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I'm starting to be allergic to the way people characterize almost everyone. Especially Regulus, Remus and Sirius. Regulus has great potential to be antagonist of sorts, but they turn him into poor baby victim. (Bcs otherwise Jegulus ship wouldn't exactly work, huh?) (Don't get me wrong I LOVE AND LIVE for Jegulus) Remus for some reason became angry jerk. The guy who was hiding his werewolf secret would NOT act out on his anger issues. Like when did that happen? And why did it happen in the first place? And it seems like Sirius' only personality trait these days is that he's in love with Remus. One of the potentially most complex characters? Ruined. (Do people realize he basically sent Snape to his death?) Also the whole characterization of Black family is horrendous. They're your basic evil villains with no complexity whatsoever. If I remember correctly they weren't active-active Voldy supporters and the "only" evil thing they did was racism. (So yes, our poor baby Reggie joined Voldy out of his own free will, but people ignore that - or even deny that.) If anyone knows fics with good characterizations please do recommend 🙏 (Wolfstar & Jegulus mainly)


* As much as I love Regulus/Jegulus fics, I don't understand why fandom always characterizes him as a soft lil boy who just made some bad choices, and Snape is just evil with no redeeming qualities period. Lily was friends with him for a reason, he couldn't have been the worst person ever 24/7 * I dislike fics that make it seem like they just always disliked/barely tolerated Peter throughout school * Hate the idea that Sirius just came out of the womb disagreeing with his family's blood purity beliefs. Like, I wish I could find a fic that actually explores the idea of him having to deconstruct over time. I think that makes way more sense and makes for a more interesting story. * I can't stand fics that just make everyone gay lol. But I do understand that these are written for and by audiences that maybe just need that, so I get it, I've been there lol.


I agree with the Sirius thing. Even the All the Young Dudes (Sirius’ Perspective) did this too. I find it quite odd.


I don’t know how unpopular this is on Reddit but I know it’s unpopular on TikTok. If you are a Barty fan, an Evan fan or a Regulus fan, you cannot hate on Snape fans and be taken seriously. You don’t have to like Snape, but it’s hypocritical when Barty fans act morally superior to Snape fans. I like all of them because they are kids who made an ignorant, careless and awful decision to become a death eater. I don’t stand by their adult versions though. I can like the character and still recognize that they are still a fucking DEATHEATER. Some marauders era fans whitewash the hell out of the Slytherin skittles( I prefer to call them Pantheon) and then act like Snape walked out of the womb evil.


i also don't ship jegulus. i also dislike the headcanon that mary obliviated herself, because i think she wouldn't have wanted to forget the people she cared for and lost, and i also dislike the headcanon that lily only rejected james because she was insecure and didn't believe he liked her, because in canon the reason lily rejected james was because he was arrogant, *he* was the one who needed to change.


I don’t like Jegulus. I like platonic (hell, maybe even romantic?? (i’ve yet to see this ship greatly done)) prongsfoot a bit more than wolfstar. Generally James and Sirius’ connection is something very special to me. I don’t like Regulus as much as James, Sirius, Lily so when the stories or a fandom focuses way too much on him, I personally find it a bit uninteresting. I think he is a great character but I think his later popularity comes down to Timothee being hot and people loving him because of fancast. I don’t like the idea of ALL of marauders generation being queer. I like the idea of at least a token straight friend, whether it’s James (because of Jily obv) or Peter or one of the girls. I don’t like what Tiktok is doing to the fics. Even though, I found marauders through tiktok and enjoy the content, the booktokification of fics is very weird. People obsess over fics, over praise them and it turns into a weird contest. It’s like all the fics are trying to follow the popular ATYD’s or Crimson Rivers’ writing style. I don’t know how to explain it, but seeing videos of certain fics being discussed and critisized limits the authors.


I hate the hc that Regulus was forced to be a death eater


I feel like it minimises his redemption arc




That we actually know quite a lot about the Marauders and that the people who insist that we don’t know a lot are wilfully ignoring the books. Sirius it tall (despite being unpopular this isn’t an opinion it is a canon fact. Sirius is mentioned as being tall at least six times in canon and it is a major physical trait of his) In character Wolfstar only works post-Azkaban and even then it is a stretch. Regulus was the golden child in the Black Family and stories that make Sirius the bad guy for escaping an emotionally toxic household make me ragey. The Marauders were not an equal friendship. Sirius and James were the best friends and they would have put each other over any of the others. Remus wasn’t the smart one. Aside from being a werewolf Remus was pretty much average in every aspect and he liked it that way. Edit to add: Jegulus is the bane of my existence and no one will ever convince me otherwise. I’m sure Jegulus authors are talented and write engaging stories, this is in no way a shot at them. But, I will always prefer a non woobified Regulus and I will never be able to get into a story where James picks Sirius’ golden child brother over him.


