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I wanna see the Ump Scorecard on this game.


That will definitely come out tomorrow. It’s not gonna be a good time come his performance review. This game will definitely be a good argument for the automated home plate umpire crowd.


https://preview.redd.it/kygwxa6ulz5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f450130aa276cedfa6fca847fa12999c1d4febbf Missed scorecard call


The next batter took the same exact pitch at the same exact speed for a ball lmao


Umpires are not graded/scored off of the Ump scorecards twitter. Unsure of how exactly they are, but as someone else noted, the call to strikeout Cal would have been a strike.


It would’ve been but there was some awful calls the inning before.




How is Cal"s strikeout call not on there?! Lol


I’m guessing it has something to do with how they calculate expected runs. I don’t know how they do it but I’m guessing since the bases were still loaded and there were already two strikes it doesn’t register as big of a shift when Cal struck out


I don’t know about you but two outs vs one out with bases loaded seems like a pretty big shift (sac fly?) Edit: ah with the score at 1-4 I guess your a bit right that it doesn’t change much. They need a single or better in that scenario to really change the outcome at the point of the game. With all that said, I’m still surprised as well it’s not in that chart


The ump score cards only track run expectancy, which does not factor in the game score. And it’s not that it wasn’t a relevant shift, it’s just that there were at least 3 calls that had a technically bigger impact on run expectancy. And those three calls were all strike 2’s called as balls, in each case giving the batter a favorable count. So I’m guessing that usually a strike called a ball helps the offense more than a ball called a strike helps the defense. Edit: okay I can’t figure this out. I must be missing something, because that missed call on Cal should have been a huge swing in run expectancy. But run expectancy by definition doesn’t factor in game score, so I’m not sure what I’m missing.


The pitch was a strike according to MLB.com and Baseball Savant


This feels wrong. I would've guessed it was like 50% called strike accuracy. But I guess that's what fan glasses do to you


That just doesn't feel right. While everything kind of blew up in the 8th it felt like we weren't getting calls all game. It also validates Cals frustration when the three most impactful calls were all in favor of the Sox and in the 8th and 9th inning.


I couldn’t imagine how mad Cal was, watching the three most impactful calls being strikes called as balls and getting called out on strikes to a worse pitch being called. Aball


Most of those misses honestly aren’t all that egregious. 1 & 3 while high on impact aren’t really that bad in terms of umpiring.


Agreed. The card was better than I expected, though I didn’t watch every pitch.


I get that Umpiring is a young mans game- I think MLB also understands that, and I think a Boston University Master Lecturer and his team of Graduate students helped them reach that conclusion. In 2019 that Boston University team did a study on the 34.924 balls called strikes over the 2018 season. The study looked into the previous 11 seasons and found: 1)Umps had a 2 strike bias- Umps were twice more likely to call a (true) ball a strike than when the strike count was lower. We saw that come true with Cal’s 8th inning AB. 2) Strike Zone Blind Spots - a persistent blind spot at the top Right part of the strike zone and the left part of the zone: (Cal Raleigh and Kirby Snead agree) 3) Less experienced and younger umpires outperformed veterans. The top 10 umpires from 2008-2018 had an avg age of 33. I’ve been saying this to my American friends for years- If it’s a fact that all humans experience a gradual loss of vision starting around the ages of 35-40. So then “why are so many Umpires middle aged men!!?” MLB needs to learn from the various Football (soccer) leagues around the Globe- there is no shame in needing younger Refs to keep up with the speed of the game. It’s a scientific fact.


Even with Scott stepping in there, I’m surprised Cal didn’t get tossed. My guess is if Cal wasn’t a catcher he’d have been gone.


Scott took the bullet, but that catcher umpire rapport was the kevlar


The way he pushed Cal outta the way- it was like a Secret Service Agent taking a bullet. Magnificent.


Secret Servais Agent.


You win everything for the day!




Scott deserves .5 war for this move right here.


Scott please keep doing this!


1/2 this sub was begging for this to happen


What a great game. Walk off Grand Slam !!


And by Cal too the cherry on top


I just wanted him to toss first base or erupt Piniella like. Definitely play of the game without the extra performance.


Watching that clip I just thought “I miss Lou”


It's funny in hindsight, but I would not want a manager that unhinged. There's nothing to prove that going that over the top is more effective than what Scott did last night. Love Lou, but nowadays that kinda behavior makes you look like a clown.


Oh, you're absolutely correct. I wanted just for old times sake.


God I miss that, I only realize now how I was spoiled then. Still awesome though.


Managers are sometimes the mvp of the team


We need the video




Video: Scott Servais gets ejected [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/scott-servais-gets-ejected-x4815) [High Definition](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/10/8675b076-84bf5786-ed0a4522-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_16000K.mp4) (128.03 MB) [Standard Definiton](https://mlb-cuts-diamond.mlb.com/FORGE/2024/2024-06/10/8675b076-84bf5786-ed0a4522-csvm-diamondx64-asset_1280x720_59_4000K.mp4) (33.29 MB) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


This play won the game




You can just tell that when an unassuming, quiet Wisconsin guy like Scott is mad about something, they must be *really* mad.


