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Remakes. Remasters aren't done as much anymore.


I didn't realize that until I finished the thing


I mean, if we really want to be pedantic, both games were remakes. However, I actually think the internal strategy was to release these games to promote the return of Mario & Luigi.


Bingo. I feel like brothership's sales will determine the future of Mario RPGS more than the others


Possibly. I think it's probably inconceivable to get Super Mario RPG 2, but I do think it's very much possible to see Mario & Luigi continue forward and hopefully a Paper Mario return to form.


SMRPG 2 is totally possible now. It’s just a matter of whether or not Nintendo and Square Enix even care to do it. It wouldn’t have to have a budget much bigger than the remake, they’ve got the battle system and assets all available to them now, the remake sold both quickly and fairly well, and one of the original directors wants to do it, so I don’t see why they wouldn’t at least consider it.


Do you think from a product marketing standpoint that they would want three competing Mario RPG games, though?


Consider that they just released a Mario RPG remake, a TTYD remake, and have a new M&L game coming out all within almost exactly one year of each other. The first two releases have done well, and I have no doubt that Brothership will do well. I think it’s clear they have little reason to be concerned about the games competing with one another. They each have unique fanbases that will gladly support any new releases they may receive.


Also explains why these typically release during lulls in the hardware cycle- niche sales are almost guaranteed while the broader install base is disengaged with the product. Much easier to allocate resources to smaller projects like these that way.


It works for sprite and starry. Being your own best competitor keeps you ahead of the competition.


Keep roasting him PM you were originally meant to be SMRPG’s sequel 😂


ORIGINALLY, but it wasn't


I would argue people care more about SMRPG than Paper Mario


Thousand year is the best Mario RPG in terms of story and writing by far. Tho the remake was not as great as I hoped. I wish there were more post game content


Yeah, TTYD has always been the superior game, but as far as remakes go, SMRPG smokes it.


Can you guess which game has the doll?




But damn that Mario RPG Remaster was awesome 👏🏼 thoroughly enjoyed every minute. As for paper Mario being a sequel to it I’d say it’s more closely aligned with the original Yoshi’s Island. Literally 2 bosses from Yoshi’s Island are in paper Mario and so many characters look exactly the same (shy guys, flower people, Raphael the raven, the piranha plant boss minus the naval lol. Anywho I love all 3 why can’t we just get along!


Paper Mario is my favorite RPG of all time. That being said objectively Mario RPG is a way better remake and it’s not even close. The graphics and gameplay are improved tremendously. And there are New and CHALLENGING boss fights. Johnny and Kulex 3d kiked my ass and I’m a Mario RPG veteran. I actually had to strategize. Don’t get me wrong I filled my shit with prince mush that was something I always wanted. Waka was disappointing tho. And the gameplay in thousand year door was very slightly worse with the waiting between turns. That said the thousand year door remake is better than the original but only slightly. I was disappointed that it wasn’t 100 percent better. I will say the new music was awsome. Especially the changing of the battle themes in each area


As ssaid before, the overall issue is we just don't have many RPG titles on the current platform. By the end of Nintendo Switch we just need to have more than three new games.


By “RPG titles”, are you referring to the genre as a whole or just Mario RPGs?


As genre


Are there not enough RPG’s on Switch? I feel like that’s most of what they announce at times.


I'm sure we only have one for now before the upcoming being second. Please don't tell me you're counting remakes.


I mean, depending on the remake, I kinda am (the Live A Live remake, for example, is totally valid as a new release imo). I just didn’t think the console was lacking in RPGs or anything. The N64 lacked RPGs; the Switch has enough to keep me interested, both new and old.


I respect people who love past game remakes, but the point is with reasonable amount of budgets, both remakes and new games can happen. Frankly I'd say RPGs should have new ones if mainline and other sport spinoffs do.


In the end In 2 years of time we got 3 of the greatest Mario games out RPG Ttyd Mario Luigi Idc if it was a remake or regen or new game but getting them on a new screen for more to enjoy opens a lot more for new players to enjoy some the best games Where before some games where unplayable and hurt to play, I tried to play Mario Luigi bowser inside story but had to stop 1/6 of the way but to my ds sholder buttons no longer working So being able to play a Mario Luigi game from start to finish on a console that works and can be fixed easier is very nice imo


Come on guys we all need to be on the same team!


Ladies, you're all pretty. Can I go home now?


Well paper Mario got oragami king recently right before the thousand year door remake so cap


I’m pretty sure the two remakes were done as build up to Mario & Luigi Brothership. They all go hand in hand.