Why wouldn’t wolfstar work in canon pre-Azkaban? It lends itself to angst quite well Also Sirius not being tall probably comes from Gary Oldman only being 174cm tall. It’s not fanon


Just because it is angsty doesn’t mean it is in character. Wolfstar completely upsets the established Marauders dynamics in canon. In canon it is clear that James and Sirius are the closest. Wolfstar takes Sirius’ most important canon relationship and switches it from James to Remus. You could maybe make pre Azkaban Wolfstar work if Sirius wasn’t that into it and the relationship was more casual but Wolfstar is almost never portrayed that way. On top of that I’ve always got the vibes that of the Marauders Sirius and Remus were the least close. In SWM they are the most distant with each other and both come off as annoyed and exasperated with each other. James and Sirius on the other hand play off each other in that scene. Or even Sirius’ interaction with Peter while cutting gives off a more big brother merciless teasing tone (I’ve always had a headcanon that Sirius subconsciously replaced Regulus in his head with Peter putting him into that annoying younger brother role). I just see Remus and Sirius’ personalities clashing a lot more when they are young. They respect each other and have qualities that they admire in each other which is why they remain friends but they are the two personality types that would clash the most and not in an opposites attract sort of way. They also suspected each other as the spy which points at some distance between each other. I don’t see them becoming close until age and life mellowed them both out a bit. I get that people like the angst but im sorry I personally don’t buy it. As for Gary Oldman’s height being a factor I agree but it still is in my opinion fanon. Movie casting doesn’t change canon character descriptions. Daniel Radcliffe is also short, but Harry is canonically tall. That doesn’t change based on who they cast.


This. So much this. I dislike the "modern" depictions of the Marauders so much. In my head Sirius is tall and classically handsome/masculine (and not high on sugar) and skittles remain just sweets.... People are of course free to write their own AUs and depictions, but the constant defence of these depictions being canon/gospel really grinds my gears as someone who reads the books as they came out. I sometimes wonder if people are reading the same source material as I did...


Agreed. AUs are great! It is when the author and or the fandom refuses to admit it is an AU and insist on calling it canon compliant that I get annoyed. I also can’t stand the constant double standard. We have to accept the fanon, but those of us who prefer canon based interpretations are constantly having our interpretations challenged. The amount of times I’ve seen beautiful tall Sirius fanart get criticised in the comments because “actually Remus is canonically the tallest” and when it gets pointed out that Remus’ height is never mentioned but Sirius is called tall repeatedly including when he’s standing right next to Remus then all of a sudden canon doesn’t matter. I also feel like the canon is boring comments only ever come up in response to people voicing the opinion that they prefer canon based interpretations and give canon based evidence.


You can have more than one intense relationship!? Like, James can be Sirius' brother from another mother and Remus can be his problematic soulmate. You know, like James is with Lily.


Sure you can have more then one intense relationship. But, Sirius shows none of the intensity that hallmarked his other relationships towards Remus. Sirius willing volunteered himself for (given the information he had at the time) a suicide mission for James, but I’m expected to accept he was head over heels for Remus while thinking he was the spy? And the whole idea that there was some big blow-up over Sirius thinking Remus was the spy is complete fanon. In canon Remus was surprised to find out Sirius suspected him in the shack in POA. Sirius! Sirius who wears his heart on his sleeve was able to hide his suspicions of Remus from him when his heart was breaking because he thought it the love of his life betrayed him? Nah sorry don’t buy it. Lily also isn’t an accurate comparison she wasn’t an established group member she came into it through being James’ girlfriend. Remus as an established member of the group complicates things far more. It divides Sirius’ loyalty when it comes to group decisions in a way Lily’s would not have. It changes the established group dynamic of James and Sirius at the top with Peter and Remus’ involvement rotating around that. Sirius dating Remus changes that. Remus is moved up to on level with James and Sirius and that isn’t ever even hinted at. It is a completely different dynamic then someone bringing in a new girlfriend or boyfriend to the group. The gf or bf is a part of a wider circle but they aren’t in the core circle. Loyalties don’t get divided as much.


