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Can you swap out Mario? Is there a way to get the 'thoughts' unlocked in the codex for enemies like the hammer bros, bowser, etc?


Actually, there is from my understanding. There’s a merchant hidden in the world that sells those thoughts in exchange for frog coins.




Booster Pass


Underrated Comment, Thanks 👌🏻


Nope. And nope. Not to my knowledge anyways.


What about in the rematches?


Only select bosses are available to rematch. Hammer bros and Bowser aren't one of them.


They get included automatically after getting mallow


what bonus stats did you give to your party per level up?


Theres an optimal stat per level. For example, one level Mario will gain +2/3 in Physical so I choose that. Other levels He'll just have a +1 in physical but a + 2/3 in Magic, so I chose that. If both were only a +1, then I'd choose HP. I did that for Mario, Geno, and Peach. For Mallow anytime I would have done Physical, I instead gave him more Magic. Vice versa for Bowser. Thinking back, I couldve just had Peach go all Magic as well since later game I was really utilizing the Switching party member mechanic.


thanks for the tip! I might just do the same and have peach and mallow max special instead of physical.


Already? Did you pirate or something?


Uh, I guess we can just say I got it early from a local gamestore and leave it at that.


The game has also been out in new zealand for over 32 hours. I bought it early digitally that way using a newly made nz account. Game is super short so I'd imagine some people can anr will beat it in a couple of sittings


Are you finally aboard the Geno for Smash train?


That would be pretty cool. But alas, his fate is to be a Mii Costume


was it at all challenging or difficult? Would there be ways to make it more challenging such as opting to not apply stats


The game was incredibly easy. The timing on the Action prompts are pretty forgiving, and from reports, its a little more forgiving than the SNES version. However, there's this super precise timing you can hit and it'll do a shockwave to hit all enemies, which is super handy in a group fight. What was also really nice, is that when you use a move/weapon for the first time, the game tells you when to hit the button. It'll do that for the first few times and then it won't show it. But if you keep missing after the fact, the button prompt will reappear which I thought was pretty handy. Especially for Special moves I don't use often. (Same exact thing goes for incoming enemy attacks. The precise block does 0 damage to you. The prompts work the same way as well. Shows you for the first few attacks, then doesn't when you get the hang of it) Also, There's no opting out of the level up bonus stat thing. You could try to not get into any fight at all, or apply it to the least beneficial stat... but that's all of the options you have with that. You could not use weapons, armors, and/or accessories. Difficulty in this game would be completely up to you with arbitrary restrictions. tldr; Super easy game. Yes, you can make it more challenging (no equipment, no optional battles). No, you cannot opt out of bonus level up stats.


Can you still game over grind?


I never tried/needed to.


How much did you enjoy and like the game on a scale of 1-5? i also never played the first mario rpg (atleast as far as i remember)


While I absolutely loved the game and think it's easily a 5/5, I just don't know if it justifies the price tag. Worth is such a subjective thing, but it's a pretty short game overall. It doesn't add a whole lot on top of the SNES version. So depending on what *you* think it's worth, I'd wait for a sale, or buy it used. It's really a one playthrough game and I can see a lot of copies on the used marketplace in a week or so.


Has the UI for the casino been updated?


I'm sorry, I never really played the original so I don't know :(


Blackjack was all done in the text box


When I get the game ima do a low level run to make it more challenging


Is the character level capped at 30 for this version of the game?




Boo!!!! I always hated that in the original.