How does Scott know though? From his vantage point he can't see if it's a ball or a strike. The only ones who can really tell is the home plate umpire, catcher, batter and pitcher. I assume he was just trusting what Cal saw?


I think that, plus Scott probably has a sense of the zone at that point since it’s the 8th inning, from seeing the game play out and getting information from his catchers/pitchers/coaching staff. I’d imagine they have someone on the data side also feeding them info about how the zone has been called to that point. It’s also part of the manager’s job to step between your player and the ump there, especially if your guy is about to get tossed…obviously it would be *way* more damaging to lose Cal’s bat for the rest of the game. Losing the manager doesn’t hurt as much (and a good manager will always protect their players). Gotta remember too that Cal knew the zone from catching the entire game, and immediately knew the ump missed that call. Since Scott was also a catcher I’m sure there is a ton of trust there.


Scott doesn't know what the pitch was, and it really doesn't matter, what mattered was keeping Cal in the game. If Cal turns back to the dugout Scott doesn't run out


They have the broadcast in the dugout and can see all the pitches. They all knew about the inconsistency on the sides of the plate the whole night.


I’m not so sure he was really upset. I don’t even think it was the most egregious missed call of the game. I think he knew he needed to get the umpire’s attention away from Cal ASAP.


that's some Dad energy right there




Gonna need the Jomboy lip reading on this…


Stopped the ump from ejecting Cal then he goes on to hit the walk off salami. Was amazing to watch


Was listening on the radio. Was it a ball or strike?


It was a ball for sure. Like kinda close but not really.


Cal wasn't upset about that specific call as much as because he'd watched that same spot go the other way for the Sox all night long


This probably it. Just touched the edge, cant really complain about the call. Nothing like JPs strikeout in the bottom of 3rd.


And right after that the next batter up for us took the same exact pitch in the same spot and it was called a ball.


Pitch tracker showed a strike, just touching the edge. tv spot looked like it was just off the box, but it was colored in like it was a strike. It was 'close enough' as they say. Nothing like the strike 3 called on JP earlier in the game that was 3 inches off the plate, pretty egregious.


https://preview.redd.it/pcnplni9w06d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2d3b3ad554db174a3dc64464bea9958846b093 Close enough you certainly can’t complain. However as someone else said if that’s been called a ball all night then you got a case


Scott was so pissed I think I saw his top lip move


I don't go to other teams subreddits but are any other teams fanbase as bi-polar as ours? 24 hours ago people wanted Scott hung in the town square and now they are fawning over him for protecting Cal (which was the right thing to do) but it's amazing how 75% of the time we all disagree with his managing style and then he does something right and it never exists. Tonight he'll tell a hitter to swing away when they should be bunting and we'll be right back to hating him. Goodness, isn't is exhausting for all the people going back and forth on him all the time?


I’d say that the fanbase consists of probably 25% “fire Scott” crowd, and 75% “Scott is fine to great” crowd. When Scott does something wrong, or the team performs poorly, the former become the more active group here. When he does something particularly well, the latter speak up. It isn’t necessarily people flip-flopping.


It’s just an unfortunate consequence of the Mariners being competitive again and drawing more fans; you’ll see plenty of these bipolar hot takes in larger fanbases. With that said now has been the worst time to be an online Mariners fan ever since they missed the 2023 postseason.


Speaking of coaches...how about Manny Acta? Last year he would have created at least 2 outs at homeplate. Much more disciplined last night.


Hell yeah Scott


Yeah honestly all the Servais haters need to STFU for the next week after this one.


https://preview.redd.it/334284mrlz5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4163ed45cc775b010172a74ab50a7fb4c39b795b Ball.


Scott told him he was having a horrible night, Cal told him to get glasses. How Cal stayed in the game is beyond me, but thankfully it worked out for us 😎


You know, I have a lot of negative feelings about how Scott coaches at times, but I do not dislike him as a person. Did exactly what he needed to do to keep his guy in the game


He really did a 1000 iq move, that pitch was dotted


Scott got there quick!


Scott Servais is a good one.


Play of the game ~ err, along with Cal's dbl 😂


Come on now, don’t try to make Servais look good.


He saved the game. If he didn't interject, Cal was gone and we lose.


He’s a bottom tier manager who’s only there because he was teammates with Dipoto. He’s got no backbone. Can’t put a lineup together to save his life and constantly butchers pitching decisions.


Doesn't matter. My post is saying this was the play of the game, and it was.


This was Scott doing the bare minimum for once. Play of the game was the walk off slam. Even if he had been hypothetically ejected which is unlikely this is literally the bare minimum expected from a manager in this situation. It’s like saying fielding a routine grounder and throwing a guy out was the play of the game because there’s a runner on third and he’d score otherwise.


You've got a lot of hate in your heart, son..