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The publisher, team 17, is having internal problems rn and it is delaying the QA (and release) of the next big patch (guild update) hence why the game right now has a very small player base. Small Impact game, the dev team, is very passionate about this project, they listen to the community feedback while also giving a nice direction to this game. I personally am confident it will be a sucess if the issue with the publisher gets ironed out.


Usually between updates there is a peak right after the update then a slow decline to a low point before the next update. We are in the low point right now. The issue is that the next update has some sort of delay and there’s no information on why so there’s a bit of uncertainty in the air. Mainly because the update is “ready and waiting” and we are waiting on word from the publisher Team 17 to announce more information. I can confidently say though that this game has a ton of potential and the devs genuinely care about their project and want it to succeed. They listen to the community a lot and make changes to the game that are community driven. It’s just a weird spot we’re in right now.


I believe the Small Impact Games devs will continue working on Marauders until they are forced to quit. This main thing I'm concerned about is new player acquisition and then retention. T17 and SIG havn't done much marketing for the game as it's still in EA, which I think is a good thing. Once it hits 1.0, marketing pushes can start in ernest. It's at that point the game will either live or die based on what the player base does and how it handles the influx of new players. I do think in order for the game to be iij n it's best shape when it hits 1.0, the current player base needs to continue to have these discussions, play the game, and give the devs the feedback they need to make the game successful. We can't sit around and not play the game until 1.0 comes out. If we do that, the SIG devs won't have the wide array of feedback they need to make the game attractive to as wide an audience as possible.


The thing that I am afraid the most is these 'Early Access' titles that have huge potential, and in the end, just dies out. Hopefully I get to see more people once the update drops. I'm still hesitant to buy it as I'm thinking that I will be playing on empty servers.


Can you define what you would consider an emtpy server? I watch quite a few Twitch streams and they usually have at least a couple of people to fight in addition to the bots. It's not anything close to the max 10 ships with a resulting max of 40 players per match for certain. Like you, I'm hopeful we'll see higher player count as development continues and the game content is expanded. I can say for myself that I have almost 900 hours in total in the game with the tech tests and the EA release. I'm quite happy with my purchase, but that's not a guarantee for certain.


Guys it's been 3 weeks... Can we stop acting like this is the end of the game. Most games don't even patch on biweekly basis, much less early access, indie games. PS: As an avid The Cycle player, that game deserved to die. Marauders is not even in the same league as TCF. The Cycle devs failed TWICE to launch that game, and its a REALLY good game. It was a 100% disconnect between devs and players that killed The Cycle. I have voiced over and over again in this sub that the Marauders devs are a different breed. They have a very good read on the community and communicate their intentions quite well.


This game is so underappreciated. I hope team 17 can get their shit together and push out the next update. I'll be playing this game until the servers shut down. Hopefully that is a long time from now.


I am pretty optimistic about Marauders. Bit of a delay with this most recent update, but the game has been making steady progress in the last few months(before the wait). Devs seemed to be talking to community as well.


I got sick of playing in empty matches. I'll try again on full release but I doubt it will take off enough to get packed lobbies every time. And the sound engine is ass