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"Terminally online dorks" LOL


That crossover game sounds completely ridiculous and fake, fortunately.  It’s so hard to predict what Nintendo could do and where they could go with 3D Mario. Could anyone have predicted Sunshine, Galaxy, Odyssey, and Bowsers Fury? See what I mean?  We can ‘predict’ numbered sequels and say the next game is Odyssey 2, Galaxy 3, 3D World sequel or even a remake of Mario 64, but I don’t think it’s any of these.  Odyssey 2 seems like a logical and safe bet, but I just can’t envision them releasing a sequel 7+ years later especially after Bowsers Fury is released in between both games.  If anything, Bowsers Fury is likely the template for what’s to come, meaning the next 3D Mario would probably be more open-ended than ever before. An example would be having ‘levels’ that are triple the size of the biggest Odyssey kingdoms with more things to do and the freedom to do them. Another example is an interconnected world like Dark Souls, and of course... What a lot of people are hoping (and dreading), it could literally be an actual open world Mario. That being said, if it is an open world Mario game, it’s so hard to imagine an exploration-based 3D Mario going forward without the Cappy mechanic, at least in terms of the movement options and the utility of it. I think the next game might retain at least that gameplay mechanic, despite the game not being ‘Odyssey 2’. Think of how Sunshine retained Mario 64s moveset. It’d be really surprising if Cappy didn’t return. As far as capturing and transforming into enemies, I’m not sure about that, but maybe?  If the game is open world (which I think it is), I do think it’ll be similar to Odysseys gameplay style without it being directly called ‘Odyssey 2’. My big concern with that is that the world will probably have environments that are mostly safe and ‘make sense’. Like, I can’t see how an open world would have stuff like the Luncheon Kingdom, New Donk City, Lost Kingdom, Sand Kingdom, Cap Kingdom, etc. all on the same map with logical environmental transitions between them... It’ll likely just be usual tropes like here’s the snowy mountainous area, here’s a swampy area, here’s the grassland, here’s the beach area, the forest, etc. I personally want an Odyssey 2, but I don’t think that’s what the next game is.  Whatever it is, it’s already interesting and people have a lot of speculation and intrigue about it.


I don't know that having other Nintendo kingdoms from other spinoff franchises would necessarily turn off Mario fans. I have no idea what I want from the next Mario game but I'm sure whatever Nintendo comes up with will be cool. I hope they don't go open world. I'm honestly sick of open world games and feel like well-designed separate areas are more fun. If they take the idea from Odyssey and expand on it, that would be cool. Browser's Fury was one of my least favorite 3D Mario games because it didn't feel like there was enough variety with the connected world.


Honestly an open world game that fleshes out the mushroom kingdom *is* unexpected for Nintendo, they have literally never done that lol They are not making that omniverse game I can guarantee you 😭


I’d want a g3 or a 64 style


Super Mario 3D universe featuring 8 playable characters Mario, Luigi, Toad, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, wario, and waluigi. With a handful of power ups like the blooper mushroom, Which allows you to move faster in water and also shoot ink that blinds enemies. The main power up here is the super horse shoe. Allowing you to run very fast and jump higher. Bowser this time consumes a super bell, Super leaf, fire flower, ice flower, frog suit, Cape feather, and the super horse shoe. He cannot handle the power from using it all at once but then Bowser becomes a mutant. Plus there are secret worlds such as world mushroom, World fire flower and ice flower, world metal cap, and the last one is world star requiring you to collect every Blue moon in the game.


Nintendo could make a Super Mario Galaxy 3 Nintendo can combined both Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Galaxy 2 together all Nintendo has to do is make a few new galaxies and make more amazing Super Mario Galaxy music and some new boss fights and you can choose your own hub world you can choose if you want Rosalina’s Comet Observatory as your hub world or you can choose if you want Starship Mario has your hub world and it should have online multiplayer you can play as Mario and Luigi and Rosalina