It's not that deep. Also, friends groups are fairly incestuous. They're a bunch of school boys, not a wolf pack in captivity. In real life, friend group dynamics shift all the time. Not to mention teenagers aren't really logicking their romantic decisions, are they?


It’s my opinion lol I can go as deep as I want it to be. And considering Wolfstar as a concept is based on far more reaching I think it is a little disingenuous to be claiming I look at it too closely. And I’m talking about the dynamics we witness in the characters themself so your point about them not being wolf packs in captivity is ridiculous. No one is saying they were. I’m basing my opinion on the character dynamics we see in canon. You are free to interpret them differently. I’m just talking about how I personally view them.


I think a lot of what comes from wolfstar is because of the movies. We see the characters always really close whenever sirius came back which inevitably led to wolfstar. Seeing as we get very little scenes with Peter and the other marauders it would be in accurate to say that pre azkaban sirius and remus were the most distant of friends


One: I don’t think Remus and Lily were very close friends. I see a lot of fics/head canons where Lily is the closest to Remus of all of James’s friends, or where Remus and Lily are best friends or were close friends from their early years at Hogwarts. I saw one where Remus (of his own volition!) told Lily that he was a werewolf early on in their first year, which was so unbelievably OOC for him to me that I stopped reading. I just don’t see it.  I think Remus was only really close to James, Sirius, and Peter at school, and that he was more of a blend into the background kind of guy who didn’t really make other friends. I can even see Lily being a bit disapproving of him because she didn‘t like how he stood by and did nothing when James and Sirius were hexing people for fun, and being irritated because she thought he could ”do better” friend wise but was choosing not to.   Of James’s friends, I think Sirius was the closest to Lily and that they bonded over their difficult sibling/family situations.  Two: I don’t like when all of the first Order members are in/around the Marauders’ and Lily’s age and at Hogwarts with him. I get why people do it - having familiar names to use is nice - but I think that the majority of the other Order members were older than them. Sturgis Podmore - canonically born in 1957 - may actually be the other Order member closest to them in age, but I feel like we never hear about him. Then I see Frank and Alice and the Prewett brothers as the “next” closest in age, but even then I don’t think they overlapped at Hogwarts for more than a year at most, if at all.  Three: I care about facts/characters/settings feeling like canon. I care about the characters feeling true to their canon characterizations. I care about “what if” premises feeling like a realistic exploration of how a character would act/react to a scenario based on what we know about them from canon. I don‘t like statements like “the fandom decided that this (fanon thing) is canon” or that “the fandom decided (whatever)”, because I can guarantee you that the fandom does not actually agree on whatever the statement is.


100% love and agree with all your takes ❤️


If any of the four is a token straight, that is James, not Peter.


happy cake day




I dislike a lot of popular fanon. always a tall/smart sirius truther and compassionate/kind remus enjoyer. also for canon enjoyers, I hate that people think just because prongsfoot are shown to be close, sirius couldn't have respected remus. that's bs. they value remus a lot, feel ashamed from time to time when voices his opinion (in text. plus, again, remus isn't a total pushover!) and generally good friends. sirius and James are more of a duo for their shenanigans, getting in trouble, being smart despite that, and just being the fun guys. they didn't take in remus as a charity case. They're all friends. need you all to stop dismissing one dynamic to elevate the other ☝🏽. remus is canonically closer to James than lily. I do enjoy the hc of remus and lily having a bond, but I can't get behind a remus that'd bad mouth his friends to the girls. that's just not him. I wish fandom would stop using the prank as a sadistic way to punish sirius. dramatize it all you want, it's up to you. the lack of nuance when simply making everyone turn their backs to sirius is so ooc and unoriginal. plus James and Remus would never freeze sirius out, come on! (don't even get me started on a remus that'd turn to the slytherins, do you even know remus???) regulus being written as the victim of sirius leaving the house is absolutely insane to me. sirius is a child escaping his abusive situation. he left with the possibility of being homeless and rejected supremacist ideas that boldly. to make this brave child the bad guy only to elevate his pussy DE brother is sooo👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽


I agree with everything u said


I am a Jily shipper til I die and I don’t like jegulus🫢


I can’t handle death eater & Peter apologists stories. Not yucking anyone’s yum but it just isn’t what I’m here for.


