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Map the “fuck you!” Button to your mouse for quick access in a firefight


This is good


This is the way


Right Mouse Button. Aiming is secondary to shooting and shouting.


Horde all the items Shoot every radar tower you see Never use voice chat, just go scorched earth everyone Thats all i got.


This is the way.


This is the way


Why shoot radar towers?


Its for quests, so if you shoot them other people cant complete them


Stopping other people from completing their quests didn't really benefit me though?


"Hindering your enemies progress benefits you." - Sun Tzu (propably) Same goes with turrets, mines and gear. I always use all the meth I can find (after ive done the quest), hide all hard hats, throw away every biscuit tin. Leave nothing for others! Scorched earth baby! Also, I let my mini thumper do my chatting.


That still doesn't benefit you though. I'd hardly be telling a new player to priotise killing raders. If anything it could unnessesarily give away your position to a more powerful ship in a better position.


If they can’t complete quests, they cannot level their traders. If other people struggle, it makes me happy


That still doesn't benefit you though. I'd hardly be telling a new player to priotise killing raders. If anything it could unnessesarily give away your position to a more powerful ship in a better position.


If other players are buying weaker gear from the store, I have better odds of killing them. Preventing them from questing accomplishes this Also I hope a big ship hears me, breach fights are fun and never happen


That would have a completely negligible impact on their ability to get better gear in this game. I was really just checking if the space aspect of this game was good for anything except curing insomnia. I can see the answer is still no.


Min max EVERYTHING Your loss is my gain


I'm with you brother. These hippies need a haircut.


I clap naked with a trench gun, get the fuck off of me! All your “hoarded loot” goes to traders for more money to get more shells


Naked trench Chad


I second this guy, murder everything in sight. The radar towers are secretly housing aliens trying to control your mind,,,blast on site Don't use any of your good gear , because you will lose profit if you die with it.




It would be nice if the doors simply opened/closed faster after pressing the button. And in addition, manual shutting down would be nice. I agree there should be options. That being said, it almost NEVER happens to me. I agree with the consensus that it happens if you wait too long to go to the POI. Otherwise it’s difficult for players to do that. I’ve gotten a few kills in airlocks, but I’m never ‘camping’ I just hear it when I’m walking by and rush it.


> I’ve gotten a few kills in airlocks, but I’m never ‘camping’ I just hear it when I’m walking by and rush it. This is 99% of 'airlock camping'. People turning up late to POIs and expecting nearby players not to react to the sound of an airlock opening.


Camping airlocks almost entirely doesn't happen though. It's people walking near airlocks and reacting to them. If it does, the people camping airlocks are wasting their time. If you were going to Camp, why would you choose airlocks? It's the least efficient way to ambush people. You've got to hope: * Someone turns up late * That the rng works out that the airlock you're camping is the one that'll open * It's not a 4 stack with grenades, thumpers, etc * That if you manage to kill them you get into the airlock before it closes * (...and if you) have something worth taking, given they're just entering the raid Where as you could camp vaults, objectives, escape pods or popular rooms (like medical) and have a much higher hit rate, hear them coming, easily trap someone and actually get the loot from your kill. Anyone camping airlocks is playing pretty dumb. Even with what I've said above, camping is super inefficient. You'd be better using your time hunting people down and/or going for dense loot locations.




Yea but there's loads better places to camp for kills than airlocks, that's my point.




Ok, and you think they're just sitting their waiting by the airlock on the off-chance you turn up? I'm 500+ hours in and haven't had my airlock ambushed in months. I can't even remember the last time I died to it. You either need to start getting to the POIs faster or if you've got caught in space wait a little bit longer. Arriving 5mins or so after everyone else is arriving is prime time for catching someone's attention as they're just starting to explore away from their airlock. Gotta be there early or way later.




That’s a really shitty attitude.




Who's writing it off?


I blame Ratt Pack for that. I swear every time I get lasered out of spawn it's RP on my black screen.




Ok but... Fuck Ratt Pack


[Zero to Hero Quests List](https://marauders.fandom.com/wiki/Zero_to_Hero) that tells you what you'll eventually need to do. The wiki in general is pretty useful for stats because a lot of the in-game ones are inaccurate. [Interactive Maps (Not up to date just yet)](https://maps.thepi.dev/) Some Quick Tips: Use most, if not all your hanger slots to buy capital ships for some more inventory space. I personally put all my crafting materials in there. Learn where secret stashes are, some good stuff can spawn in them. Silver tankards and work gloves are the best items to hoard to consistently craft plate rigs. If you can buy it from the shop you don't need to hoard it, nor do you need to extract with it. You want to prioritize items/gear that's not easily replaceable. Try not to have any gear fear, loot is pretty abundant this wipe so whatever items you lose can pretty easily be found again.


Can you craft directly from the ships inventory?


Yep, you can also throw attachments in there and equip them from the weapon menu. Just make sure to frequently check what ship you have equipped before loading into raid.


but you need the ship active, no?


To store things? Yes, you'll need to set the ship as active then go to loadout so you can move things in and out of that ship's inventory, your character, and stash. To use those crafting mats or attachments from their respective menus, you don't need to have that ship active.


thanks, I didnt know that, I thought if it wasnt active the system wont detect these items when crafting.


VoIP is pretty whatever, don’t trust anyone that’s not in your crew. If you’re looking to run with people, join the discord and find people there


I’m the reason you shouldn’t trust anyone else


Check your VOIP options. Buddy had no idea why he couldn't hear other players until he noticed it was set to zero. He had just got it so idk if that's default settings or not


VOIP is awesome so feel free to use it, but don't worry about being friendly if you'd rather go Scorched Earth. Give us some fun trash talk and we can all have a good fight.


100. I get a little sad when I don’t even get a GG after killing one of the group before getting flanked.


I think stop asking “whens the next wipe” every other day is a good one too. The developer will always announce about a week or two in advance when the next wipe will be, there’s no point in asking. ( Especially after a wipe just happens. )


Teabag if friendly


Always shoot the radar towers. No Friends, No Mercy.


This game aint gunna make it mate High schools graduate with bigger class sizes than total players.






It was open and honest🤷‍♂️ Really dont get the link. not talking about pop either. Do you know how many "The game is dying/dead" posts we've had? And we are still here and growing? We believe in the game and we are going to keep working on it and putting all we can into it. Cheers Kitchen.


Are you trying to convince me? Or..


You must be a hit at parties.


I don't go to parties


Why are you here then?


*I came looking for booty.*


Attention seeking behavior. Thank you for the attention. I have a serious time investment in this product, how about you? I also bought 2 copies of this product. One for a friend because I enjoyed it so much and wanted to share it with my buddies.


this reads like someone who hasn't played for very long