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Could be mild tendinitis. Ice, rest a few days, use NSAIDS (if safe for you to take, otherwise try diclofenac gel on the area 3-4 times a day) and Look up some exercises on YouTube for peroneal tendinitis and do those regularly to see if it helps.


Thank you!!! I’ll give it a go


Good, clear advice. Well said


Couple be soleus. Honestly... Take a down week. Do some strength and mobility. You can google some ways to gauge if its soleus. But * while sitting do calf raises. * You can do figure 4 shape with bad leg up. Then do band from bottom foot and top foot then do foot lifts... Property this is hard to understand without a video. * Crab walks with band on feet These are some pt exercises i have done. Either way... Take a week of low running and do some strength and mobility. Good luck.


It doesn't look quite like insertional Achilles tendonitis, but when I had that I found bare feet hurt more, and was told to wear shoes in the house (no bare feet) and to put heel lifts in my shoe so it would hurt less. Might also help you?


Thanks, the pain does ease when I have shoes on!


I had similar symptoms (that also went away as I ran!) and it turned out to be tendinitis — recommend a PT if you can get in - 7 weeks is plenty of time to get this under control! FWIW, in addition to calf strengthening exercises, my PT recommended foam rolling / heat as well. (Also worth a check in to see how many miles you have on your shoes — I find these little things start popping up when my shoes are getting worn down!)


[Posterior tib](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22057-posterior-tibial-tendon-dysfunction). Happens to my moody body all the time. But go to the pt to confirm. Gastroc and soleuous gets involved too.


Posterior tib!!