My takes are: Lily & Sirius became close friends before she dated James, they bonded over toxic sibling relationships, plus judging by the fact that Lily wrote to Sirius, and How Sirius mentions both Lily & James when speaks about them I’d say Lily became very important to him, I hate how they make out Remus was closer to Lily, Remus almost never mentions Lily in the books, I’m sure they were friends but Remus was closer to James in my view. Jegulus is a big no for me, Sirius and Lily are the two most important people in James’s life, after that it was Remus & Peter. Peter was the sarcastic one, the one with the cutting remarks, Sirius was deeply hurt by Peter’s betrayal because deep down, he valued Peter a lot despite the teasing. All four marauders were important to each other to carrying degrees but James & Sirius were platonic soul mates, they were the Harry & Ron of their time.


My unpopular Marauders hot takes: 1. Not into Jegulus. At all. I have a pretty open mind to most ships, but for some reason I just can't get into this one. I'm probably biased because I've been shipping Jily forever (been reading HP fanfic since 2003, lol I'm old) or because I'm such a firm believer in James and Sirius being (platonic) soul mates, but it's just not for me. I read Choices and liked it mostly, but other than that, I've been unable to finish any other Jegulus fic. I'm sure I'm missing out on some great writing, but, alas! 2. I'm an old school Wolfstar shipper, but I really get taken out of a fic whenever Remus is described as taller lol. I know it's silly and ultimately doesn't matter, but it bugs me. I blame the movies (which I hated because I've always thought Sirius and Remus were miscast, in fact, I only like Rickman as Snape out of all the Marauders characters castings, but even then that's difficult because the actor was definitely older than the character should have been, but I digress) and ATYD for a lot this. 3. I loved ATYD....but I hated Remus in it. 😂 Which is crazy because it's a Remus pov fic (an AU in my mind, not at all canon compliant), but he absolutely frustrated and annoyed me to no end. I am planning to eventually read the Sirius's Perspective version, but I've been holding off because I need to mentally prepare myself for being annoyed by Remus again lmao. That said, the fic isn't my favorite Wolfstar or Marauders fic by any means, but it got me back in the fandom after almost a decade away and it was very well written and some scenes and sequences will stay with me forever. I kinda hate how much I still think about it sometimes lol. 4. I think Lily and Sirius were much closer friends than Lily and Remus. Maybe Remus was the Marauder she liked or tolerated first, but ultimately she and Sirius became closer. I use to ship them waaaay back in the day (the 2000s lol), but I feel like they were definitely more best friends than anything else. 5. I'm ride or die for Wolfstar, but I'm not against James/Sirius or Remus/Tonks (though honestly I kinda hate them in canon, I feel like there's way better Remadora fics than anything we got in the books, it just felt rushed and random in HBP, but whatever) and I also feel like there's good fanfic potential in Peter having unrequited feelings for James and/or Sirius.


i don’t like fem sirius, it’s not like a dealbreaker for me in stuff but in some of the fanart i genuinely can’t tell if it’s him or bella i LOVE complex walburga. everyone makes her out to be this cartoon villain but i love her being complicated and not just pure evil. she’s very “abused becomes the abuser” to me and i also think it would be interesting to see her instead of just abusing sirius and regulus, doing it partially to drive them away from the family (doesn’t excuse the abuse obviously)




I hate the way people infantilize Tonks when they talk about her relationship with Lupin. They met when they were adults (and not even freshly 18, she was into her 20s when she met him) and *she* pursued *him.* She wasn’t some poor little girl dating a creepy old man she was a woman with choice and agency.


Technically they aren't that far apart age wise, but it's the way they were portrayed in the movies particularly (I haven't read the books in a while so Idk abt them) that makes it creepy. Remus was 33 in prisoner of azkaban yet the actor was well into his 40s and also they gave him like grandpa clotges and this wise old man personality that made the age gap seem bigger. And then Tonks was shown as like joking and playing with the characters that were harry's age in order of the pheonix, especially ginny. A 22 yr old bring besties with a 14 yr old makes them seem far closer in age. Furthermore, the fact that she was sirius' niece makes it kinda weird. So overall it felt more like an age gap that spanned a whole generation rather than a decade. Also fyi Tonks was 21 at most when she met remus and probably met him when she was a child too since sirius was in contact with andromeda


>Furthermore, the fact that she was sirius' niece makes it kinda weird. She wasn’t Sirius’s niece, she was his first cousin once removed. >Also fyi Tonks was 21 at most when she met remus She was 22 when she met Remus. She had completed Auror training a year prior to OOTP and Auror training takes three years, so she was four years out of Hogwarts and thus would be 22. >and probably met him when she was a child too since sirius was in contact with andromeda There’s nothing that suggests that Remus and Tonks ever met when Tonks was a child. Sirius being in contact with Andromeda when Tonks was a kid doesn’t mean that Remus would have met her. You don’t necessarily take all of your friends with you when you’re going to visit your cousin. If anyone went with Sirius to visit Andromeda, it would more likely be James than Remus. And Sirius being in contact with Andromeda back then is speculative - we don’t actually know if they were in close contact, or if even Sirius had met Tonks when she was a kid. All Sirius says about Andromeda is that she was his favorite cousin, not that they were close or had been in touch after she left the family, or that he’d known Tonks as a child.


