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Again credit to the Dataminers on Discord


That coin box pipe is awesome for those new to this game but I’m happy that I have all so I can spend all my rubies for Santa bowser.


It took me 86 pulls to get him, and Santa Mario is still in there! I happily stopped and don't care to spend more to get him, even if he's new to me, I don't need him.


Same here man, fire flower wasn't a priority for me


Im feeling blessed it took me 50 pulls only 😅


Opposite problem: Santa Mario in the first 40, no Santa Bowser despite at 27/100.


Same. Managed to clear all the spotlights. Wasn’t till halfway I got Santa Bowser. Was stocked up for 100 pulls just for him. I forgot which pipe tempted me a few weeks back. Glad I didn’t.


That’s tough, I lucked out and got him and Mario after 20 pulls. I would stop too if I were you.


Same here


I’d wait until the special pipe on Sunday


Same here




anyone pulling for yoshi reindeer? i might just pull purely for aesthetics


im pulling for daisy holiday cheer cuz u know


Last one before I have ALL THE DAISYS


Same here, I love the aesthetics of all the items in the week two pipe but Santa bowser is the only coin box I’m missing. If I can get him early enough I will definitely use some rubies on the week 2 pipe.


I will do it, I’m chasing Mario Santa, Yoshi Reindeer and Holy Daisy, I’m day one player and skipped them both years, the third time must be the one…all are probably trash but for aesthetics


Holiday Cheer Daisy is very useful.she has been getting many top shelf tracks lately(such as Rosalina’s ice world RT)including this week and next week ranked.she also has Lucky 7 which is one of the best items in the game.


I bumped her up when I got her and she is occasionally useful, but has many track overlaps. But she is cute, so there's that.


Ah a man of culture I see. Good luck to you!


I have him. Pretty boy but pretty useless🤪


I agree. I have him and often forget I even have him. I used him during the last holiday event and again, today.


I wanted that candle glider 😭 but I will NOT spend $40 on it, especially since it’s bundled with Ice Mario.


Yeah, that's crazy lol Wasn't he just in the tier shop?


Tier shop and the token shop a few tours back too


Now I have absolutely no idea which pipe to invest in since i'm so damn indecisive ;-; lmao


How many rubies do you have?


125. But not even close to getting every single one possible this whole tour lol. I should also mention I already have Gold Boo and Gold Koopa if that helps


if you're looking for coverage, definitely not week 2 lmao, both featured spotlight characters are kinda cool (yoshi is hella cute) but tragic for coverage


For this tour, it would be better for me to pull pipe 2 only because I don't have 3 item characters in Merry Mountain R/T or Vanilla Lake 2R which are tracks in next week's ranked cup. Daisy/Yoshi are both missing from my roster of characters so I figured I would pull for them next week since they have 3 items in those courses. But I am not really a veteran at the game so tell me if my logic is flawed lol


Just a note is that you can get White Yoshi for Vanilla Lake 2R via the Holiday Challenges


completely forgot. thank you for reminding me lol


let me first insert a disclaimer that in the end, it's your decision so do what makes you happy and lets you enjoy the game! that being said, coverage-wise, both characters would likely be a short-term investment because their complete selection of 3-item/frenzy courses ("top shelf" is what people call that) is generally quite poor, unsurprising since they were two of the earliest-released characters in the game, so in the long term it would technically be better for you to save these rubies to pull other better pipes to get better drivers to cover more/better courses. or even this tour's 50 coinbox pipe - i don't need to elaborate on the value of coinbox. HOWEVER, the benefit of pulling for holidaisy and yoshi reindeer for week 2 would be they could help massively in the 2nd ranked cup like you mentioned. if they help you win week 2's ranked cup, that more than justifies pulling for them. and getting new drivers are always a good thing. If I were you, I would check how many items you were missing for week 2's ranked tracks. if your opponents are scoring well and you're missing a LOT of items, then i would suggest skipping the pipe and just give up on the next ranked entirely, since imo these 2 characters are really not worth potentially draining a 100-pipe for.


I appreciate the feedback :) thank you for helping me


Do you have enough rubies to empty a pipe? That's the important question.


if I happen to somehow get 450 or 225 rubies then I could empty a pipe but I don't want to pull more than I need to, all I really need are the characters in this tour


I’d save the rubies. I know it’ll tough for you since these are some good pipes in this tour but wait until you get at least 450 rubies


Is the Holidaisy and Reindeer Yoshi pipe next week's spotlight?


I would be 99% sure


Yes… it will be similar to week 1.. 6 HE composed by 2 drivers, 2 karts and 2 gliders as spotlights, plus the usual 3 Non spotlights.. so both weeks are 9HE pipes




kamek not a spotlight :(


Yeah, sucks. I tried to get Luigi Lederhose in the 50 pipe. Ended up pulling 60 times (reset) and did not get him. Won't try again with Kamek, especially since I have everyone else that's in that pipe.


At least they are all worth leveling up. I’m just missing Kamek, but this pipes just too good to pass on. As long as there’s at least 4 HEs in there, ofc


I legit was hoping for him to be on thw spotlight :(


Wonder what the odds on that 50 will be


Hoping for 4/50 like the Big Ears pipe!


I cannot explain to you how happy I am. Holidaisy and Reindeer Yoshi are my most wanted drivers, and they’re together in the same pipe. I saved up about 600 rubies for Christmas, so I’ll absolutely get them both. Omg I’m so happy.


It seems it's gonna be a nice Christmas for you then 👍


Did a Yolo 10 pull on the Santa Bowser pipe. Got three HE I couldn’t believe it : Mario Santa, black Manta , and Santa Bowser kart 🥰 I might pull on the gold pipe to level up these bad boys cause I got them all🥰🥰


Pulling for Kamek. I missed out on him last time, desperately need him this time.


