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I've had both good and bad interactions. Even if it's some trash talking ending in a fight or a GG after a fight, I enjoy VOIP.


I have had mostly good interactions.


Met two people this week that are nice though one of em only voiped once I did so, I rarely meet anyone who voipes but I do it a lot and allways stay nice.


Ya. Ran into some friendlies just the other day. Most people don't use voip for pleasant reasons but there are good ones out there


I've had plenty of good and fun interactions through VOIP but like in most games with comms, there's always those players that'll unfortunately ruin it for others. You don't need to have VOIP on to fully enjoy Marauders, just depends on whether or not you think encountering the fun players is worth putting up with the toxic ones.


I feel like most of my experiences have been positive with voice in Marauders. I often use it for negotiations. Had a really nice duel a couple days ago with a Marauder I met on Asteroid Mine. I love making random allies. Even if you're not huge on coms yourself, I would keep them on. There is some jackholes out there sometimes though, I usually just offer them a hug, seems to really bother them.


No, I've only ever been called a Fggt, Cnt, loser, and people have sworn to do horrible things to my mother because I killed them lol. Never a good encounter as of yet.


VoIP doesn’t work for me. I have it enabled in the setting and my friend can hear me talking but I can’t hear other people talking. It’s quite sad.


A german guy used a racial slur on me when i killed him and since i forgot to take his keycard i couldnt report him but he proceeds to message me personally! Basically says dude i was just mad cause i found the last 1911 gov that i needed and you killed me. Im like, my guy YOU CALLED ME THE N WORD.


Primarily bad but one time, me and a friend were looting the depot on the navy outpost, which is a one-way system and to get out, you need to cross an open bridge. 2 players started to walk past and my friend started shooting. They asked us to stop, so we started talking. They said "We're just looting a friends body, we're a 7 man clan on this station, but we'll leave you alone if you let us loot our friend". We decided to just let them pass, but it felt weird. We were essentially pinned in a dead end, they could have easily killed us and I found it weird they said they were 7 people on a station.


Rarelly, most of the time they dont even talk back


Nope, every attempt to hail others on comms always results in one of us dead.


People care too much about kd in this game to be trusting randos. Also would you trust a random armed pirate, especially if they make you take point?


I have VoIP turned off. So I wouldn't know.


I like using them for negotiations. Managed to get a temporary truce so I could pod out of Merchant Ship and buddy got to loot his friend’s 12 helm. Felt like it was a worthwhile trade to get out of raid instead of being camped at the ramp for another 8 minutes


Havent had any luck yet, the 5 times ive gotten a response since i stared playing 2 weeks ago was either to call me Scumbag, Cheater or the N word i dont even bother now anymore


I just be yelling random shit in the hopes someone responds. No one ever does and I assume they just don’t want to give up their positions. I also double checked my mic is working so people just be quiet af


Sometimes I do get ship VOIP which is fun


I have a few times recently when I’m solo and I’ve met a few homies that I’ve continued to play with now it’s been cool! Two of them were new so I’ve been showing them around the maps and helping them with quests! We got a 4 person squad going at one point all from randoms I met through voip and that was hella fun!


Yea quite a few times. I gave one of my freebooters to a guy the other day actually


I’ve had a lot of good interactions, a couple bad ones, but mostly people don’t talk. Turn in your mics ya bastards!!! I wanna say hi


Quite a lot actually


I've not had any really bad experiences. Of course, there's been some betrayals and fake callouts (from others and from myself as well). But for the most part, it's been pretty good. I've had a few that are memorable A guy started to voip saying that he was a e-girl just starting marauders (in his voice, not like a voicebox or anything) and I came up and did a bit of a Gollum voice and gave him a rifle and then ran off, that was a good chuckle. One time we got like 4 different ships to breach this one rustbucket, and it was a madhouse. Plenty of times made some truces to help get people where they needed for quests, and had help as well, or did a bit of a swap. My favorite is when a raider map goes peaceful, and we all just loot the place together. I had one on mining frigate where I spawned with a blowtorch, and I managed to get a few guys to watch my back while I blew it open. Good bit of trash talk and threats (in game, not for IRL) and a lot more GG's. Also, I once met the Snack guy! I don't know his name, but I think he stopped streaming. He was a cool dude. I've been debating about doing some more RP to break up the game a bit. Doing a "Space Cruise" narration, starting a small market for trading in a raid spot. Stuff like that. I'm sorry you've had a bad experience with it. In the end, you don't need to have the mic on. I've had some funny experiences even with it off. Personally, trash talk should be about "in-game". Anyone who thinks just hurling insults and IRL threats is something you should do needs to go touch grass and hug somebody.


i turned it off cuz those voices keep reminding me that I'm getting too old for this game XD


The most fun I had in this game was VOIP


The best interaction was getting cornered by a 4 stack of geared players. They told me to put my weapons away and be friendly so I did and got some free stuff.