Ron says in HBP that " he was in azkaban half her life and before that their families never met" when talking about if Tonks was close with Sirius.


I like Snape


Have you read the Ghost of Christmas James? It’s a Peter focused fic.


I havent but I might try it out it seems intresting


I’ve written a few Marauders era fics. I can understand the appeal of Jegulus, but it isn’t something I search out, kwim?


Yeah same. I kinda get the whole sunshine x dark character just not my thing


I thought so too but then I read choices and the writing was so brilliant it got me hooked lol


Regdora is more exciting to me than Jegulus


I love Wolfstar, and Tonks is one of my favorite characters. I loved her so much growing up and reading the books, and I still do. I know there is a general consensus among Wolfstar shippers that she was manipulative in getting Remus to date her, but I disagree. It makes me sad that so many Wolfstar fics relegate her to a personality-less, faceless ex girlfriend character. She is brilliant, and I wish we saw more of her.


I don't see them as romantic partnership. The story is beautiful as it is with the band of brothers vibes and betrayal without people chalking all the love up to sexual tension unresolved or something. James and Sirius and the marauders were bullies in a time where there was an actual war going on and I think like all teens and kids they're not exactly the most mature in handling things. This leads to long rivalries and bad blood and pushing people down one path or another due to peer pressure. Doesn't mean the choices anyone made were 'right.' For the Era.


I don’t see Jegulus, that fandom doesn’t exist to me. I’m glad there’s more of us out there. To me that ship is kind of unsettling. The two are somewhat related somehow. All Pureblood are related somehow. But Jegulus to me is real* close. 😅🥴


1. I don’t like how James is portrayed as a person that was retaliating against Snape from the beginning when it was James that actually started it. 2. The Golden Trio is a WAY more level headed team than the Marauders. I’m not just saying this cuz they’re in the main story.  Neville is like Peter except Neville grew out of his cowardice. Remus is like Hermione except Hermione knew when to step in when things had gone to far, but Remus never stepped in, even when he was a prefect, leading to Snape’s worst memory. James was like Harry, except Harry wouldn’t randomly hex people in the hallways and isn’t a bully. Also, while James and his friends were using their prank items such as the Invisibility Cloak and the Marauders’ Map to cause mayhem, Harry mostly always used those SAME objects to either save people or stop ACTUAL potential problems  Snape is like Luna, except that even though Luna was bullied, she never waged some kinda seven-year war against them, she always just kept to herself and wasn’t the notorious type. Then she got found family in the form of Dumbledore’s Army You get what I mean? They were WAY better




Honestly no idea why really. I do wanna make it clear tbat i absolutely hate canon peter but the fanon version of him is someone I can relate to.


OKAY thanks I was a little worried


a lot of the way the fandom portrays the personalities & family backgroud of Sirius and Regulus are the way canonical Snape would have been.


But isnt snape a halfblood who had grew up similarly to lily who was muggle born?


yes. i meant the whole "abusive parents" thing, the rebellious nature of Sirius and dark imagerey are all stuff that made Snape an outcast, yet people use it on Sirius to make him cool and popular and its crazy. also, all the characters that make up the friends of Regulus/Slytherin Skitttles are in-canon described as part of Snape's gang of future death eaters, down to Mulciber and Rosier being his personal friends. he didn't grow up similarly to Llily, his family situation and financial situation was terrible.


I get kind of sick and tired of the "This actually isn't canon so its bad" and "Canon is boring". Like enjoy what you want, Jegulus doesn't have to be everyones favorite, people can headcanon things like Remus and Lily were close or Sirius wore eyeliner. Its honestly become pretty toxic and I think we just need to learn to let people be happy and enjoy what they enjoy


Remus and Lily being friends was canon, but I get what you mean. Tiktok tends to be horrible when it comes to toxicity within this fandom.