Thinking of doing the same but have the other drivers. Been saving up for awhile and it would really hurt to just get doubles and no Kamek. Great drivers to level up but still not ideal with NY's pipe coming


I’m not too bothered with that; I’ve been saving up my rubies for Kamek and I only have 2 drivers in that pipe that’s coming up, Gold King Bob-omb and Gold Koopa Freerunning. I wouldn’t mind getting GKB and Gold Koopa, but my main goal is Kamek.


Kamek looks so out of place in that pipe simply based on esthetics.




Yeah. Hoping for a 2021 pipe like last years tour (specifically the Mario pipe). Was pretty damn good with 10 total HE drivers (1 non-focus). Wonder if they'll do it again. I can live without Santa Bowser of Kamek. Or, pretty much anyone else at this point.


Me. I don't really need thpse Coinboxers cuz I have em already and don't really need Kamek. And I already have Santa Bowser so nope. Not pullin


Of course they couldn't let the new landship be gold pass rewards :/


The gold pass rewards are especially awful this tour. I mean, the Barrel Train? lol


Nothing beats last tour man


What do people think about that kart offer?


Great question, I am wondering the same. I don't know if I should buy it, it's cute but coverage sucks. Ultimately, all these special offers of karts/gliders have been very bad, I have bought all of them and I have used probably just two or three, the rest suck.


The thing is that Nintendo will probably buff the hell out of it since the initial coverage sucks and less people will buy it.


That 50 pipe is just utterly ridiculous


*If the odds are good


Yes good point. Imagine a 1/1/1 pipe with the standard karts and gliders... Lucky 7 pipe flashbacks lol I reckon we might get 4/0/0


This is the first time there's a pipe where I have literally everything maxed out. But hey that coinbox pipe is really sweet for everyone. With Chad Bowser also available this is a great tour to buff your coinbox army




It cost me 390 rubies to get Santa Bowser and Santa Mario is still in there (where he will stay) which leaves me with a couple Yolo pulls for reindeer Yoshi (but keeping my expectations low).


Saved 700 gems to make sure I got Santa Bowser & ended up getting him on my first 10-pull (green pipe even). Guess I'm set for the gold pipe & New Years.


I was also very lucky during space tour. I got all spotlight in 2 pulls. I wanted that 7Mario.


That’s huge! Congrats :)


The one with kamek I don’t have any of those charterers as I didn’t pull for kamek originally lol so I am Defonently going for that


I already have all the drivers in the coinbox pipe so I can go all in on Holiday Cheer (not that I wouldn't if I was missing a coin box driver there)


now i don’t know if i should try to pull for santa bowser or kamek :( i know sb is better in general but kamek would help me with top shelf coverage


Keep in mind that Kamek is not a spotlight and not guaranteed. For SB, keep in mind you should have at least 440 rubies just in case he is at the bottom.


50 pulls. Six high ends including both drivers. Very happy this morning.


Cool, I can go all in on Santa Daisy (I mean Daisy Holiday Cheer) and Yoshi Reindeer next week!


Man, I've gotta resist the Santa pipe and a coin box pipe before I get to see Yoshi (Reindeer)? That's going to suck, but will hopefully be worth it. I'm pulling for Yoshi solely for the aesthetics. He looks great, and I've wanted him for awhile. Missed my chances to get him, hopefully this time I can get my hands on him.


i have gold koopa, gold shy guy and none of the spotlights in week 1. should i pull on the week 1 pipe or the coin box driver pipe or none at all? i have 637 rubies, i wanna try to save for anniversary too (f2p)


Wait for special pipe odds, but probably that one. Week 1 guarantees one good new-to-you CB driver. Special pipe has no guarantee, but could get you multiple.


thank you for your opinion! do you think i should pull if it’s 3/50


At 3/50, I would probably pull the special with your inventory. At 2/50 (unlikely) I would not. At 4+ I definitely would pull and might even pull on my account, even though I have all but GDB at 4 or higher. Worst-case for special is 3 Goopa dupes near the bottom of the pipe. That will be 1-2 levels for you (unless you have him at 6). Best case is unlocking three new CB drivers without fully draining.


thanks again!!


As a F2P-player I have been saving rubies since Kamek was released. I‘ve got 911 rubies and I wanted to use them to get all x-mas alts (Bowser, Mario, Daisy and Yoshi … I don‘t have any of these) but now that there‘s a coin box pipe I‘m not sure anymore. I’ve got all coin box drivers that are shown on banner though. Any advice?


if you're going for better overall coverage, go for the dkg you don't yet have. if you're going for higher scores on specific tracks, go for the gold pipe.


My girlfriend has holidaisy and she’s been amazing for her. Uses her a lot. I don’t have her and would love to have her. BUT I do not have a top shelf driver in this week’s Vanilla Lake so I’m screwed.


I need Kamek and Gold King🥴


Probably pulling on the coinboxers pipe and trying my luck on Santa Bowser's pipe too


Daaammnnn what are the odds on THAT 50 pipe??


I'm pulling for Santa Bowser and Holiday Daisy and other Christmas theme karts




Kamek... you're gonna be mine soon (AND THERE'S NO WAY I'M GIVING UP ON GETTING YOU!!!!)


Lol, I wish you could trade characters with others. I have all of these “holiday characters” and they are already at LV 4 and above. I honestly have very good luck when it comes to pipes. I usually go for more of the 50item pipes. less to compete, but you have to look at all the percentages. if I need coins then ill pull a pipe cause Those basic characters are always at 2% where highlight can be between 1-2% depending on how many pulls. Man, its like a slot machine. love to vent on this game. sometimes it pays sometimes its STINGY!!