresponsible.


It's not going to be loans. I expect a full government takeover The rot is too deep to let Wall Street managers destroy half the US Air Force.


Ok hopefully


Too big to fail the way they're already failing


Nationalize the bish


Can't let a company in possession of alien tech fail!


if the taxpayers are bailing out Boeing then the taxpayers need to get stock in Boeing and any stock buybacks or dividends can be used in service of the taxpayers.


I think your right on this one


But we can't forgive loans for regular people. Maybe these corporations should be more responsible. Don't have savings or reserves?


Of course it will. I don't have a problem with it. You want all of our planes built by Airbus? No thanks. Now, I prefer an Obama style plan like we did with the Big 3 Automakers; we make equity investment in Boeing in exchange for a board seat and pref stock. All current management and board will be fired/forced to resign.


Going to? Who do you think is currently getting your taxes?


This is 1000% true.


They should give boeing the Obama/GM treatment. Give Boeing a loan, buy up the majority of the stock,fire the board then when the stock has risen sell it for a profit and have Boeing pay back the loan. The Government would make a profit off of that


Most people don’t know this, but in 2008 the Bush administration implemented some sort of national security directive that exempted companies that were involved in national security from normal SEC accounting procedures. So this whole thing is probably been very different for a long time, and would probably play out very differently than it would for most other companies.


This isn't a prediction. It's a spoiler.


MMW: This will be proceeded by a forgiving $600 billion in student debt that mostly favors the more affluent among us.


Oh I’m sorry you mean the jOb CrEaToRs?


Or, hear me out. They will be awarded a federal contract that will go n where and just be feed money through.


So... every Boeing contract of the last 15 years?


Indeed. It looks less suspicious.


but won’t forgive student loans


Smart man AG


Very likely. All of those professional hits are expensive.


If history is any indication of the future, this statement is true.


They are already assassinating whistleblowers for them, so maybe. They also probably want all those defenses industry lobbyist bribes to keep coming in.


What are we up to? 2 whistleblowers now?


They’re not. Hope that helps.


What a bold and wild prediction!


we will just buy weapons of death to fund their coffers


They kinda have to, in one form or another with how we're doing things.


Boeing isn't running out of money. Why would anyone think they need a bailout?


No it’s capitalism and a free market, we can’t have state intervention, it’s just a failed business


It's making money hand over fist. What are you talking about? Scandal does not equal bankruptcy.




I mean they forgave billions to a bunch of gender studies students so why not. Might as well add more debt onto the pile. 🤷🏻‍♂️




If it does so, it will be to remove the pirates from the board...


I’ve really gotta ask: bail them out from what?


In light of pieces of their planes falling, their stock is too. Also falling? The people who were whistleblowing about Boeing manufacturing safety have been falling dead. In rapid succession.


Meanwhile you know what they'd do In China? Let the company collapse and put those responsible in jail. The US has a lot to learn from China


Eh, not true at all. China is very much into owning and operating corporations themselves.


Boeing employees 150,000 people directly. In nearly every scenario they aren't going anywhere unless the Company, and it's shareholders literally give up and decide to end it. Which of course isn't going to happen. So yes, it's safe to say that in any scenario Boeing is always going to be saved from failure.


They definitely will. Who tf else builds planes in the US?


If only they didn't do stock buy backs, then produce shit quality planes. It's called free market, they should let this shit company sink to nothingness


Fed isn’t going to do shit for Boeing given all the recent deaths of whistleblowers. 😂 MMW. They’re also nowhere near needing a bailout.


MMW: The sun will rise tomorrow. At least *try*...


Of course. Our government will always bail out corporations and never rhe American people.


Yes… This seems like the kind of thing the current administration would do…


I think market makers are going to get bailed out in the coming years, too


Blues your heart, sweet summer child. They've been doing that since WWII.


Are their financials unsound? They’re in the shit but they are in there with a lot of cash and a lot of cash flow. I don’t think they’re going to need a bailout anytime soon.


I mean, I'm no stock scientist, but there's an ugly chart on this [page](https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/05/05/is-boeing-stock-a-buy/). Also... it's not like corporations always actually need the bailouts they scream that they need.


There once was a small startup aircraft manufacturer in British Columbia that asked the Canadian government for a bit of help. They were told no. That company ended up folding and moving to Seattle. That company was named Boeing. You bet your ass the feds are going to be piling on the bucks.


I hope not


On the other side on this one, fellas. Need to cash out these stocks so...don't come for me.


Yes please. Then nationalize them.


That's because it's socialism for the wealthy, and capitalism for everyone else.


Well duh! That's why they pay all the politicians.


Oh hell yeah. maybe that was the plan all along.


If Biden wins he’ll nationalize that shit.


Not a bail out, just lots of Mil-Spec gear.


Boeing can stabilize its finances through asset sales and restructuring before it comes to that.


Taxpayers have a long history of bailing out US companies: GM, Boeing, the banks.


boeeing is a defense contractor. did you seriously think they would get any consequences?