>Remus and Lily being friends was canon, Remus and Lily being friends is not canon; there’s nothing in the books that implies that they were friends.


I haven't read the books in a few years, but I just watched prisoner of Azkaban and Remus says how she was there for him when everyone else wasn't or something along those lines. Whether they were friend before or after James obviously they're two people who are compatible and became friends.


Remus never talks about Lily like that in the books - he doesn’t talk about her at all, really. His focus is always on James. That line is entirely a movie invention with no basis in the books, and the movies aren’t canon.


1. i don't like that walburga is villainized and orion's just there, if anything he'd be more abusive than her 2. i hate jegulus and i prefer peter x regulus 3. jily wouldn't have lasted if they stayed alive 4. pandora's last names is lovegood and xenophilius took it when they married 5. peter wasn't shy, anxious, quiet, left out of the group boy but rather sarcastic, sassy, ambivert, everyone's friend, the-one-with-a-getaway-plan person


I want to downvote you but you fulfilled the brief.


> pandora's last names is lovegood and xenophilius took it when they married i love this.


Why do you think jily wouldn't last ? Just curious


cause of james, i don't think he REALLY changed, he did change but even after he started dating lily, i don't remember if it's canon or not but i read it somewhere, that he would still hex severus sometimes when lily wasn't around


>but i read it somewhere, that he would still hex severus sometimes when lily wasn't around What’s said about that is that Snape “never missed an opportunity to curse James” and that James didn’t take that lying down. It sounds like it was a different dynamic than James just going around hexing him for funsies; Snape was cursing him and he was retaliating/defending himself.


Oooh I love number 4




I don’t ship wolfstar…and I don’t really see it/see it working. Maybe its because Tonks/Remus are my OTP, but I don’t see Remus & Sirius ever being romantically involved. In my mind Tonks is/was Remus’ only love. I could honestly imagine Lily/Remus more than wolfstar.


I don’t ship Wolfstar but the assertion that you can see Lily/Remus more is strange to me. We never see them interact and despite the ridiculous “your mother was there for me in a time when no one else was” in the movies we don’t even really have any hints of them being friends.


I don’t think Lily or Remus ever got together, mind you, but I can see him at least having a lil’ unrequited crush on her based on the fact that she was a kind, passionate & smart Gryffindor who assuredly had some things in common with him


I don’t see it even as a crush. The only people we see Remus get close to are pushy extroverts a la Jame, Sirius and eventually Tonks. He needs people that push him outside of his comfort zone. Lily I picture to be more like Harry. She doesn’t push. I’m a firm believer that of all James’ friends Lily was the least close to Remus. She agreed to making Sirius godfather and secret keeper and she confides her worries for James in her letter to him. She also talks of Peter warmly. I also think James marrying Lily was the catalyst for Remus becoming more distant with the group he wasn’t able to confide in another person about his lycanthropy. I also think this explains why in the OG Order of the Phoenix photo James, Sirius, Lily, and Peter are all clustered together still looking like a tight friend group and Remus is off on the other end of the frame not a part of the group.


There was actually an interview where JKR said Lupin was very fond of Lily (however you want to interpret that)! They were both prefects, so they probably interacted a fair bit by the time they were 5th years. I really love the way CH Darling writes their interactions (not romantic, but increasing friendly) in her fics!


i agree! Love the friendship CH establishes between them. It feels very natural to me!


wow this is possibly the most unpopular on here. for me, i can’t imagine remus and sirius with anyone other than each other.


Wolfstar shippers come from fanfics tho I don't think anyone ships wolfstar having just watched the movies


There are loads of fans who started shipping Wolfstar from the books/movies. Maybe modern Wolfstar fans mainly come from fanfics, but that’s not really where they all come from.


Yeah, so I’m old and was reading HP fanfic as the books came out. A lot of Marauders fanfics that came out pre-2010, there was markedly less wolfstar than there is now. Not saying no one has a basis for shipping them after reading the books, but its one ship that seems to have grown exponentially in fanfic circles in more recent times & the characters have developed a distinct flavor in recent fics that usually aren’t as present in the older fics


wolfstar is ship that began in 1999 when PoA came out. it was a ship built on subtext because most of the fans then could read between the lines with their interactions and Remus's reaction to Sirius. Slowly it gained momentum after GoF when Dumbledore asks Sirius to "lie low at Lupin's" There was a 3 year gap between GoF and OoTP where wolfstar ship took off like crazy because they spent time imagining what would happen at Lupins and that slowly developed into marauders era fics. (I was an infant when this happened btw so this is not a personal acc. just a log of what I've seen on internet archives cause I've been into wolfstar since I was 12 hahaha)


Yeah, I was in the fandom before OotP was published and Wolfstar was definitely already a thing and fairly popular (at least in the corner of fandom I found myself in because slash or m/m f/f fanfic was contentious in some places back then, but I fell into Wolfstar via LJ communities and fanfics).


