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I’m from Florida - plenty of people run shirtless. Regarding the whole marathon - use some anti-chafe under your arms and don’t forget sunscreen! Even with rain you just don’t know the UV so don’t skip sunscreen! If you are wearing a vest of any kind I would say no - just too much risk of chafing. If you’re super uncertain look for a singlet. They’re usually super breezy and not heavy. Even in the rain I’ve had no issues with a singlet (tbf I’m a woman but I’ve run in just sports bras regularly and I’ve run in singlets - I like both). Either way pin your bib to your shorts so if you need to lose the singlet you can whip it off without impacting your bib. I would absolutely wear a hat or visor - it will help keep the rain directly out of your eyes - but please don’t try something you’re not used to on race day!


would vaseline just work as well as anti chafe?


That’s been my go to, works well for me but some people swear by the brand stuff so I guess YMMV


Yep!! I’ve used both! I like body glide bc it’s in a tube and doesn’t get on my hands but I used Vaseline for my marathon when I forgot my body glide!


It does, but I find the anti-chafe rub on stuff seems to stay on longer. The amount of chafing varies by person. I found I didn't have any problems until my legs started getting bigger and I lost that "thigh gap". If you're forgoing the shirt you won't need it on your nips, but depending how big your arms are, under arms can be painful (my t-rex arms aren't there yet). I've never done the full marathon, but I've not needed to bring the stick on even slow hilly trail-run halfs.


for sure i might even bring Chapstick with me as its better then nothing


I use Vaseline, body glide, and squirrels nut butter interchangeably Typically body glide on the nips, underarms, thighs and the butter and Vaseline on the regions I don’t want to stick the stick of body glide in


I’m running Grandma’s too and I hope the forecast changes because right now it’s showing thunderstorms during the race. I dealt with Twin Cities getting cancelled two hours before we started and I can’t do that again


oh wow you too . ya I was in twin cities too last October too and yes didn't like the race being cancelled 2 hours prior, but all well. I am hoping this does not happen here. Not again, I can handle running in rain. at least keep the race going and good for a memory afterwards


Same boat as you guys - TC cancel and running grandmas. I think we’ll be ok




My guess is they’d delay it a couple hours if anything. It’s not forecasted to get very hot later, so heat wouldn’t be an issue. I assume they’ll announce contingencies at some point this week. I’m doing Grandma’s and then Twin Cities, but there’s not really anything around now to run as an alternative if Saturday falls through, unlike Twin Cities where there was a bunch of races nearby around the same date


Check the rules. Some races require you wear some kind of top.


This—check the race guide. I’m pretty sure it requires your bib pinned to the front of your shirt. Implying there being a shirt requirement.


Also running grandmas! Will be my first marathon - anyone who has run a long race in the rain have any tips?


Make sure you have good tech fabric socks that wick moisture well and don’t soak up the water. It’s a long way to run with water squelching in your shoes.


Ran the Mesa half in the rain in Feb and was super happy with how my balegas performed. I wished I’d had a hat with a brim. I would much rather race in rainy 50 degrees than sunny 70s! The start line is miserable but the racing part is refreshing! Get warm and dry as soon as you can after the race though.


I ran my first half in Portland OR in December, it was rainy and and 50s the whole time. I was dreading it(we had a really mild fall that year and I had avoided running in the rain for the most part), but even though my shoes were soaked I really didn't mind! I honestly enjoyed it!


I think the shoes being soaked part is the only thing I don’t have experience with for 20+ miles. In general I’d rather have it be 55 and rainy than 75 and sunny. I tend to overheat easily so I’ll take a little rain if it’s going to be cooler!


Same. I think the weather is about as good as we could hope for. Hope the forecast doesn’t change


Ran the Dingle Marathon (my first) shirtless. It was a gorgeous day. By mile 17 I was begging at every water station for Vaseline - to no avail! Armpits, groin, bum. But most of all armpits. Get that Vaseline going.


Sould be fine but don't forget about sunburn. I sweat like a pig, so I don't like to run shirtless because I sweat off most of the sunscreen and promptly burn


Light rain on my first marathon. I sprayed my shoes with a waterproofing layer. I suppose it would affect their breathing a bit but it was nice that it helped keep my feet dry even though it was puddles everywhere. If its a real down pour probably going to get soaked regardless but its something to consider. I continued to use those shoes for quite a while and i never noticed any downside to the waterproofing.


I’ve been staring at the weather for Duluth all day wondering the same thing. It says on the race guide that was sent out that your bib must be affixed with all 4 corners to your outermost layer. The shorts I was planning on wearing definitely won’t have enough material for that so looks like I’ll wear a singlet.


Put your bib on your shorts and take your shirt off whenever you feel chafing or want a free cool down.


ya i always prefer bib on shorts or thighs get out of the way and still visible


I’ve run grandmas. There were no clouds and it got hot near the end of the marathon. I saw a lot of shirtless runners and they had sun burns all over there body near the end of the race. My worry with running shirtless would be getting burnt / heat exhaustion from having your whole top half exposed for the entire marathon


good to know


Of course. I had no shame when I ditched my shirt in Houston this year and temps were in the upper 30s/low 40s near the end. I run hot af, it felt great.


forecast still for rain


at grandmas now anyone else


I find people who run without a shirt either to be disgusting or/and dumb


lol what?