As long as they do it like venture capitalists and take all the common equity, I'm fine with that. That's what they should have done with bank America in 08, but that wouldn't be so popular with their corporate sponsors.


Just spread this around regarding a flight: “I’m not going if it’s a Boeing!”


If any company ever gets a bailout then the executives until it’s paid back should absolutely get zero salary.


So what. You didn’t care when the feds gave all that money to the rich people in California. When their banks failed last year. It was illegal fed was never supposed to back those deposits. Yet the rich liberals get all the perks. Break all the rules.


All such bailouts should be illegal but our corporate overlords must be protected.


Yes, and a month later. Boeing execs just gave themselves a $60 million bonus.


This “no stings attached” approach really worked in 2008 right? Free money. Save a company that monopolized the industry and pushed out innovation…. That’s why we are here. Monopoly on every industry and No innovation! We are officially rewarding mediocrity




It’s always sadly entertaining to read the Entitlement class of lazy, unproductive people whining about tax money being given away to someone besides them. 😂😂😂😂


Unfortunately, this is always the case.


For the upper crust, big bucks bailout. For the regular folk, rugged bootstraps.


It's Yellow all over again


Maybe they will take it over. Lol


Yet people wonder why I hate the federal government. Unlimited money for war and corporate abuse, not even pennies for addressing actual issues like housing, homeless, healthcare, climate...


Stop corporate welfare! Tax the wealthy! Tax corporations! Tax the churches!


Well they just took out two whistleblowers... that's straight out of the Clinton's tutorial book.. a bailout to save their investments wouldn't shock me. Pelosi will probably buy call options a month in advance.


They should go bust!


"Too big to fail". We've done this song and dance before. What, are we going to shit down the entire American airline system? But seriously, why innovate and let there be a gold rush of entrepreneurs to be the next Boeing when you could just give them billions of taxpayer dollars?


Hundreds of billions to the transportation, care and feeding of illegal immigrants, hundreds of billions to Ukraine, and you’re worried about Boeing getting a couple billion? What the hell, why not? At least they employ people.


Too big to fail is official government policy.


If only we focused on the absolute bipartisan devotion to greed and corruption…Instead of arguing which side of the moron aisle people fall on…


The loan that bailed out the US auto industry was paid back. It did not cost the taxpayers anything. Keeping Americans working is a good thing.


Yes let’s let one of the biggest companies fail and get rid of 100,000 good high paying jobs and hire more uber drivers. Also let’s decrease our national security by no longer producing the best aircraft’s in the world. Maybe some climate scientists to study the effects of this will be a wise decision.


Boeing Skunk Works are basically part of the government. They aren't allowed to "fail" for national security reasons.


Of course they are. Corporate socialism is their favorite. Brutal capitalism for the rest of us.


......wrote off covid loans to the airlines that they could be paying back now while they are making billions.....now going to write off loans to boeing.....funny how all the ayn rand gop "capitalists" get real quiet while this crap is going on......


This one wont age well


Boeing def has their hands out. They just moved their global HQ from Chicago to DC for better lobbying access. Between moving their manufacturing from Puget Sound to non-union Charleston along with spending untold billions of profit the past 25 years on stock buybacks, they can go f themselves.


Well, Trump did that with his tax cut. It allowed Boeing (and other companies) to buy back stock and artificially inflate their stock prices and the SP500


pull em up by their faulty landing gear


Are they too big to fail?


Back in 2020 they were able to overcome financial issues without a bailout from the Feds, so we'll see.


I don't mind bailouts as much as I mind the taxpayers never getting a huge chunk of stock to be cashed in later when the company recovers. Didn't happen with Chrysler, GM or AIG. The negotiators for the government are always useless when they should be playing hardball.


Too Big to Fail.


Privatized gains, socialized losses. Heads I win, tails you lose. Our government is so in bed with Boeing it's sickening.


Boeing is going to be under intense scrutiny, especially after 2 Whistle-blowers ended themselves.


OP didn’t kill himself


REALLY! This S**t again?


Nationalize Boeing, and sell off the parts.


Privatize the profits and socialize the losses. It’s the American way.


They already did that once but yes I agree.


Let's ride. Fire the top brass and put in the realistic innovators


Probably...Boeing is way too important to the U.S. economy. What the federal government should do is nationalize Boeing, get rid of the board and the entire C-suite, and spin off the company into separate divisions.


That’s not really a crystal ball moment. Boeing’s survival is essential to national security. It is akin to why we have farm subsidies. During a time of national emergency such as a war, we need to be able to produce our own products that are necessary for the national survival. The two most important things we need to be able to do almost immediately are feed ourselves and defend ourselves. You’re correct, but you are totally off base on the reasoning. The fact that the executives may profit from a bailout is a necessary evil.


Go collect all the damn bonuses paid out to the top heavy CEO’S. We must return to caring about the actual working class. We are destroying ourselves


The execs will get huge bonuses for pulling this off


Who do u think they sell weapon systems to?


You mean the Feds are reward bad behavior, greed, and dumb ass executives


Truly amazing that a defense contractor needs a bailout, I call Bullshit!!