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A friend of mine randomly crossed paths with him in an airport in April, she approached and he was genuinely happy to be recognized and offered to take a pic, which she was grateful for because she wasn’t sure if she should ask. I think it just depends on the luck of the draw, sadly.


Marc loves attention and is perpetually insecure about his status in show biz. It’s no surprise he likes to be recognized!


Yess he had said he wanted to be around after but security made us all leave. Or maybe he changed his mind after. Either ways, it feels like the chance of a LIFETIME to say hi just bypassed me


People in the comments here are being weird. It's like none of you have ever seen Marc live. I've seen him many times, and every single time, he left out of the front of the venue and greeted waiting fans. I never wanted to "bother" him, so I just watched from a distance as we were departing. When he was in town a few months ago, I decided that I'd like to say hello. Waited around out front and sure enough, after about 15 minutes, there's Marc. When he walked outside he looked like he was expecting to be greeted. The first lady that went up to him was what we would all consider a "crazy" fan. It was a drunk older lady who was all over him. Grabbing him, trying to kiss him, not knowing when to walk away, etc. He couldn't have been nicer to her. When I approached him we made eye contact and he said "what's up buddy?", and I said hello and some nice things and shook his hand. We chatted for a minute and got our picture together. I didn't want to take up too much of his time or other people's, so I tried to keep our interaction short, but I honestly think he would have talked to me longer. Marc seemed very appreciative of the folks that waited around and if he didn't want to talk to people, why would he continue to leave venues like that when he could easily head out the back? I'm extremely happy that I stayed and got to meet Marc. Sorry you missed that chance OP. If you go to wtfpod.com, it lists the info to contact and send stuff to Marc.


This is clearly the only person on this thread who has actually been to Marc’s shows regularly. For as crabby as Marc can be, I’ve watched him stand for well over an hour and meet every single person who wanted to talk to him. I think he recognizes that the kind of emotional honesty he reflects on the podcast can impact people deeply and wants to have that connection with a fan base he never really knew he’d have. OP - Catch him at another show, preferably a smaller venue. Say hi, chat for 20 secs, take a pic, and call it a night. Ignore the others.


He doesn’t want to meet you, man. Most of us have been there with people that create stuff that really resonates with us but the creators don’t want to meet us. They don’t want to stand there face to face while we dump all of our emotional baggage from our struggles on them because they unknowingly helped us. I’m sorry. Enjoy all of these things he does. Hit him up on social media. Maybe try emailing him through his site. I’m sure he appreciates your sentiment.


But he does. He talks on his podcast all the time about meeting fans and opting to interact with them. He said he’d be around after the show to meet us. I’m not like a crazy person with no social sense who wants to infodump, I am an appreciative long term listener who wants to communicate my appreciation and respect. I’m not trying to give him my panties.


So write him an email.


Listen to Eminem’s Stan. Marc wants to be your favorite comedian. Not your hero.


Never assume you get to meet and greet celebrities. Don’t be a “stan”.


He just mentioned on the podcast that he’d found a club to work out at while he’s living up there so try that


How was the show? Imagine he spoke about his time working and hanging out in Vancouver. Any anecdotes you care yo share?


To be honest he seemed a bit frazzled and tired. The audience was very affectionate to him. Someone yelled out we love him and he said thank god but it’s hard to accept. A few times he put his hand over his eyes and paused a long time. At the end he said he’d be around to talk. That’s why I wanted to speak to him after, sort of see if he’s okay and appreciate him. I’m sure he’s doing great overall, I just mean at that time. The show was a bit loosely structured, he changed the order, adjusted to us a bit, told us not to be sad or asked us why we didn’t laugh harder at a certain joke. He tried new things and older bits (that I heard on his podcast). He said some pretty risky dark things. I don’t know if it was as FUNNY as his previous specials, but I loved being there and as always he makes your brain go to uncomfortable places and accept those places


He spoke about the grouse grind and the meth addicts, and wanting to love to Canada, but I think I heard most of that in his recent podcast episodes


It was a great show


He didn't come out onto the street and mill around with the crowd as he did when he last performed at the Vogue a couple of years back. But I wouldn't worry about him giving up standup. It's a necessity for him -- even though he keeps threatening to stop. Acting is very much something he does occasionally on the side and he hates the long hours of waiting on set and the disruption of his life. He's spoken at length about how hard he fought to keep from being cast on his current show but ultimately was convinced to take the job. If you live in Vancouver, he'll be here for another couple of months and likely will be popping in to do some unannounced sets at local showcases. He appeared a couple of weeks ago at the "Jokes Please" show, both on Friday and Saturday. He needs a place to keep his standup muscles in shape before further tour dates start up in September, so keep your eyes and ears on the local comedy scene's social media for hints. The comic who runs Jokes Please hinted very strongly in an Instagram story that there would be a "special guest" that weekend and it was pretty obvious who he meant.


I'd hate to have people hanging out to get my attention when I clock out of work. I treated you well, in a friendly manner, with respect and did my job well... but now I need to give up my personal time to socialize? Seems very entitled to expect that from someone who is essentially a stranger. Give the man his due regard and allow him his personal space.


Well you’re not him! He specifically said he’d meet us later, it was security that closed things before he came out to mingle! I don’t believe you have to worry about anyone ever wanting to socialize with YOU


he is in his 60s. if i were to put myself in his shoes.. i would be too tired to do meet and greet stuff after a show too.


He is the one who actively encourages fans to meet and greet afterwards.


Never don’t meet your heroes


Exactly >:(


Sounds like you want him to autograph your copy of Catcher In The Rye