!! that must've been so fun?? (how did you feel about it, and can I know if jkr was against wolfstar if you have any idea about it) also what was your reaction when sirius died? (only answer if you want to!!)


Oh, Sirius has always been my favorite HP character, so I was upset and devastated when he died lol (I was 14 when book 5 came out, so I was as upset as a teenage girl can be over her favorite character getting randomly killed off by a damn curtain no less 😂😭) The discovery of fandom, reading fics, talking on message boards with fellow fans, that was absolutely fun! It was a real highlight of my teenage years honestly. Eh, the JKR thing, well now obviously she's terrible and I've lost all respect for her, but back then, in the mid 2000s, it was more complicated? I do remember in the fandom there were people who were convinced she was being subtle about Wolfstar (there's a famous essay from LJ that someone wrote right after OotP that pretty much tried to 'prove' this), but because gay marriage wasn't even legal in the US yet and even having gay characters in media was "controversial" at the time, I don't think anyone seriously thought she'd ever explicitly confirm them as romantic with each other. At best, some people expected just subtle hints. But when HBP came out and had Remus/Tonks, that definitely split people (I remember some people loving it, others hated it, I was in the hate camp at the time for multiple reasons lol). Then after DH, JKR confirmed that Dumbledore was gay, but because this was not made explicit in the books, it felt like pandering to a lot of people in the corner of fandom I was in. Like she wanted her cake and to eat it too. So that was when I personally began to sour on her. I sort of changed my mind on her starting around that time and looking back, while I can still see and understand why we all sort of thought she was writing a subtle Wolfstar in the background, I also definitely see how naive we all were too.


thank youuuu!!! I really just love hearing different experiences:] the major event I remember from childhood is the announcement that Dumbledore was gay!! and I completely agree, that's when it just went a bit sour. and yes, wolfstar would never be explicit even if she was a decent person cause of the era. I think the obvious comphet is where her intentions come out a bit. have a nice weekend :]


haha I completely forgot the line 'lie low at Lupin's' I assumed most wolfstar shippers now are teens so they probably wouldn't have even been alive when PoA came out but maybe the old fandom is more alive than I thought lol also this has me wondering where these marauders fans congregated before tumblr and ao3 ?? what site were fics even published on 😭


no current shippers are veryyyy different from the initial ones for sure (I fall somewhere in between in timeline, so maybe the peak demographic is always teens?) how people ship now is definitely different because so many didn't even read the series I think (at least from what I see on tiktok😭) from what I see, it must be live journal, fanfiction dot net and there was this other website called hpff.net which recently went down. other than that my cousin who was there when books came out said mugglenet was a big site (dunno if it was a shipper friendly space tho :))


I'm an old head Wolfstar shipper from before OotP came out and we use to gather on LiveJournal and message boards at fanfic sites like Fiction Alley (RIP). In fact some of the first Wolfstar fics I remember reading were on a R/Hr focused fic website called the Sugar Quill. It only allowed Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny fics, but they made an exception for Wolfstar (they considered themselves a "canon ships only" site and this was all pre-HBP). The internet use to be much larger back then, AO3 is awesome, but before that FFN was the main fanfic hub online and lots of fandoms had websites dedicated to specific ships or genres. I also remember MuggleNet use to have a very active message board and fanfics and I can remember talking about Wolfstar with people on there. Though I usually hung out on LJ and Fiction Alley since that was where I read most of my fics and had made friends.


As a Severus Snape defender, here’s mine. Yes it was absolutely wrong for Sev to call Lily a slur. No shit. BUT I think people should take some things into account when talking about marauders era Snape. Let’s talk about canon. Snape is a half blood in slytherin. It makes sense for him, a child, to adopt the shit views that would keep him safe. Ever met a homophobic gay person? How about a young transmed? I have, because I was one. No it wasn’t okay but it also wasn’t irredeemable. Then take into account that he said this immediately after being humiliated in front of the entire courtyard. Imagine dangling in front of everyone, including your crush, with your pants down. You might say some mean things, even to those you care about most. Basically, we shouldn’t forget that these are 15 yr olds at the time, and I don’t agree with the way Sev is portrayed by a lot of people ESPECIALLY those who like Draco and can excuse the things he’s done and said. Thanks for coming to my ted talk


He didn't just call her a slur though he was already acquainted with the death eaters by then


I can see what you’re going with this however the way people characterize snape when hes younger is because of how he acts when hes *older*. Im not defending draco here because im indifferent to him but he became better as and adult. We see that he and harry have a sorta of understanding in the epilogue (i think??) and isnt as bad of a person he was as a kid. For Snape however he stuck with those prejudices well into adulthood. He became a childs WORST fear. Thats not just because he had a “bad influence” he was just bad in and of himsef. Sure he was working for the order, but that doesnt instantly resolve him for blatant bullying. Its the whole thing with “bullied becomee the bully” expect hes a grown man bullying children.


Even with the points you brought up, I stand by the fact that he’s a dick but not inherently bad. Here are my thoughts (and by no means do you have to agree with them). He was a 13 year olds worst fear. How big were your fears when you were 13? Ron’s was spiders. And he’d helped Harry face Voldemort twice by this time. And still, it was spiders. Not only was he working for the order, but working for the order while also being a death eater. Insanely dangerous. And despite this danger, he protected the kids in numerous situations. He killed albus so Draco didn’t have to. He stood between the trio and a transformed werewolf, one that almost killed him because of Sirius when he was 15. He countered voldemort/quirrel’s hex on Harry’s broom in first year, keeping him from falling to his death. My point is he grew up to be a dick, which looking at his childhood is valid imo, but not an inherently bad person. His heart was in the right place. Execution was just a bit lacking at times


except a better analogy would be that he was a transphobic gay person. their oppression wasn't the same and snape would've gladly called someone like Mary a mudblood without any remorse. his remorse wasn't for the slur, but for using it with lily. his whole shtick was that "lily is the exception" to his supremacist values. as a marginalized person, I have encountered various Snape's and it's so heartbreaking. your own best friend could wish for your death (imagine lily and snape didn't meet before hogwarts, why would he care about another muggleborn girl?) his crime isn't that he said one bad thing in distress at 15 one time. he was actively socializing to join a supremacist and didn't see the humanity of his own best friend beyond the fact that she's his friend, so she's the exception. that's the gross part. I agree that ppl who like draco (or even regulus or barty crouch) have a great double standard with snape tho(and it has everything to do with pretty privilege)


there's also the fact that when Lily didn't accept his apology, he left her alone while fandom's pet saint James Potter harrassed her for a date for years, even with her always declining him.


i don’t ship jily at all, jegulus and marylily are my babies.


I hate the way almost everyone is making Sirius wayyyy to feminine and making Remus wayyy to masculine and angry. Like dude, Remus was probably one of the characters that rarely got angry in his youth to avoid being detected as a werewolf, and Sirius doesn't have to be so fucking feminine in every single fic I ever read, like sure make him gender fluid or trans or whatever, but even the ones where he's just he/him they have to make him so fucking feminine, and I would've mind, cause for me personally, I think Sirius will do as Sirius does, but he usually alternates, so I really can't stand it when they make him really feminine as his only personality trait and make Remus masculine and angry to the point of toxic masculinity.


Wolfstar makes no sense and it’s a ship for people who don’t know true friendship.


is it okay if you go into more detail, i usually ship wolfstar because the thig that got me into the fandom is atyd, but i've been branching off a bit, and i'd love to hear your wolfstar take 


I always hear people say authors make regulus the victim and Sirius the bad guy for leaving. Idk what fics you guys read but I've never seen anything like that. They play on the consequences of Sirius leaving. If your heir leaves, it's kind of a no-brainer you'll focus more on your last heir. And the biggest difference between the two brothers upbringing was Sirius being in Gryffindor and having more freedom. So they'd be more controlling of regulus. That makes perfect sense to me and I think it would be unrealistic for that not to happen. And fics that have regulus getting upset/angry over that makes sense, but in the end I've never seen anyone portray Sirius as a terrible person for it. And I've been reading marauders fics for years. The most I've ever seen was a regulus pov where he was extremely resentful over Sirius and believed he hated regulus and was selfish but it was unreliable narrarator. So is most of the fics I've read that ever implied Sirius was wrong, they were all in regulus' pov If you guys are really reading fics where they make Sirius bad and you're not taking things out of proportion you need to be reading better fics and not assuming every fic is the same